Hurricane Love

By AmyRobinsonAuthor

23.2K 1.5K 747

☑️Completed☑️ 🥇1st Place in Teen Fiction | The Aspirants Awards🥇 "Ryker sighed and swiped his face frustrat... More

Character Aesthetics
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Fourty One
Fourty Two
Fourty Three
Fourty Four
Fourty Five
Fourty Six
Fourty Seven
Fourty Eight
Fourty Nine


633 27 20
By AmyRobinsonAuthor

I burst through the door of the tutor centre the next day at lunch, glancing around the large room for Abbie as everyone turned to look at me.

'Where's Abbie?' I asked the other students present.

'She's here somewhere,' Ellen said, getting to her feet, as I turned to look at her.

'Oh, hey Ellen,' I said, awkwardly.

'Hi,' she replied, sarcastically, with narrowed eyes, before she turned away and her face relaxed. 'There she is.'

I turned to see Abbie stepping out of what I assumed was a supply cupboard and I bolted right over to her, jumping in the air slightly and landing right in front of her excitedly. 'My English test!'

'Whoa, settle down,' she laughed, taking the paper out of my hand that I was waving in her face. 'You got an A-plus!'

'I fucking did!' I exclaimed, and we both gripped onto each other's arms and squealed as we jumped up and down.

'That is absolutely amazing!' Abbie cried, staring at the paper. 'I have to read this paper; I'm so bloody proud of you.'

'Read it, frame it, hang it on your fucking bedroom wall,' I replied. 'Either way, we need to celebrate me getting my first ever A-plus!'

'Of course we do,' she said. 'Have you told Ryker?'

'I haven't seen him yet,' I said.

'Shall we go to lunch?' Abbie asked. 'You were supposed to call me last night after your date but you didn't.'

'Sorry,' I giggled, as we linked arms and left the tutor centre. 'It was amazing. We ended up having sex on the boardwalk at the loch.'

'Amelia!' Abbie murmured, as she glanced around for anyone nearby that may have heard me.

'What?' I laughed. 'It just happened.'

'You two are mental,' she said.

'Then we went skinny dipping in the lake,' I told her.

'You know that lake isn't exactly clean water, right?' she replied.

'Like I could care,' I chuckled. 'I was naked in the water with the sexiest boy ever.'

'So sexy that it's worth catching some crazy dangerous bacterial infection?' Abbie replied.

'Thanks for ruining it,' I said, with a pretend scowl, before I laughed and nudged her softly. 'He was taking pictures of me jumping in the lake and it felt strange being the one in front of the camera, but I liked it. The pictures actually came out pretty beautiful.'

'So I see you clearly haven't learned from the last time you took naked pictures,' she giggled.

'Do I ever learn?' I asked, as we both laughed.

'I guess not,' Abbie said, as we stepped out onto campus in the bright, sunny daylight, looking for an empty outdoor table amongst the crowds of students enjoying their lunch outside in the very rare warm weather.

'No tables,' Abbie murmured.

'Grass it is,' I said, shrugging, as I nudged her towards the large grass area that plenty students were laid out on enjoying their lunch.

'So, I heard some guys in English saying that Mason officially left school yesterday,' I told her, as we sat down and I pulled my wraps from my bag.

'Oh yeah?' Abbie replied. 'Well, good riddance.'

'Yeah, apparently he's having a big leaving party at his house tonight,' I said. 'I'm guessing we're not invited.'

'Aw, I'm heartbroken,' she joked. 'I hope no one turns up.'

'Yeah, I don't think he has many friends left,' I said.

'Is that sympathy I hear?' Abbie asked.

'No,' I replied. 'But I guess I'll always feel that tiny bit responsible for everything that he did. We broke his heart.'

'Amelia, you had broken up with him, you didn't cheat on him,' she reminded me.

'Yes, but Ryker was still his best friend,' I told her. 'He still loved me and he ended up losing us both.'

'It doesn't excuse the terrible things he did,' she said.

'I don't know,' I mumbled.

'Why are you talking like that?' she asked me. 'You're not going to forgive him, are you?'

'Ryker has done a lot of terrible things too,' I said.

'But not to you,' she replied. 'Yes, he was a prick when you guys first met but even before anything happened, he still cared for you. He admitted that. Even in the old days he would never have done anything to you like what Mason almost did. Look at what he did for you at the party when those guys got you high. He was even going to leave town to protect you!'

'I know,' I said, realising that it was completely ridiculous of me to even compare Ryker and Mason. It was totally different. 'I'm just being stupid.'

