A Light In The Dark

By Akeboshishiba

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A troubled young woman who had lost so much, her cousin, her family, and the innocence that she once was know... More

Souls Lost In Darkness
The Face of the Enemy
A Small Reprieve
Chapter 6
Untitled Part 7
Untitled Part 8
Untitled Part 9
Untitled Part 10
Untitled Part 11
Untitled Part 12
Untitled Part 13

Tobirama Senju

543 20 10
By Akeboshishiba

Chapter 2 of a light in the dark. Please forgive me for the delay and expect an influx of updates because I have apparently been hoarding 11 chapters of this story without posting and I had completely forgotten.

Hinata ran as fast as she could, she could smell the blood, it was sickly and metallic. She had to get there! she had to make it! She threw herself through the doors of the compound. The smell of death and blood were thick. She ran through the halls of the compound dodging the bodies that lay strewn about the floor. Her tears splashed all over everything they touched. She made it to her parent's room and she screamed, they lay dead in the floor, their eyes crushed in their hands.

Her shoulders shook as she crouched beside them, the place had been silent when she had entered. Her fingers entangled themselves in her mother's hair as she pulled her mother and father close to her. She screamed her pain to the world, but no one listened; no one heard. "Mother...father..." she sobbed as their frozen cheeks touched her. "They just left you here! They let you die! They Left you here to rot!" she sobbed as she looked at them, their faces hadn't been contorted in fear, no...they held pride.

They had protected what had needed protecting. She set them back down as the thought of her sister hit her. "Hanabi!" she screamed and ran to her sister's room. Hanabi lay on the floor, holding her stomach where a kunai had been, she was barely breathing. "Nee-chan..." Hanabi breathed and struggled to turn towards her sister. She lay on the floor a huge puddle of blood surrounding her. "Nee-chan...they came from nowhere...they killed everyone....and they took my eyes...I...I didn't know what to do...I was scared Hinata-nee..." she said between deep ragged breaths. "Just relax Hana-nee...it will be ok..." Hinata whispered as her sister faded away.

Hinata jerked up in her bed, tears streaming down her face. "Hana-nee...I think... I think I could have taken it all better had you actually been able to speak..." Hinata sobbed lightly into her hands. She knew that the nightmares were recurring, so she barely slept. She wiped her eyes and got dressed for the day, her eyes landed on the small wolf the Hanabi look alike had given her, she felt drawn to the small stuffed animal for some reason. She grabbed it and put it in her pocket. She jumped out of the window of Sasuke's house and hopped the compound gates only to see ninja rushing about frantically. She raised a brow and made her way to the Hokage tower.


Naruto frowned and watched as his ninja scrambled around the village. He sighed and turned to make a move for his desk but there was someone there and he jumped slightly. Her chuckled reached his ears and he sighed. "What the hell...Hinata I told you not to randomly appear like that." He grumbled rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm having those nightmares again..." she said suddenly and he frowned. "I will ask Tsunade to come back for a while then." He said and she nodded.

"So what is going on out there?" she asked and he frowned. "It's as if someone has placed a massive genjutsu over the entire forest outside of konoha..." he said and Hinata rolled her eyes. "I felt that, I'm wondering what those fools are doing..." she said and Naruto looked at her. "Fine genjutsu queen, instead of all of them going to go release it why don't you go find the caster, you should be able to navigate just fine, it's an eternal darkness genjutsu. You should be well accustomed to those by now, even if this one is much stronger than any I have ever seen. I knew only one person who could use one this big, but he was dead and reanimated during the war. We released the reanimation so he should be resting peacefully." Naruto said and the smirk that crossed Hinata's lips unnerved him slightly.

"Ja Ne, Naruto-kun!" she said with a little more excitement than there should have been. Naruto blinked. "S-she called me Naruto-kun..." he stammered in surprise. "Hm...she hasn't called you that since the war. I wonder what has got her so excited." Sasuke mumbled as he watched Hinata run down the street. "We released the reanimation? More like I did." Sasuke huffed and Naruto rolled his eyes. "Whatever man...you're so full of shit anyways." Naruto said and Sasuke glared at him. "Che. Idiot." He huffed.

