Mortal Kombat: Mileena's Reco...

By Infinitii_FGC

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(Sequel to Mileena's Fate) The memory of Mileena has been haunting her fellow warriors for two centuries. Nei... More

Chapter One: Starting Anew
Chapter Two: The Fallen
Chapter Three: Old Bonds
Chapter Four: Darkness
Chapter Five: Old Hatreds
Chapter Six: The Journey
Chapter Seven: The Mission
Chapter Eight: Homecoming
Chapter Nine: The Plan
Chapter Ten: Chaotic Order
Chapter Eleven: Retaliation
Chapter Twelve: Reuniting?
Chapter Thirteen: The Objective
Chapter Fifteen: Recollections
Chapter Sixteen: Trust
Chapter Seventeen: Enenra
Chapter Eighteen: To Live
Chapter Nineteen: Puzzling
Chapter Twenty: Conflicting
Chapter Twenty-One: Choices
Chapter Twenty-two: Sisterhood
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Battle
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Kahnum
Chapter Twenty-Five: War of The Realms
Final Chapter

Chapter Fourteen: Ressurections

128 2 1
By Infinitii_FGC


The night arrives, causing the bright tangerine moon to display itself over the horizon. The warriors now begin to descend the mountain range on the other side which overlooks the Wastelands. They come to the center mountain base and catch their breath. The temperatures at night on the mountain are quite drastic. Their supplies gifted from the villagers were also running low, and they now mostly rely on the hope of Mileena being alive to keep them moving. Or at least most of them do. Kitana and Jade merely wish to lay eyes on a free Edenia.

"We should rest here until the sun returns," Li Mei suggests as she drops her bag of fruits.

The mountain base is rather flat for a rocky surface and torches surround it, delivering light to them. Though the moon is bright enough on its own, the torches are well placed. The other warriors also drop their supplies near Li Mei's, agreeing without direct words. Smoke however is somewhat hesitant on stopping. He wishes to continue, for now that he realizes that Mileena is among the living, his soul has grown impatient. If he could merely lay eyes on her once more, he can find contentment.

Smoke thinks to himself about where Mileena was headed. He watched Nitara fly away with her toward the Wastelands, which leads to the emperor's fortress. She could be anywhere from here, to there, or in between. However, one lead is better than none. Why carry out the rest of the mission when the offer for success is already fulfilled? He means not to disrespect the Thunder God, but she has been absent from his life for much too long. He must do it, he must see her and remember who he was. Who he is.

Smoke turns to his allies, seeing Kung Lao and Sub-Zero engaging in conversation as Li Mei listens with a smile. Kitana and Jade also have their own moment, conversating to each other. This is his chance, though he wishes not for them to follow.

"I am restless. I shall go scout ahead and see which route shall lead us to the Sea of Blood more quickly than the others," he announces his actions.

They each give a nod or some form of acknowledgment to display that they are aware of their comrade's soon to be actions.

"Be stealthful as the night," Sub-Zero states.

"And deadly as the dawn," Smoke finishes their motto, before heading off.

The others pay light mind to Smoke's actions, for he is a formidable warrior. He could handle himself, by himself, even in the depths of the Nether Realm. Smoke wastes no time in descending the mountain, using the fib of his actions to his advantage. He shall discover her whereabouts, even if it were to take him decades.

Soon, he vanishes into vapor out of their sight and somewhat out of mind. Jade and Kitana sit on the rocky surface and stare off into space. Jade's eyes land on the ground in front of them as she sighs. The entire journey they have endured drives her to question Edenia's worth.

"Edenia seems so close, yet so distant," she states.

Kitana shifts her gaze to meet her.

"You are right, it does. All of our lives we lived apart of it, though never experienced it in its odd it will be to witness its unmerger..." Kitana trails off.

Jade nods, agreeing with each word that falls lightly from her closest ally's mouth.

"You must feel utmost relief, I realize how close you are to her," Kung Lao places an arm around Li Mei.

She complies, lying her head against his shoulder and letting her body feel at rest. She cuddles against him as he holds her in his strong yet gentle grip.

" is as if the weight of the realms has been lifted off of my shoulders..." she confides in her husband as she relaxes within his grasp.

"I understand. We will find her and return her to Earth Realm. Whether she remembers you or not, there must be a way," Kung Lao states as he stares into the sky at the luminous moon.

