By AngelMinnu

1K 58 121

The early morning sunlight was irritating me to open my eyes and as usual being lazy I was rubbing my eyes to... More

His Outburst
Poor Boy or Teacher?
Food Fight
My New Friends
His Stare
Rian and Jass
Sleepy Classes!
Sudden Gesture
Principal's Office😉
Leave me in Peace!!
Friends then??
My Hero
We are cool
Crush as my Friend😊
Best Friend?
Balloon Pillow😊
Negative Vibe
His past
Crowded thoughts
Dislike without reason
The Shopping
Surprise surprise!!
Mom and Dad<3
The Party
Really a Poet? 😊
Sunday funday
Date Me!
Long Weekend
Wills will!
The secret
Stuttering Flio😉
I said yes btw😊
Get off
Little planning
Kidney Stones😉
Cuteness unlimited
Boring to best..?
Unexpected friend
Little sister
Revelation(Part 1)
Revelation(Part 2)
The most awaiting day
The proposal

Biggest Idiot

14 1 2
By AngelMinnu

She was hugging Briya as if her life depended on her. They kept whispering things to each other in the hug and I saw that all her friends including Fillano was looking at them curiously and shrugging to each other. I just wanted to bang their heads so that these two people could come out of their little bubble. After sometime they turned towards the audience.

" Anna they are my friends and guys meet my friend Anna. I mean Brianna " she introduces to everyone over there and I am left alone like always.

" Umm.. Jassy who is that? " her friend whom she introduced herself to be Iya asked pointing her finger towards me. She then turned towards me and stood speechless. Thank god she acknowledged my presence atleast now. She came running to me and threw her arms around my neck almost squeezing me with her embrace. I rolled my eyes at her excitement and hugged her back eventually. I smiled when she winked at me playfully.

" Come I will introduce you to my friends here " she took hold of my hand and dragged me towards them who were looking with raised eyebrows towards us.

" So he is my best friend Brian. I think I told you about him earlier " she squeezed my hand looked at me with such warmth that I could just melt then and there. However, Briya cleared her throat and looked at me wiggling her eyebrows and I just looked away. God why do I need to blush!!

" Really!! You are her best friend. Nice to meet you Brian " again the same girl said.

" Okay guys bye for now and I think I stole your precious time making you wait for me. Sorry about that and see you tomorrow " Jass happily told her friends and they left from there. I didn't miss the look that Fillano gave before leaving. Like I care!!

" So where to? " Jass asked turning towards us. Briya just winked at me indicating the place where I need to go to. I smiled her way and winked back and Jass was curiously looking at us. She was a curious soul and I know we both made her even more curious without speaking anything.

They both went and sat in the backseat and I stood there dumbfounded. Like seriously did they think me to be their driver? I sat in the drivers' seat furiously and glared at them.

" Will someone of you both come and sit here? " I questioned them and both looked at each other and shrugged. What does that supposed to mean now? Are they both playing games with me?

" Jass come and sit. Now " I demanded looking at her and she wasn't fazed with my voice and looked at me like I am a kid.

" Oh please don't waste your time in arguing and start already " Briya scolded and I scoffed.

" No I am not until someone comes and sits here. I am not your driver after all " I retorted back. Both of them were not ready to agree with me and I was like a fool asking them.

" Ian we all know you are not a driver but I or Jass are not coming to sit beside you for now. So it would be a favor for yourself if you start the engine right away " she gave me a deathly glare and I just sighed. I can hear Jass holding her laugh.

As soon as I started Jass laughed loudly and I ignored them. They kept whispering something and Jass even gasped sometimes. What was Briya telling her? I turned the mirror so that I can see Jass and I kept glancing at her image smiling. She is crazy I thought.

We reached our spot and I got down immediately. These two girls didn't even see me and kept talking among themselves. When I tapped on the mirror, they came out their little conversation and got down. We entered our favorite food stall where we used to eat during our childhood. Jass smiled widely after seeing the familiar place and Briya pulled me by my arm to a side.

