Who Remembers?

By anrilabuschagne24

1.5K 138 55

|Complete| After a holiday of many hook ups, many drunken nights and very bad decisions, Olivia has successfu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 19

33 3 0
By anrilabuschagne24

"Hey Olivia wake up." I feel a warm hand pushing on my back. I open my eyes and Brad is towering over me with a smirk on his face.

"Let me sleep, please?" I give him puppy dog eyes but he just rolls his eyes at me and sits down next to me.

"It's already 11 am. I think you've slept enough besides your mom said you need to go and fetch the cake for the party." He speaks softly and he just keeps staring at me. His eyes are so blue it matches the ocean.

"Fine." I huff and I sit up and yawn. I watch Brad as he walks around my room inspecting the place and he stops by a box next to my bookshelf. He looks at me, smirks and then he kneels down to the box.

"So now I know where the purple unicorn situation came from." He takes out the purple unicorn teddy bear that I've had for like years, it was the one my dad bought me before I started high school. I forgot about it. He gets back up holding it and smirking at me.

"Oh my word." I giggle a little bit and my face goes Scarlett.

"It's cute." He smirks and puts it on my bed. I stare at the medium sized toy and I smile a bit remember how my dad was smiling when he gave me the box with it in. Damn I miss him.

"You okay?" Brad puts his arm on my thigh and I flinch again pulling my leg away and his eyes widen a bit.

"I'm okay." I get up walk passed him to the bathroom. I take a long, much needed shower, as I stand there flashbacks from the teacher incident and my birthday come up and I quickly push it away. Be strong Olivia, I remind myself and I take a deep breath in and out and I try to think about todays gender reveal. It's actually quite exciting. After my long shower I walk back into my room and it's silent so with a towel wrapped around me I make my way to the cupboards.

"Shit Liv." I hear Aiden's voice shriek and I immediately cling onto the towel making sure it doesn't fall off. There's a wall separating my bedroom from my cupboards and bathroom so obviously I didn't see him.

"Aiden!" I shriek and I pop my head around the side of the wall to see his red face.

"Why are you in my room?" I hiss and he begins to laugh a little.

"Doesn't this just bring back memories." He laughs again and I roll my eyes.

"Sorry I didn't know you went to shower. I'll head downstairs but can we please talk when you're done?" I'm struggling to figure out if him wanting to talk is a good or bad thing. His face is so difficult to read.

"Sure. Let me get ready." I give him a small smile and he walks out. I wonder what he wants. I turn to face my cupboards again and I look at all the pink dresses I own. Gosh I hate pink. Eventually I decided to go with the short, lace strapless, my leather jacket and black heels with my hair in a pony tail. I look myself in the mirror and I have to say I'm quite impressed. I make my way downstairs to find everyone sitting around the dining room table with coffee and everyone looks so dressed up but still no sign of Jess or Collin. Jane and Elaina are also both wearing short pink dresses with their hair down and the boys are wearing blue chinos and white button up shirts. This color scheme is going to mess with my head but it's for Jess and Collin I keep reminding myself.

"Black leather jacket and pink dress Liv?" Elaina raises her eyebrow and I glance at Brad and he just winks at me.

"Whatever." I say as I take a seat next to him.

"Who's coming with me to pick the cake up?" I ask and everyone avoids eye contact with me.

"Aiden?" I ask remembering that he wants to talk to me.

"Yeah I'll come with." He nods and gives Jane a kiss on the cheek as we both get up. I grab Dylan's keys and we head to the Jeep. I put my new sunglasses on and I have to admit I do feel a bit badass.

"So what's up?" I say with my eyes still on the road.

"Black leather jacket and ray bans Liv?" Is all he says and I immediately roll my eyes.

"What's the problem?" I bite the inside of my cheeks and I keep my tone emotionless.

"Just doesn't seem like you." He says and now I'm just getting angry.

"You wanted to speak to me to judge my wardrobe choices?" I raise my eyebrow still trying to keep my tone calm and easy.

"No it's just an observation." He says sarcastically and he rolls his eyes.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I see the bakery my mom ordered the cake from and I park the car in the parking lot, "Hold that thought. Let's just get the cake." I take my seatbelt off and I get out the car and Aiden does the same.

"Thanks so much." I pay the teller and Aiden grabs the box with the cake in and we walk back to the car. I'm quite eager to see how it's decorated.

