When Lines Blur

By Hurricane_Child

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Young Lucas Taylor is a high school student like any other. He takes a few advanced classes, plans to go into... More

Character Info
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Seventeen

14 0 0
By Hurricane_Child

The four of them set off, headed to Braxton's house. Adrian shrugged off being carried by Brax and Shawn. "You're going to hurt later and you cannot blame anyone but yourself," Braxton said to Adrian. 

"I'll be fine. It's when we walk to multiple places that my leg starts hurting."

"Or when you walk around all day and then decide to not rest once home," Shawn replied.

Adrian looked at him, "That happened once!" Shawn shrugged, he knew that it was true but he didn't care about that. 

Braxton sighed and continued walking, holding Micheal's hand. "I wonder how long until they realize we skipped," Micheal said. 

"I have next hour with Lucas, he'll figure it out," Adrian said, "We'll get a text. Probably any minute now honestly." 

Braxton pulled out his phone when he heard the ding from a notification, "Speak of a devil." Braxton pulled out his phone to look at the text.


"And Gabe." 

"Fuck," Shawn said. 

Hell Bois

Archangel: So who was gunna tell us you all skipped?
Witch Trials: And not invite us!
Archangel: Salem not now.

"Wow," Micheal said looking at his phone. "Even when texting Gabe tells Salem off." Braxton chuckled and began typing on his phone.

The Man: Shawn needed out. Micheal and Adrian just tagged along.
Witch Trials: Sure, enjoy the foursome you guys.
Hatter: you guys my paretns will see this
Archangel: They're used to it at this point Ry.
Hatter: When you're right youre right
The Person: You all need to bleach with holy water for fucks sake.
Witch Trials: You plan to tell me that you all won't be fucking?

"I might punch him," Micheal said, "I'm considering it."

Adrian chuckled, "Do it. He deserves it." 

"Don't... Don't encourage violence maybe," Shawn said. 

The Person: Salem, I hope you step on a lego.
Hatter: harsh dude
The Man: Sorry no foursome. See you all after school I'm sure. We'll be at my place. Muting the chat now!!!

"Probably a better approach than punching him," Micheal said. Braxton nodded and rolled his eyes. 

"So..." Adrian said, "Foursome?"


"I'm joking Shawn," Adrian paused, "Maybe... Mostly." Micheal blushed at the comment and just looked down at his feet as he walked. "I have a power I shouldn't have."

"Adrian, Don't bully Mike," Shawn said. 

Adrian looked at Shawn, "I'll bully you instead then." 

"I'm used to that babe."


Braxton rolled his eyes and unlocked his front door and let them all into the house, "Should I relock it just to mess with them when they show up?"

"If Levi's ability to just walk in gets ruined he'll gut you," Adrian said, "Make that choice yourself."

"Nah, don't wanna deal with Levi's attitude, especially if he's withdrawled." 

Adrian nodded, "That's why you're the smart one." 

"Yeah, sure," Braxton laughed some, "And Salem understands people." 

"I mean, he kind of does. More than most of us," Adrian replied. Braxton rolled his eyes and shoved Adrian some, making sure that Adrian fell onto one of the couches. "That's fucking rude dude." 

"Sure," Braxton said. Adrian shook his head gently and moved his crutches to be on the ground and part way under the couch. "You're gunna forget those are there." 

"He forgets he has them when he is using them," Shawn replied.


"I'm not wrong."

Adrian nodded in agreement, "But it still hurts." 

"It didn't hurt you and you know it," Braxton said. 

"I can't even bully my boyfriend," Adrian said, "You guys suck." 

Shawn looked at Adrian, "Yeah, your point?"

"...I hate you for that."

"You aren't special."



Braxton looked at the two, "Should me and Mike go? Or are you two gunna chill out?"

"I'm calm, I am always calm," Adrian said. 

Micheal looked at Adrian, "That is such bullshit." 

"...I didn't know today was dedicated to calling me out but alright damn," Adrian said, "Might as well just not even talk." The group all settled in to joking around and talking for a bit, Micheal and Adrian actively avoiding the topic of their mutual affections for each other. After a bit of their deflections, Shawn and Braxton caught on. 