"Yes, perhaps there is a piece of the old Mileena remaining. If only there were a lead on my brother's assassin..." Sub-Zero adds.

"Lord Raiden stated to make yourself known as Sub-Zero...when we were under attack by the Black Dragon they recognized you as such. There could be a chance that this assassin knows of you already," Li Mei hypothesizes.

"Yes...and should that not have sealed my identity, once we infiltrate the emperor's fortress I shall make certain my 'identity' is confirmed," he swears to himself with determined eyes.

Jade watches a torch burn, it's flames going high and not giving way. A strange feeling takes over her as she senses something has gone wrong. She peers to her allies to confirm she is not the only one who notices something is off about where they have decided to stay. Everyone else seems calm, causing her to slightly calm down herself. Her eyes meet the torch she watched burn in the distance only to see its flames extinguished, the smoke rising indicating their indeed was something strange occurring. Jade stands quickly, however it is too late.

A blade slices her shoulder from behind and brings her to her knees. Enemies begin to flood the mountain base, attacking each warrior by surprise. Li Mei is pushed back by various guards that outnumber her. Kung Lao's hat tosses her way, decapitating one of which that threaten his beloved. She catches his hat within her hands and falls into her stance with a fierce look in her eyes. As a guard approaches, he swings his pike vertically. Li Mei deflects his attack with the razor rimmed hat, causing sparks to clash into the air, just before launching her own attack in retaliation. She slices his arm that wields the weapon and his blood begins to flail everywhere as his screams of terror erupt. It does not phase Li Mei as two additional guards approach her.

She repeats her actions in deflecting two strikes from a sword, one high and the other low, taking the leg of one with a swift swipe of the deadly hat and leaving him shouting in agony, vulnerable. She quickly places the hat on her head, going into her stance to face another enemy that wields a heavy axe, swinging it horizontally quite slowly. She ducks his attempted attack just before closing the distance between them and striking him with her fist in all key points on his chest and ribs. Her fists illuminate with the harvested energy of the stars and move with so much speed it is difficult to make out how many times they make contact with his form until she stops and steps back. It is as if her foe is unable to move as she moves onto her next opponent. After remaining motionless for what seems like minutes, blood shoots out of his mouth and he begins to collapse with a groan as Li Mei tosses the hat toward another enemy, decapitating him with ease as she falls back into her stance.

Kung Lao catches his hat and places it upon his head as he locks fierce eyes with Kano. Kano has a smug smile upon his face, and he begins to slowly take steps to his right as Kung Lao counters by doing the same.

"Still worried 'bout your brittle woman? Maybe I'll take her as a present after I beat cha' to a pulp," he grins at his insult as Kung Lao readies himself for attack by falling into his stance.

Kano does the same as his eyes meet Kung Lao's fists to see a small round object on his ring finger. It appears to be a band with the black half of a yin yang gemstone. Kano raises an eyebrow as he comes to realization.

"You're the notorious yin yang warriors? Didn't expect the other half to be the alleged defender of the people of Outworld, or a woman," he chuckles. "Pity, you'll be dead after this," he states in spite as he throws a hunting knife in Kung Lao's direction.

Kung Lao ignores his comments and paces to the left, dodging his attempted attack. Kano charges forward with his other hunting knife in hand and attempts to slice Kung Lao's skin in any way shape or form. His bloodthirsty pursuit does not cause Kung Lao to falter as he continues to dodge every swing Kano delivers, high and low. Suddenly, Kung Lao vanishes under the ground with deep azure aura following.

Before Kano can process his actions, Kung Lao reappears behind him from the ground and grabs his shoulders, flipping him onto the mountain. Kano lands on his back facing the opposite direction of the attacking Kung Lao, who from Kano's angle he appears upside down. The shaolin monk quickly advances to him and proceeds to stomp on his chest, earning a loud crack and a miserable groan in pain from Kano as he locks eyes with Kung Lao. Kung Lao quickly removes his hat in efforts to decapitate him.

Kano manages to muster the strength to deflect Kung Lao's strike with his hunting knife, stopping his hat with sparks launching into the sky as they both struggle for dominance over the other. Kano then rolls backwards with inhuman speed, bringing Kung Lao to the ground in surprise. Kung Lao peers upward as Kano mercilessly approaches in efforts to impale him as he lay stunned. Kung Lao quickly takes to his feet with a spin, causing traces of azure to spirally surround him. The energy from such a move pushes Kano back toward the edge of the mountain base, granting Kung Lao the strategic edge as he glides his hand across his hat before removing it, ready to stop Kano for good. He charges his way, dodging the emperor's men.