"Let me open the door." I motion my hand to the door and Aiden does the same almost dropping the cake in his other hand.

"Aiden be careful." I shriek and I open the door for him.

"Close one." He says and he takes out a breath of relief as he gets in and places the box on his lap and puts his seatbelt on. I shut his door and I make my way to the drivers side.

"Okay so let's talk." I reverse and I'm waiting for him to speak.

"I need your advice on Jane." He says clearing his throat and we both look straight ahead.

"Okay. What's wrong?"

"I want to get married at the end of this year and she doesn't and it's frustrating because I want to start my life with her you know and I want to do all of this with her." I can sense his frustrated.

"Just don't push her. You tend to move so fast Aiden so maybe just take it slow and finish studying first. After all you did tell your dad you'll get your degree first before marrying her so why are you pushing her? You're going to lose her if you push her Aiden." I shrug and he just sighs.

"I really love her." He says softly and I can feel him staring at me.

"I know you do but you need to just take it slow. Pushing her is going to cause her to pull away. Talk to her about it, you have your whole life ahead of you to get married. You're already engaged so just enjoy it." I give him a small smile and he brushes his hand through his hair.

"Yeah I guess you're right." He sighs again.

"The only reason you're feeling like this is because Collin and Jess are having a baby."

"Yeah I guess so. I can't believe I'm going to be an uncle." I can see him smiling through the corner of my eye and I can just begin to think how excited he must be.

"I know hey. So much has changed it's crazy." I smile as well.

"So Nick." Aiden says and I roll my eyes. Thank goodness I'm wearing sunglasses.

"Let's not talk about it." I say firmly.

"Liv really may-."

"No Aiden I don't want to." I interrupt him and he doesn't say anything else. I don't want to talk to him because I know him better than anyone else and I know that he's never going to tell me the truth and besides he's moved on with Kim and that's just how it should be now. I don't have time for this anymore.

"Sorry." Is all he says and the rest of the car ride home is silent.

"Here mom." I motion to the cake box that Aiden places on the table and my mom has a huge smile on her face. I'm so curious to see how it looks. She places her hands on the top of the box and both Aiden and I peak inside as she opens it. Let's just say, it puts all my birthday cakes to shame. It's a three tier white cake with blue and pink baby footprints on it and it goes around the cake making it look like the baby is climbing up a spiral staircase. All three of us stair at it and I'm in awe. I'm really quite excited to know what the gender is.

"Close your mouth Olivia." Brads voice meets my ears and I shoot him a look as he stands behind me towering over me to see the cake. Both Aiden and my mom start laughing and I join them.

"It looks so cute okay." I roll my eyes and I give it one more glance and I walk outside to the patio where they are busy setting up the balloons and the buffet area.

"What time is everyone coming?" I ask my mom as she joins me.

"At around 2." She places her arm over my back and I lean in on her shoulder and we both stare at the working people.

"I love you." She says softly.

"I love you to." I reply.

"What's with the leather jacket?" I lift my head from her shoulder and I look at her and frown.

"It's in style okay." I retort and she looks me up and down and just shakes her head.

"If you say so." She winks and then she goes and helps the people setting up the buffet. I look down at my outfit and I still like it. Why is wearing a leather jacket such a big deal? I roll my eyes.

"Come Stormi." I grab her leash by the sliding door and she sits patiently waiting for me to clip it on and we make our way down to the beach. She's so obedient. We walk slowly and I watch her sniffing on the sand and her tail wagging and in one split second I find myself being tugged by her and my grip on the leash loosens and she runs off. I run after her and eventually she jumps on someone and they fall on the sand and as I catch up I see she's on top of Nick busy licking his face. I look around and he's in the same spot on the beach I usually sit and watch the ocean, with two rocks that make it looks like a thrown. It's the same rocks we wrote our names on when we were kids.

"Hey Stormi." He laughs as he pets her and she's all to excited to see him.

"Sorry." I say grabbing her leash again and pulling her off of him. Our eyes meet for a brief moment and he looks away.

"Here." I pull my hand out to him and he grabs it as I help him up. He's wearing black jeans with a blue polo neck shirt which accents his arm muscles

"Thanks." He says softly and there's just silence in the air. So much for it being the last time we see each other.

"Where's Kim?" I give him a small smile and Stormi is circling me sniffing the sand.

