Fast Times At Clairemont High...

By iggykoko

3.5K 147 173

Without you what's the point? Y/n is a lonely girl, she has a few close friends but has never really felt ful... More



75 3 10
By iggykoko

Vic's pov




Patiently I sat on the sofa waiting for y/n to arrive. She usually would only take around 5minutes to get here so I didn't make myself toobcomfortable. I sighed as even school was more interesting than doing nothing hanging around in my house all day.

*Knock knock* I slowly pushed my aching body off the sofa and opened the door. I was greeted by y/n wearing a long back flowey skirt and a baggy shirt. But she wasn't wearing her usually beautiful smile.
"Come in"

We headed up to my bedroom and I grabbed my acousic guitar and sat down gracefully on my bed. Gently, I tapped the empty space next to me asking her is she wanted to sit there. She sat down comfortably.
"Vic what are we doing?" She asked concerned.
"You said you wanted a space in the band right you want to come on tour right?" I wondered.
"I guess yeah..." She said shyly and glanced at her feet shuffling on the carpet floor.
"You know the song besitos I wrote?"

"How about you sing the female voice in that because we desperately need that for some live performances and I'll be the judge?" I said calmly.
"AHH I'm not so sure..." She articulated.

"Trust me I'll sing with you." I smiled softly and she returned a one which looked forced and painful. She looked so stunning with one though. I began to play a soft acoustic version of the song, with a steady beat. I sang slowly starting with the first verse.

"A drowning boy with no voice prays someone up there's telling me
You better not get back up,
Spit my heart into this red cup and pick it back up it might ruin you mind."

I used to be terrified of singing Infront of people but it seemed more comfortable now knowing her and after shows you just get used to it. I watched her mentally prepare herself to sing, I know how she felt she looked anxious. I was worried it was too much pressure of to difficult for her aswell, but something was telling me she was going to be really good.

"And she said" I sang. I looked at her as she muttered up the courage to sing. Her hands were clasped in her lap and she shuffled them around anxiously, they looked rather clammy but it was expected because she looked concerned.

"Baby leave the water by the bed for later, I woke up without a single drop."

She sang more confidently then I expected. Her tone was practically perfect and her voice felt like sand it was raspy yet flowed smoothly. I stopped strumming my guitar and placed my hands over the buzzing strings.

Anxiously she looked around confused.
"Uh... Sorry hah..." She said blushing shyly.
"S-SORRY?! FOR WHAT?!" I laughed happily.
"I... I'm not sure?" She said awkwardly laughing.
"Y/n that's was so good I'm not even kidding. You did that beautifully! You're voice is so soft and sweet!!!" I laughed and put my guitar on the carpet next to me.
"You really think so?" She said shuffling in her seat. I could tell she didn't quite know how to take the compliment.
"Yeah of course I really think so." I said as we locked eye contact.

"We desperately needed a female, well I mean I could have done those parts myself.... Buuuuttt.... It's better with a female." I smiled cheekily.

"You're a dumbass Vic" she laughed and began to blush. I did too. I was so thankful that we could be close again, I'd really missed it. The tension formed quickly around us so I suggested that we grab a snack and discuss the details of the tour.

We ran down stairs quickly as everyone in the house was out. I stumbled over a few steps almost knocking myself down the whole flight. And u sprinted into the kitchen we both laughed as we went. I decided to grab a pot of blueberries and I swilled them off under the tap as y/n began to ask me.

"Right, so Vic can you actually give me information about the tour, if I act more knowledgeable my parents might agree." She said as she leaned over my shoulder to grab a blueberry.

"Yeah sure it's in a month our first flight which is to Indonesia I think... Then we travel around down other places in Asia then go back to Europe and I'm pretty sure that's it. We will be on tour for 2months... I know it's a long time but we need you." I winked at her and she cheesily smiled as she held out her hand for another blueberry.

"That sounds terrifying... But I love it!" She smirked.
"We are going to be together for such a long time holy cow" she sounded blown away and a little afraid.
"Don't stress about it though" I reassured her
"We have security the band and managers and we are going with Kellin'
s band too, so we won't be all alone."

"Wait what we're going with sws too?!?" She squealed in fan girl excitement.
"Paha yes we are, me and Kellin are good pals!" I remarked
"I definitely want to go!" She said happily. It made me feel very relieved and excited to know she genuinely wanted to come with me. Her smile was so contagious that one spread om to my face as well.

"That's great!!" I said ecstatic.