Kitana's closed sapphire plated fans deflect a swing from Skarlet's tantos which causes sparks to fly. Kitana sends a kick to her abdomen causing her balance to disrupt. Kitana uses this to her advantage and charges forward, slicing Skarlet's abdomen, chest, and lower jaw as she elegantly spins with each strike. This causes Skarlet's blood to spill and her mask to fall limp, displaying her face. Kitana then twirls low into a sweep attack, bringing Skarlet crashing to the ground. She then fully opens her bladed fans and raises one of which high, ready to end Skarlet who dissolves into a moving puddle of blood.

This somewhat confuses Kitana as she arches an eyebrow, and before she knows it her shoulder is impaled with a tanto and Skarlet kicks the back of her legs, causing Kitana to drop to one knee with a small painful shout.

"Foolish girl. Betraying our father in such a way," Skarlet sneers as she tightens the grip on her blade.

Kitana grunts at her comment as she uses most of her might to grab onto Skarlet's arm and flip her over her shoulder, causing her to land on her back.

"He is not my father and certainly not yours," Kitana states just before seizing the opportunity to kick her, striking her temple.

Skarlet is sent rolling a few feet away as Kitana removes the blade from her shoulder she was impaled with. A grunt escapes her lips as she tosses the blade aside, locks eyes with her foe, and readies herself for Skarlet's next attack while trying her best to ignore her wounds. The sound of wind being divided by a blade hits Kitana's ears from behind and she turns to deflect a throwing knife with an open bladed fan. It strikes her fan heavily but falls limp once deflected. The throwing knife came from the likes of Sareena who stands across the mountain range. Kitana peers at her in curiosity only to see Sub-Zero engage the woman in kombat. A momentary distraction throws Kitana's defense off as Skarlet approaches, managing to slice her upper chest as well as her right arm. She grunts in pain at this as she goes back to being defensive.

Sub-Zero's cold fist makes contact with Sareena's lower jaw, causing her to stumble back with a grunt as he continues in his attack by conjuring an ice ball and tossing it her way. She manages to catch her balance just in the nick of time and leaps over it, sending three throwing knives to Sub-Zero from midair with a grunt. He begins to move his hands quickly in a circular motion and what appears to be a shield of ice deflects all three attacks, getting caught in the icy structure.

Feeling as though she has no choice, she lands, closes the distance between them and begins to engage in hand to hand kombat with him. He dodges her fists only for her to land a speedy high kick followed by a mid and low kick. Each attack delivers too fast for Sub-Zero to counter and the woman even seems to be able to manipulate fire, as her feet and hands illuminate in flames with each attack she throws at the cryomancer.

She attempts at a leaping kick that the cryomancer ducks and as she lands on his other side of him, he uses his icy finesse to shield the area of ground in a sheet of frost. This causes her to slip, attempting to keep her balance as Sub-Zero strikes her down with three cold jabs; one of which striking her ribs, another her abdomen and the final of which her cranium. As she lands on her back on the rocky ground, he uses his magics to freeze her hands and feet in place, assuring she shall stay exactly as placed and not get away. He shall be certain none of which make it out alive from such a brutal attack on his allies. He conjures a cold, icy dagger in his right hand.

Kung Lao swings his hat low and high, aiming to end Kano. Each time however, Kano manages to dodge his attacks as they battle dangerously close to the edge of the mountain range. Suddenly Kano lashes forward, wrapping his hands around Kung Lao's throat and taking him to the ground at the very edge of the mountain range. Kano's smug grin returns to his face as he increases the pressure, choking Kung Lao as his head dangles over the edge of the mountain range. His hands scratch and grab at Kano, doing anything he can in order for him to loosen his hold as he feels himself more and more unable to take in air.

"So much for bein' a defender of Earth Realm. Have a nice afterlife in the Nether Realm mate!" he chuckles to himself as Kung Lao gasps for air.

Kano quickly uses one hand to draw a hunting knife while keeping his other hand wrapped around Kung Lao's throat. His eyes meet Kung Lao's wandering hands that attempt to do anything to assist in easing his struggle. To kombat this Kano impales Kung Lao's weakened, struggling left hand to the mountain's edge. Kung Lao breathlessly shouts out in pain as he does this.

