for all the evil within || bs...

By omiluvr

53.2K 1.6K 235

aizawa shouta x male!oc (bsd and bnha/mha crossover) a devil as they would describe him, a man with blood fi... More

character profile of oc
NOTICE #2 (I'm back!)
happy new year! (and back for more)


3.7K 108 25
By omiluvr

[ author's note: might be long since i'm also including the whole scouting of the other section to class a and shizz ]

[ thoughts ; dialogue

[ kyouka izumi ] 

I yawned as I laid my head between my arms as soon as I got in the classroom. The others were talking about the incident in USJ as it was just broadcasted for the whole of Japan to see. 

"Everyone! Morning homeroom is about to start! Stop talking and take your seats!" Iida yelled out as he went to the front and I sighed to myself. That boy would not shut up won't he? 

"We're already in our seats. You're the only one who's not." Kaminari said and Iida went back to his seat as he cursed himself. 

Then Aizawa went inside the classroom then proceeded to talk about the Sports Festival once again only with specifics as I was not here when they talked about it. 

"Don't forget to train hard for the Sports festival. Despite being just attacked by villains, the school has decided to continue it for the reason that it shows how strong our support system is." Aizawa-sensei said and I raised my eyebrow. 

"Is the sports festival that grand for the school to hold it with that kind of reason? It's just a sports festival though?" I said out loud and everyone looked at me with wide eyes. 

"Kyouka-chan, you haven't seen the UA sports festival?" Midoriya asked who was behind me. 

"Like I said, it's just a sports festival, isn't it?" I asked, slowly as I keep track of the reactions of the people behind me. 

"The UA sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events. In the past, the Olympics were called a festival of sports, and the whole country was crazy about them. As you know with the reductions in scale and population, they're now a shell of their former glory. And now, for Japan, what has taken the place of the Olympics is the UA sports festival!" Aizawa-sensei explained and I noticed that everyone was looking at me. 

"Is that it?" I said which shocked the whole class even Aizawa-sensei himself. 

"Oi, don't you know how big of a deal it is?" Bakugou said and looked at me sideways. 

"Yeah I'm aware. You did say that it was one of the biggest events in Japan which means everyone will be watching, explanatory considering that this school is a national high school and one of the top high schools to offer the hero course. Pro-Heroes, ordinary people and even the younger generation before us, that's how big of a deal is it, right Bakugou-san?" I said and he scoffed. 

"Since all the top pro-heroes in the country will also be watching, this is chance for us to be scouted!" Yaoyorozu said behind me and I tilted my head, humming. 

"Of course, joining a famous hero agency will get you more experience and popularity. Time is limited. If you expect to go pro, then the path to your future will open up at this event. Once a year, total of just three chances. No aspiring heroes can afford to miss this event. If you understand that, then don't slack off on your preparations!" Aizawa-sensei finished and dismissed homeroom. 

"Yes, sir!" 


[ lunch time ] 

"Even though all that stuff happened, I'm getting really excited!" I heard Kirishima yell out from the back. 

I hung out with Asui-san and Uraraka-san along with Iida-kun and Midoriya-kun. I was also friends with the others but for some reason they just made me comfortable here. 

"If we put on a good show and stand out, we have taken the first step on going pro!" Sero said.

As lunchtime rushed to us, every single one expressed their urge to do their best in the sports festival. I just kept quiet about the whole thing honestly as I wasn't really here to have the same dreams as everyone, I was here to keep watch on the League on Villains and if they had any affiliations with the port mafia, possibly. 

"Deku -kun, Iida-kun, Kyouka-chan, let's do our best at the sports festival." Uraraka let out a deadly aura as she said that, and the rest felt it as well. 

She then continued to motivate the others which had them flustered. As she did so, I looked at her carefully, she seemed oddly motivated for her to emit such aura. Might ask her later why or maybe Midoriya would with that curious look on his face. 

We went to the canteen to get some food and along the way, Midoriya asked Uraraka as to why she had decided to come to UA and go pro-hero and her reason shocked them and me as well. But it was nothing new, not everyone used their abilities or quirks as they would say here for the better. 

"For money?!" 

After her explanation as to why she wanted to become a pro-hero for money, which was to help her parents, they turned to me. 

"What about you Kyouka-chan? Why made you want to go to UA and go pro-hero in the future?" Midoriya asked me and I froze in my spot. 

As they asked me, it was like saying, 'Why are you here in the light and go save people?' In my eyes, ears and mind, it was as if they questioned as to why I was in the light, why was I saving people. I didn't want Atsushi or Kuramoto-san as a reason for me as to why I was in the light. I wanted a reason, a reason for me and myself only. 