"Ya know Vic... I think it's super cool you can speak Spanish! I wish I would speak more than English. By the way? What does Besitos even mean?" She said as she attempted to steal another berry.
"I'll leave that for you to find out" I winked at her.
"Hmmm ok?" She said suspiciously
"Let's just say I want to smother you with Besitos" I mumbled under my breath.
"Nothing hah..."


We were just hanging out on my bed, and I was browsing my phone. I posted a pic of me and y/n on stage, whilst I was singing bullet proof love to her a day ago. Before Aziel was beaten up he managed to get some good shots of that precious moment. The comments were filled to the brim with ships and sweetheart people being too kind to me.

@piercethesirens- wish I could have made it this show 😭 next time!

@jadenxpss- omg y/n and Vic... I ship you so hard... Is that just me?

@vicmarryme I wish that was me

@mollyxox omg SHIP

As I scrolled through the comments I blushed a little and tried to hide my phone from y/n. She leaned over my shoulder.
" Why you being so nervy?" She pulled a pouty face and teased me.
"Hhsh. Nothing!" I joked as I rolled away from my comfy position on my duvet.
"Gimme that!!" She laughed as she backed my phone out of my hands.
"Oi!" I joked.

I looked at her facial expressions change slightly as she scrolled through the comments. Slowly her cheeks grew redder with every comments she read.
"Ah.. huh" she giggled nervously
"You sure are popular!" She laughed
"Well...not really"I tried to stay humble.

"Oh look at this moment by @mazzie34- 'y/n nooo! You're stealing the love of my lifeeeeee!!'" she smirked and raised her eyebrows at me. I held back a laugh. But my attempt failed and I broke into laughter.
"You know they really love you" she said softly.
"You think?" I asked.
"Well duhhhhh" she said.

She didn't bring up any of the ship comments which was slightly disappointing but relieving. We both sat in comfortable silence out backs on my bed as we stared up at my celling. Her hand was about 1 inch away from mine. My heart beat crazily.

Slowly I shuffled my hand across the bed closer to hers. But she didn't take my hand back. Instead she pushed herself.uo closely at my side and layed her head on my chest and closed her eyes.

I was so shocked and confused but I swear I had never been happier in my life before. I rest my hand on her hip as I wrapper her in around me. I breathed slowly to calm my heart rate, I didn't want her to know my heart was out of my chest. But I knew I loved her. I smiled cheesily and we lay in comfort for the next 20minutes.

Y/ns pov




It was 3o'clock and I was sure that Mike would be home soon. Although I was so tempted to just stay, my parents would miss likely want me back home.
"See you tomorrow Vic!" I smiled as I said bye to him at the doorway. He gestured his arms out for a hug and I returned him one.
"I'll ask about the tour thing today!" I promised him before I left. Nervously I pecked him on the cheek and left.

As I made my way back home I squealed and laughed and attempted to calm myself as I arrived back home.

"Heyllo?" I said accenting my words.
My dad sat in the living room, his old feet perched up on the coffee table and a tea in his hand. He greeted me with a nod and I collapsed on the couch right next to him. I was so happy I felt like I was crumbling in my seat.
"So dad, I have to ask you something but I know you're going to say no..." I said sheepishly.
"Oh well that's the spirit" he joked sarcastically.
"Well, basically Vic and the band are going on tour around Asia and they need a female singer..." I said
"Mhm..." He said suspiciously.

"Well they were going to pay and invite me to go because they want me to sing? I was just wondering if I could go..." I said all hope lost already.

"Hmmm y/n that's a super difficult decision I want to know all the details before i make up my mind.
"Oh yes of course!!! Does that mean you.will consider it??" I asked my happiness restored.
"Yeah of course I'll consider it" he smiled softly.
"Ok great!" I replied.

"You know y/n I've always thought you had musical potential so of course I'd love for you to fulfill your dreams." He said as her pulled me in for a side hug. He was so large he felt like a big bear and I was so safe with him. I smiled so wide. It felt like things were finally looking up once again.

Y/n- Vic!! My dad said he will probably let me go to the tour wtf?!! I thought he would say no!


Y/n- no I'm NOT KIDDING!


I had the biggest grin on the other side of my screen as I typed away messages to him. All I needed now to know we're the details, the dates, and all that jazz.

I squealed and ran to my room. I jumped around like a silly fan girl. I hurried my face deep into my beige pillow and slammed my legs against the bed happily.

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