"She went to go look for something pink at the mall. I'm going to go pick her up just now." Nick clears the sand off of his arms and my eyes follow his hands and then I look up at his face again.

"Nice glasses." He points to them and then looks down at Stormi.

"Thanks. Brad bought them." I smile and his jaw clenches. The next moment I know my face and chest slams into his rock hard chest and his arms immediately goes around my waist.

"Stormi." I shriek as she's the one who pushed me right into him. His Axe deodorant reaches my nose again and it makes me shiver. He releases me and helps me stand upright again and my face is completely red. Thank goodness I have sunglasses on. I stare at Nick and he has a small smile on his face as he looks down at Stormi and then back up at me. We've still not said a word to each other but the tension still lingers in the air.

"You still come here?" I motion to the spot where the rocks are and I look up at him with a small smile and he looks down.

"Yeah. It's my favorite place." He says softly and he just gives me a small smile in return.

"Oh okay. Well I have to go." I break the silence and I grip hard onto Stormi's leash and I pull her away towards home.

"Bad Girl." I groan at her and she's still wagging her tail like she didn't plan that whole thing. I make my way up to the house and everyone is already there and some people I didn't recognize. We were about 40 people.

"Hey girl." I give Jess an uncomfortable hug, her stomach is huge already and I can see that she's uncomfortable herself.

"Hey Liv." She hugs me tighter and we just stand like that for a few seconds.

"I've missed you so much." I give Collin a hug as well. We all stand there talking and eventually everyone else joins in on our conversation and Brad comes and stands next to me and he gives me an odd look and he frowns. He tugs my hand and I follow him to the side.

"What's wrong?" I frown and he doesn't look pleased.

"You smell like men's Axe deodorant." He sneers and my eyes widen a bit.

"Sorry I was walking Stormi and she ran off and I tried to chase her and then ended up falling onto Nick." I roll my eyes and his facial expression looks like he doesn't believe me.

"I'm sure." He relaxes and winks at me.

"Whatever." I smirk a little and as we walk back to the group he immediately grabs my hand and interlinks our fingers. I look up from  his hand and Nick and Kim have walked in and is greeting everyone. Nick gives my mom a tight hug and I can she's happy that he's safe as she hugs him tighter. My gaze turns to Kim who is dressed in pink as well but is wearing a pants suit rather then a dress. Nick introduces her to everyone and I just give her a quick hug and a smile.

"If I can have your attention please." My mom clinks her Champaign glass and we all stair at her and quiet down. Dr Patterson joins her and I look at them and they really look good together.

"Firstly, I'd like to welcome everyone and thank you all for coming. We are going to do lunch first and then we can do the reveal." She says graciously and everyone grabs plates and we all get food and head to the long table.

"About damn time I'm so hungry." Jess laughs a little as she sits next to me with her plate full of chicken nuggets. I look at the plate and then at her.

"Shut up Liv. The baby needs it's goodness okay." She sounds sarcastic as she takes a bite of the nuggs and both Brad and I burst out laughing.

"Whatever you say Jess." I wink at her and we continue making small talk. She thinks it's going to be a girl and Collin thinks it's going to be a boy. Our conversation gets interrupted when Nick and Kim sit opposite me and Brad.

"It's definitely going to be a boy." Nick says and Collin hi fives him and Kim doesn't say anything.

"And you Kim? What do you think it's going to be?" Nick asks her as he kisses her on the cheek.

"I agree with you. I think it's going to be a boy." She says in a flirty tone. She glances at me and then she looks back at Nick and she pulls his face towards her and she places her lips on his and she kisses him. He quickly pulls away and kisses her cheek and she's a bit irritated that he cut the kiss off so quickly but she quickly looks down at her phone trying to not look affected.

"Noodle is upset." Brad whispers in my ear and I try my best not to burst out laughing. I stuff my mouth with a chicken nugget and Brad laughs.

"So what are you doing this summer Liv?" Collin asks and this time everyone is quite waiting for my answer. I guess now is a good time to tell them I'm switching to law. I put my finger up signaling them to wait so that I can finish iswallowing. I look at my mom and then at all the other staring faces.

"Um. Not much, given the fact that I have decided to change my degree to law and the Dean said I can make up this semesters subjects by working through them this holiday and writing the exams the first week back so I can graduate with Brad." I look up at him and I'm quite nervous about everyone else's reactions. The table is quiet for a second and I look at my moms face and she has a genuine smile on it.

