The Phoenix's Fire

By 0JewelsWolf0

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Welcome to the Unknown Kingdom; the Bewitched Kingdom. A land that doesn't just flourish with magic but ruled... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Hex's Letter to Sain

Chapter 10

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By 0JewelsWolf0


I had poured the last drops of the bottle's contents into my glass when the door to my room opened. I didn't look up. I didn't have too.

"Avol?" Hex asked quietly.

I kept my gaze on the papers in front of me. They came in the door, shuting it quietly behind him.

"I don't care what is happening between you two." I say, watching Sain out of the corner of my eye, blanch like I hit him, "I cannot force you to do anything against your will. But I can strip you of your abilities."

"Sir." Sain started but I cut him off.

"I don't care if you screw ducks or pigs or another guy. All I'm saying is, make sure that you relationship does not interfere with work. Right now you two are borderline expaltion. You are not there when you are called. You are not up by eight. I have been lenient, but once you get out of school, the second you make a mistake like that," My voice snipped of in a hiss, "You could be stripped of power. And if you survived that, you would have gone on trial. Am I clear?" Neither of them spoke, "Am I clear that work must come first before anything else?"

"Yes Sir." Sain mumbles, "Sorry sir. We'll stop."

"No." I barked, "You can stay together. All I'm saying is make sure you are up in time for breakfast and you will think of your orders first."

"Sorry sir." Hex grumbles out, "We'll see to our orders first."

I reached for my full glass, but just started into the contents, "Alright then. Hex. Sain. I would like for you to see if the servants need any help with anything. If they refuse, tell them it is a punishment."

"Yes sir." Sain says defeated, "Thank you."

They both turn around to go but I call out, "Remember that you both will have an uphill battle, but you have at least one person in your corner. I know how hard everyone will be on this. They still are fighting to get people like me and Phoenix executed." The both gave me a tight smile. "Good luck my boys, and may the king side with you." The turned bowed their heads and left. I dumped the contents of my drink into the potted plant next to me.


I stood at the entrance to the kitchen. Servants slipped by, not giving me a second glance. Hex was taken out to the stables to help out and I had been directed towards the kitchens. The servant left me there before I could ask her what I was supposed to do.

"Miss?" I asked the next woman who crossed in front of me.

The servant stopped, a large black pot in her hands, "Yes sir, how my I help you?"

"I was sent here by my commander, as a punishment, to help."

The woman adjusts her pot that was nearly as big as her. "Well, we need someone to clean all the pots and pans. Can you do that?"

I nod, "Yes ma'am, I can clean some pots and pans."

The woman smiled, "You won't be saying that in an hour." She turned to the others shouting out, "This is our wash boy for the day. Casen get out to the barns."

The boy at the sinks took off out the door, shouting back, "Yes, ma'am."

The woman points over to the sink, "Good luck young man." And takes off, with her pot.

Sitting down at the sink I get to scrubbing.

Pots came in loads and were taken in loads. I had cleaned my share of dishes but this was insane. I scrubbed good and long on the last pot. There was something black burnt into the bottom.

"That's good, now, boy." The woman from earlier barked out, "It's ten now."

I rinse the soap off the pot before setting it to dry with the rest of the pots.

"I just might ask Isadore to have you here until the ball is over with."

I just stared at her, "How did you know Elder Avol sent me here?"

The woman patted my cheek like a mother. "Only Isadore would send someone here for punishment." I just stared at the woman. She looked to be in her forties or fifties, with long brown hair and light green eyes. "Did you know that Isadore use to be a servant?"

"I had heard that his mother was a servant. He came into his powers when he was nine or ten."

"He came into them when he was six." The woman clarifies, "He accidentally crushed a metal pot with his powers. The king was delighted but at the time his brother was not impressed."

"Duke Cobalt?"

The woman shook her head, "No Lord Sitar. The middle child."

"Never heard of him."

"Few have now a days," The woman looked sick talking about him, "Isadore was put in schooling with the court's children because they were all born with their powers as well."

"I take it the lords didn't like that."

