Bangtan Boys EXceed In Dreami...

By user59766283

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With Jin already in the military and B.E awaiting Suga's enlistment, B.E tries their best to fulfil their sch... More

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By user59766283

Dorm , 11.23...
RM : Okay
Jimin laughs : Haha
RM : Already
Hani : Should I be scared ?
LE : No
Solji : It's fun
Hyerin taps phone : It depends on what Namjoon is playing
JHope laughs : He always pick the perfect member to play the game
Jungkook : Agree
RM chuckles : Should we start ?
Hani : Yes , please
RM : Honestly I wanted Junghwa but Noona hasn't tried it yet
Hani : I'm okay
Hyerin : He wants to balance everyone's air time
Solji : Start
RM : Have you heard of the trolley cart riddle ?
Hani : Which ?
RM : The one that you are a trolley cart driver and up ahead you see five workers working on the track
LE whisper : Trolley cart ?
Solji whisper : I don't know
RM : You try to stop but the brake is broken
Hyerin : Such a coincidence ?
B.E holds laugh : ...
RM : The only thing you can do is turn right , but on that side of the track there is one worker also working . What do you do ?
LE whisper : Ah... trolley cart , the train on the streets
JHope : Noona *laughs*
RM : Please keep quiet
Solji : Sorry
Jimin : The correct answer is I would flip the trolley so I don't hit anyone
Hani : But you will die...
Jimin : Jimin is the philosophical thinker here
Solji : Yeah , sure...
Hyerin & JHope laughs : Haha
Hani : You would sacrifice yourself to save someone else ?
Jimin : Well... a flipped trolley cart doesn't mean I would die , it's easier for me to live
LE : Oh , right
RM : But how are you going to trip the trolley cart like...
Hani laughs : Haha
RM : Start doing that motion left and right just really fast
Jimin : Like in 'The Pirates of the Caribbean'
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : Go side to side
RM : Okay *laughs* Let's say you can't do that , you have to pick one either five or one . What would you do ? Would turn right to kill that one for the five ?
Jimin : Sure , one person is less valuable than five but if it's one cancer doctor versus five... NTH room participants , then I'll go straight
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : Yeah , same here... I think
RM : Yes , that's how majority of the people would answer but lets say this time... it's the same situation , but you're an onlooker
Hani : Ah
Jimin : Noona's getting a headache *pats Hani's back*
B.E chuckles : Hehe
RM : And you're on the sidelines of a trolley cart , you're about to see the five workers die . Now you feel helpless but on your right , you notice a heavy man leaning over . All you need to do is give a gentle shove for him to fall down and crash and he would get hit by the trolley car , he would die but stop the car and save the five workers . Would you do it ?
Hyerin : What is this ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : Well... if it takes just a simple push , then he's not very heavy
Solji : Right
Hyerin : I have something to say
RM : I'll ask you guys later
Jimin : He's leaning over , he's like interested
Hani : He was asking for it... ?
Jimin : He's watching people die , he's going to die , you want to push him over
Solji : 야 , Park Jimin
RM lifts hand : Hold on , Noona
Hani : Just because he was leaning over ?
Jimin : Yeah , he's so invested in their deaths
RM : Maybe he's panicking , maybe he's screaming . He himself have done nothing wrong , you don't know anything about him . Do you push him ?
Jimin : Actually t-that's... that's actually a better question . Um... I would still push him over , I mean like it saves people , why not ?
RM : Interesting , what about Noona ?
Hani : Kk~ blood on your hand
Jimin : Hydrogen peroxide will take it off , don't worry
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : Yeah... that makes it much better doesn't it huh ? *hits Jimin* I'll probably-... if I stand there and not do anything , ugh... that makes me a mad person
RM : So the dilemma is , what changed from the first and second question ?
Hani : We're physically killing
Jimin : Yeah , we're physically killing a person , that's the difference
RM : You're still physically killing on the other side
Jimin : Difference is , we're ending some other guy's life , he could have lived happily without us but instead , we just killed him
RM : Isn't that the same situation for the other worker on the other track ?
Jimin : No , we don't really have no control over the trolley car other than going left or right , it's already going to kill somebody . Oh , actually , wait...
Hani chuckles : A realisation ?
Jimin nods : ...