"Law? Since when? You good at arguing but your reasoning behind your arguments isn't that good." Dylan smirks and Elaina smacks his shoulder.

"You're just upset that I always win the arguments so whatever." I remark and everyone bursts out laughing and continues with their conversations. I watch everyone's faces and when my eyes reach Nicks face its stone cold and his jaw is clenched again. I take my sunglasses off and he immediately relaxes his face pretending not to be effected. Me changing degrees has also got nothing to do with him. A few more minutes of small talk and this time Dr Patterson clinks his glass and clears his throat.

"Okay time for this gender reveal. I need to know if I'm having a grandson or a granddaughter." He says politely and the caterer rolls out the table the beautiful white cake on it and everyone makes ooh's and aah's as Jess and Collin make their way to the table. Jess looks so nervous and I can see Collin putting his hand on her back makes her relax a bit. Her stomach is already quite big and her face is flustered. I can see it in her eyes that this pregnancy isn't easy for her and I feel bad for neglecting my friend. Brad puts his arm around my waist and we watch the two. Collin looks at Jess and he's face lights up every time he stares at her.

"Ready?" He says and they both grab the knife and cut into it together and then they cut the other side making it a triangle and when they lift it up the inside is blue and they both burst into tears. Blue streamers burst out into the open and everyone starts cheering and the happy couple are hugging each other and Jess is crying so much. Collin has a proud expression on his face and I'm truly so happy for them. I have tears in my eyes as I make my way to them.

"Congratulations guys." I give Jess a tight hug.

"I need to talk to you after this." She whispers in my ear and I give her a small smile and I hug Collin as well.

"Congrats man." Nick is next to me as he shakes Collins hand and he looks at me and he gives me a tissue.

"Here." He puts it in my hands and walks back to Kim before I can thank him. I dry my tears and I make my way to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. I'm really so happy for them. A baby boy is joining this whole circus of people and I think it's going to be great!

"Are you okay?" Brad walks into the kitchen and I close the fridge after getting my bottle.

"Yes I'm good. I'm so happy for them." I give him a sincere smile and he walks closer to me.

"Yeah. I might not know them but they're really cute together." He places his hands around my waist and gives me a small peck on the lips.

"You look like shit by the way." He laughs a little and I release from his grip.

"Leave my ugly crying face alone okay." I death stare him and he laughs again. I take a sip of water and he's still laughing.

"Give me a minute." I push past him only to be met with Elaina joining me as I walk upstairs to my room.

"You good?" I ask her and she also has eyeliner running down her face.

"Peachy." She says and she's still crying. We make our way to my bathroom.

"I'm so happy for them." I manage to say as I clean my face and I take off my jacket.

"They truly are just meant to be." She stutters and I look at the mess of a person she is. Elaina loves this cute stuff.

"Mind if I join?" Jess interrupts and we both give her another hug.

"We are so happy for you Jess." Elaina says as Jess sits on the bench in the bathroom and she also tries to calm herself down.

"Thanks guys." She tears up again and Elaina kneels in front of her.

"Here." I give her the make up remover wipes and she takes it and continues to cry.

"I'm having a baby boy." She says in between sobs and I've also kneeled down before her holding her leg.

"It's so exciting." Elaina tries to lighten the mood and we both jus stare at Jess.

"I fucking hate being pregnant." She cries again and both Elaina and I just sit there in silence.

"I know it's a bad pregnancy Jess but you're creating life in you and that in itself is a miracle. You need to just relax and enjoy the process." Elaina says and I give them both a sincere smile.

"Come." I tug Jess up and I clean her face up and we all re-do our make up, "You're going to be just fine Jess." I give her a small smile and we head back downstairs to the rest of the party. We see all the boys standing together around the bonfire fire and the girls are sitting on the lounge chairs talking. We join the boys as I interlink my fingers with Brad and Nick walks away and returns with Kim also hand in hand.

"So are you just going to stay here for the summer Liv? To study?" Dylan asks and Elaina looks really excited.

"Actually I was thinking of going to the lake house to study there. It's going to be a lot more quieter there than here you know." I shrug and they all look at me as if I just said I don't like nuggets anymore.

"What?" I frown as I look at all the staring faces.