"Don't worry, I'll give 'ya wifey my amends!" Kano grins to himself.

As if instantaneous, a large bright blue light strikes Kano from behind. Identifying it as Li Mei's nova blast, Kung Lao knees Kano to the best of his ability, knocking him forward along with Li Mei's attack off the edge of the mountain. Kano's scream echoes up the mountain as he descends to his doom, haunting Kung Lao's ears as he spots his beloved approach with worried eyes. He lays there in pain catching his breath as Li Mei kneels, noticing the knife caught in between his flesh and the rocky terrain.

"Elder Gods! Bear with me Kung...this shall not be the slightest bit enjoyable," Li Mei states as she places her hand upon the knife's handle.

Kung Lao gazes upon her in anticipation, ready to feel the pain. He spots a warrior attempt to approach Li Mei from behind, only to be put to a stop by Jade's glaive decapitating them. This momentary distraction serves to take his mind of the pain, or at least in the beginning as Li Mei extracts the blade. She does it so rapidly and he does not see it until she tosses the blade off the mountain where Kano had fallen. Kung Lao comes to his knees, holding and caressing his left hand with his right hand with a painful groan.

Li Mei kneels in front of him and takes his hand in her grasp while caressing his face with another. She then lowers her head and closes her eyes, concentrating on her abilities. The nova particles in which makes up her energy travel to the bloody gap in the center of Kung Lao's hand, and cover it completely. His eyes watch her with gratefulness as his hand slowly heals, however not completely. She only recently discovered that she could do such a thing. She releases his hand from her grasp and her energies cease, revealing his hand that is scarred and for the most part healed. Though some blood and pain still remain, Kung Lao appreciates her constant being by his side.

"What would I do without you?" he questions hypothetically as he holds onto her hand gently.

She smiles to herself as he peers into her eyes.

Kitana uses her sapphire plated fans to strike Skarlet, engraving a deep cut in her upper arm. Skarlet grunts as she uses her tantos to deflect another attack from Kitana and their blades cross. Kitana increases her pressure, bringing Skarlet to her knees. Suddenly, Skarlet removes one of her blades from her defense and impales herself in the abdomen with blank eyes. Kitana's confused expression returns as Skarlet dematerializes into a puddle of blood once more. However, before Kitana has time to react, Skarlet hops onto her shoulders from behind, impales her shoulder and kicks her to the ground, causing her to land on her stomach. Battling Skarlet is strange and unlike any of the emperor's warriors she has battled before. She stands as quickly as her strength will allow her to and turns to meet Skarlet who is no longer there.

Sareena struggles to break free from the ice as Sub-Zero fends off the last two of the emperor's guards, eliminating them both by impaling them with his icy dagger. He then turns his attention back to her and quickly approaches her. Her eyes widen as he does this, and her mind goes to war.

"It could not be him...he has returned as the specter Noob Saibot..." she thinks to herself.

"Bi-Han?" she calls out, her mind no longer wanting to deny who she believes him to be.

Sub-Zero pauses and stares down at her in confusion. How could she know of his brother's true identity? He expected to be referred to as Sub-Zero instead of Tundra, but not to be referred to as Bi-Han. That name almost ceased to exist when his brother did long ago.

"Who are you? How are you aware of Bi-Han's identity?" Sub-Zero questions firmly as he kneels near her.

She peers into his eyes, not knowing what to reply other than the truth. Questions about his own identity flood her mind, for if he is not Bi-Han, then who is he?

"You—" Sareena starts, only to be interrupted by Skarlet appearing from a puddle of blood behind Sub-Zero.

Skarlet spins, delivering a roundhouse kick to his cranium. He falls aside with a painful groan and Skarlet wastes no time in slicing the ice that secures Sareena's hands and feet to the rocky terrain with her tantos, freeing her. She then impales her own leg with a small grunt as she places a hand upon Sareena's shoulder.

As Sub-Zero takes back to his feet, Sareena locks eyes with him. She and Skarlet then vanish, morphing into a splashing puddle of blood before completely taking off from his sight. Sub-Zero silently curses himself for allowing their escape. Whoever the woman was, she knew something. Locating her shall prove to be difficult, for he did not receive her name. Sub-Zero feels as though he is back to page one in his plans of retribution for his fallen elder brother.