Surprisingly the woman laughed. It was a giant belly laugh with slight snorting, "They were furious, and the king already had enough on his plate to have to deal with them. He took Isadore out of the Court's classes and put him in with the Royal classes."

"You mean with the Royal children?" It was astonishing. "The Duke had to objected."

"Nope. The Duke didn't. He knew his brother's word was law and so he let him. When the lords started protesting, the king threatened to put Isadore back in with their children. It shut them right up."

"Isadore was raised with the royal children." I said again. It was all too much. "No wonder he knows all the royal's personally." I thought a moment, "Is that why people want him dead?"

The woman nodded, "Some want him dead because of that, but it is mostly because of his added trait."


"The Princess had gotten one too, along with her cousin, Taro. He was the only son of Lord Sitar." The woman shrugged. "Bloodsight and deathsight. Two very dangerous powers."

"Ma," A person called out.

I snap my gaze up to see Avol. My mouth dropped open.

"Ma, I don't think scaring one of my circle is wise." Avol continued.

The woman straightened up to her full five two height. "Isadore." Her voice was sweet, "You have grown."

Avol shrugged, "It has only been five years ma."

The woman huffs indignantly. "Isadore Colton Avol." Avol winced, "Where in the heavens have you been?"

"Around, Ma. I haven't stepped foot in the castle since the trials." Avol's mother didn't looked satisfied, "I had just heard that the king had brought his kitchen staff with." She didn't budge from her glare, "I'll come in to work in the kitchens tomorrow." The woman cracked a smile, "If," Avol said sternly, "I don't have any work to do from the king or the Duke." The woman kept her smile.

"Sir, is there anything else you wish me to do?" I ask quietly.

Avol nodded, "Yes. Get some sleep. In the morning you'll be attending the thanksgiving breakfast. Wear something presentable, but not a suit." I nodded to him before going towards the door. Avol only tousled my hair on the way by, "Good luck." he barked out as the door snicked shut.

The halls were deserted. Lights had been turned off for the night, but a few servants scurried to and from rooms. I passed door after door on my left and window after window on my right. I stopped a the window in the middle and stared out. A few wolves were running around outside. I could see Core's wolf hesitant on the outer edges of everything. Phoenix was beside him, urging him to join in. Finally, she gave up, throwing up her hands and staking off behind a tree. A flash of white and than a white stage stroud out.

"It is magnificent. Isn't it."

I jump clear out of my skin, reaching for a blade that wasn't there. A man had snuck up next to me. He was taller than me with golden brown eyes and graying blonde hair.

"What is sir?"

The man smiled, "Excuse my lack of manners. My name is Rumus." He held out his hand in greeting.

I took it, "Sain."

The man nodded, "The deer. I mean. The deer is breathtaking."

"She is." I agree. "Why does she have horns?"

The man smiled, "Because all white stages have horns, either female or male."

I didn't say anything more. I had nothing to say. I just watched as Phoenix, in her white deer form, heard Core over to the other wolves.

"She is persistent." The man commented.

I snickered, "You have no idea."

"You're one of Avol's?"

I nod, "He is my commander."

"What is your dominant magic?"




The man gave me a look of disapproval. "Would have thought with Avol as your commander, that you would have thought it was strong."

"It is." I admit, "But it is common."

"The king's dominant magic is earth. That is common." The man pointed out.

"Because the man is powerful. His power is common, but he himself is powerful."

The man smiled again, "So is your water powerful?"

"Semi. Not strong enough to beat Elder Isadore Colton Avol." I said, snickering at his middle name. There's no way I'm going forget that anytime soon.

"Very few can beat Elder Avol." The man huffed, "He is strong enough to challenge most of the Generals for their command."

"Why doesn't he?"

The man shrugged, "It would mean challenging Rano."

I really didn't get the point. Was Rano Avol's mentor? I didn't understand, and the man didn't seem wanting to explain. Extending my hand to the man I excused myself. "Well sir, it was nice to meet you. I better get some sleep before the sun comes up. It's going to be an active day."