"Shit," Braxton said from the kitchen, "Hey I gotta run to the store, Shawn want to come with me?"

"Sure." Shawn kissed Adrian quickly before walking out with Braxton. Micheal didn't believe that Braxton had to get anything. He figured this was to give Micheal and Adrian space to talk about their feelings without their boyfriends around. He didn't blame them for that choice, honestly it was painfully aware that the two definitely had some sort of feeling there but neither Micheal nor Adrian was good at expressing their feelings.

Even if they were good at expressing their feelings, it definitely wouldn't have been easy for Micheal who was still trying to fully grasp the homosexual and polygamous nature of his own heart. Confessing to himself that he liked both Adrian and Braxton was hard enough, and now he was both willing to and scared to confess that to them. He knew that they both supported it, obviously since Braxton was trying his hardest to push the two together.

Currently, Adrian was in the kitchen getting a drink, and Micheal didn't quite know what to do. He could go in there to talk to Adrian and put an end to the long wait and anticipation of when he would be able to talk to Adrian, the flip side of that was the actual talking. Micheal was about to get up and go to Adrian, right as Adrian returned to the living room. He sat on the same couch as Micheal, and Micheal could feel every nerve light up as Adrian's leg ended up touching his own.

"Why are you blushing?" Adrian asked, "I haven't even done anything yet Mike." Micheal blushed more at Adrian's call out, and despite what Adrian said, Micheal could tell that he knew what he was doing. "You blush so easily."

"N-Not used t-to it," Micheal stuttered, not looking at Adrian.

"Even while dating Braxton? Hell, you proposed to him," Adrian said, "That's got to be more flustering than my leg against yours."

"I-it it was." Adrian let out a light chuckle and gently turned Micheal's face so they were eye to eye, more or less at least. Adrian was a few inches taller than Micheal was, in fact Adrian was the tallest of all of their friends. Micheal cast his eyes down towards his own lap, to avoid looking into Adrian's dark brown eyes. His plan was foiled quickly by Adrain, who wasn't shy to place two fingers under Micheal's chin and force his head up to be looking in his eyes.

"You have beautiful eyes Mike."

"T-They aren-aren't that special," Micheal said softly, looking away from Adrian's eyes once again.

"Why won't you look me in the eyes?"

"So I don't blush as bad," Micheal mumbled.

Adrian hummed softly, "You blushing is so endearing though." Micheal's face began to heat up once again. Adrian's touch was soft though, and his voice was calm and as confident as ever, Micheal couldn't help but fall deeper in love.

"Brax definitely agrees with you.."

"Where'd the stutter go?"

Micheal paused, planning his words before speaking. "Thinking ahead. I don't stutter as much then."

"Hm," Adrian mused softly, "You don't need to do that."

"Makes me seem like less of a fool."

"Do you always stutter?" Adrian asked, "But usually plan ahead?"

"You're very smart."

Adrian traced Micheal's cheekbone with his thumb in fake compilation, "Maybe."

"Y-You a-ar-are."

"There it is," Adrian mumbled to himself. "God damn that's so cute." Micheal's face turned to a deeper shade of red. "You're okay right Mike?"

Micheal nodded, although shy, he truly didn't mind Adrian's touch. "Y-yeah. I'm good."

"You promise?"

"P-Pr-Promise." Adrian smiled at Micheal, and Micheal could tell that his heart sounded like a drum. Adrian looked at Micheal before moving closer, nearly on top of Micheal. Micheal's throat went dry. He wouldn't ever say it aloud, but the thought of being this close to Adrian crossed his mind more than once.

Micheal moved closer to Adrian some, mumbling, "You smell nice."

"Yeah?" Adrian asked.

Micheal nodded, "Smells nice, like... dark chocolate or something." 

