
By samyshan

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Jungkook a male omega, born form two betas whose dream son was to have an Alpha. once Jungkook presented as a... More



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By samyshan


Jungkook woke up by the sound of the singing birds and warm sun rays that were peeking from the curtains, the omega yawned not wanting to leave his nest nor his alphas any time soon. Jungkook lifted his head, looking at his alphas who were contently sleeping really close to each other as if trying to get the closest way possible to him. 

Jungkook smiled at the six brothers, before he tried to stand up, having the sudden urge to use the bathroom. 

Carefully and slowly he managed to wiggle out of his alphas embrace, walking as quietly as possible to the bathroom, his alphas worked really hard, he didn't wanted to disturb them on their much needed sleep.

Jungkook finally did his business, starting to freshen up for the day, he grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste and looked in the mirror.

and Oh God he almost screamed.

His neck  was covered with six big marks, suddenly remembering the events that happened last time. Have they slept the whole day?! apparently yes. 

Jungkook shook his head, looking once again at his neck, eventually the purple marks  will settle down after the bite heals leaving behind a scar, well, that's what he rememberers, he hopes it does though. The omega carefully ran his fingers to his neck, caressing his fresh marks, shivering once he felt warmth radiating from them. He could still tell which mark was done by who.

Starting by his left side, under his ear was Yoongi's followed by Hoseok's and then Jimin's on the spot where the shoulder and neck meet, on the right side, Jin had chosen the same spot as Yoongi, followed by  Taehyung and then Namjoon on the same place as Jimin's marking spot.

Jungkook was too immerse looking at his marks that he didn't notice an alpha entering the bathroom too. Jin looked softly at his freshly marked mate, love and pride radiating off from him, the alpha approached the omega who was still distracted and wrapped his hands around him, chuckling softly when he jumped, pouting cutely once he recognized his alpha, Jin smiled kissing softly the back of Jungkook's head.

"Good Morning pup, how was your sleep?"

"we slept for a whole day alpha"

"Dont worry about it, its not a big deal" Jin said nuzzling softly at the omegas neck, enjoying how the omega tilted his head to make more room for him.

"How are you feeling Kookie?"

 " I feel great, a bit startled when I saw the marks but its fine, don't worry about it alpha!" Jungkook smiled showing his cute bunny teeth, making the alpha almost die from his little mate cuteness.

"Im glad" Jin mumbled kissing his own mark on Jungkook lovingly, watching carefully how his omega blushed. "lets wake up the others, you didn't had lunch or dinner, you must be hungry" Jin said, smiling when Jungkook turned around to hug him, burring his face on his chest.

Jungkook pulled away from the hug with rosy cheeks, walking out of the bathroom and going back to his original spot on the nest, it wasn't long before the omega was hugged again by his alphas, Jin shaking his head at the omega while trying not to laugh.

Jungkook giggled hugging his alphas back, nuzzling into Namjoon's scent gland, making the alpha purr, but not wake up. Jugnkook pouted, whining when Namjoon tighten his hug, the alpha woke up, opening just one eye and smiling at the sight of a pouting Jungkook early in the morning.

"What are you doing kook?" Namjoon  said, with a deep raspy voice that made Jungkook almost shiver. The omega looked at his alpha with big doe eyes, cuddling to his side, Namjoon chuckled at the cutie next to him, giving his mate a small kiss on the top of his head.

Jungkook smiled shyly before rolling to his alpha Jimin who almost immediately woke up by the sudden weight on half of his body.

"Hey there pup" Jimin said also with a raspy voice yawning and stretching, bringing Jungkook for a hug and nuzzling him, smiling sleepily at the sight of the marks. Jungkook smiled, deeply considering to sleep next time on top of one of his alphas.

Jin smiled seeing the omega being cute with his brothers, getting out of the bathroom and waking up Hoseok and Taehyung, leaving Yoongi in peace for Jungkook to wake up, maybe Yoongi won't snap at his mate if he gets woken up by the omega.