RM : Usually people say this makes it too personal and then the next question rises . Let's say this time you're a doctor in an emergency room , there's six patients that come to you . They've been in a terrible trolley car accident , five of them are moderately injured... but one of them are severely injured . You can spent all day on the severely injured and he will live but the 5 will die... and if you care of the 5 moderately injured , the one will die . What would you do ?
Solji : 야 , what ?
Hani : This is Korea , and where are all the other doctors ?
B.E laughs : Haha
RM : That's a real question
Jimin : Hypothetically , let's say somewhere else...
Hyerin : Is that allowed ?
Jungkook chuckles : No
Hani : Okay , so... *sighs*
Jimin : You can do it
Hani : Hm...
Jimin : Obviosuly the five
Hani : Yeah , same here
RM : Say this time you're an organ transplant surgeon , five patients come and each of them are in desperate need of an organ transplant in order to survive . One needs a heart , one needs a lung , one needs a liver , a kidney and a pancreas but you're out of organs to donate , but it occurs to you in the next room... there's healthy guy who's been in checkup and he's taking a nap
Solji : No
RM holds laugh : You could...
LE : No , Namjoon
RM : Go in quietly and take five of the organs and that person dies but you can save the five . Would you do it ?
Hani : First , that's against the doctor code
Jimin : I agree
EXID : Right
Jungkook : ... !
Jimin holds laugh : ...
Hani : So no... yeah
Jimin : Lawsuit's coming your way
RM : Let's say... you could get away with it
Jimin : Then I wouldn't stop at this murder , I'll keep going
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : You're good at acting
RM : Think about this , let's be serious for a second . If you were in this situation with this question , what would be your answer ?
Jimin : I wouldn't do anything , absolutely irresponsible . How dare you value the life of those other five people over that one other guy ?
RM : I guess the reason why we're kind of struggling to answer this is because we've answered the previous questions
Hani & Jimin : Hm...
Jimin : I guess , but honestly the guy has done nothing wrong , there's nothing wrong with them . We're pretty much killing a healthy person whose only crime is to be at the wrong place at the wrong time , I mean that's kind of like that train guy
Hani : Okay
RM : Yes , Noona ?
Hani : I feel like there's no such thing as right or wrong . If you look at history , something that used to be thought as right... now is completely immoral , so when I look at the questions... the only way I would answer these by , would be by the ethics that the society taught me... or the way I feel , know what I mean ?
RM : Interesting
Hani : That might cause people to think of me as a bad person but...
RM : You know these questions are from the professor named Micheal Sandel from Harvard University
LE : Ooh
Jungkook : Noona's interested
RM : It's his series called Justice , he has ten lectures about all these moral dilemmas . We'll put the link in the description , everyone should go check it out too but basically he's teaching new law students that comes to Harvard that life is never black or white . You know some laws depend on the situation and as future lawyers and judges , one must be able to analyse all different aspect and make proper decisions . Do you get it ? Because surprisingly I don't
Solji : For real ?
RM : I usually go for what's right but... there's always another side , we need to learn about before making the decision
Hyerin : I think you always make the right choice , you don't understand because you are justice
B.E : Woah
Jungkook thinking : Noona...
Jimin : Yeah , definitely . The law is up for interpretation in some parts of it , and I think with these kind of questions... it's just teaching people to think differently from a different perspective
RM : This Micheal Sandel Guy , I would love to talk to him in person . He talks about cannibalism and what is it actually wrong ? He talks about everything , it's amazing . Kk~
B.E laughs : Haha
Jungkook : I think Noona wants to...
RM : Yes , Noona
LE : Will we be in the video ?
RM : Or it could be released in the Behind The Scenes
Solji : But that will take a long time
LE : Right
Hyerin : First
Jimin hands microphone : Here , Noona
Hyerin : Oh , thank you
Jungkook holds microphone : Let me do it
RM smiles : What did you wanted to say ?
Hyerin : I think Joon meant to say 'fat'... but it might sound offensive
RM nods : ...
Hyerin : Also , he may look big but he might not be heavy
RM : Mm-hm
Jimin : What's your answer ?
Hyerin : Namjoon didn't state where we were standing , we could be on a overhead bridge or actually beside them... I might get the guy to help me save them
RM : Yes
Hyerin : Or sacrifice myself