"Just didn't think you'd go back after what happened last year." Elaina takes a sip of her water and there's just silence.

"It's in the past." I smile and then Brad quickly changes the subject and Nick and Aiden are both boring their eyes into me, still looking shocked. Kim tugs Nicks hand and his gaze turns to her as she kisses him on the cheek.

"So Jess how do you feel about it being a boy?" Kim asks.

"Good actually. I'm really happy. I hope he looks like Collin." She tugs ons Collins arm and he still looks so proud.

"No he's going to look like you my love." He kisses her forehead. It's starting to get a bit chilly the more the sun sets.

"Speaking of it being a boy." Jane interrupts as she takes out her $10 and gives it to me.

"Told you." I wink taking it and everyone laughs a little.

"You had a bet going?" Jess and Collin both cross their arms and laugh a little and I join in but my body shivers when the wind picks up a little.

"Want me to go get your jacket?" Brad asks.

"Yes please. I left it on my bathroom counter upstairs in the bathroom." I kiss him and I watch as he walks inside.

"He's a keeper Liv." Jess says and I become a little red.

"I guess so." I give her a small smile and I glance at Nick who has an expressionless face.

"Here you go." Brad places the jacket over my shoulders and he puts his hands around my waist standing behind me and I lean into his chest.

"So the lakehouse?" Collin asks.

"Yeah I know it's just, I really need to do well and I need to concentrate you know."

"And Brad?" Kim interrupts and we all stare at her. She's smirking a bit.

"I might go with to help." He interrupts before I can speak, I push away from his chest and I look at him quite shocked to be honest. Nick snorts and then everyone looks at him.

"Problem?" Dylan asks this time and Nick looks away.

"No." He sternly says as he wraps his arm around Kim and kisses her and it's just silence around us.

"So.. yeah I might be going home but I'm still deciding." Brad breaks the silence, "I wanted to actually ask Olivia here if she wanted to come with to Australia for a month." Brad looks down at me and I'm honestly so shocked.

"Australia?" I say again and he gives me a warm smile.

"Yes." He replies and I'm still shocked.

"We'll see how it goes with my work." I kiss him on his lips and his hands go directly down to my ass and we kiss just a little longer than we should've but oh well whatever.

"Okay." Aiden clears his throat this time and everyone laughs a little. The rest of the night we continued making small talk and eventually the party died out and everyone went home. Nick and Kim left first and then Aiden and Jane.

"Hey Liv before we go can I talk to you quickly." Jess moves towards the patio door and we head back outside.

"Whats up?" I say softly and she looks nervous as she looks at her pregnant stomach and then up at me.

"Collin and I would like you to be our sons Godmother." She says softly and my eyes immediately widen.

"Really?" Is all I can word and she grabs my hands.

"You're strong and you've been through a lot and you've come such a long way. So yes we really spoke about it and honestly you're someone to look up to Liv. We'd be honored." She hugs me and I immediately burst out in tears.

"Thank you." I say through sobs and we stand there for a minute while I collect myself. We walk back inside and Brad gives me another Kleenex. Damn I really need to invest in some waterproof mascara next time. My heart is so happy and I'm so excited that I get to be a godmother. It's a huge responsibility but I'm honestly so excited. I love babies!

"Thanks Collin." I hug him as he stands at the door talking to his dad.

"Pleasure. Jess we should be going and thanks so much for everything." They make their way around all of us and eventually head home.

"Okay we're going to bed." Dylan and Elaina hugs us and also walks upstairs.

"Yeah we'll clean up tomorrow." My mom yawns and Dr Patterson and her walk upstairs as well. I head to the kitchen and Brad follows me in.

"Still hungry?" He asks and he takes a chicken nugget out of one of the bowls and munches on it.

"I'm good thanks." I say leaning on the counter and he just smiles at me.

"So Australia?" I say and he stands up again and brushes his hand through his hair.

"Yeah it was just a suggestion. You're more than welcome to come but if you don't want to I understand." He smiles and he looks a bit shy.

"I'll let you know." I give him a sincere smile and I grab a bottle of water and a chicken nugget.

"I'm going to bed. You'll be fine in the guest room right?" I say kissing him on the lips and he pulls me into him again.

"Yes." He smirks looking down at me and he then takes a bite of another nugget and I head upstairs to my room followed my Stormi. I'm so exhausted and honestly so happy to see my bed. What a day.

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