Straight to the Punch (Yang X...

By CruderPlace13

11.8K 226 347

After a successful universe save and an accidental universe hop, C wakes up to see a shattered Moon and he ju... More

Rewrite Announcement
Book 1: Cutting Threads Recap
Chapter 1: Vale
Chapter 2: Beacon
Chapter 3: One of the Drunks
Chapter 4: The Cookie Monster of Remnant
Chapter 5: Caloric Overload
Chapter 6: It's time to D-D-Duel!
Chapter 7: Night On the Town
Chapter 8: Preparing for the Dance
Chapter 9: First Day on the Job
Chapter 10: The Dance
Chapter 11: First Mission
New thing
Chapter 12: Team RWBY vs C
Chapter 13: The Vytal Festival Begins
Chapter 14: A Dusty Old Qrow
Chapter 15: Team COLR Round 2
Chapter 16: Team RWBY vs. FNKI
Chapter 17: First Round of Finals
Chapter 18: The Fall
Chapter 19: The Loss
Chapter 20: Recovery (Lemon)
Chapter 21: Gifts
Chapter 22: The Return
Chapter 23: Grimm on a Train
Chapter 24: Journey to Argus
Chapter 25: Seeing Red
Chapter 26: Leviathan Stomper
We now have a Discord server
Extra Chapter: Bloopers

Chapter 27: Death to the Wicked Witch

317 8 8
By CruderPlace13

POV Change


We walk through the dark depressing looking underside of Atlas. In other words, the poor district.

Weiss: This is terrible.

C: Tell me about it. This is where most of the criminals hang around. Or they did until I started working in this area. They moved up towards the higher levels which meant more Military they had to sneak around, but it was much better then them risking their lives down here against me. Even with the crime rate of this sector down, the place still sucks.

We continue until we get to Doc's place. We all walk in and he looks over and greets me.

Doc: C! My boy it's great to see you!

C: Doc Polendina!

We shake hands and then Maria steps up.

Maria: It's been too long Pietro.

Doc: Do I know you?

Maria: Prosthetic eyes? You do a check up every ten years?

Doc: Maria! Has it been ten years already.

Maria: More or less, I ran into these clueless youngsters on my way here. They'd be dead without me.

C: Doubt.

Doc: Well I-

Suddenly roars and screams come from outside. I look back at the group.

C: Stay here. Unlike me you don't have Atlas military clearance, you'll be arrested if you try to do any Huntsman activities.

I run out into the street and see Grimm approaching. I also know the other's followed me despite my protest. I pull out two pistols and fire shots off until I hear the clicks of the guns. I then flip over one of the beowolves and kick the one behind it. I then dodge to the left and grab the beowolf by the neck and flip it over me. I punch it's head making it cave in. I look around and they're all dead. I turn around and smile at my group.

C: Easy.

I'm then hit with a bolas and taken to the floor. I snap the wire and get up as a group of Atlas ops walk up to me.

Atlas Ops 1: Hey you're under arrest for the possession of a relic and unlicensed huntsman activity.

C: Atlesian Secret Operative, Noon. Code: 5C0B69.

The Ops scrolls all light up signaling a superior officer.

Op 2: Our apologies sir!

C: Take us to Ironwood.

Op 1: At once!

With that they get us a ride up to a the higher parts of Atlas. Eventually we make it to his office and he greets us.

Ironwood: C! And students! It's been too long.

C: I have a couple of questions sir.

Ironwood: Of course.

C: Is the Winter maiden safe?

Ironwood: Did you not run into her during the Grimm attack?

C: No?

The door behind us opens and in steps... Penny. She is older with longer hair and a different outfit. She looks over at us and gasps. Ruby's eyes widen and she covers her mouth with her hands. She lunges at Penny and pulls her into a hug. They both fall to their knees and Ruby cries into Penny's shoulder. We all gather around her and hug them both as Ruby begins to calm down. I look over at Ironwood and ask him what's on my mind.

C: When did Doc rebuild her? Wait! She's the winter maiden?

Ironwood: Yes.

C: Seal this in the Vault then.

I put the lamp on his desk and he nods.

Ironwood: Penny. We have a job to do.

He leads us to the vault where Penny opens it and places the lamp inside before sealing it closed.

Ironwood: Now what are you going to do.

C: I'm going to kill Salem.

Everyone: WHAT?!

C: Yep. I'm taking the fight straight to her.

Ironwood: I don't suppose I can dissuade you, can I?

C: Nope.