Jungkook smiled lazily at his alphas that were awoken already, all of them giving him soft kisses on his head and quiet murmurs of Good Mornings. 

Jungkook spotted the only alpha that remained asleep, and carefully lifted himself from his alpha Jimin, the rest of the brothers watching carefully in case Jungkook needed rescue.

"Alpha" Joonkook said, nuzzling Yoongi's neck, the alpha grunted wrapping his arms around Jungkook locking the omega with his hug. "Alpha you need to wake up" Yoongi grumbled ridding his face on Jungkooks head. Jungkook giggled, the sound making his alphas smile.

"C'mon alpha I'm hungry~" Jungkook whined, looking up at Yoongi with big doe eyes, Yoongi chuckled kissing the omega's forehead before yawning and stretchin. "Alright kook lets get you some banana milk" Yoongi said, standing up with the omega on his arms, making Jungkook squeal and laugh at his alpha's sudden movement.

"Yoongi you are going to drop him" Jin said helping Taehyung to stand up, the rest of the alphas following the omega, kissing his head again multiple times because they couldn't resist themselves, Jungkook just looked way to cute, specially with his messy bed hair and big happy doe eyes plus they got to hear Jungkook's happy giggles too!

"let me just put some cream on that" Jin said smiling at the blushing omega, the rest of the alphas making way for Jin, who had in his hands some soothing cream for the bruises, Yoongi still holding the omega on his arms as if kook was a princess.

"Its going to be a bit cold Jungkookie" Jin said opening the container and using three fingers to get the cream, Jungkook turned his head, showing his alphas one side of his neck, Jungkook could feel the pride radiating from those who marked that side, Jin applied the cream gently, rubbing circles around each bite, Yoongi soothing the omega when he felt him shiver.

Once Jin was done with that side, he did the same in the other, Jungkook smiling softly when Jin kissed his forehead.

"We are done pup, lets get you breakfast" Jin said guiding the alphas to the kitchen.

Like last time, Namjoon and Jungkook where left on the dinning room, Namjoon, after some threats, used this time to cuddle Jungkook, the omega letting happy squeals when his alpha tickled his sides, kissed him randomly or would just straight up whispered embarrassing stories of his brothers. 

After 20 minutes the rest of the alphas arrived, with plates of pancakes and chopped fruits, Jin retreating back to the kitchen to get some orange juice for his brothers and banana milk for his mate.

The alphas and omega started to eat, leaving Jungkook on Namjoon's lap, when said alpha growled at them for trying to take the omega away. The alphas were really happy, finally having Jungkook claimed, sure, they had to teach Jungkook how to be a Luna, even though that was the Job for the previous Luna to do, but Mr. Lee never settled down so the pack was left without a Luna for quite some time, they also needed Jungkook to meet another omega who can explain to him everything an omega needs to know, specially about heats.

As the seven of them knew, omegas tended to have their heats a couple of days later after being marked, so it was just a matter of time for Jungkook's heat to get triggered. 

But they can worry about that after breakfast, for now they just wanted to enjoy the view of the happy omega on Namjoon's lap.

The doors to the dinning room opened rather quickly, two guards bowing to the alphas and omega, Jungkook feeling the annoyance his alphas felt.

"We are sorry to interrupt but someone has requested the presence of the future Luna" One of the guards said.

"Couldn't the matter wait?" Namjoon spoke with a frown on his face.

"They say its really urgent, they claimed to know the Luna"

The alphas stood quiet, looking at Jungkook who had a confused face, Jungkook stood up from his alpha's lap, the rest of the alphas following as well.

"Who could it be?" Jungkook mumbled, as far as he could remember, he didn't had any friends nor relatives in this pack, maybe a neighbor or two that knew of his existence and got suspicious when he left?, Jungkook walked to the doors of the reception where the guards had guide them, one of them placing his hands on the door and opening it.





pleasedonthatemefornextchapter *cough*


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