Jungkook : But Noona , I don't want you to die...
Hani : Aw... that was sweet *pats Jungkook's head*
RM : Noona ?
LE : Uh... yes , what if you sacrifice yourself and the trolley didn't stop ?
Hyerin : At least I tried
Jimin : Noona isn't suicidal is she ?
Solji : 야
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : No ! Jimin is really different when he joins the B.E games !
RM : I can agree
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : What will you do ?
LE : I don't know...
Jimin : Noona can't work under pressure , Hyung said
LE : Yes... thank you...
Solji : TMI
Jungkook laughs : Haha
LE : But... if the tracks were being worked on , why wasn't the trolley driver informed ? Usually when the tracks or roads are under construction , the people are informed about it and the cars or train won't be able to use that route . What happened there ?
RM : Good point
LE : The trolley cart also has a horn or a whistle , they can use it to alert the workers
Jungkook : Oh !
RM : Goodness , should I worry ?
Hani : Why ?
Jimin : Did you do something ?
RM : No , if Noona thinks like this... aren't we in trouble ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : Do you want to ask something ?
Solji : The Doctor , the second one... how is the one without a heart alive ?
LE : Right
RM : They can last for awhile , they used a left ventricular assist device
Hani : LVAD
Solji : Okay , let's say the operation is critical and the LVAD can't hold on much longer , and we still don't have a heart donor
RM : Yes
Solji : Is it okay to ask for consent to donate his organ ?
RM : Well...
Hani : Isn't he knocked out ?
LE : What about family members' consent ?
Jimin : Noona , isn't that murdering him ?
LE : Why ?
Hyerin : Because it's his family members' permission and not his ?
Solji : If he can't be saved... it's better if he donated the organ before every tissue dies
Hani : That is true
RM nods : Well , we have a different answer
Jungkook : Ah... I didn't even think about anything
Hyerin : It's okay , you weren't expecting us to play the game with them too
Jimin : Yes , if you love Jimin , please like this video
LE : 야
RM : This is a Harvard Moral Dilemma...
Jimin : You only need Jimin , don't like for the others
RM : Thank you for joining us , see you !
Solji : And cut !
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : Hyung~
RM : We aren't going to ask for likes like that
Hyerin : P.D , please put that in the Behind The Scenes
Solji : Right
Hani : Your acting is good , the fans might think you're crazy
RM : I think they know he's acting
Solji : I think it's funny
LE : Ah...
Hyerin : Understand
Jungkook : Why ?
LE : We'll let you know soon , Kookie-ssi
RM : Why ? It sounds scary
Solji : Ah... I think it's okay
Hani : You're okay ?
Solji : Well... what's there to say ? Plus , our fans knows too
Jungkook : A personal information ?
Solji : I... likes guys who are nice to me but are mean to others
Jimin : Huh ?
Jungkook : What does Hyung's acting got to do ?
LE : He was being obnoxious towards Namjoon and Hani , so it's mean
Hyerin : In a mild way
Jungkook : Ah...
Jimin : Should I be mean to Noona ?
RM : Don't , Noona didn't complain
Hani : Right
Jimin : You like me like this ? Even if I didn't fit your ideal type ?
LE : Ideal types are just for the books
Solji nods : I love you
RM smiles : Noona is interesting
Jimin : Hey
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : But was I really mean ?
Hani : Not so
Hyerin : Maybe Unnie sees it that way
Solji : But it's Jimin...
LE : She means she's blinded by you
Jungkook : Oh , really ? Oh... Noona , Daebak
RM : They're members
Jimin : Now leave , I want my alone time with Noona
Hyerin : Okay~
Solji : 야...
Hyerin : Why ?~ I'm not saying anything , I'm going to Unnie's room
Hani : Right , where's Yoongi ? I know where did Jjong and Taehyung went
RM : BigHit
Solji : To work on the songs ?
RM nods : ...
Jungkook : It's not done ?
RM : It is , he's just checking it again
Hyerin : Is that why Hobi went off to his room ?
RM : Maybe
Hani : He should have joined us
LE nods : Agree
Jimin : I hope he isn't working too much
Solji : Right
Jungkook looks at Hyerin : ... ?
Hyerin knocks on door : Remember to rest~
JHope : Yes
Hyerin : Working ?
JHope : We just changed a little of the lyrics
Hyerin : Crazy
JHope : Me ?
Hyerin laughs : Yes , you !
JHope : Says the madwoman
Hyerin makes face : Remember to rest !
JHope : Yes !
LE : You ?
RM : No
LE : That's great
Hani : Why ? Too much work ?
LE : A little
Hani : Ah... is this comeback too harsh ?
RM : No , no way
Jungkook thinking : Noona... do you know you're my role model ? *smiles*
Hyerin : Do you want to play some games ?
Jungkook chuckles : Sure
Hyerin : Let's go

Jin's discharge [D-370]

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