Ironwood: At least wait till morning before heading out. We have room for all of you here.

C: I-

I look over at our group and see how tired everyone is.

C: I think that's for the best.

We are lead to some rooms for us to stay in and when everyone heads to their's I hear a knock at my door. I open it up and see Yang. I pull her into the room where she wraps her arms around me. I do the same as I close the door behind her. She pushes me against the wall and looks up at me. I push some hair out of her face and see worry all over her face.

C: Your scared.

Yang: I'm...yeah. I'm scared. What if we can't do this?

C: You heard Jinn. We can do this.

Yang: I know, but what if she was wrong? What if you die? Or what if-

I cut her off with a kiss. She seems apprehensive at first, but she melts into it. She puts her hands on my chest and pushes me back.

Yang: I'm serious. I...Sigh

C: I know. Trust me Yang. I won't let any of us die.

Yang: I know you won't, but there is something else bothering me.

C: What is it?

Yang: You're going to leave when you kill Salem aren't you?

C: I...I have a family waiting for me back home Yang. I'm sorry.

Yang: I-I knew what this was when I asked you out back at Beacon... I'm going to bed.

I see tears in her eyes as she backs up from me.

C: Yang.

I reach out for her, but she leaves the room without ever looking back. I sigh and lay down in bed.

C: I'm sorry.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi sadness

The next morning we all board a bullhead. It's all of us and I do mean all. The only one who stayed behind was Ironwood and Maria, but Penny came with us. We all headed to what could only be described as a black wasteland. The sky was red and there was nothing but dirt, black pools that the Grimm crawl out of, and a huge gothic castle. As we approach I sense something.

C: There is a maiden under her castle.

Oscar: What?

C: I'll be right back.

Ruby: What if it's a trap?

C: What if it isn't? I have to know.

I teleport to what I assume is the dungeon and I find something I wasn't expecting.


She immediately throws a hand over my mouth and glares at me.

Raven: Shut up or they'll hear us.

I nod and she takes her hand off my mouth.

C: You need some lotion lady. Your hands are rough as hell.

Raven: Regardless of how my hands feel, you think you can stop Salem?

C: Jinn said I could. And I was going to try regardless of what she said anyways, so yes I do think I can stop her.

Raven: Then you'll need help, and I know you can feel the other maiden here as well.

C: Wait that wasn't you?

Raven rolls her eyes at me and scoffs.

Raven: And here I thought I understood what Yang sees in you.

C: Oh don't worry I can't figure out what Tai saw in you. Other than your figure that is.

Raven glares at me and stomps over to a cell.

Raven: The maiden is in here, but the door is sealed by some sort of magic. I'm going to open it, but that will tell them exactly where we are so be ready.

I put a hand on her shoulder and teleport us inside.

Raven: Or we can do that. It seems you do have your uses.

C: Whatever.

I look across the room and see a woman who looks just like

C: Ruby?

Ruby?: Who's there?!

Raven: Summer?!?

Summer: Raven? Is it really you?

C: Oh your Ruby's mom.

Summer: You know my daughter? Is my baby okay?

C: Yeah I left her on the bullhead.

Summer: You brought my baby to this hell?!

She immediately tries to throw herself at me, but her chains stop her.

C: Relax. She's a fine warrior. You'd be proud of her, at least I hope you would be. You are her inspiration after all.

She stops and smiles a little.

C: I'm going to get you out of here Miss Rose.

Summer: The chains are magic you won't be able to-

I grab the chains and snap them easily.

C: You were saying? Come on.

I grab her bridal style and then look at Raven.

C: Grab on, unless you want to stay.

Raven puts a hand on my shoulder with a look of disgust. I teleport us back onto the bullhead. Once we're there I rush past the others until I reach the med bay. Or rather the closet we stuffed full of medical supplies. It's big enough to fit one person and a patient so that's convenient. I place Summer onto the cot and look her over. Her outfit is dirty and disgusting, her eyes are gone, and she is covered in wounds and infections. If I had to guess she is only being kept alive by her maiden powers, and based on how weak they feel she doesn't have long. I place my right hand on her and get to work.

Summer: What are you doing?

C: Healing you. If I don't you definitely will die on me.

I heal her up and by the time I'm done my time power is so strained I can't really do much with it.

C: Well I fixed everything except your eyes. I can't bring them back without the original eyeballs, but I do have these made by Doc Polendina.