The man took it, "Don't let the wraphs keep you up."

I gave him a smile before turning from the window to go back to my room, where I knew Hex was waiting for me.


My hooves sank into the cool snow. Core was standing ramrod straight in the middle of the circle of wolves. He wanted to bolt. I shook my head, my massive horns knocking at some branches. A wolf looked over at me, then took a few steps away. Core snarled at the wolf and the wolf back farther away. I snorted at Core. He wagged his tail and lolled his tongue out. I wanted to impale him with one of my points.

After the last wolf stopped sniffing him over, he trailed away. I followed him, keeping my head low to the ground so my horns wouldn't get caught in the branches. Right by his clothes he shifted back and I jerked my head up to give him time. It backfired, my horns got trapped among the branches.

"Give me a second." Core ground out. I could hear snow crunching and cloth russling than soft hands on my fur. I jerked back, but my horns were caught. I bellowed. "Calm down, Phoenix. I need to reach the branches above your head."

My deer self didn't care. I reared up, getting my horns more tangled. Landing, I felt a pair of hands latch onto one of my horns and another on the other horn. Four hands yanked me down the ground, tree limbs snapping. My thin running legs gave out and I crumpled to the ground. The hands let go, leaving me to lay there panting. Core came into my eye sight, brushing his hands over my face.

"You alright?" He panted out, his breath fogging.

"She needs to shift back." Another voice barks from out of my line of vision.

I stir my self to stand, keeping my head lower than before. It was Rano. He stood far enough back that he could get up a tree before I got there.

He tossed Core a blanket saying again, "She needs to shift back. It's not good for the deer's fear to seep into the human half."

I knew he was right but it was taking longer than was needed to find my human half again. Bones shrank and reshaped, leaving me curled up shaking in the snow naked. Core threw the blanket over, bundling me in it. Rano crept over sinking down next to Core.

"Hello princess."

Core's mouth dropped open.

I smiled, "Nice to see you too, Rano."

"Is this like the time Avol made you tell us?" Core asked me.

I shrug, "Kind of. Few people shift into deer."

Rano smiled, "Fewer shift into white stags."

I snort.

"Can you walk?" Core asked.

I shifted my legs and sucked in a breath. "What happened?"

"You rammed your legs into some blackberry bushes. I think some of the thrones came off and stuck into your skin." Core glanced at my bloody legs, "You need to see a healer."

Sucking in a breath, I pull my legs in front of me. It stung. Core must have seen the wince, not that I tried to hide it. He scooped me up in his arms like a bride. It startled squeak out of me.

Rano huffed a laugh, "It was good to see you princess. I hope to see the woman you have become, soon."

"I hope Avol will challenge you soon as well." I say curtly back, before he could get too far. Rano's bursting laugh was worth it.

Core's strides were crisp as he navigated the halls of his father's house. The healer's room was dark and vacant. Core didn't bother with getting the healer. Setting me in a chair, he then started going through the cabinets. He took out gauze and a rubbing alcohol.

"You put that anywhere near my skin, and I will fry you alive." I hissed at him when he set the rubbing alcohol in front of me.

He smiled tightly, "I rather not use my healing ability. It is not the best of my abilities."

"Well I'm not doing rubbing alcohol." I protest.

Core just smiled as he pressed a cloth, drenched in the alcohol, to one of my legs. I hissed. Core finally laughed.

"They don't need any bandages." I hiss out.

Core nodded agreeing but said nothing.

"Is something wrong?"

Core shook his head than stopped, "How much of you is an act?"

"How much is you is an act." I counter.

He shook his head, "I asked first."

"Some is, some isn't. It is mostly mixed together." I shrug, "Sometimes even I can't tell the difference."

"Once you tell the lie it will grow."

"The perfect princess who has the best chance to gain the crown."

"Two truths and a lie." Core clarified, "It is not an entire lie. Nobody's perfect. You are a princess and from what stories say, you can become queen. You would be a great queen."

I huff out a laugh, "No I wouldn't. I want freedom Core. I don't want shackles and chains, no matter how shiny those chains are."