'You have nothing to feel guilty about,' Abbie said.

'Okay, change the subject and distract my mind,' I told her.

'Okay,' she laughed. 'Well, I guess I should tell you that, this morning I received an acceptance letter for Weston College.'

'Wait, what?' I responded, arching my brow. 'I've never even heard you mention Weston College!'

'I know,' she chuckled. 'Because I always planned to move down to Durham and do my A-Levels there to help me get into Durham University easier but I realised I'm not ready to move that far just yet and I want some more time with my best friend in my hometown.'

'So, you're not leaving next year?' I asked, my whole body tensing up in excitement.

'No,' she laughed. 'I'll go to Weston, which is obviously just outside of town, so I can live at home. It's a really reputable college and once I do my A-Levels then I'll hopefully do well enough to still make it into Durham.'

'Of course you will!' I squealed, clutching her hand tightly. 'Im just so excited that you're staying in Richmond for another two years, I wasn't ready to lose you!'

'I wasn't ready to leave you!' she replied, as we gripped onto each other's hands still. 'Now I can be here to kick Ryker's arse when he fucks up.'

'Oh, that is music to my ears,' I laughed. 'Who else would I have ran to to rant about him?'

'My thoughts exactly!' she cried. 'The idea of you and Cassie becoming new besties and you going to her for everything made me sad.'

'I hope you didn't just stay for that!' I responded, sternly. 'No one could ever replace you!'

'I know, I know,' she chuckled. 'But no, I stayed because I love my life here and I'm not quite ready to leave it yet.'

'I am so happy,' I said, smiling at her. 'At least I'll still have you here to help me with my assignments for my first two years of the apprenticeship!'

'Oh, that's all I'm good for?' she joked. 'Seriously though, I think you'll do just fine on your own but I'm here to lend a hand always.'

'Love you,' I giggled.

'What are Ryker's plans?' Abbie asked.

'I'm not exactly sure,' I replied.

'Well, have you seen his grades lately?' Abbie asked me. 'Ellen says he is doing brilliantly.'

'I know, he told me he got an A a few days back,' I replied. 'I felt so proud but I'm not sure where he's planning on going after high school.'

'Well, I guess maybe that's something you could talk to him about,' Abbie said.

'Maybe,' I murmured. 'Maybe I'll talk to him tonight about it.'

'Talk to who about what?' Ryker dropped himself down onto the grass beside me as he grinned at the pair of us, throwing a few books down in front of him before he pulled a sandwich from his backpack.

'Oh, we were just talking about what we're planning on doing after high school,' I told him. 'Abbie has a place at Weston so she'll still be in Richmond while she does her A-Levels.'

'Oh, that's great, Ab,' he said to her, with a genuine smile. 'Happy for you.'

'Thanks,' she replied. 'So, we were just talking about what you might be planning on doing with all of these really good grades you're getting at the moment. Your options are pretty wide open.'

'Oh, so you guys were talking about me,' he chuckled.

'In a good way,' I replied, smiling at him as I adored the sideways grin on his face. 'Why are you covered in paint by the way?'

'I just came from my Art class,' he replied.

'Oh, were you working on this secret project by any chance?' I asked, eager to find out what it was.

'No, just some fine art assignment we got given,' he said, shrugging casually.

'What project?' Abbie asked.

'Ryker said he's been working on some secret project and I'm getting very impatient,' I told her. 'I just want to see it!'

'Is it finished?' Abbie asked him.

'Actually, yeah,' he said, smiling at us. 'As of today, I've finally done it.'

'So can we see it?' I asked him.

'Amelia mentioned you're amazing at art so I'm definitely keen to see something you've done!' Abbie said. 'Show us!'

'Yeah, please!' I begged, pouting cutely at him.

'Well, I was going to wait until tonight but fine, I can't resist the pout,' he chuckled, as he reached into his bag and pulled out a folded up piece of A4 paper. 'Here. Oh, I forgot to's probably nothing like what you've been thinking it might be.'

I frowned softly as I took it from him, realising that I definitely wasn't about to see some amazing masterpiece on a huge canvas with my face painted beautifully on it. 'Umm...I'm confused. I thought the project was to do with me.'

'What is that?' Abbie asked, as I unfolded the paper.

'It's a letter,' I replied, furrowing my brows as I studied what was on it.

Dear Mr. R Jordan,

Thank you for your application and submission.

We are very happy to congratulate you on passing all initial entry requirements, providing an insightful application and personal statement and submitting an excellent piece of art in support of your entry.

