
By reallpresh

801 153 24

Ira, trying to achieve her brothers dream met her childhood crush....she hired a very handsome love doctor to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Author's note
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.πŸ€—
Chapter 23πŸ’˜
Chapter 24πŸ’…πŸ‘€
Chapter 25πŸ‘“πŸ’Œ
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29.
chapter 30
Mine Forever (Book 2).
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.πŸ’ŽπŸ’–
Chapter 34.πŸ‘€πŸ‘
Chapter 35.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40
Bonus chap.

Chapter 36

5 2 0
By reallpresh


Valarie is cutely curled up in my arms as she made a move to wake up, she curl herself up and then made a simple cry and I dance around with her hushing her gently so she would stay still.
she open her blue eyes, staring down at me as she make a move for her lips to part revealing her toothless mouth and  smile brightly at me.

Trying to touch my face with her tiny finger, she's now six month old, I let Jeremy play with her when I'm busy, I got a new house for just me and rieh, Vero moved back to new York to meet her dad, she misses him a lot and I advised her to go see him and make peace.

Valarie is really cute I must confess, she has full lips, long lashes and brow just like Cole, she took the female version of his face and my blonde hair and eyes, it won't take him a minute if he sees her to know she's his.

I need to call bridge, he called me a while ago, I guess he wants to check up on me or he wants to say he's going back to America.

I try his line the first time and the second time but he didn't pick, I give up, I tell myself and smile to my damsel.

I give her a warm bathe cause I'll be going to the office, her Nanny, Cassie, would be here to stay with her.
Mom called in today, we have a new client, and since mom is with dad she won't be attending the meeting so I'm in charge.

I put on a diaper for rieh and feed her my breast milk, I need to look presentable today, I dress rieh in a red  overall and a sweatshirt, since the weather is cold
I add a red cap on her head to go with her red overall, her hair is really curly.

I peck her on the cheek as I put her in the car seater placed on the bed, so she won't fall off.

I wear a black leather skirt and a black camisole, I wear my sweatshirt matching rieh's black and white strip sweatshirt, my black four inch heel to go with my outfit.

I pick her up to my shoulder and she tug on my sweatshirt seeing its similar, jumping in my arms she laugh and touch my face, tapping it playfully .

I kiss her fore head making her giggle. I walk down the stairs to meet Cassie already seated in the couch, she smile making her way to me, rieh cry as I hand her to Cassie but it didn't last long since she's used to her, Cassie play with her and she closes her mouth. I kiss her goodbye and leaves her in Cassie's care.


I return after today's work really exhausted, it was a really hectic day, I'm glad I was able to handle the client, he seemed to be going berserk but as I explain to him what he needed to know I see the senses God actually gave him coming back.

The house looks really quiet, I had stopped at Hayley's to say hi, we had a little chat where I told her, when I see rieh I miss her father, she advice me to go to him, show him his daughter and just make things right, I really want rieh to be with her father, apart from getting her mom's love, I want her to experience the love of a father, just like I have, I lived with a single parent I don't want  to deprive rieh of the love of both parents.

I entered my room but no one is there, Ira always sleeps in my room, the car seater that I personally left on the bed is no longer there.
      I go downstairs and search everywhere but no sight of my baby or Cassie, I put a call to her but she didn't pick up.

I put a call to Hayley and on the second ring she picks up.
"Ira, Jeremy, his home room teacher said his aunt picked him already, you were with me did you by any chance send Cassie?". She sounds worried.

" I can't find rieh too, not even Cassie". I say, she scream from the phone and the call died.

I was outside my building when I called Hayley, I feel someone following me and I  increase my pace to return to my house, I put a call to bridge and just then something hit me hard, I fall to someone catching me as darkness find me not knowing who caught me from falling.


I miss the love of my life, my everything, she left me without a single word, she didn't even come to see her dad in the hospital all these while, I prayed she would one day show up there and I'll apologise, I visited her house praying just one, maybe she might just open the door and see me.

After she met me in my room with Chan, she thought I did drugs, I  called her severally, I texted but she didn't respond to any, all our friends tried all they could but none could reach her, when I remembered she would be with her dad I went there straight ahead but she wasn't just there, I tried to find out from miss Sharkey but she said Ira left already and Ira never returned.

Ira, I don't do drugs, okay, I cry in my head, she sent me the letter she got at the embassy, I went there to see if she came around but she didn't she forfeited the work. It was all my fault.