Hinata grinned and watched as people stood frozen in the woods by the genjutsu. She saw them as she walked through the nothingness, this was no different than what she was used to. She never saw anything but the people around her anymore, her surroundings didn't matter; she just needed to keep those who rely on her safe. And everywhere she went with her team, she searched for silencing tags, those had been what she had found upon further inspection of the house a year ago. That's why no one heard their screams...

Her eyes attempted to search the genjutsu for the caster, but she could not find them. She flew through hand signs. "Genjutsu: Mind hunter." She said with a smirk and chakra poured from her feet and pulsed through the ground and trees. Crawling across everything in its path to seek out the source of the genjustu. A few miles away she could see the caster tense. She shot off in that direction, he had showed up as a bright red outline meaning he was the one using the genjutsu. The darkness receded and she smirked. "So, you were searching as well? Interesting." She said and created twenty shadow clones, training under Naruto had gotten her really good at using that jutsu.

The clones all split off into different directions and she smirked, one of them would get the genjutsu caster. One by one, her clones poofed away and all the information she got gave her nothing other than the person was male, and used water jutsu along with the genjutsu. She used mind hunter once more and frowned he was gone now... interesting. She grinned when she sensed a presence behind her. She swung her leg up and the person grabbed it. She heard him scoff so she swung her other leg up and struck him across the face with it.

She hit the ground and rushed at him. He swatted away her every move like he knew exactly what she was going to do. She flew through hand signs and her cheeks swelled with water. She flooded the area and vanished below the surface. Water dragons surfaced from the entire lake she had created, shooting straight for the man engulfed in darkness. He back-flipped away from each of the dragons and she ran at him across the surface of the water. She was fast even on water, so she knew he wasn't going to get away very easily. Every movement of her hands brought another water dragon from the surface of the water.

"Very interesting, in order for someone to be able to control water like that, you must have been trained in water from the very beginning." The man said and Hinata rolled her eyes. "I trained myself starting from age twelve, I figured I could use the water to enhance my chakra control." Hinata said as she spun and a vortex of dragons lunged for him but all he did was hold up a hand and the moment they came within a foot of his hand, the dragons turned back on her.

Her eyes widened in surprise, no one had ever been able to turn her jutsu on her before. She smirked; this one could be an interesting one. She spun nimbly on her toes on the water, a barrier of water forming around her as the dragons collided. He seemed hesitant after seeing this, so she lunged and knocked him under water. His cloak of darkness began to fade away and she struggled to get a glimpse of him. All that she saw before he vanished were glowing red eyes, and white hair that she knew was longer than Naruto's.

She pulled her chakra from the water and the water drained into the ground swiftly. "Damn..." she growled and hit her knees. "He wasn't the one...I was really hoping the fool had come to me..." she whispered, her voice cracking the slightest bit. "I'm so sick of searching... I want to avenge my family... I want to restore the honor of my family... but... I don't know where to start." She whispered, her fingers digging into the damp soil beneath her. She had been searching for an entire year nonstop and Naruto had restrained her to the village.

"It's going to be alright, Hinata-nee, everything will be fine! Smile bright! Be a firework, be like me!" her voice echoed around her and Hinata's resolve faltered and her shock took a hold of her. "Hana-Hanabi..." Hinata stammered for the first time in four years. "Shine bright and fight for our honor, but don't lose the light! If you lose the light, we lose our warrior!" Hanabi's voice echoed around her once more and she looked up to see Hanabi smiling at her, her hand outstretched to Hinata, but her image was see through.

"Hana-nee..." Hinata whimpered and tears streaked over her cheeks. "Aw! Hinata-nee! You're strong now! You don't need to cry, tears don't suit you! Smiles do... smiles and sunshine, Nata-nee, Smiles and sunshine. So, brighten up, find that guy and make something more of yourself." Hanabi said to her and Hinata looked at Hanabi with tear filled eyes. "But... I need you Hana-nee... I need you, Neji-nii, mother, and father... I need you. I can't live without you..." she sobbed and Hanabi crouched before her sister with a smile.

"Hinata-nee... you have lived without us for an entire year... you can do it. I believe in you, I always have. You just need to find someone who understands... someone who knows what it is like. You need to find someone who can help you find the person who took my eyes. Find someone who you could bicker with, and yet at the end of the day he would still be there by your side. Find someone who cares enough to ask if you are ok. Find someone who you admire, who is stronger than you so you can live up to them. Find someone who makes you smile, nee-chan." Hanabi said with a smile and the tears wouldn't stop falling from Hinata's eyes.