I take out the newest cybernetic eyes that Polendina lent me, they're originally for Penny in case she needs them, buuut I'm sure he won't mind me giving them to Summer. I place them into her sockets and they do their weird eye science. She blinks a couple of times before looking over at me with a smile.

Summer: I can see.

Tears start to fall from her eyes as I smile at her.

C: Want to see your kid?

Summer: Yes! Bring me to Ruby now! Please!

I nod and help her out of the cot. She seems to be able to walk just fine so bonus points to me for healing her like a pro. She follows me to a door and when I open it I see Raven's backside. She turns around and moves out the way.

Raven: I didn't want anyone disturbing you.

C: Thank you for that. Ruby, Yang. Come here.

They walk up to me as I step out the way revealing Summer.

Ruby: M-mom?

Summer: Oh my sweet little cookie. You're so big now.

Ruby throws herself at Summer and wraps her in a hug. Yang just stands their with tears coming out her eyes while we all just look on.

Summer: Come here Sunny Dragon.

Yang stands there until I nudge her with my elbow and she runs to Summer. The three of them all hug and cry while I smile.

Qrow: You did a good thing here kid.

C: Thanks, but I wasn't alone.

I look over and see Raven with a small smile once she sees me looking at her she immediately looks away with her usual look of disdain. I chuckle and shake my head as I begin to walk away. I then feel a tug on my hood and I'm dragged into a big group hug with Ruby, Summer, and Yang. My eyes widen as I feel them all hug me from behind.

C: This is nice.

Ruby: Thank you, Onii-chan.

Yang: Yeah. Thanks for finding her.

C: As much as I would love to take full credit for that, I didn't find her. I followed Raven's maiden powers and she found Summer. I was just the getaway.

Raven: I don't recall me being the one to heal her. And if not for you, we wouldn't have gotten out of there.

C: No way! Did I just get a compliment from the leader of the Branwen Tribe, Raven Branwen!

Raven: No. You didn't. I'm stating that you're useful, nothing more nothing less.

C: Aw whatever, you're a big softie with a hard shell.

A sword is then pressed against my throat.

Raven: I'm. Not. Soft.

C: Neither am I around women like yourself and your daughter, but you don't here me bragging about it.

Yang starts laughing as Raven's eyes widen and she blushes.

Ruby: Uh. What?

Summer: Don't worry about it!

C: Yeah Imoto. Listen to your mother.

Ruby: Okay?


I look out the window and see an army of Grimm. I look over at Ohma and nod. We walk to the door of the bullhead, but someone stops me. I turn around and see Yang holding my hand.

Yang: You both can't seriously go against all of those Grimm alone.

C: We don't have a choice. We'll cut a way through straight to the castle. I can't teleport us all there and if we don't take out the Grimm then the bullhead is going down.

Yang: Let us help.

C: Nah. We got this, so land the bullhead and follow behind us. Take out any stragglers.

I slip out of her grasp and jump out the bullhead with Ohma behind me. We crash into the ground and look forward.

C: I take the five hundred on the right and you take the five hundred on the left?

Ohma: Bitch! I'll take five hundred and one.

C: That's the spirit.

Narrator POV

C and Ohma dash at the Grimm and start tearing them apart. C switches weapons constantly slicing, smashing, and shooting any poor thing that gets in his way while Ohma just straight up tears them apart with his fist and shadows. C ducks down as Ohma sends a shadow fist over him and through a deathstalker. C smirks and shoots a Ursa Major in the face as it tried to bite Ohma. They continue to cut a path towards the castle when Ohma grabs a Grimm and absorbs it.

C: The hell was that?!

Ohma: I don't know!

C: Did it hurt?

Ohma: No. I feel good actually.

C: Then keep it up, I guess.

They keep going and any Grimm that approaches the rest of the team are quickly torn down by them. C takes out two pistols and jumps into the air and spins all the while shooting like a madman. He lands as a huge amount of Grimm dissipate. Ohma covers his fist in shadows and shoots it through a line of Grimm absorbing them all at once. Every time he absorbs one he gets a boost in power and speed making it all the easier for them to tear through the Grimm. Eventually they make it to the castle doors and fist bump. The others run up behind them and they stand at the gates. C opens the doors only to be hit by a fireball that he blocks, and out steps Cinder and Neo.

C: Your alive?!

Cinder: We aren't here for you, fool. Hello Ruby.

Ruby: Move. Or be moved.

Neo shatters and appears beside Ruby. She grabs her and shatters again before appearing beside Cinder and doing the same. Suddenly a swarm of Grimm all crawl out of the pools around them.

