falling /// sanders sides sou...

By stanrobbieskinner

77K 4.4K 8K

Patton lives in a world where the first words your soulmate says to you is written on your skin. The permenta... More

Chapter 1 - - Patton
Chapter 2 - - Virgil
Chapter 3 - - Logan
Chapter 4 - - Roman
Chapter 5 - - Patton
Chapter 6 - - Virgil
Chapter 7 - - Logan
Chapter 8 - - Roman
Chapter 9 - - Patton
Chapter 10 - - Virgil
Chapter 11 - - Logan
Chapter 12 - - Roman
Chapter 13 - - Patton
Chapter 14 - - Virgil
Chapter 15 - - Logan
Chapter 16 - - Roman
Chapter 17 - - Patton
Chapter 18 - - Virgil
Chapter 19 - - Logan
Chapter 20 - - Roman
Chapter 21 - - Patton
Chapter 22 - - Virgil
Chapter 23 - - Logan
Chapter 24 - - Roman
Chapter 25 - - Patton/Virgil
Chapter 26 - - Prom
Chapter 27 - - Roman.
Chapter 28 - - Patton
Chapter 30 - - Logan
Chapter 31 - - Patton
Chapter 32. Patton.
It has ended

Chapter 29 - - Virgil

1.1K 81 118
By stanrobbieskinner

Warning: like, loads and loads of spiders, blood and just general fear I guess. oh, and panic attack

Moustache dad rushed into our house and started screaming at us to wake up, making Elly start to cry.

"Dad what's going on?" I asked shakily, knowing my dad got up to weird stuff, but not this.

He continued to run around like a headless chicken, screaming 'WAKE UP' and hitting the walls, breaking furniture and shaking us occasionally. Then, he ran out the door and disappeared.

"W... what?" whispered Roman, confused as to what just happened.

I stood, dumbfounded, looking at the carnage he left. Then all the doors and windows slammed shut. I ran over to Roman and grabbed his arm, confused out of my mind.

"What's happening?" I asked, as if he'd know. He shook his head, then pointed at the windows.

They were blacked out somehow, then I noticed the dark mass was moving. Writhing. Skittering.

Little bits of the black mass managed to crawls through cracks under the door and windows, and I saw the were spiders.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck," I breathed, not afraid of spiders, but being afraid of a writhing mass of spiders which were finding their way into the house. Roman grabbed a fly swatter off of the side as though that would help.

The mass swarmed in, advancing towards us and somehow hissing.

"Roman," I squeaked as they started to climb up my legs.

Their thin legs tickled me as they clambered up me, and I dropped on to the floor screaming, trying to brush them off of me. Roman ran over, but was soon overwhelmed too. I couldn't see anything. Our house was flooded with spiders, crawling up the ceiling and on the floor and on us, sending me into a panic. I hyperventilated, which made me breathe in spiders, which made me panic more. I started to cry and shut down, not hearing anything but my choked breathing as spiders climbed over my mouth, and my sobbing. But a sound pierced over everything, like a siren in traffic.

Elly was crying.

I had no idea what position I was in. All I knew was there was spiders everywhere and I was crying. I tried to pull myself out of my fear through pure will, but it didn't work. I was stuck on the floor shaking.

Then I heard a distant explosion. The spiders started to recede, crawling out of my throat and hair and legs and arms and body. Roman ran over to me and picked me up, hauling me into an upright position as I shook and cried, and he rubbed circles on my back to comfort me, but it wasn't working.

"Get... Elly," I managed between breaths,  crumpling back onto the floor, focusing only on his running footsteps. Tears didn't stop falling out of my eyes as I felt the ghosts of the tiny spiders legs on my arms, and down my throat as I breathed heavily.

Then Roman picked me up and ran outside.

"I couldn't find her, but we need to leave," he exclaimed, setting me down outside and pacing about frantically. Then there was another explosion.

We looked down the street and saw that two of the houses had disappeared. No, exploded. Then another one did. I looked at Roman, horrified.

"We need to find Elly."

I managed to unsteadily pick myself up to my feet and dive back into the house.

I raced up the stairs, two at a time, wrenching open the door and seeing Elly cowering under the changing table. I scooped her up as she cried, running back out of the house with shaking legs. More houses exploded and our front door burst open, blood flowing out like a sea of ribena.

I grabbed Roman's hand and ran as he stared at it, stumbling over his feet. The blood followed us down the road, lapping at our heels until our house exploded behind us, getting rid of the blood.

We were going to continue running until we saw the road crumbling into a black void ahead of us. We looked back. It was crumbling behind us, too.

We had nowhere to run.

I hugged Elly in my arms, then put her down by my feet. I kissed Roman with desperation, and when we pulled away I whispered,
"I love you."

The road crumbled under us and we fell into oblivion.


for those who skipped for the warnings:
Roman and Virgil were chased out of the house then fell into an abyss.

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