"Sub-Zero!" Li Mei shouts as they all run to him.

The area of warriors is now cleared. Though, this time was not as simple as the last. Scars and blood drip down each of their forms and their breathing is anything but steady.

"She-she knew my brother and I let her escape," he shames himself.

Li Mei's expression turns to one of sorrow as she sheathes her blade. The others also sheathe their weapons as they come to realization the threat has been stopped. Suddenly Kung Lao places his hand amongst Sub-Zero's shoulder.

"Not all is lost. It seems she works alongside the emperor, we can most likely find her at the fortress along with the secret to unmerging Edenia. Even Mileena lies there."

Sub-Zero nods at his refreshing words.

"It seems all of our troubles truly do lead to the emperor..." Jade analyzes.

Li Mei gasps and her eyes slightly widen. This catches the attention of each warrior, wondering what troubles her so. She returns their puzzled look.

"Smoke, he ventured forward! He could be..." Li Mei appears uncertain of her own words, not wishing to finish her sentence so darkly.

"He could be ambushed," Sub-Zero comes to realization.

"Then we must be swift and catch him, perhaps he did not make it as far as we assume," Kung Lao remains calm, thinking logically about the following events.

"Yes, we cannot afford to waste one moment, let us go," Kitana states as she sheathes her fans.

Without second thought, they each take off toward the direction in which Smoke did down the trail of the mountain range. Time is of the escence.


The moon shines down quite brightly as Quan Chi and Shang Tsung chant, one across from the other. The soul in question begins to leak from the vial and bleed into the sand. Its light blue essence causes the sand to illuminate and a circular pool of energy begins to spawn and blow the sand about wildly. They continue to chant and wave their sorcery enchanted hands in a circular motion in unison, bringing light to the area.

As if immediately, a skeletal hand rises from the illuminated sand and the rest of the skeleton slowly follows. The bones form and become sturdier as it reaches the surface of the sandy terrain. The chanting continues as the skeletal figure begins to develope flesh, starting at the tips of both the hands and feet. It then begins to quickly wrap around the skeleton, forming muscles, joints and organs. The vocal cords must have come into existence, for a screech begins to erupt from the mouth of the being.

Followed by the flesh, layers of skin begin to rise onto the being, giving the form life. Its form is curvacious, revealing its female origin. The screech then becomes a more feminine shout as the skin then covers the rest of her flesh like body. She then begins to levitate with the blue aura which shifts to a deep violet and the two sorcerers stop their chanting. They watch as the woman completely becomes whole in midair, absorbing the energies she once had.

As if it only slightly overwhelms her, she lands on the sandy terrain once more, this time in a sitting position. Her hair reaches the small of her back and takes a tone of the brightest white with black roots and accents. Her eyes then suddenly open, revealing her pale, white orbs. Quan Chi and Shang Tsung stand idle, but in caution, for ressurections can prove rather unpredictable. Her orbs meet the two and she analyzes them both with a sense of familiarity and a confused expression.

"Quan Chi? Shang Tsung?" her voice gives of slight distortion and is very powerful.

"Queen Sindel, the emperor eagerly awaits your return. It has been much too long," Quan Chi tries to see if she is in the hypnotized state of mind.

A moment passes and Shang Tsung uneasily places his guard up by spawning a flaming skull in his left hand. Quan Chi places his arm in front of Shang Tsung, indicating that she is no threat. He hesitates, but does indeed lower his guard.

"The emperor...yes..." she states as a devious grin embraces her lips.

Without a doubt, the look in her eyes alone states that she is not the same woman who sacrificed herself to grant protection to Earth Realm and to her daughter's soul. She is now a much darker spirit who shall unwillingly serve under the emperor, just as his sadistic plan calls for.

"Come, we return to the fortress," Shang Tsung states as he opens a portal to their right.

Sindel rises, her unclothed figure coming into full view.

"What of Kitana?" Sindel asks, her eyes displaying curiosity laced with slight concern.

It is as if who she was before her death still lingers somewhere within, showing concern for her daughter. Quan Chi notices this, yet grins.

"Kitana now allies herself with Earth Realm."

Sindel frowns at this news, disappointed in her. Any traces of who she once was now fade, concealing themselves behind the sorcery in which rose her from the dead. Her gaze becomes cold as does her posture. The sweet woman who only resorted to violence when absolutely necessary has become a mere puppet of the emperor's beck and call.