"Then ask for help."

"It is not that easy, Core. I'd have to hide my true feelings on situations. I'd have to send the young into battle. I'd have to think of the better of the many than the fall of a few." I hiss again as he switches legs, "I would be sending kids like Coin to the borders. Then I would have to side step around all the lords and ladies, not to upset them. They might not have power over me, but they can become a headache."

"What about when you get married? That would help the burdened a bit."

I nodded agreeing, "For men mostly. The woman would have taken over balls and letters and visiting other lords and ladies. The king would be able to get more done and would get more time to himself."

Core tossed the rag in the sink than started putting the unused wrap and rubbing alcohol away. "What would help the queen?"

"She wouldn't be questioned as much."

He waited a second before cracking, "That's it?"

I nod. "What can the man do? He can't take over the council without a crown. Only the true ruler can do that, or their chosen hair."

He through his hands up in defeat, "Fine, you win."

I smiled at him. "I always win, Core. Just remember that."

"Won't make me stop arguing with you."

"Alright, if you win one argument with me, I do whatever you want for a day."

"That is a deal. Miss Queen."


I stood in front of the full length mirror. The dark blue dress pants felt too tight, and the dark green polo was too constricting. I felt like a barbie. Hex was still deciding between a red shirt or white shirt. So I chose for him.

"Take the red, with the black dress pants."

Hex looked hesitant, "Maybe I should do just a light blue."

Sighing heavenly I say in his ear, "Lighter colors are see through, and I don't anyone to see what is beneath that shirt but me."

Hex put the red shirt on, tucking it in, with jerky movements. "You will pay for this later." He hissed, grabbing his belt from on the bed.

"For what?" I ask innocently. "I didn't do anything."

Hex hooked my belt in his hand, pulling me towards him.

"One day I'll get you back."

I smiled, "One day, but today is not that day." I tussle his hair before quickly getting out of the room and down the hall. Hex's answering bellow was his only response.

An arm draped around my shoulders as I walked. "You're going to pay for whatever you did to Hex." Jacon laughed, "He sounded livid." He burst out laughing again. "What did you do, say no to sex?"

I reached up, pinching Jacon on his arm. He withdrew it with a squeak of alarm.

"It's not your business." I tell him briskly. "And I just messed up his hair. He is so much like a girl sometimes."

"And you aren't?" Jacon inquired.

I shrugged, "We all can be childish at times."

Jacon huffed, but didn't rebuke it.

We walked to the grand hall side by side until Hex caught up, scowling at me. He hadn't truly combed his hair, as it was still tousled around, making him look rugged. I liked it.

"Nice hair." Zace told Hex when we approached the hall doors.

Core, Aku, and Avol were already there, talking. They wore black dress pants and polo shirts. That was were the resemblance stopped. Avol had an emblem on the back of his shirt of a red dragon with a small white goatee. An elder dragon I realized. Core had on a metallic red shirt and Aku had on a silver shirt that matched his eyes.

Avol spotted us first, glancing over us. "Alright, now all we need is Phoenix."

"She isn't here yet?" Zace inquired. "You would think she likes to be early."

The clicking of heels had all of us turning to look at the end of the hall. Phoenix rounded the corner and paused. She looked uneasy and a little frightened. Avol reached out his hand for her to come. She did, her heels clicking of the tile floor.

"You look dazzling," Avol greeted. And she was. A gold and red day dress with silver thread lined through it. "You might even out dazzle you mother."

Phoenix pailed, "I hope not. I chose a subtle dress."

"And it is," Core ashamed, "But you look dazzling in it."

Phoenix took a deep breath making herself straighten up. "Well let's get this over with."

Avol nodded to the servant next to the doors, and he opened it. Thankfully no one stopped talking. They didn't even give a second glance at us.

"Isadore." Someone barked out and a few heads turned to smile at Avol.

Another man shouted out, "That can't be that foolish boy who ran with the royals. He is too big."

"Nope, that ain't no boy. It is a man." A few laughed out loud, "And look what he brought with him. Your hounds, Isadore? Heard they are a force to be reckoned with."

