The Internship•Calum Hood AU

By b4byg3l

86.1K 1.5K 1.5K

Ever since she was little, Cindy had always loved taking pictures,capturing a moment,creating a memory and li... More

The Internship A/N
'meet the cast'
0•"whos five save our souls?"
1•"we made some crazy memories here"
2•"do you know who 5sos are?"
3•"thanks for being a fan"
4•"nice lace is my favourite"
5•"what brought you round here to see our lame ass band"
6•"can i have this dance?"
7•"is that your girlfriend?"
8•"im just an intern"
9•"ashton irwin is DADDY"
10•"i wish i was all up in your ass"
11•"im just afraid to get hurt"
12•"didn't anyone tell you your hair looks sexy pushed back?"
13•"theres only one calum hood darling"
14•"fuck off asian!"
IMPORTANT! please comment
16•"i forgot your dicks bigger than your brain"
18•"i have luke dick all over my mouth now"
19•"need a tissue virgin?"
20• "im sorry darling"
21•"theres something wrong"
22•"your like a red rose in a room full of white ones"
23•"make sure you follow the rules"
24• "to us"
25• "i'll miss you"
26• "it terrified me"
stay tuned

27• "I miss you"

1K 32 20
By b4byg3l

The next few days were crazy to say the least, me and my sisters were joined at the hip for almost every hour of each day. A home cooked meal everyday provided by my mom and sitting around the table like a family again was one of the best feelings ever.

Me and Sierra were back now to. It's as if I never left and the whole week has been filled with lazy mornings, talking about whoever she's been with, face masks, movie nights and just acting like normal eighteen year old girls again

I was updating my video diary of the tour so far and found myself blushing every time I saw a frame of Calum. He was texting me a lot, updating me everyday about what he was doing with the boys and his family. It mostly consisted of playing football, stuffing his face or going to the beach. It made me so happy how he could take a break from his rock style life and just be a normal boy.

Today, like any other day in Arizona included piercing heat and as I paced around the cool refrigerators of the grocery store in a light cami and simple denim shorts, I found myself tracing the cold glass of each door while contemplating what ice cream to pick. I settled on mint chocolate chip and put it in my basket. Walking towards the cash register bored and waiting in the line I saw a familiar face come my way.

A beautiful girl with tumbling, honey coloured hair was smiling at me while quickening her pace towards where I was standing. I recognised her as one of my distant friends from high school, Bonnie. I smiled back at her genuinely as she stood beside me in the long line.

"Oh my God! Cindy I barely even recognised you!" Bonnie exclaimed while smiling brightly with her pearly white teeth.

"Hey! I haven't seen you in like forever, how are things?" I replied. She looked amazing in a simple pink play suit with converse boots holding a basket containing barbecue foods and equipment.

"Wow things are great really! Me and Cole are still together, who would of thought huh?" She laughed out loud and I forced a giggle.

Bonnie and Cole were high school sweet hearts, but completely and utterly toxic. I didn't think much of Cole, he was a typical jock and a typical jerk at some points. Into booze, partying and girls more than anything else and sometimes even more than his own girlfriend.

"Wow that's great!" I smile after breaking myself out of my thoughts and opinions on Bonnies relationship as we moved up the line.

"Anyway, how are you? I heard that you were on this crazy like photography trip or something? Like that's totally amazing!"

"Oh, yeah I am actually. I'm a tour photographer, interning for 5 Seconds of Summer" I look down at my feet then back up to her face which is glowing.

"Oh my god! I love those guys, that's so awesome! They're all soo cute. Your like so lucky" She exclaims and I nod my head in agreement. I really was lucky.

Just at that moment we pass the shelf's filled with gum and magazines in a bid to win shoppers over while they're waiting for checkout and I spot a magazine with no other than the boys as the front cover. Bonnie spots it to and picks the glossy item from the shelf.

"Speaking of them. Here they are right here! I actually think Calum and his girlfriend are soo cute, I see their posts everywhere. It actually reminds me of me and Cole" She beams innocently.

I grimace slightly and look down, completely forgetting that whatever me and Calum were was completely top secret, to the public and basically anybody but us we were nothing but professional and he had a girlfriend. One he 'really loved'

"Cindy? Are you listening" I hear snapping me out of my thoughts once again and turn back to Bonnie as we finally approach the checkout so I can get the hell out of here.