I didn't give up on her, neither on the dreams she wanted to achieve, I kept to my promise and I did all she wanted to do, all she told me she wanted at the bridge during our first year, six years just gone, I can't forgive myself if I never get to see her.

My family has not been okay, dad confronted me about the project I was doing behind his back, because the stupid paparazzi sold me out and released the news on TV for dad and everyone interested in the Michaelson's story to watch.

I didn't let dad have control over me like he used to  well if it were before he could have, but not anymore not even then, my girlfriend just abandoned me and never return, I used bad words on dad like I told him everything going through my head I know I was disrespectful but I didn't care then.

I moved out and few weeks later Ryder moved out and beth, she abandoned dad just the way Ira left me.
Life is definitely so unfair, I don't associate with girls, put it this way opposite sex, I employ more men than women, and I still keep my distance from the few women I work with, I don't Want to have a regret when Ira finally shows up from wherever she ran too, I'll still receive her cause I can't deny the fact I still love her.

Its been like a year and six months since I haven't heard from her and its killing me, I only visualize her in my imagination.

I still hang out with bridge, Chan, win, baby Adriana who is super beautiful, she's Chan and Wins kid, and I don't fail to treat Jeremy like my own, he's handsome just like his father Bridge, I just pray he doesn't turn to a Playboy.

After Ira left, Win decided to add another name to Adriana naming her after her God mother Ira, I don't fail to describe Her God mother's appearance to her tiny ears. A lot has been going on and til Ira returns more are going to be happening for sure.

Back to the present. "Hey man". I greet bridge giving him a guys shake as he enters my house drawing me away from the little word I was making.
   I started questioning him about his trip to see his family.

" I'll go get a bottle of wine". He says as he head for the door to the wine collection. He's like my brother so he is free to  move around the house to any corner he deserves, his phone buzz from the table he dropped it on, he's far away and the noise is really not favourable to my ears. I pick it up to help him switch it till he returns, like always the devil works in mysterious ways, my hands freeze on the power button as the caller's name flash on the screen.

Ira's name is on the screen, she just called him, I went through his call log and I find out that he's been with her for the past nine months, it is said that the devil you know is better than the one you don't know, I didn't know I have a Judas amongst my friends.

I drop the phone back on the table, wiped my eyes with my bare hands and bring the phone back to my view maybe I saw wrong cause I've been thinking of her the whole time, but my sight aren't failing, bridge enters the room, I look at him with disgust I really want to smash his face right now, but  I'll save myself from doing that just yet till he tells me where I need to find ira and then I can destroy his pretty face with my fist.

How could he keep such a thing from me even when he knows how I've been dying to find her, he never said a thing all these while he lied to me when I constantly ask him if he has seen her anywhere, what explanation can  he possibly give order than the one that is clear in my face that he can tarnish a friendship that has been for years just for anything.

"Bridge you missed a call, you know who it is right?". I ask smiling sheepishly at him, I shove the phone in His direction so he can have it and do the checking. He looks really surprise.

" Hayley!!, my wife". He call out coming for his phone, "Its Ira!!, you lying scum bag". I shout at him and he makes no further move for the phone, I drop the phone harshly on the table, he didn't expect my next move and I punch  him in the face making him stumble, I jump on him and punch the life out of him, Luke my guard rushed in to stop me from killing bridge.

I try to leave Luke's grip but he was stronger, another guard named peter rush in and  carry bridge out of the room.

I pull away from Luke and punch the wall really hard, I  push away the books on the table And I smash the empty glass cup to the ground, the chair stumble severally as I fling it to an unknown part of the room.

I walk to the sitting room where bridge is, Peter stop me half way from punching Bridge right in the face.
" Cole I'm sorry, I promised Ira I wasn't going to tell you anything until she decided to return, I didn't want to lose her trust and make her run away at least I know she's save". He stands up to meet me.
"Bro, if you were in my shoes you would have done same, I know how hurt you are but we can see through this, Hayley is conceiving her day by day to return to you". I understand him I could have done so too if Hayley had run off and I find her and she make me promise to keep her ware about a secret I'll do that.

" Where's Ira?". I try to smile as I call her name.
"She's in manila in the Philippines with Valarie, your baby girl Cole".

I lose balance in hearing I have a daughter, how could Ira be so self centered, our intimacy that night made us parents but she decided to hide my baby from me, what have I done.