"Then she is no longer my daughter! Take me to Shao Kahn," she declares.

"Yes empress," Quan Chi replies. He turns to Shang Tsung as Sindel approaches the portal. "The invasion of Earth Realm can now begin to take affect."

Shang Tsung nods at this as he turns to Sindel with his hand held outward. His sorcery summons elegant clothing of the deepest violet to engulf her figure, covering her body. The emperor would be furious should she be 'on display' to the rest of his forces. Sindel slightly gasps as a strapped, leather one piece spawns on her body adorned with fishnet sleeves and black gloves. Shimmering jewels are encrusted on her thigh-high strappy heels, and a headband serving as her "crown" graces her forehead giving her a much more regal appearance. It complements the bright contrast of her long flowing hair. Her beauty far surpasses the most elegant of queens, and it is quite evident why the emperor never wished for her death to occur.

She peers down at her clothing momentarily and begins walking through the portal. The sorcerers follow quickly behind her, wanting to reassure the emperor that his prize is not broken. They exit the portal and enter the emperor's throne room. Warriors surround the entire throne room, conversating about the plan that the emperor has recently informed each of them of. Motaro, Reiko and Sheeva engage in conversation in a small circle. To the left side of the emperor's throne lies none other than Tanya. Even the specters Noob Saibot and Scorpion make up the presence of warriors in the throne room at the emperor's request from Shinnok.

Each warrior's eyes land on Sindel as she comes to the front of the emperor's throne accompanied by the two sorcerers. The emperor's eyes land on her with masked joy and relief. Had anyone ever gotten close to his non-existent heart, it would be the woman of non-perishable beauty before him. Even after death and resurrection, her inner and outer allure do not cease.

"Emperor, may I present to you queen Sindel, your empress," Shang Tsung states.

Some of the warriors in the room gasp as the emperor takes to his feet. Tanya stares at the woman almost in awe with seeing the queen of her realm returned to life, much like her beloved Mileena.

"If only Mileena were here to lay eyes on such a sight," Tanya thinks to herself.

The emperor approaches Sindel who eagerly smiles at his boldness. He closes most of the distance between the two of them and places a hand amongst her cheek. He caresses her face gently as his eye contact focuses on her orbs. His inner thrill almost cannot be contained.

"My emperor," she states with a smile.

"My empress, you return," his tone is one of pleasure, which coming from the likes of him, unrecognizable.

"I shall never desert you my beloved," her distorting tone is sincere.

This brings a devious grin to his face. She is much more compliant than when he first took her hand in marriage. Now she shall finally be at this side the way she should have been from the start of his conquest of the realms.

"Indeed..." he replies just before shifting his attention to Quan Chi. "Your services proved useful afterall sorcerer, well done," he congratulates.

"I wish only to serve, emperor," Quan Chi bows his head.

The sounds of warriors rushing through the throne room hits their ears, and the emperor turns to an approaching Sareena and Skarlet. From the looks of the scars and cuts, and Kano's absence, the emperor raises an eyebrow as they both come face to face with him. Skarlet bows her head followed by Sareena.

"We were unable to quell the threat. Kano has been eliminated," she reports.

The emperor rubs his chin in disappointment as he brainstorms. Such a burden these assassins are, especially being that one of which is his 'daughter' and the other her bodyguard. He sighs in frustration.

"It is of no great matter. I shall take it upon myself to end this threat, whatever it is, and complete your failed work," Sindel proposes powerfully.

The emperor turns to her with a grin.

"Hm...yes...Shang Tsung!" the emperor catches his undivided attention.

"Yes emperor?"

"The empress requires something of you."

Shang Tsung turns his gaze to meet Sindel. Without warning, Shao Kahn conjures up his green energies in one hand and they find their way to Shang Tsung's form. Shang Tsung gasps as the emperor begins to drain the very life from him. His eyes widen and become nearly lifeless as the emperor's power draining becomes mightier. He feels his arms withering, his blood thinning, his bones narrowing and his hair becoming gray and brittle once more. Shang Tsung lets out screams in horror and soon drops to the floor. Tanya's eyes widen in awe and amusement as the emperor turns his attention to Sindel.