"Oh, my team could beat them." Someone else barked out, "They're still in school. Too young yet to have full range of their power."

Avol finally spoke back, "Do you wish to meet one of my circle, Rank?"

The man, Rank scoffed, "And what can your circle do?"

Avol nodded to Core and Aku. Core went first, twirling with all the metal utensils. Someone scoffed. Core ignored them and drew the utensils together. forging them into blades twirling and slicing at the air. Someone whistled.

"Sharply forged."

"Useless in a mage fight."

"Hard to do all at once."

"Many have done it."

But Core wasn't done. He took apart the swords back into utensils than forged them all into one object. It looked like a large metal lump until it moved. Wings flared out from a body that was shiny and metal. Giant metal paws and a sharp pointed beak. The thing roared.

"A Griffin." someone breathed, "Incredible."

Aku stepped in then, using his shadow magic, and the metal Griffin turned into a Griffin with brown and gold coat, white feathers, and dark blue eyes. Aku made it real, and the next time the griffin roared no metallic clang was heard.

"Holy Hell." Rank breathed

"Elder Rank," A booming voice called out. "I wouldn't think there was such a place as... Holy Hell." It was the man from last night. Rumus. He was dressed finally in a military uniform. At his side stood another man, who was broader and scary. Behind both of them sanding ajar was a woman. She looked like Phoenix when she turned to her true form. Beautiful and powerful in her posture, but letting the men gain all the attention away from her. She was more dangerous than the other two men, I decided.

"Majesty," Avol greeted the blond man. "It has been too long."

Rumus smiled at Avol, "From the sounds of it, you were busy." The king ran his fingers through the griffin's pelt. "And it looks like someone else were busy as well. Who in your circle made this?"

"Two, majesty, made the creature." He gestures to Core and Aku. "Have you met the Coalbalt brothers? Core the eldest and Aku the youngest."

The king turned to them, "I have not had the pleasure yet." He reaches out a hand to greet Core first, then Aku, "King Rumus. The Raven king. It is nice to finally meet you boys. I have heard that you two work hard."

"Yes, sir." Core confirms.

Rumus gave them both a once over, "I'd like to see a challenge letter from one of you after you graduate, for a general position."

Shock froze Core's features then turned into a wide eyed smile, "We will do just that Majesty."

Rumus turned away to the table barking at the people, "I heard that Elder Rank was challenging Elder Avol's choice of men. Is this true?"

Rank barked out, "Yes sir. They are young and untrained."

"And your response, Elder Avol was to show your might?"

Avol smiled, "He has no inkling of my men's might. They saw only a party trick."

The king laughed, patting the side of the griffin, "You have done well." He turns to the head of the table, "Let's eat now, because tonight we will dance."


I sat patiently in front of the makeup mirror, a servant braiding my hair back in a french braid. A black dress was set out on my bed for tonight. On the back was a gold and silver phoenix, rising to the heavens. It was silky, and would hug every curve of my body when it was put on.

"Would you like to get in the dress now ma'am?" The servant asked tentatively.

I meet the girls eyes thought the mirror. "What's your name?"

"Bella, ma'am,"

I smile to the girl, "I think getting in to my dress now is better than getting it on after the ball. No matter how tempting it is."

I was right about the dress. It hugged everything. It felt constricting. The servant handed me the twin bloodiron swords in their sheathes. I hung them loosely at my waist. The scarabs were designed with silver swirls. Someone knocked.

"Come in." I shout out turning to the mirror to make sure nothing was out of place.

A low whistle was his greeting into the room. I moved ever so slightly to see Core leaning against the door frame, through the mirror. "You look like royalty."

I turn to face him, noticing that the servant had gone. "Funny. I am royalty, Core."

"Not in my eyes. You are a person, no matter the title you take upon yourself." He tugged at his red tie grimacing, "I feel like a doll."

I giggled going over to Core and adjusting his tie. "Better?"

"Monumentally." This time he tugged at his sleeves, "I hate monkey suits."