"I--" I was cut of when All Might came and asked Midoriya out to lunch as if he was a maiden. 

I sighed to myself. 

The light, huh? 


[ time skip to the sports festival itself ] 

[ author's note: i won't be giving THAT MUCH details when it comes to each stage to prevent the chapter being too long ] 

As we were waiting in the waiting room, Todoroki challenged Midoriya and I just looked at them, blank faced. 

"Todoroki-san is stronger than Midoriya-san I have to say." I said out loud and they all looked at me. It was a surprise to them that I could still talk with the tension inside the room. "But the person with the biggest motivation and will here is Midoriya-san." I completed. 


"What did you say, izumi?" Todoroki turned to me and walked towards me. 

"You reacted pretty badly, which means it's true then." I said, obviously not backing down. He narrowed his eyes to me and I just kept my usual blank face. 

"I'll be sure to beat you too, Kyouka Izumi." He said and we all headed outside for the ceremony. 

[ kuramoto yuuji ] 

"WOH! this is amazing!" Kenji said as we sat down in a private seating area. 

"Can't believe that this school is actually famous for this, this is amazing." Yosano said and Ranpo nod. 

"What else do you expect for a top national high school, of course they would pull something like this." Ranpo said. 

All and if I say all, I say even Fukuzawa is here. But Naomi and Haruno stayed back to take care of other things to do since Naomi is a part time student. And someone had to take care of the Agency while most of them were gone. 

It was time for the first part of the festival and I can see Kyouka's hair which was tied the usual when she was back home, unlike the usual undid hair she did. 

[ author's note: ok not all dialogues are same as the one in the anime or manga. i'm basing on memory here kdljf ] 

"Todoroki has iced everyone and is now in the lead! But wait! It's Kyouka Izumi, sliding along the ice that Todoroki has created!" I smirked to myself. 

Well, I did tell her since she wasn't allowed to use her Demon Snow, she had to be creative, use other people's quirks as a means to go to the next level. And clearly she has used that to this extent. 

When there was the round of the mechanical robots, I can see her hesitating to move. She knows that they're unstable so I see her jumping. That's good, when you can't go underneath, go above. 

But that sounded so wrong what the fuck. 

Anyways, as she ran I started wondering what she would do in the next stage. The fall as Present Mic called it was a cliff like structure and to not fall, there are thin wires that can be used to move across. Kyouka stood in her place and started moving towards the front. 

She took her knife and I smirked. When the school heard that combat skills was the things she did best with her quirk of "speed" as we would like to pretend, she was allowed to keep her knife but she wouldn't use it as an offense mechanism when it comes to training. Guess they allowed her to use it. 

As she cut through the wires, she swung and landed from platform to platform. After three or more same more doings of that, she headed on to the next stage, the bombs. 

It was a disadvantage for those in the lead. The only way that Kyouka can pass this round is for her to wait for a few people to pass which will be the easiest thing to do to pass the round. Her face suddenly brightened up when her eyes suddenly. I followed her and now she's with Midoriya who looked surprised that she was there with him. 

"She didn't hop on?" Tanizaki asked and Kunikida pushed up his glasses. 

"It's not really a two by two team here. It's an individual competition so Kyouka can't just hop on and be placed the same as that green haired boy who literally thought of the idea." Kunikida explained. 

I looked at the explosion that happened. I looked closer and sees Kyouka running through all the smoke. As expected, as she does run, she increases her speed to avoid being hit too much by the smoke and explosives. Since everyone would be too focused on the smoke itself, she stood her ground so that she can have the lead as well. 

She ran as well as the three boys who were on the lead. 

Once they got out, she was now in the 4th place of the race. 

The results were showed and 42 students were placed to go through the next round. All of Class 1 except for Mineta [ sorry not sorry ] passed.  I hummed to myself and sipped the coffee that I had in hand. 

"Got something in your head, Kuramoto-kun?" I turned to Dazai and chuckled. 

"It feels like the next round is not with Kyouka's advantage." I said and it showed that it was a cavalry battle. . 

I looked at Kyouka who has already found a team which was with Midoriya Izuku, a girl with pink hair, and Tokoyami Fumikage. 

[ author's note: ok so ochaco is now with shoji and asui so basically kyouka is replacing ochaco's spot even in the finals ] 

I sighed to myself and just continued to drink out of the coffee I have in my hand. I just observed at everyone targeting Midoriya at the start of the time with them avoiding everyone with the use of the support items that they got. 'Heh, so the girl is from the support class huh?' 

I think to myself and looked at everyone. Surprisingly even Fukuzawa is even that concentrated on it has me chuckling to myself. 