"You're so cute Mike," Adrian said softly. He moved his hand down Micheal's face some so he could brush his thumb over Micheal's lower lip. "Can I kiss you?" Micheal could not trust his own voice, he knew that for a fact. So instead he nodded softly. Adrian didn't hesitate and Micheal couldn't help but lean into the touch of Adrian's lips. Adrian's kiss was different from Braxton's. Braxton wasn't afraid to be rougher with Micheal, but Adrian was so soft and gentle with Micheal. Micheal was surprised how much he enjoyed the gentle touch from Adrian. When Adrian went to pull back, Micheal gently pulled him closer. Adrian pulled back again though, a wide smile and small gasps.

"You know Mike," Adrian said, softly taking one of Mike's hands in his own. "You and Shawn have been the only people I've ever kissed that left me breathless afterwards."

Micheal paused for a moment, "I'm on the same level as Shawn there?"

"Yeah. And I've kissed a lot of people. But really... it's only ever been him and now you." Micheal felt an odd sense of pride flow through him, the thought of rendering Adrian breathless wasn't something he thought anyone could achieve with the confident personality he displayed. "You think so much Mike," Adrian said. His voice held a playful tone.

"Always have."

"Ever tried relaxing?" Adrian said, "You don't have to plan everything ahead of time."

Micheal paused and looked at Adrian, "And You don't have to pretend to be confident all the time."

"The phrase is fake it til you make it for a reason, Micheal."

Micheal went to respond, but was interrupted by the door opening. Shawn and Braxton were back from "going to the store". It then became aware to Micheal that it was probably best that Shawn and Braxton showed up instead of someone else, as Adrian was practically sitting on Micheal's lap and Micheal's face was as red as some random red fruit.

"For fucks sake Adrian," Shawn said, "Did you two talk or was it just attempting to fuck?"

Adrian looked at Micheal, "Both."

"Yeah both sounds good," Micheal said quietly.

Braxton chuckled and kissed Micheal's head, "I'm going to make coffee for when the others get here. Shawn, don't let them fuck on my couch."

Adrian chuckled some, "Having my own boyfriend cock block me, that's rude even for you Brax."

"Quit being a whore and I won't need to." The joking tone in Braxton's voice showed he really didn't mind as he walked out of the room to make coffee, mostly for Salem. Adrian moved off of Micheal's lap but stayed close by.

Shawn smiled at the two, "You guys are really cute together though."

"Nothing I do will ever be as cute as you though Shawn," Adrian said. Adding a wink in at the end for good measure.

"I'm going to take your kneecaps."

"Ah yes, cripple me more. That will be delightful."

Shawn looked at Adrian, "Is that a challenge?"

"No fighting guys!" Braxton shouted, "Seriously leave that to Salem and Zeek's dumbasses." They all laughed at that, mostly because it was true. "Speaking of, school's officially out. We've got maybe 10 minutes."

"It's a fifteen minute walk though," Shawn said, confused.

"Normally," Braxton said, walking back into the room and sitting by Micheal. "Except, they think the four of us are up to something so they'll want to 'catch us' in whatever we're doing. Add in a lack of Adrian, and they'll be walking as fast as they can to get here before normal. That way we wouldn't have time to hide what we did."

Adrian laughed some, "You really think they are smart enough to figure that out?"

"Salem, Zeek, Levi and Maddox? No. Absolutely not," Braxton said, "However, Gabe and Ryan probably would be suggesting it."

"True," Micheal said, "Gabe does anything he can to annoy me most days. Usually I just throw him for it."

"Nice," Adrian said, "He's small enough that it wouldn't be an issue."

Micheal nodded. "And you claim to be nonviolent," Shawn said to Micheal.

"I never said that, You all assumed I thought that about myself. I have punched multiple people."

"We know," Adrian said, "Lucas told us." Shawn moved to sit next to Adrian. 

Braxton chuckled, "Should we just say we fucked to avoid the questions?"

"Nah," Adrian said, "Let them ask questions and we can answer them in unsatisfying ways that'll piss Salem off."

"Because pissing Salem off is a great idea," Shawn remarked sarcastically.