This time I adjust his suit jacket, "Think of it as a battle. In battle you need nice, sharp weapons and armor that declares who you are and who you fight for. I thought you wanted to be stationed in the castle? They have balls like this twice a month."

"I want to be remembered." He looked down at my handy work of adjusting his suit just right, "It is an old tradition, but I don't want to be written in history as just my Father's bastard son. Aku will inherit this entire estate, and if father gives it to me, I will give it to Aku."

I smile at him, "You'll do anything for your brother?"

"I would destroy this entire world for him."

"You sound like my brothers. We would destroy our country for each other." I huffed a laugh, "Lesson three hundred and sixty: Never fall in love with anyone."

Core frowned, "Why?"

"People will destroy themselves for those they love. I would do anything for my brothers and cousins. There was a reason why my father and uncle didn't kill their middle brother." I move back to my bed, grabbing one of the daggers laid out. "Love is a weakness for a royal."

"Love is not a weakness for anyone." He placed his hand over the dagger in my hand, "It is our will to live. Love is what we live for. We live for our loved ones. We walk onto blood drenched fields to protect the ones we love. Whether we are Elites or foot soldiers, we fight for love." Core took the dagger from me and set it back down next to the others, "I have a lot of regrets in my life, but meeting you is far from one of them."

"Joining Avol?"

"I don't regret it in the long run." He smiled at me, "I got to meet you didn't I?"

I laughed, reaching for the daggers. Core didn't stop me this time as I armed myself to the teeth with weapons. Core had weapons as well under all his clothes. I could see two daggers and one small knife. Strapped to his side was one broadsword, the hilt engraved with a tiger, the head of his house.

"You like your weapons don't you." Core mocked.

I poked him in the side, "I just have a bad feeling."

"Can you sense another blood mage here?"

I shake my head, "Though I think, the only reason I sensed the blood mage was all the magic he was conducting. The bloodiron made the magic so amplified that no one would be able to hide it."

"You think this blood mage can hide from other blood mages? That's not good."

I shake my head, "Not good is an understatement."

Core turned his head to the clock on my nightstand, "We better get going. The music starts in five minutes."

"I think that might be a good idea."


I sat myself on the edge of the ball room, away from as many people as possible. Jacon walked up to Phoenix the moment she stepped in and asked for the first dance. Core looked livid when she left with Jacon to the dance floor. Aku looked defeated, but gave his brother a smile. Avol was too wrapped up in talking with the king to even notice Phoenix's arrival. The two young princes my age had done the same thing as I. Their mother didn't even care to look for them, but I could see them. Sneaking over to the other side of the ballroom, I confront the two brothers.


The littlest looked up at me and smiled. The older one narrowed his eyes.

"Hi." He greeted.

I reach out my hand, "We didn't have introductions before." I had to sound out that big word Core had always used, "I'm Coin. Part of Elder Avol's circle."

The boy shook my hand, "Prince Axel. This is my little brother, Prince Herto."

I shake the little boy's hand, "Nice to meet you." I hesitate, "Do you know anything to do during things like this?"

Axel smiled, "Yeah. I brought a deck of cards. You want to play?"

I nod my head, anything would be better than watching people dance and worrying that someone would make me dance. "I would love too."

We tucked ourselves under a buffet table and dealt out the cards. We were going to play war. Axel complained that Herto could only play war or goldfish. We played for what seemed like hours. I would have taken out my phone at this point, but Avol had taken it from me. It was Herto's growling stomach that made the decision of us crawling out from under the table. Phoenix was standing there eating a plate full of goodies. She gave me a look before smiling.

"You three having fun?" She asked.

Axel shook his head, "No ma'am."

I asked, "What about you?"

Phoenix smiled, "I've had my fill of dancing." She smiled down at me, "Do you want to dance Coin?"

I winced, "Do I have too?"

"No." She patted my head and handed me a plate, "Eat up and hide fast. Core was looking for you."

