
By trashpandaleader

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"I'm so sorry, it was unexpected. " "It wasn't, we just didn't want it to happen." More



5.2K 90 5
By trashpandaleader

"Why can't i just stay here?" I asked my mother while i put my bags in the car.

It was only 2 days after my mom told the news and things were already changing. We were moving in with Ashton and his roommates.

"Because i don't want you to destroy the house and you're a part of this family, whenever you like it or not." She said firmly to me.

"But isn't it moving a bit to fast? Your treatment doesn't start until next week and those guys are almost complete strangers. "

"Becky stop complaining. I want to move in with Ashton because i love him and Ashton and his roommates will keep you and Jack company when I'll be in the hospital." She said closing the trunk of the car. All of our stuff was loaded in the car, ready to move.

"Why couldn't he just live here?" I said with my arms crossed, refusing to get into the car.

"Our house is not big enough. Now get into car." She spoke angry, i was getting on her nerves.

"Only if I'm not grounded anymore." I said with a smirk.

"Fine but don't give me a reason to regret that decision."

I got into the passenger seat with a big smile. Adam was coming to pick me up to go to band practice tonight and i didn't need to lie about that anymore. I only had to tell her that a boy was picking me up which was going to be hard.

"Adam is picking me up tonight." I said out of no where to my mother.

"Who's Adam and where is he taking you?" She asked with her eyes still focused on the road.

"He's a guy from school , he's got a band and he invited me to play something with them." I said not in the mood to completely lie about it.

"Fine but i want you back by 12 and i want to meet him before you leave." She said looking at my for a brief moment.

"And don't be any later than 12. You might not have school tomorrow but that doesn't mean that you're allowed to be out late."


I wasn't planning on being back by 12 but i just was happy that my mom allowed me to leave. Normally i wouldn't even have asked her and just sneaked out but i didn't think that i could do that at Ashton's house, atleast not on the first day.

"We're here." My mom said happily while we pulled into the driveway of a huge house.

"Jesus christ, are you sure that only 4 people live here." I whispered under my breath to my mother.

"Please be nice to them. I want you to make a good first impression. " she turned around and looked at Jack who sat in the backseat. "That also counts for you. No silly business."

We all got out of the car. I held Jack's hand as my mom gave Ashton a long hug, as if they didn't see each other yesterday.

The other guys also walked out of the house with big smiles in their faces. Only one of them was unfamiliar to me.

Jack let go of my hand and ran over to Luke to give him a big hug. It made me angry that Jack would rather be with an almost unfamiliar man instead of his own sister.

I took a deep breath and put on a fake smile as i followed my mom into the house. I gave all the guys handshakes and empty smiles. I learned that the unfamiliar guy was named Michael, he was a oncologist and was going to treat my mother.

The idea of living with your doctor kinda weirded me out but i guess that my mother didn't care.

It felt weird to have male presence in my home environment again. I hadn't had that in almost a year. This whole situation started to overwhelm me.

"Follow me I'll show you around." Ashton said cheerily as he held Diane's hand.

Jack followed him while he held tight onto Luke's hand.

I sighed and crossed my arms. I followed behind them with an angry look on my face. I couldn't wait until Adam was picking me up, away from all this bullshit.

"And this is our backyard with our pool of course.' Ashton said.

Jack jumped up with joy when he saw the pool. "That means i can finally learn how to swim."

"That's indeed what it means" said Luke to him sharing his joy.

I grinned. "Or it means you'll drown." I said under my breath not thinking anyone would hear it.

"What did you say?" My mom asked with a strict tone in her voice.

I looked up and gave a fake smile. "Nothing."

She narrowed her eyes at me. She let me get away with it, this time.

"And this will be your room." Ashton said finishing the tour.

I nodded at the sight of the big emty room. There was a bed, a closet and a desk. The house wasn't bad at all. They even had a boxing bag and other equipment in the garage. My brother and i each had our own room and my mom stayed in Ashton's room.

I wanted to stay in my room and just have a moment for myself but my mom didn't allow it. When i tried to stay behind as everybody left my room my mom grabbed my arm.

"Please just behave for once. Is that to much to ask?" She whispered in my as she pinched my arm.

"Maybe." I answered angry that she got mad about one little comment.

"Watch it." She said firmly before letting my arm go.

"Bitch." I whispered to myself as soon as my mom had left the room.

I was about to walk down to join them downstairs but i stopped myself when i heard laughter. I was absolutely not in the mood to fake laugh at none funny jokes. I walked back to my room and closed the door behind me.

All my bags were already in the room. I unpacked my electric guitar and layed it on my lap. I would normally just play acoustic because that wasn't very loud but if i wanted to join the band i would have to play electric.

I didn't plug it in, i just wanted to understand the feeling of playing electric again.

After a while somebody knocked on my door but i was way too focused to notice.

"Doesn't he need to plugged in? " a voice spoke.

I immediately jumped up almost dropping my guitar.

I calmed down when i saw that i was Calum who standing in the doorway. "You scared me." I said annoyed.

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to. Can i come in?" He asked with a kind tone.

"Sure, it's not like i can stop you. " i said while i put my guitar away.

He went to sit on the bed, the opposite side from were i was sitting.

"What do you think about the whole moving situation? Your brother seems to pretty happy about but you don't really do." He said turning himself towards me.

"It's just all a bit much. I don't want to be rude but you're all still complete strangers to me. It's just all happing very fast. " i said truthfully

He went to sit next me. "Don't worry we won't be strangers for much longer."

"You know i played bass when i was younger?" He said with a big smile on his face.

"Really?" I said with disbelief.

"Yeah, we were exactly all in a band together during high school. I was the bassist. "

Our conversation got intrupped by the doorbell. Adam was early. I quickly picked up my guitar, told Calum that i had to go and rushed downstairs.

I had to make sure that my mom didn't talk long with Adam.

My mom and Ashton were already talking to him when i came down.

I quickly put on my shoes and went to stand next to Adam. "I'm ready." I said to him.

"It was nice to meet you." He said as polite as possibe as he shook their hands.

"Have fun and makes sures she gets home on time." Ashton spoke firmly to him.

"I will sir." Adam said with a nervous laugh.

He put my guitar in the trunk as i got into the car.

"You never told me your parents are rich." He said to me as soon as he got into the car.

"He's not my dad."

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