The entire battle was just most of the students targeting Midoriya especially that Todoroki guy. Kyouka should know that that guy is motivated and will do anything to get that headband so she has to have a trick under her sleeve. 

I continued to watch the other teams, for some reason the angry looking blond is fighting with another blond. And for some reason, there was this two teams. One was being controlled by a purple haired male and the other team, didn't fight back? 

"Mind control huh?" I said out loud and Kenji asked where. "The purple haired male over there. His opponents didn't even fight back when they were in front of him."

"That's a powerful ability huh." Atsushi said and I nod. 

"Quirk, Atsushi -kun." I corrected him and he tilted his head but lightened when he realized the difference of terms. 

"The mere fact that when superpowers started, Yokohoma was in a total isolation from everyone so none of the people there even have quirks or abilities if you would like to call it. Once the gifted ability was then given to the people of Yokohoma or the chosen in that district. It was totally different from what people call quirks. Ours is more complex and has different properties from what they are used to. They have the comic book style of superpowers while ours is more literary if I would like to describe it." I told them as I remembered what the old Mafia boss would tell us these types of stories. 

"That's why the Gifted Special Operations Divisions was created for us in Yokohoma to be in control. No one in Yokohoma is allowed to use their quirks unless they have permits, only the Port Mafia and the Armed Detective Agency is allowed to use their abilities in Yokohoma. That's why there are no hero agencies and villains in Yokohoma. So if someone says, that for example 'we have been invited an agency from the Yokohoma' They will immediately know the legend and know that it's us." Kunikida explained further. 

As we discussed those, the cavalry battle has finally come to an end. Kyouka's team has got into a place in the last battle which was the last event for the sports festival. 

Now there is an hour break for lunch and while the rest got ahead and took some lunch, I told them that I'll go fetch Kyouka first. They nod and we headed off. 

I went into the hallways and we were allowed to, since we came as the Armed Detective Agency which explained the private seating. I knocked on the door and opened it to see everyone still inside, I raised my eyebrows in the unexpected site of all the kids though some did recognize me. 

"Oh? Kuramoto-san! Hello!" Mina Ashido greeted me and I ruffled her hair. 

"Hey, I just went here to pick up Kyouka for lunch." I said and Kyouka walked towards me. "Then, good work everyone! I have high expectations for the ones in the finals!" I told them good luck and we left to have some lunch. 

"Wah! Kyouka-chan! You did really well out there!" Kenji greeted the girl who smiled at him and nod. 

"It's weird not hearing you scream 'yasha shirayuki!' and having the demon snow appear behind you." Yosano pointed out and everyone agreed and laughed it out. 

Lunch passed by just like that with us having fun before the last match. Before going back, I pat Kyouka's head and smiled at the girl. 

"You don't have to stand at the top, it's just a sports festival." I said and for some reason she flinched. "Isn't that what you thought at first?" I asked and she looked at me with determined eyes. 

"I, want to make it through this sports festival with what I got." I was taken aback by what she said but I simply smiled and kissed her forehead. 

"You got this alright?" I said and she nod, determined. 

We then got back to where we should be and the one to one fight is starting. 

[ skip to bakugou vs kyouka fight ] 

[ third person ]

Midnight gave the signal to start the battle and Kyouka made the first move, which is something she did when she's filled with determination. This made Bakugou smirk and flash an explosion to her who jumped to avoid it. With the huge explosion, Kyouka used this to her advantage to knock Bakugou unconscious but failed when Bakugou sensed her and fired an explosion to her as well. 

"I'm ending this fight with me winning!" Bakugou yelled out and Kyouka clicked her tongue. 

"Don't underestimate me!" Kyouka yelled out and ran straight ahead to Bakugou who had nothing to do other than throw another explosion as always. But since Kyouka ran lower than expected, Bakugou fired to the floor that made the cement float up. Kyouka used this opportunity to jump and kick the pieces of cement to Bakugou's direction who simply dodged it but was distracted by it. 

'It was her strategy all along!' Bakugou thought to himself and tried to get another explosion going but instead just stayed away. 

[ kuramoto yuuji ] 

"He's staying away from Kyouka as much as possible since he knows that Kyouka knows the pressure points in the body. Once he is immobilized then he is out." I said. 

"This is bad as well." Fukuzawa said and everyone turned to him. 

"Why?" Tanizaki asked and Ranpo put another piece of chip inside his mouth. 

"Kyouka without her Demon Snow is only able to do close range fights unlike Bakugou-kun who can do long-ranged attacks. Without Kyouka knowing what to do to break that range around Bakugou-kun, then Kyouka is stuck or forced to give up." Ranpo said. 