Axel looked Phoenix a long moment before giving her a hug and ducking back under the table. Herto copied his brother. Phoenix didn't even protest and I could see love shine in her eyes. Her little brother Axel had remembered her. I hugged her then too.

"Tell Core I slipped outside next time you see him," I told her, and ducked back under the table.


I watched as each of the others danced Phoenix out. Core went last since he was surrounded by blood thirsty court women. Phoenix laughed at him. I had to save him from their latching jaws and clawing hands.

"Sabrena feels like a picnic now." Core muttered, "Did you see how they wouldn't let me go? It was like I was the last bit of water in the world."

I clapped him on the shoulder. "I would say you need to grow a pair but that would make them latch onto you more."

Core seemed to have paled.

"Have you seen Hex or Sain?" I ask him.

Core's grin returned, "They left a few minutes ago."

That was reasonable. Half of the people had left already. Most of the higher ranks stayed and the music was turning quieter for people to talk. The king was looking around when he spotted us and strode over.

"Isadore. Core." He greeted.

We greeted back, "Majesty."

"Have you seen my nephews? They seemed to have disappeared."

Core sighed, "Wherever they are, Coin is probably with them majesty."

The clicking of heels came up and Core's face went pale. He probably thinks it's one of the money grubbers. "They are under the buffet table. All three of them." A voice said in a silky tone. I turned see the new Healing General. She looked to be an older woman in a young person's body, with graying, bright red hair and cool, velvet eyes. She had become the Healing General last year, beating Grandol in combate. The king nodded his thanks.

"Core, meet General Utha."

Core looked at her with caution, just as mostly everyone else does. She was too new to have a circle just yet, but the Elders under her command said that they felt something different about her. Utha was powerful in her own right, but her magic didn't feel like the typical healer's did.

"It is nice to make your acquaintance," She said smoothy to Core.

Core shook her hand, "Same. Ma'am."

Utha was the one to pull away first, "I best be to bed now. Have to leave early tomorrow, back to the city."

"You're looking for members for a circle?" Core inquired. "I would think someone as beautiful as you would be able to do that with no problems."

Utha smiled at his charm, "That is very flattering, but I'm not just looking for strong. I'm looking for spehile. It is a harder when you don't have the gift of foresight." I was mildly offended.

"Have a well sleep." Rumus toasted.

Utha was gone within a few steps into the crowd.

"Her energy feels different than Grandol's did." Core commented, "Or is it just me who felt that."

I nodded, "There is something. I believe it is likely to be two conflicting magics. Like when someone had lunar and solar abilities as their strongest abilities, and they use them at the same time. It feels different."

Core grimaced, "Whatever you say boss."

Another clicking of heels had us turning to see Phoenix. She looks like she just walked out of a modeling catalog. Rumus smiled at Phoenix with more warmth than he had with anyone else. Core relaxed, giving Phoenix a heavy sigh.

"You here to help us escape this place?" Core asked her, "I'm bored to tears."

Phoenix glared at him, "I put Coin to bed, he was out the moment his head hit the pillow. The two other boys that were with him are still under the buffet table."

Rumus downed a champagne glass. "I was going to take them to bed. Their parents are talking with some of the other Generals."

Phoenix open her mouth to speak but the lights switched off. A squeak came from one of the women in the room, then a giggling laugh.

"It's alright." Soul called out, "People are going to check on the power box."

There was rattling up in the chandelier, and I sent a bolt of fire up there and held it. Nobody screamed. Everyone in the room had seen too many dead bodies to scream. Rano dangled lifeless by a wire around his neck. Long looking cuts marred his naked body. It was sickening. I turned to Phoenix to see a single tear run down her cheek. Core reached out to her. Phoenix let him wrap his arm around her. I turn to look to the king. He looked furious.

"Take the body down, for examination." Rumus was gone, and the King was out. His voice was hard and unemotional. "Generals. Meet me in the basement. Elder Avol, I want you and your team there too."

I nodded to him, "I will gather them, Majesty."

"Sir." It was a guard, "There is a boy out here. He is really hurt. Blonde hair, tall."