He uses the absorbed energy to strengthen Sindel by extending his arm in her direction and letting the thefted power flow into her own. She gasps at the sudden power filling her and her white orbs widen. Her figure begins to glow a deep shade of violet as the emperor's emerald energies focuses on her form. Her mouth is hung agape, her arms are spread wide to each side and her eyes gaze upward, almost rolling to the back of her head.

Within moments, the emperor transfers all of the sorcerer's life to the queen's being. She smiles deviously as the power courses through her. The emperor grins at her reaction just before turning to Quan Chi.

"Go to Earth Realm, begin the Soulnado. Use that pathetic sorcerer as a sacrifice to build its strength," he commands.

"Yes emperor," Quan Chi replies. "Noob, Scorpion!" he beckons.

They both approach with a heavy posture. Their bold, white orbs meet their master in anticipation, though Scorpion's show more annoyance.

"Noob, you shall join me. Scorpion, you shall accompany the empress," he orders.

Noob places his hands among the weakened sorcerer, lifting him with the assistance of his shadow clone. Sindel and Scorpion lock eyes momentarily.

"Splendid, slow these intruders for me. Bring back alive your daughter and her guard dog," the emperor tells Sindel.

She grins darkly.

"Consider these warriors no longer a concern."

The emperor returns her dark grin with one of his own. He then turns his attention to the warriors within the throne room.

"Reiko!" the emperor shouts.

Reiko makes haste in coming to his side.

"Yes emperor?"

"Send more of my armies to strengthen the invasion on Earth Realm!"

"As you wish emperor."

The emperor then ventures back to his throne chair and sits, his evil posture not going unnoticed. Sindel turns her attention to Quan Chi, along with Sareena as Skarlet begins to walk away.

"Master, there was something else...I encountered a warrior who resembles...Bi-Han perfectly," Sareena tells Quan Chi.

Quan Chi's grin widens.

"Is that so? Another Sub-Zero? Intriguing..."

Noob Saibot's white orbs widen. How is such possible?

"Could it be...Kuai Liang?" Noob thinks to himself.

"There is no other Sub-Zero," his deep voice replies, betraying his thoughts.

Scorpion's fists clench. He turns his gaze from Sareena, Noob and finally to the sorcerer.

"Should there be, I shall quell his existence just as the first!" he says in spite.

Noob allows his shadow clone to handle carrying Shang Tsung and comes face to face with Scorpion aggressively.

"Enough of your bickering! Come, let us go," Sindel states firmly, ending the conflict.

Quan Chi summons a portal for both himself and Sindel. Without another word, she and Scorpion walk through their designated portal as well as Quan Chi, Noob Saibot, and the now weakened Shang Tsung venture through their own.


Planes fly through the sky of an Earth Realm city guided by the Special Forces. They do their best to thwart the emperor's invading forces. The Thunder God still questions himself on how the sudden invasion is possible. Have the Elder Gods deserted them?

Sonya Blade delivers a high kick to a Tarkatan just before wrapping her legs around his torso and flipping him to the ground. She lands back on her feet and stomps on his jaw, causing a loud 'crack' to erupt into the atmosphere as his blood begins to leak onto the dirty cement terrain. She readies herself for another attack as she brings her wrist-com near to her mouth.

"There are three portals leaking out enemies! Where's that backup SF?" she questions.

Jax combats next to her, using his arms to bash in the skulls of the emperor's forces. The sound of metal clinking against their heads and body armor strongly hits the atmosphere. Near him Stryker uses two of his pistols to rapidly shoot two attacking Tarkatans. His bullets strike their craniums, dropping some in merely one shot.

"There are two at my coordinates," Kenshi replies to Sonya through her wrist-com, his voice slightly static.

"I shall ready the monks for attack, they will surely want to raid the Wu Shi Academy. Hold them off to the best of your ability. Lord Raiden has already traveled to speak to the Elder Gods," Liu Kang's voice cuts in over the static waves.

Sonya continues to fend of the invading forces with her soldiers and comrades as more leak through the portals in question.

"Need backup sweetie?" a voice states from behind Sonya.

She turns to find Johnny Cage flip kick a Tarkatan with his green energies illuminating his figure. Sonya rolls her eyes at this as she manages to dodge the blade of another nearing Tarkatan. Cage comes to her side, backing her up along with Jax and Stryker who fight near them with the other Special Forces soldiers. They each understand what they must do, for failure could mean the end of Earth Realm.

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