"But why?! Why do I need this? Why should I find someone like that? Why should I do what you ask? I can handle this on my own..." Hinata sobbed and a cold feeling brushed over Hinata's cheeks. She opened her eyes to see that Hanabi was trying to wipe away her tears. "Because, nee-chan... mother and father... they hate seeing you this way..." Hanabi said and Hinata's eyes watered once more. "Neji-nii may not agree with the thought of you finding someone to be your guardian, because he thinks they will take his place... but... he knows you need to find someone who can help you." Hanabi said and Hinata looked at the ground.

"I want to do this alone... this is my family... I want to help you all my own, I want to prove I am something and take back your eyes..." she said and Hanabi giggled. "You are really something special Hinata... we all know this... we trust that you will find the one who did this to us and we know you will not stop until you do. But don't you think, having someone there by your side who knows how this feels... don't you think that would be better than shouldering this alone, because if they know what it's like... they know how to bring the smiles back to your face, they could be your light in the dark. Mother wants you to follow your heart, but not your hate." Hanabi said and Hinata frowned and wiped away her tears.

"But why do you want me to find this guy?" Hinata asked and her sister grinned. "He was just messing with you, testing your abilities. He didn't take you seriously... I want you to go show him what the fireworks do! Got it nee-chan?!" Hanabi exclaimed and Hinata's eyebrow twitched. "He let me get a glimpse of him on purpose?!" she growled and Hanabi laughed. "Yup! You got it nee-chan, so why not go find this guy and give him a piece of your mind?" Hanabi asked excitedly.

Hinata wiped away her tears and stood, dusting her hands off on her pants. She looked at Hanabi who smiled at her. "I hope you will be happy where you are going to go, Hanabi..." Hinata said and Hanabi grinned. "Oh! Don't worry, everything will be so much better when you get here; just don't come here until you are like... a hundred." Hanabi laughed and Hinata smiled. "I can't guarantee that nee-chan, you know this. But I can guarantee I will light this guy up like a firework the next time I see him." Hinata said and Hanabi grinned. "Now there's the Hinata I know! Keep the excitement and go get him nee-chan!" Hanabi said and a cold chill came over Hinata as Hanabi lunged at her and gave her a hug, her image shattering into glittery dust as she vanished.

She smiled, then vanished and appeared before Naruto with a grin. "This is an interesting one! He can use water jutsu and genjutsu...he managed to take out my shadow clones too! But he couldn't take me down. I want to chase him down; I want to be the one to find him. We have a fight to finish, so could I be the one to do so?" she asked and Naruto frowned. "Maybe, we need to figure out who he is first." He said and Hinata pouted, that was no fun at all.


He shot up from his coffin and smashed his head into it. He grumbled and rubbed his forehead, his hitai-ate was long gone. His white hair fell into his eyes as air filled his lungs, a sensation he had long since forgotten what it felt like. His eyes scanned the darkness around him and he grumbled. He did the hand signs for his water shot technique and bullets of water shot the lid off his coffin. He swiftly got out of his coffin and looked at himself. He looked younger than he was supposed to be, he guess he was about twenty three again... odd.

He looked at his reflection in his water and noticed his marks on his cheeks and chin were still vivid, like the color of his eyes. He wasn't quite sure if he were tricked or not anymore. He felt the bitter winds nip at his cheeks and he frowned. It was cold out, so he assumed it was nearing December. He crossed his arms over his chest, a habit he had long since had. He had no idea what she had done to him. He appeared to be younger, he felt like he could run to suna and back in a day; and he felt like his chakra could last forever. All in all, he felt great; but... you know... he still wasn't going to show it...

His ever lingering frown twitched a bit and he tried not to smirk. This could be good... this could be what he needed... he could live a full life now, but only if he helped the girl the woman spoke of. He huffed slightly; he had no idea who she was, but the angel he had heard speaking... he was going to seek her out after he helped whoever he was supposed to help. Her voice called to him from beyond the grave, she was obviously something special.