"Oh! Sorry I just zoned out for a second what were you saying?" I apologise sheepishly.

"Um, I was just asking did you see his girlfriend on tour? Are they as cute behind closed doors?"

"Oh, um- yeah totally. They are soo adorable" I lie almost through gritted teeth as the bored teenager scans my few items.

I let her gush on about the boys, Cole and her barbecue later as I imagine how much easier life would be if me and Calum didn't have to hide around everyone. No. I'm just being selfish, I should be completely and utterly thankful for even being slightly with him, whatever we actually are.

"Excuse me? Miss that's 9 dollars I said" the girl scanning my items says and I blush red.

"Oh yeah, sorry uh here keep the change" I say as I throw ten dollars at her and quickly rush with my bag.

"Cindy? Aren't you going to wait? I was telling you how Cole surprised me last month with this huge bouquet of-"

"Sorry Bonnie I'm in a rush! Gotta go, I have to get back and uh- feed my hamsters!" I stutter before mentally face palming. Both Bonnie and the checkout lady stare at me like I have 3 heads.

I ignore my burning face as I begin the short walk home. I barely hear my phone buzzing in my back pocket as I watch the ground concentrated on how to never show my face at the grocery store again.

I reach and take my phone out to be greeted with Calum calling me, the picture of the Polaroid we took together as the background for the call. I clear my throat and answer, feeling butterflies like day one.

"Hey what's up idiot" the familiar husky voice calls out from the other side of the world and I feel my stomach flip as I bite my lip grinning.

"Nothing much, what about you ugly?" I shoot back as I hear him chuckle from the other side of the phone.

"I can't sleep. It's like 4am here and I miss you. Also my bed back home is surprisingly not as comfortable as it used to be when I was 17"

"Well maybe that's because you've got used to the super luxurious life of being in a boyband" I tease.

"Hey! We are not in a boy band! It's pop rock. And yeah that's probably it, it's a hard life being a rock star babe"

My stomach heightens at his pet name even though he didn't think of it as anything more as I smile at the pavement.

"I miss you to, my sisters have totally been getting on my last nerve since I got home. I even find myself missing the bumpy tour bus"

"It's only been a few days babe and look at you already. Head over heels" Calum jokes and I blush as I know that I actually am head over heels. In love. With Calum freaking Hood.

"You said you missed me first you dweeb" I say as if the thought of me even liking Calum is completely and utterly crazy and I can almost see his face scrunching up at me being right and him being wrong.

"Yeah whatever, when I see you again your so in for it"

"What are you implying? Hmm?" Calum whispers and I roll my eyes laughing. I can just imagine him wiggling his eyebrows trying to be seductive but just making me laugh in the process.

"Nothing that you're thinking of anyway Hood"

"Boring. So anyway, since I can't sleep I was just wondering. It's not really a big deal or anything, I mean I'm still really jet lagged and stuff so I'm just sort of thinking of random things but-" Calum rambles on.

"Just spit it out!" I laugh out loud.

"Would you um- like to come to Australia with me next time we get a break from tour?"

I stop dead in my tracks and nearly drop my bags in the middle of the pavement. Calum wants me to come to Australia with him? Where his family is? His friends? His actual house? His literal home?

"Uh, yeah don't worry it was a stupid idea anyway. I'm actually pretty tired now so I think I'm just gonna go to sleep" Calum blurts out after my minute of dumbfounded silence.

"I would love that"

"Yeah sorry for asking- wait what? You would?" Calum says in shock.

"Yes! Of course I would" I smile so wide I feel like I can't ever stop smiling.

"Well that's, that's just awesome" Calum lets out a sigh of relief.

"I'll call you later okay? I'm almost home and I have to set up for lunch" I breathe in excitement as I know it I stay on the phone any longer I'll start singing with glee

"Yeah. Call me, I miss you"

"I miss you too"

The phone call ends and I know Calum has the same excited, butterfly ridden feeling as I do all the way on the other side of the world. I hold the silent phone up to my ear that has disconnected.

"I love you"

hey guys! I am so sorry for my lack of updates over these past few months. I just completely lost all motivation for this book and genuinely thought nobody liked it:( but now I'm just ready to throw myself back into it again and I know exactly how I want it to end:))) sm drama hehe xx

Sorry for this boring filler btw, this next few chapters are really really important ;)

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