"There is one other option though." I said and they all looked at me with curious looks. "Kyouka is allowed to use her dagger right? You saw in the first stage." 

I simply said and the others had knowing looks, smirks or still confused looks. 

[ third person ] 

Kyouka took out her dagger and aimed it at Bakugo. The male has fast reflexes so he easily ducked down to avoid it but when he did so, Kyouka was already in front of him so as a reflex as well, he threw a punch, hard. That sent her flying but not enough to out her. 

As this fight got even longer and longer the pro heroes watching starting booing to the male and told all these bad things saying that he isn't a bit considerate to go easy on the girl. This made Aizawa stand up. 

"If you're the pro-hero who is currently putting down our students then go quit your career and leave! Bakugou absolutely respects the power that Izumu has to the point of him fighting 100% of his power. He is cautious of the girl ever since she started school here, if you can't see that then you are in no position to call yourself a pro-hero." Aizawa said in the microphone and everyone went quiet. 

Kuramoto smirked to himself as he heard Aizawa say all these things. Dazai noticed this and called out the black haired male. 

"Aren't you enjoying this, Kuramoto-san?" Dazai asked, almost mockingly. 

"Of course, Aizawa-sensei is an interesting character is all I can say and as time passes, I get more and more interested." Kuramoto replied and Dazai chuckled. 

"Be careful then." Dazai whispered to himself but Kuramoto caught it. 

Back to the fight, Kyouka was still trying to plan something to make Bakugou step out of the line but has nothing in mind. 

"You have nothing! Why are you still fighting!?" Bakugou yelled out and Kyouka wiped the blood that was coming out of her mouth. 

"I'm still standing aren't I? I'm still standing which means I still have the guts to take you out even if I have nothing left." Kyouka said and ran around Bakugou to retrieve her dagger and narrowed her eyes to Bakugou. "Win or lose, I'm ending this fight with me fighting until the end!" Kyouka yelled out and ran towards Bakugou who had no choice but to fire an even stronger explosion. 

Kyouka was about to hold her ground until she slipped which made her join the direction of the explosion. When the smoke cleared, Kyouka was out of bounds which meant she was out. 

"Kyouka Izumi is out of bounds! Bakugou Katsuki wins!" Midnight announces and the next fight is going to start. 

Bakugou looked at Kyouka who was unconscious and was being carried out to the nursing room, he clicked his tongue and left to go to the waiting room. 

"Aren't you stupid? Fighting a fight you know you can't win." He said to himself, as if he was talking to Kyouka. He narrowed his eyes and thought of what he thinks is suspicious during the fight he had with Kyouka. 

"Ya" Kyouka breath out, "Yashashi..." She let out and Bakugo narrowed his eyes at the words. 

"Yashashi? What are you saying to the demon idiot?" He said to himself once again but thought the next sentence. 

'What are you hiding, Kyouka Izumi?'


[ timeskip to when they are at the classroom already ] 

"Kyouka-chan!" Aizawa stopped his speech when Kyouka slid the door open with bandages all over her face and even around her neck and arms. 

"Izumi. Are you alright?" Aizawa said and Kyouka nod. 

"Just Kyouka is fine." She said as she passed by Aizawa who didn't mind it, still decided to call her by her last name. 

"All of you did great today. By the time you get back, we will give you the hero agency that has scouted you. Dismissed." Aizawa left the classroom to see Kuramoto standing there. 

"Hey there bandages." Kuramoto greeted the pro-hero who simply rolled his eyes and ignored the male but Kuramoto ran right in front of him. "Thanks for saying that about earlier, during Bakugou and Kyouka-chan's fight." 

"It was nothing?" Aizawa didn't know what to say because if Kuramoto is thanking him, he should be thanking him about Bakugou right? 

"I'm thanking you for the fact that you realize the strength of your students, it's something that you look like you wouldn't do." Kuramoto said and Aizawa raised his eyebrows. "I meant to say that you care alright? Can't you read between the lines?" 

"Aren't you annoying huh?" Aizawa asked and Kuramoto smirked. 

"Only to the ones I like." Kuramoto said and when Aizawa was about to ask him what he meant, he was cut of by Kyouka. 

"Stop harassing my teacher." She said and Kuramoto chuckled. 

"Alright then. See yah soon, Aizawa-kun." Kuramoto greeted bye to the male who just stood there, still staring. 

[ aizawa shouta ] 

'Has he always got pretty eyes?' I thought to myself as I see his eyes appeared once again on my brain. I walked back to the staff room with only one thought in my mind, and it frustrated me that that sentence got me feeling all fluttery (?) inside. 

'What does he mean by he liked me?' 

[ end of chapter 3 ] 

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