Phoenix was out the door in an instant. Core and I followed right behind her. Sain was laying on the tile floor in a pool of his own blood. Phoenix ignored the blood and knelt next to him. She opened up his shirt, showing off a wound to the gut.

"Hex." Sain breathed, his voice rasping. "They took him."

"Shhh." Phoenix soothed. She turned her head to the guards standing around, "I need a needle, thread, a whole hell of a lot of bandage and a wet cloth."

The guards didn't hesitate to send someone to get the supplies. Phoenix went right to work, taking away Sain's shirt all together. Guards did as she told them, giving her a clean balled up shirt to tuck under Sain's back to stop the blood flow there. She kept Sain talking about anything he could.

"Heal." Rumus murmured, "Heal him, child."

Phoenix put both her hands on Sain's abdomen, and they started glowing. Sain's breathing became even, and he started to relax.

"Hex." Sain slurred again, "They took Hex."

Rumus crouched down next to Phoenix, "Who, boy. Who took Hex."

Sain's eye flared with rage, "Sabrena." He hissed out, "I'm... going to...kill her."

Oh shit, this was going downhill fast.

"Sain, who was with her?" I prompt, "You said, they. Who are they?"

Sain panted like it was taking all his effort, "A tall hair. Sadistic... purple eyes." He took another deep breath, coughing. "She too much power...mixed together."

"Shit." Rumus snarled, "Isadore, you're the temporary fire General. I want your team in the conference room this instant." He turned back to Phoenix, "Get there when you can. The guards will get you whatever you need." Just then, the few guards that went to get a surgical kit came running up.

A sudden rush of weariness hit like a blow. Whatever Phoenix was doing, it felt unnatural. The guard gave her the supplies, but kept one eye on the king. Rumus shifted uneasily, but didn't move away. When Phoenix took her hand away, only a pile of blood could be seen. She wiped off the blood to reveal a three inch long slice into Sain's abdomen. No blood seeped out, but it was clearly visible that the blood was not clotting.

The older guards sucked in air, reaching for their blades. Soul, who I hadn't seen walk up, raised his hand to stop his guards while giving me a glare. I hadn't told anyone that Phoenix was a blood mage. I shrugged at him, and he opened his mouth to respond.

"Hush, both of you." Rumus snarled at us. Soul shut his mouth.

Phoenix stitched Sain's abdomen up in quick, efficient movements, not a wasted breath. "I need someone to help Sain sit up."

I stepped forward alongside Core, who was silently helping from Sain's other side. Phoenix used the same position as before, stitching up the exit wound. Sain's head was leaning on Core's shoulder, half asleep already.

"He needs sleep and rest," Phoenix instructed as she started wrapping the bandages around his waist. "I'm going to drop the power holding his blood from seeping out and if it doesn't stop bleeding, you'll need another healer to heal it. I just don't have that much power in healing. I was able to heal all internal injuries, but that's it."

I hall Sain up, wrapping my arm around his waist and tossing his arm around my neck. Core gave a guard his side and helped Phoenix to her feet. She was swaying, and was a bit green.

"Give me a second." She told Core. A guard gave her a sealed water bottle. Phoenix downed it gratefully, "Thank you."

"Can you do one more spell?" Rumus asked grim faced.

Phoenix started to nod but winced, "I'll be dazed afterword."

"Might as well. It will make anyone think twice before questioning you."

Phoenix hesitated than slithered one of her daggers out of a well picked hiding spot. She pricked her finger and started to draw symbols down her arm.

"Potestate habeam, ut cuplio." She murmured, "Ut vero vultus meus, ego iam pertinent." There was a ripple than a bright flash than she was once again, the friend I remember. Taller than before, but the same set jaw and cool eyes that would laugh long before she would ever make the sound. The dress stretched to its limits, and shoes looked a size too small. Phoenix took off the shoes. The guards bowed their heads, then went to their knees. Soul did the same. It made me a little smug.

"Thank you," She said again to the guards, "For the help."

I gave the guard helping with Sain a nudge, "Let's get him to his room."

The guard nodded, helping Sain to his room.

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