"Gabe will keep him calm, hopefully." Truthfully, Micheal was sure that someone would get punched if they managed to piss off Salem. However, he was willing to risk that to annoy him. The four of them waited for the others to get there, Micheal sending a text to Leanna that he'd be home with Gabe later in the day and to stay safe. Having to text one handed though as Adrian refused to release his left hand. As soon as Micheal finished the text, Braxton grabbed his right hand as well. "I have been captured," Micheal said softly looking down at his hands.

"You're fine," Shawn said, "It's not as bad as handcuffs."

"Do I want to know?" Micheal softly mumbled.

Braxton rolled his eyes, "Shawn, I do not need that much information about your sex life." 

"Hey!" Shawn said, "The first time wasn't during sex."

"Okay now I'm actually curious," Braxton said. 

"I punched a cop."

"You what!?" Micheal asked.

"I punched a cop and then ran off with the cuffs which is why me and Adrian have cuffs."

"Don't you need a key for cop cuffs?" Braxton asked. Adrian pulled a necklace out from his shirt that had a small key on it. "You know what, fair enough." 

"...I am intimidated," Micheal said simply. 

Adrian laughed and kissed Micheal's cheek, "Don't worry... yet." Micheal blushed quickly.

"Adrian," Braxton said, "If he's blushing when they get here they won't ask questions and then there's no fun."

"Fine, I'll stop making him flustered," Adrian said. Micheal sighed and managed to make his face return to its natural color. Shortly after, Levi swung open the door, the other's trailing behind him.

"Y'ALL FUCKIN' IN HERE?" Levi shouted as he walked in.

"Do we look like we're fucking to you?" Braxton asked, "Also don't yell fuckwad."

Salem looked at the group for a moment, "You all clean up fast. I'm impressed."

"Well seeing as you've fucked three out of four people on this couch," Micheal said, "You would know wouldn't you Salem?"

Lucas laughed, "Man, you just gotta call Salem out huh?"

"Look I would've fucked Shawn," Salem said, "But he turned me down."

"So he's clearly the smartest of us," Zeek said, "It was a mistake."

"Oh yeah," Adrian said. Micheal simply nodded in agreement.

Gabe sighed, "Can you guys bully someone other than my boyfriend?"

"No," Braxton said simply. "It's him or Maddox and I'm scared that Austin will get mad if we bully Maddox."

Austin looked up from his phone and glanced from Braxton to Maddox, "Probably not. He's gotten worse from 10 year olds online than from anything you guys can think of."

"Okay but ten year olds online are fucking brutal," Adrian said, "Do you know how many of them I can call necrophiliacs for saying they'll fuck my mom? Yes, you guys can laugh at that." 

Ryan looked at Adrian and noticed that he was holding Micheal's hand, "What's that?"

"What's what?"

"You're holding Micheal's hand."

"Wow, your eyes work. I'm impressed."

Salem then noticed it too, "Woah hang on for a moment there. What the fuck?"

"Your eyes work too??" Adrian exclaimed, "Holy fuck that's two of you!"

Micheal looked at Adrian, "Having fun being sarcastic?"

"Yes. Lots of fun." Micheal just shrugged some and went quiet again. 

Zeek looked at them for a moment, he was taking in the whole scene. "Okay, y'all can miss me with that gay shit though."

"The token straight friend," Lucas said before patting Zeek's shoulder gently. 

"There's coffee by the way Salem," Braxton said. Salem immediately walked into the kitchen. "Gabe he chose caffeine over you." 

Gabe nodded in agreement, "It's fine." 

"He's used to it!" Salem shouted from the kitchen.

"Sounds like you're a shit boyfriend there Salem," Adrian shouted back.

"Takes one to know one!" 

Adrian looked at Shawn, "Am I a shit boyfriend?"

Shawn hummed quietly, "Nah. Not today."

"I win Salem!" Adrian shouted.

"Whatever Asmodeus."

Adrian sighed, "He really isn't creative huh."

"Earlier today it was bully Adrian day," Micheal said, "Apparently now it's bully Salem day." Salem walked back into the room and flipped Adrian off.

Adrian shrugged, "He deserves it. Besides I had a good day today."