Based on the conditions of achieving the necessary results in your final year, we would like to make this our formal offer for a place on our Art and Design course at Richmond College in September.

Please see the below details to login to our portal and accept your place for next year.

Yours Sincerely,

A. Howard
Head of Art and Design

'Oh my god!' I responded, my voice deep and loud as I gripped onto the paper tightly.

'What?' Abbie asked, frowning at me as Ryker grinned on. 'What is it?!'

'You got into Richmond?!' I exclaimed, turning to him as I fought back getting too overly emotional.

'You got into Richmond?!' Abbie cried.

'Yes!' he said, laughing loudly.

Abbie and I squealed at the same time and as she snatched the paper from my hand to read it, I dived across the grass to hug my boyfriend. He chuckled as he gently wrapped his arms around my waist and I squeezed him so tightly, so happy and so proud.

'I have to get the grades first though!' he said, still laughing softly at my squeals of joy.

'You will!' I cried, as I made myself comfortable in his lap and refused to let go of him. 'This was the project?'

'Yeah,' he replied, grinning up at me. 'I couldn't tell you until I heard back from them and I received my letter from my art teacher today. She had given me a pretty awesome supporting statement so she was so happy and made the whole fucking art class clap for me.'

'Oh god, I bet you hated that,' I laughed.

'Yeah, I almost threatened them to shut the fuck up but I forced myself to be good and I just smiled and nodded,' he joked.

'Wow, you are really growing,' I said, jokingly, giving him a teasing smile.

'Congratulations, Ryker,' Abbie said, as she handed the letter back to him. 'I'm really happy for you.'

'Thank you,' he replied, giving her a gentle smile.

'So that's it!' I cried. 'We all have our plans finalised for next year and we're all going to be staying here in Richmond together!'

'Don't dare start crying,' Abbie said to me.

'I'm not!' I laughed. 'I'm just so happy.'

'Me too,' Abbie replied.

'Me also,' Ryker said, tightening his grip on my waist.

'As if we're going to be going to college together,' I said to him.

'I can't wait,' he replied.

'And as if my best friend isn't moving away!' I exclaimed. 'Could this be anymore amazing?!'

'Yeah, no getting rid of me, I need to be here to keep an eye on a certain someone,' Abbie joked.

'Is that so?' Ryker chuckled. 'Fine by me, I know I'm still in my probation period.'

'Yes, you are,' Abbie said, before smiling softly. 'But so far you've really surprised me and I'm glad for it.'

'I thought you said this project was about me,' I said to him, suddenly remembering.

'It was,' he replied, softly kissing my jaw. 'What piece of beautiful art do you think I submitted in support of my application?'

'It was a drawing of me?' I gasped.

'Obviously,' he said, laughing gently. 'I knew flaunting your perfect face was the ticket to getting my place.'

'Okay, that's cute as hell,' Abbie laughed.

'Okay, maybe I will cry now,' I said, pushing out my bottom lip as I rested my head on top of his. 'You're the best.'

He rested his head on my chest and I couldn't wipe the smile from my face as I realised just how perfectly everything was looking up for all three of us.

'My two favourite people right by my side,' I murmured, smiling to myself. 'That's all I need.'

Ryker hugged me tighter as I spoke and after a few seconds he opened out his arm and signalled for Abbie.

'Come on, Ab,' he said.

'What?' she replied, her eyes widening.

'Get in here,' he laughed.

'No!' she cried, her cheeks blushing.

'Get in here!' Ryker repeated.

'Now!' I cried, laughing, as she shook her head before a smile broke onto her face and she shuffled over to us, wrapping her arm around Ryker's shoulders and her other around my waist as the three of us laughed and hugged each other tightly.

'Love you guys,' Abbie chuckled.

'Aww, I love you too, Ab,' Ryker laughed.

'Shut up,' she hissed, hitting the back of his head.

'I really love you both,' I said, holding onto my two favourite people so tightly and never wanting to lose the happiness I was feeling right in that moment. 'I love you both more than anything in the world.'

As we all spent the next few moments embracing each other, a small memory popped into my head from a time not so long ago when my heart was breaking and my amazing mother told me something that had stuck with me ever since. Falling in love with someone is not about how much time you've spent getting to know them. It's a crazy and confusing thing and just happens. You have no control over who you fall in love with and that's okay.

The best decision I had ever made was to follow my heart and let it lead me right to the very person I was now insanely in love with. Even though every step of our journey from the beginning had truly felt like walking through the very heart of a storm, we came out on the other side and we were unbelievably happy.

The hurricane had finally passed.

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