He stretched for a bit then made his way to the center of the konoha forest. "This should draw someone out... or help me seek out the dark chakra surrounding her..." he grumbled, he hadn't really wanted to help this woman's daughter, but what choice did he have? She begged and pleaded for him to help her, so why not? He flew through the hand signs and sighed. "Genjutsu: Eternal darkness!" he said and darkness engulfed the entire forest. He blinked in slight surprise, his eternal darkness had never engulfed the entire forest; he smirked, now this was cool.

It wasn't long before people wandered in and he searched their chakra for the darkness that would taint it, but none of them had the dark chakra. It wasn't long before he found her though...her chakra reminded him of that of a Susanoo, it was protective while still dark. it cloaked around her like a protective barrier. He felt her running towards a higher area of the forest, but then she stopped and he felt her chakra pulse. He furrowed his brows in confusion as the icy chakra from her counter genjutsu washed over him. It was colder than it was outside and he tensed up when he felt her chakra advancing on him and swiftly.

They jumped out from all sides and he resisted the smirk as he coated himself in darkness. "You must be an expert tracker nin, counter genjutsu, shadow clones, and your speed. You are an interesting one." He offered and each of her clones stood with hands on their hips and smirks on their faces. "So you think you can just vanish into the dark? Not likely." She said and her clones lunged at him. His water dragon bullet washed away two of them while his sword cut down two more. The last one smiled and pulled a katana from her back.

"I'm curious as to who you are... you coat yourself in the darkness that I walk. I want to fight the real you." She said with a grin and knocked his sword from his grasp. She pointed hers at his neck and he raised a brow. "You think you can defeat me? I am one of the greatest ninja of all time. You can't defeat me with a simple shadow clone." He said and grabbed the blade in his hand and yanked it from her grasp, despite the blade cutting him as he did so.

"If you are the greatest ninja of all time, then what does that make me? What does that make Naruto? What about Hashirama Senju? Compared to Naruto and Hashirama, you are quite possibly nothing." She said simply and he smirked; now she was trying to get him riled up. Just the mention of Hashirama made him angry, why? Because everyone bragged about the fact that his brother was stronger than him, he knew this. But he was still stronger than his brother in mentality, his brother forgave too easily; he on the other hand, was going to end Madara before they even created the village. "You interest me little girl." He said and he could tell that made her mad, he smirked. Touchy, touchy on the age then...

When she glared at him, he used an ice blade to impale the clone and he smirked at the look of shock before she poofed away. He vanished himself, he knew the real her was going to come searching for him if he stayed there, so instead of her searching him out, why not go to her? He appeared behind her and she spun on her heel and her foot came right at him. He caught her leg and smirked. What he wasn't expecting was her other leg to come swinging up at him with the force of a horse bucking its back legs. Her foot hit him in the jaw and he released her leg in his surprise, it had been a long time since he had felt pain and he didn't appreciate feeling it not even a day after he had been brought back. He threw her backwards to get her away from him.

She hit the ground and rushed at him. He swatted away her every move. Her hands were swift, but he had learned to read the muscle twitches of his foes so that he could attempt to predict their movements. She flew through hand signs and her cheeks swelled with water, much to his interest. He raised a single brow and waited for her to make her move. She flooded the area and vanished below the surface. He had jumped as the water erupted from her mouth. He landed lightly on the water with his arms crossed over his chest, albeit this girl was interesting; but she wasn't anything special.

Water dragons surfaced from the entire lake she had created, shooting straight for him, he raised his brow yet again; he may have just been proved wrong by his own assumptions. He back-flipped away from each of the dragons, but he hardly even wore himself out. This was nothing compared to the battles he had fought when he was alive the first time. He flickered across the surface of the water and avoided another dragon. Ha stopped and she ran at him across the surface of the water. She was fast, even on water, so he knew she wasn't going to let him get away very easily. Every movement of her hands brought another water dragon from the surface of the water and he became more and more interested in the girl.

"Very interesting, in order for someone to be able to control water like that, you must have been trained in water from the very beginning..." The man said and Hinata rolled her eyes. "I trained myself starting from age twelve; I figured I could use the water to enhance my chakra control." She said and she spun, a vortex of dragons lunged at him. He raised a brow again and sighed. He raised a single hand from over his chest as the water dragons raced towards him. He flicked his wrist in her direction the moment they came within a foot of his hand, and the dragons turned back on her.