"Yeah?" Micheal asked. 

Adrian looked down at his hand that was holding Micheal's, "Yeah. Today was good." Micheal paused for a moment and stayed silent, trying his hardest to not blush immediately. Salem definitely noticed that though.

Salem sighed, "You know. You're both such needy whores I'm not even surprised."

"Wait what?" Gabe asked, "What does that mean?"

"Salem if you say anything I will kill you," Micheal said.

"Is that a promise?" Salem asked, "Seems like a good deal to me." 

Gabe paused and looked at Salem, "I apologize to anyone this may affect mentally but um..." Gabe paused again before slapping Salem. "NO!" After making sure that Austin, Ryan, and Maddox were okay, Micheal laughed. "No basically attempting suicide. I will get a squirt bottle and start squirting all of you."

Zeek paused, "I am a mature man who does not laugh at a term for female orgasms."

Levi laughed, "I'm not." 

Jaxson sighed softly,  "Levi you're gay."

"Actually... Yeah. I like dick to much to date a girl."

"I cannot relate to that," Adrian said, "I like sex to much to discriminate on gender basis." 

"Yeah," Shawn said, "We know Adrian."

"Okay so we're back to bullying me then?" Adrian asked.

"Yes." Adrian went to respond, but paused and decided not to. He tucked his necklace back into his shirt without another comment. 

"So anyways," Salem said, "Gabe prepare to be pissed."


Micheal glared at Salem, "Salem don't."

Salem smirked, "I'm not sure if they're official... probably not since they are both pussies. But Adrian and Micheal are a thing." 

"Fuck you and your ability to analyze me," Micheal said quickly. 

Braxton raised a hand before anyone could say anything, "Before you all want to start making fun of them, I just want to say if any of you upset Micheal, Adrian, or Shawn, I will send you home."

"Oooh," Zeek said, "Braxton likes Shawn!"

"No," Braxton said, "Not romantically like you mean. I like him just as much as the rest of you." 

"Shawn is officially adopted by Braxton," Lucas said.

"Actually," Ryan said, "We all are based on that wording."

"You're all my children but I'll still beat all of your asses," Braxton said, "Excluding Adrian because I refuse to claim that mess. And Micheal, he is also your parent."

"I don't want them," Micheal said, "I don't want responsibility for any of them. I already have a responsibility, I don't need more."

Gabe raised an eyebrow, "You? Responsible? Mike you only get up when you're physically assaulted!"

"You're the one who keeps throwing shit at me!" 

"You're the one who never wakes up!"

"You guys act too much like siblings, and I hate it," Ryan said simply. Salem looked at Ryan, and the two had another one of their silent conversations. Once again, it ended with Salem nodding in agreement before pretending that it never happened. 

"Every time you two do that," Micheal started, "I get an indescribable sense of dread."

Austin rubbed his temples, "You get used to it Mike." 

"He should be," Ryan said quietly.

Micheal looked at him, "Let's not do that again."

"Do you even know what happened to your parents Mike?" Ryan asked. 

"Why does it matter?" 

"Micheal, do you know what happened?" Salem asked. 

"It doesn't matter, okay," Micheal said, "Whatever happened happened. It doesn't matter now." 

"Oh, so if it already happened it doesn't matter?" Ryan said, "Shit I suppose I can drop off my PTSD."

"You know that's not what I meant Ryan." 

Ryan paused for a moment, before grabbing Lucas' arm and walking out, "We'll be back! I don't want to punch him!" Braxton sighed quietly, but waved bye to them anyways. 

Austin paused for a moment, thinking, "I don't think I've ever seen Ryan so pissed he walks out of somewhere. I mean, yell and curse, sure. But all of us do that... But walking out? Wow, good job Micheal." 

Micheal shrugged softly, his voice was quiet, "My parents weren't abusive." No one said anything about it, but they all could tell why his voice was so quiet. Micheal was trying to convince himself, not them. He knew that he couldn't change their minds, they knew exactly what happened. Gabe had seen what happened. Yet none of them could ever say that, because Micheal himself would refuse to believe it.

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