" Why were you staring at her in the car? " she asked folding her arms and I know what she was referring to but I acted as if I am not aware.

" Wh..what are you talking about? " I stuttered and she smirked.

" Says the one who was looking at her through the mirror the whole ride huh? " I facepalmed myself. She observed me sure she is my elder sister. I was about to say something when Jass interrupted.

We said it was nothing and ordered our favorite. Again, I was left alone while I kept quite listening to them. No, I kept staring at Jass. The way she talks, the way her lips smile, the way she widens her eyes, the way she shrugs, the way she animatedly explains using her hands, the way she glares...

" Hey I forgot to ask you guys. How did you reach school as I asked dad to pick me up today? " Jass questioned breaking my thoughts.

" Yeah it was me who called uncle and told that I will be picking you up and have some after that and as usual he was fine with it " Briya said happily.

" First I picked up this idiot and then came to your school " Briya said pointing towards me.

" I agree too. He is the biggest idiot " said Jass playfully laughing along with Briya. I couldn't help but sighed and then smiled. How am I supposed to say that this biggest idiot is madly in love with you I thought to myself?

After our food was over, we headed to Jass' home first and dropped her promising to meet her again. We drove home silently and I kept thinking about Jass.

After dinner I was sitting and doing my homework when someone knocked on my door. I said " come in " and then entered Briya with a smile.

" Hey, did I disturb you little brother " she ruffled my hair and giggled.

" First of all I am not little and no, you didn't disturb me as I am done with my homework " I smiled her way. She sat beside me and looked my room thoroughly as if she wanted to remember everything in detail. I waited until she is done with inspecting the room.

" So? " she questioned looking into my eyes. " So? " I asked in return not understanding what she was actually implying.

" So about Jass and you. When are you planning to tell her? " she questioned curiously wanting to know my answer. I am not sure when will I express my feelings to her.

" Umm.. I don't know Briya. I thought of telling her many times but every time I try, I will remember that horrible day and keep quiet. I don't know how will she react when I tell her. I am sure she will freak out but I don't want to lose her Briya not ever. I can't live without her. If the situation was different, I would have told her but now I don't know... just coz of that bloody night I am not able to see her daily in school. I am not able to hang out with her like earlier. I am just feeling... lost without her " I said not realizing that Briya was there and looking at me with a sadness in her eyes. I let out all the fears I had in me of losing her and I seriously don't know when will I overcome them.

" I understand Ian. I can see the love for her in your eyes and also the pain of losing her. I don't know how will you tell her. But tell as soon as possible coz I heard her talking more about her crush and I fear that she will fall for him. I am not doubting her, she is strong headed but the way she was talking all excitedly about him, I think you should take a step further. And also she called just now and told that she is planning to go to this party with him " she said. I can see that she is worried about me.

" I know Briya. She even talks to me about him but I just can't tell her to stop " I said and tears were already forming in my eyes talking about all these things.

" Ian don't think about him much coz I strongly believe that Jass is in love with her. She doesn't realize it but the way she looks at you, I can tell that the feelings are mutual between you both. Don't give up bro, just try harder if anything happens " she said encouragingly and hugged me tightly and I hugged her back. If Briya is saying that Jass maybe in love with me gave so much of energy to me. I just can't wait to see her when we propose each other.

" Thank you Briya. I love you " I said after pulling away.

" What can I say I love you too. After all you are little brother and driver too " she said and laughed loudly.

" Well good night then " I waved at her when she was yawning.

" Yah I am tired. Good night, bye " she waved back and left the room to sleep.

I removed all the books which were scattered on my bed and placed them in my backpack and lied. I was repeatedly thinking about Briya's words. Is it true that Jass is also in love with me?

Maybe she is. I smiled widely at that thought and slept with a giddy smile on my face.

So do you think Jass is also in love with Rian?( Do comment)

So she decided to go to the party finally... lets see..

Till then... Bye😊

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