Her eyes widened in surprise, and he could tell from her surprise that no one had ever been able to turn her jutsu on her before. He smirked; he was going to teach her a lesson for challenging the water master. He was a bit surprised by her next move though. She spun nimbly on her toes on the water, a barrier of water forming around her as the dragons collided with her. He furrowed his brows once his shock wore off, he had just realized she used his jutsu like they were her own. Apparently she had taken his confusion as an advantage, so she had lunged and knocked him under water. He figured he would let her get the simplest of glances at him, maybe she would have the intelligence to figure out history's best water ninjutsu specialist from this small glimpse.

He vanished from the water and he sighed and stretched once he had reappeared. He had appeared upon the most obvious place it would be to look for someone who wanted to be noticed, or if they wanted to look over the village, on top of his own carved head. He raised a brow as he noticed the village was now built in a huge crater, he wondered what had happened for that to occur...but...it wasn't very long before he had been noticed. Maybe about an hour or two had passed before someone sensed his presence.

"Hmph...I figured it would have been you." A familiar voice, which he hadn't heard in quite a while, muttered. "How are you here?" the voice asked after a while. Tobirama turned around and smirked slightly. "I owe someone a favor, in exchange, I get to live again." He said and the look on his face was priceless. "So you aren't a reanimation? You are truly flesh and blood living, Tobirama?" he asked and Tobirama nodded. "Yes, and it feels different...and one question...what the hell did you do to my brother's village...it's in a damn crater." He grumbled and the man chuckled lightly.

"Hmph, so this is what you really look like." Her voice rang out, an irritated tone to it. Tobirama sighed. "Ah...you again. Little girl, don't you get it when someone doesn't want to deal with you they walk away?" he asked and he felt her chakra pulse. It was obvious she didn't think their fight was over. He hadn't wanted to end it there, it was interesting fighting the girl, but he wasn't going to waste any more time on her, she was most likely not the one he was looking for, but something drew him to her and he just wanted to make her life hell. Ah... that would be satisfying...ignorant little jutsu thief...


Naruto sat in his office, Hinata pouting out the window. He watched her with amused eyes. "You haven't wanted to chase someone down this badly in a while...what's so special about him?" Naruto asked and she turned to look at him. "I'm not sure what it is about him, but I feel like I have to prove I'm better than him. That bastard was taunting me." She grumbled and he grinned.

"So, all in all, You're mad he could escape you? Or is it the fact he may be stronger than you?" he asked and she glared at him. "Don't belittle me!" she snarled and Naruto laughed. "Pissy much?" Sasuke yawned as he dropped in through the window. "What about Tsunade, she gets rid of those nightmares..." Naruto offered and Hinata glared at him. "Why don't you stop talking and tell me who you think this guy is..." she huffed and he grinned.

"You have not been this excited about something in a while, why not keep up the suspense, Hinata? I kinda like seeing you excited." He chuckled and she grit her teeth. The door opened to reveal a pink haired woman carrying a blonde infant. "Take your son!" she growled and he frowned. "Why can't Ino take care of him? She is his mother..." he whined and Sakura slammed her fist onto his desk. "She needs to work too! This little monster is bothering her patients." She snapped and Sasuke raised a brow at Sakura.

"What, Lee not get you wanted for your anniversary or something? Sheesh." He grumbled and Sakura whirled on him. "He got me more than you ever did... or gave." She snapped before she stormed out. "And you see why I don't date; people drive me nuts." Hinata said and Sasuke tried to force the blush of embarrassment off his face that was caused by Sakura's comment. "She won't let that go will she?" he asked and Naruto burst out laughing.

"She left you because you wouldn't give it up?! Man that's priceless!" Naruto laughed loudly and Hinata rolled her eyes. "Shut up you idiot." Both of the raven haired nin growled and Naruto looked from one to the other and laughed louder. "You two would make the perfect couple." He laughed and they both exchanged looks then punched the blonde kage. He hit the floor and she sighed and flopped onto his desk, not caring where the paperwork went.

She lay there for a while, whilst Sasuke was regaining his composure and Naruto was trying to get up. Tsunade walked in and Hinata smirked as she saw the twitch of anger in her forehead. "You fools! All of you! All you do is make messes!" she snapped and pointed at Naruto. Then she turned to Sasuke. "And all you do is sleep! You are supposed to be the Hokage's right hand! Why are you always sleeping?!" then she turned to Hinata. Her anger completely vanished when she spoke to Hinata, but the moment Naruto or Sasuke made a move she glared at the both of them.