She should have confronted me that day if she was hurting so bad, she could have stayed around to hear what I have to say, she decided to be a single parent to our baby,  that wasn't the life I planned with her, at least she didn't fail to give her the name I always wanted for my baby girl, is it because she was brought up by a single parent, Arie doesn't deserve that treatment, both parents being there for her is what she deserves.

" bridge take me to them, that's the only thing you can do for me now, no excuses". He nods and I pull him by the collar to the car, I drove straight to my dad's helipad area, somewhere close to his office building, I got a pass and head off with bridge inside and a pilot, so we can be there on time.

"I'm sorry man for breaking your face, does it hurt so bad". I ask mockingly. Of course I know how painful it will be, I use the first aid to treat him.
"I'm the one who needs to be sorry, thanks for being considerate and human". He pulls me in for a hug and I almost miss the tears about to fall, I can't let  him see me cry, apart from my childhood days and when my foster mom died, I haven't shed a tear, if something hurt me so bad I just scatter things and scream but I always get the upper hand in fighting back tears. My worth.

"That's rieh's voice, she's crying oh baby mummy is here". I try to open  my eyes, my head hurts so much, eventually I did it wasn't easy though.

I see my baby in someone's arms, Jeremy is here too, he's trying to reach me, oh wait not me, I turn to my side and I see Hayley lying unconscious her head is pinned to the pillar I'm also tied to.

I look up to see Cassie smirking at rieh who is in her arms crying,"Cassie my baby, what's going on here?". I ask trying to pull away from the rope used to tie me.

"Hayley, Hayley!!". I scream at her and she wakes up, blood is dripping from the side of her head, she cry as she sees Jeremy in another's arm, he crave to reach her but he wasn't allowed to.

Just then the monster who has sent for us appear.
" what!!, you?"I say to the familiar figure now in front of me.
"Longest time, Ira!!". He say to me.
I struggle to move out of the rope by all means but all my efforts are in vain.
"Its such a pleasure to see you princess, and to see you already have a baby, she looks just like her father, well except some features she took from you". He say smiling down at me foolishly.

Cassie try to feed Rieh her bottle but she pushes it away, Rieh have not been in such pain since she was born, I'm so sorry Val that I can't help you.

" Please let me hold her". I beg him. "No Ira, you can't". He motion for the ladies to leave and they took our children away.

Hayley cry aloud cursing Walter and at the same time she call Jeremy severally.
" What do you really want from us?". I ask him.
"Not us Ira, can't you see, I just  need you, I took your friend here because I know with her around if I try to hurt her you will stop me by doing all I ask, she's just a means for getting you to do my bidings, that's all". He say smirking.

" I've craved for you all along but you seem not to notice, I want you to do so now, I know about you and Cole, don't worry he can't come to rescue you, you did the right thing running away let's just get married so you can Create a creature for me just like Valarie" he say cupping my face, and I pull away from his touch, he look angry at my action.

"Jackson, untie her from the pillar but her hand should still be tied". He instructed and a guard that has been standing there for heaven knows how long, do as he say.

Walter pull me up to him, he look at me with rage burning inside him, he press his Lips to mine and I bite his bottom lip, he slap me really hard and I sob more reaching the floor.

One of the guards pull me up, Hayley cry out pleading for Walter to drop already, she struggle to free herself from the rope tied behind her but it was impossible.

" Ira, can't you see I'm doing this for us, I'll protect you just the way Cole couldn't, I'll love you in a way you won't Ever think of running away from me, its so frustrating to know that you can't see the love I have for you and reciprocate it". Walter panic taking his hand to his hair and grabbing a handful to pull. I wish I'm the one doing just that, I'll so pull all strand out within few seconds because this guy in front of me disgust me as a puke after hangover.

"When its about you there's no such thing as perfect". He lifts my chin so I'm facing him eye ball to eye ball, his trembling hands that has hurt my cheek slide down to my jaw, he made a terrible contact with me which I return with a sad expression, his mouth fly open and close at once I guess his lost words for me cause I send daggers into his eye ball, he smirk at me before storming to the other direction leading the stairs.

I shift to meet Hayley and she avoid my gaze, I repeatedly plead with her to forgive me because I caused all this for her, she manage to look at me and force a smile telling me not to worry but I really want to worry, Cassie walk towards us, her laughter is what disrupted my little forgiveness moment with Hayley, I can't believe she can do this to me after I trusted her to be innocent enough to look after my baby girl, how much has Walter given her that made her back stab me.

"Oh little Ira!!".

Thanks guys for staying up until now, I do appreciate.............
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