"The guy you were looking for do you know who he is?" she asked calmly and Hinata shook her head. "Nah...and Naruto-baka won't tell anyone who he thinks it is..." she sighed and Tsunade sighed but glared at him. "Why is little Menma in the floor Naruto?" she asked with a sigh at the blonde haired child crawling around on the floor. "Sakura put him in the floor..." Hinata said and Tsunade sighed again. "You three are a mess, I'm surprised you all aren't lost in the garbage he has in here..." Tsunade sighed and Hinata smirked.

"I clean this place every day. He just eats a lot..." she said with a shrug and Tsunade grabbed baby Menma, who had been playing with an empty ramen container, and walked out. "Deal with the intruder quickly, or I will take back my office, Naruto." Tsunade said and Naruto jumped up. "Yes ma'am. He said and instantly went to activating his chakra mode. "Why are you searching for hatred? Don't you know that you will only sense Hinata's? I mean it seeps through everything, why not sage mode, you can sense all the chakra..." Sasuke said and Hinata threw a book at him, which hit him in the face.

"Shut up duck ass!" she snapped and Sasuke held his face as Naruto rolled his eyes and went attempted sage mode. He had gotten really quick at absorbing all the chakra swiftly over the years, but sometimes sage mode wouldn't work, so he still had to focus extra hard. The orange formed around his eyes and his chakra swept out all over the entire village. He felt every single person's chakra, but one in particular sent a cold chill down his spine. "You..." he whispered quietly.

He dulled all the others out and focused on that chakra, and that one alone. It was very familiar, and he released sage mode. "I found him..." he said and Hinata grinned and Sasuke stood as Naruto vanished. "Wait! You can't leave without us." Sasuke grumbled and Hinata vanished as well. He knew she would find him faster than she would. Sasuke had become slightly lazy, but even if he were lazy he was still an exceptional shinobi. He looked out the window, it didn't take long to find them. He vanished and appeared on top of the Hokage stone faces.

Naruto had been talking with the person and Sasuke raised a brow, he recognized this man; Tobirama Senju. Hinata looked at Tobirama; it took her a bit to get the nerve to speak; that was new to her. She hasn't had trouble speaking since after the war. Her heart was racing and she could barely breathe... this wasn't right. She didn't fear him, she didn't know him! Her fingers trembled when she looked at him, he made her nervous. She couldn't deny he was attractive... he certainly was. The way his hair fell around his face made him mysterious, the way his deep red eyes scanned over him made him look calculative and intelligent, and the way the deep red markings adorned his cheeks and chin only defined those areas of his face better. He was definitely handsome. She had always thought so when she had looked through the books about him.

What the hell had Hanabi been telling her to find him for?! He would only be a distraction to her! He was strong sure, but the way he looks alone would get her killed because she would look his way and get captivated by him. Damn it all! Hinata grit her teeth and fisted her hands, what right did she have to look at someone that way, what right did she have to look at him that way? She had no right, he taunted her and belittled her, he was no better than Sasuke.

"So this is what you really look like." She said and he looked at her and she felt her heart jump. "Ah...you again...Little girl, don't you realize that when someone doesn't want to deal with you, they leave?" he asked and she sniffed angrily. "Tobirama Senju, you truly are an ass." She mused sarcastically. He raised a brow and looked at her. "And you are annoying, what's the difference?" he asked, it was more of an agitated grumble than anything else.

"Well, I may be annoying but at least I'm not dead." She sneered and he chuckled. "I'm not either." He said and she grit her teeth. "Great, lord grumpy has been revived for real? What for?" she snapped and he looked at her. At first glance, you would think she was an angel; but upon further inspection... she was the devil incarnate. Sasuke and Naruto knew this first hand, and now Tobirama was in the student seat. "That does not concern you, little girl." He said and she glared at him. "I resent that statement, I am twenty one; I am far from being a child." She snapped and he raised a brow. "Not quite, not in my eyes." He said and she scoffed. "And you are supposed to be the judge of age? How old are you ya grumpy old ass dinosaur?" she sneered and he raised a brow. "My... what a foul mouth." He chuckled and Sasuke smirked.

"I believe that would be my fault." Sasuke said and Hinata rolled her eyes as Tobirama looked at him. "Uchiha... you have aged as well." He muttered and Hinata rolled her eyes. "No shit Sherlock." She snapped and he stood, his eyes narrowing upon landing on her. "Oh what, you wanna go dinosaur?" she snapped and he turned to her. "You should be grateful, you are using my jutsu after all, ungrateful little-" he began and Hinata fell into a familiar stance, her hand on the hilt of her sword, as well as her other hand was hovering over the blade. "So you know that one as well? Interesting." He sighed and pulled the blade from his side and fell into the same stance.

"Cut it out both of you!" Naruto snapped and Hinata glared at him. "Why? What's the worst you could do to him? Or me?" she asked and began gathering her chakra. "Tobirama, you wish to return to being a part of the village don't you?" Naruto asked and Tobirama nodded from his stance. "Good, then I have the perfect punishment for the both of you if you continue to fight amongst each other." He said and Hinata rolled her eyes.

"This counts as... the first duel." She said and her image flickered, same for Tobirama's.

"Agreed, the first of many, you annoying little brat." He said before his image flickered from view as well. They appeared behind each other and Tobirama's armor shattered and fell off of him. Hinata's Anbu armor ripped to shreds and blew away with the wind. Naruto looked from one to the other, their faces contorted into simultaneous pain and Tobirama hit the ground first. Hinata threw her arms up in the air in victory, but then fell onto the ground as well. Naruto shook his head, were they truly trying to kill each other? He sighed and hefted Tobirama off the ground as Sasuke grabbed Hinata and they appeared at the hospital, he would break the news to them as soon as they woke up. He was going to make sure they got along, he didn't know what had started the rivalry between them in a single day... but it was going to end.


Tsunade glared at the two lying in her hospital beds. Hinata began moving first, she jolted up and grinned. "I won!" she laughed and Tsunade glared at her as Tobirama slowly sat up as well. "Good, now that the both of you are awake, Naruto wants to speak to you." She said and Naruto walked in with a headband similar to the one Tobirama had always worn. "Welcome back to the land of the living, Tobirama." Naruto said and looked from one to the other with a wicked smirk. "Now that you two are awake and no longer trying to kill each other for Kami knows why, I have an announcement to make." He said and Tsunade raised a brow.

"You two... are now... My new tracking team." He said and searched for reactions on their faces, he saw nothing so far and a wicked grin plastered itself there. "And, Hinata, you no longer live with Sasuke. Now, my elite tracking unit, consisting only of you two; live together. Get over it, you two obviously have something to handle, so this is how I figured you two could handle it." Naruto said and he could feel the dark chakra that was attempting to strangle him. "NARUTOOO!" she growled and even Tobirama looked irritated, but then again he always looked grumpy. Hinata lunged from her bed, albeit clumsily; and he ran, he was not going to be at the end of a Flying Raijin Strike.


So there Tobirama was, sitting in the hospital bed, nursing a wound from his own jutsu; a wound that in all reality should have been fatal. And there went that annoying girl, running after the Hokage. He frowned deeply. "Uncle Tobirama... I haven't seen you since I was a little girl..." Tsunade said and Tobirama looked at her oddly. He furrowed his brows, as if trying to figure out who she was. "Hm... last time I saw you...Hashirama was teaching you all the wrong ways to gamble." Tobirama said with a raised brow.

She snorted. "Don't say that, Hashirama would roll over in his grave! Telling him he did something wrong." She sighed and he hmph'd. "Still the same old grumpy..." she sighed and rolled her eyes. "So, anyways, why are you here?" she asked and he looked at her. "According to another dead person who sacrificed their own soul to bring me back, I'm supposed to find her daughter and help her with something." He said and then his nose scrunched up slightly.

"And I think her daughter is my new partner. In all reality... I couldn't care if she goes insane or not, the girl is an avenger; I can tell from her chakra. The one I'm interested is the one who spoke to me when I was dead, her voice was soft and sweet, and kind. That's who I am interested in." he said and Tsunade furrowed her brows. "Help Hinata first, then you can search for the other girl; hound dog. Always chasing women." She said with a roll of her eyes. He only smirked; he was going to get back to his usual routine once he finished what the woman had asked of him.

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