Summer: Where is my Baby?!

Oscar: Grimm!

Raven: We have to deal with them first.

Yang: But-!

C: I've got Ruby! You guys be careful!

C uses his soul to find Ruby's and teleports to her. He sees Neo and Ruby fighting as Cinder pulls back an arrow until C decks her across the face. She turns to him with an angry look as she makes swords in her hands. They both rush in and clash until C shatters her swords and hits her in the stomach so hard she goes flying away. C turns back to Neo and sees her wearing Roman's hat. She shatters and knocks out Ruby. She then pulls a blade out of her umbrella and lifts it up.

C: NEO! Ruby didn't kill Roman.

He pulls out Roman's cane from a portal and Neo's eyes are filled with rage. She rushes right at him with the blade and he deflects it with Roman's cane. They have a back and forth until they clash. Neo headbutts him and he reels back. She then rushes in and stabs him in the chest. C kicks her back and pulls the blade out of his chest. His aura and time powers start healing him, but then Cinder rushes at him with her blades. He fights her off as Neo rushes in at the same time. He fights both of them back, but every time he thinks he's got them down Neo activates her semblance and an illusion shatters in front of C. He gets fed up and grabs Neo before slamming her into the dirt and then decking her in the face. She jams her blade into his stomach as Cinder sends a fireball at his back making him fly back. He pops back onto his feet and Neo rushes in again for a stab. She rams her blade through him and he grabs her shoulder pulling the blade in closer as he puts the cane to her chest and fires. A hole is blasted in her chest and she looks down with blood coming out her mouth. She falls to her side lifeless. C takes the blade, the parasol, Roman's hat, and cane and puts them into a portal after he leans down and closes Neo's eyes. He then looks over and sees Cinder standing over Ruby. She lifts her sword and C switches places with Ruby. Cinder drives the blade through his chest and then puts a hand on C's cheek.

Cinder: Any last words?

Her hand heats up and starts burning C's flesh.

C: Yeah two actually. PETAL BURST!

C tackles her down as a blur with multi colored rose petals flow behind him. He takes her to the ground and drags her across it before launching them both straight up into the air high above Salem's castle. He grabs Cinder by the shoulders as he looks into her eye.

C: I won't let you hurt anyone else!

C's eyes start to glow silver and suddenly a huge bursts of blinding light happens turning all the Grimm to stone and even turning Cinder to stone as well. C crashes through the top of Salem's castle shattering the statue of Cinder and the shockwave destroys all the other Grimm statues. C stands up straight as the rest of the group rushes in and sees him standing in the middle of the hallway. He dusts himself off and looks over when suddenly a red blur rushes into the room and takes him to the floor.

C: Geez Imoto! You're gonna end up breaking a rib if you aren't careful.

Ruby: That was so cool!! Teach me! ImeanIcandoit,butIdon'tthinkIcoulddoitlikeyoujustdidandOHMYGOSHTHATWASAWESOME!!

C: Later. We're busy right now.

C stands up and Ruby let's go of him before backing up with a grin on her face. Suddenly she is covered in an orange glow and her eyes burst into orange flames.

Ruby: W-What happened?

C: You're a maiden. The new Fall Maiden.

Ruby: But... I-

Summer: It's okay, Baby. You get used to it, but right now we have a job to do.

They turn around and see a huge set of double doors.

C: This is it. Let's give her hell.

C looks back at his friends and they all ready their weapons except for Summer who didn't have one.

C: Hey Summer. Come here.

She walks up and C puts a hand on her head. He looks through her memories and sees a weapon, a spear. He takes one of his weapons and transforms it into her spear.

Summer: How did you-

C: I looked through your memories until I found that.

Summer: Wait. What all did you see?




C then kicks the doors in to prevent the conversation from continuing. The second the doors fly open a scorpion faunus comes flying out at C, but he stops him with one hand surrounding the faunus in a blue glow.

Qrow: Tyrian.

C: He's evil right?

Ruby: He tried to kill us and take me to Salem.

C: Evil. Got it.

C sends Tyrian straight up through the roof using his gravity powers.

Arsenic: Do you think he'll come back down?

C: For his sake, I hope not.

They look forward and Hazel steps up to them.

C: You don't want to do this.

Hazel: As long as you're with Ozpin, I will stand against you.

Ohma sends a shadow fist through him so hard he is sent through the wall across the room.

Ohma: Okay. Anyone else want to try and stop us.

They look over and see man with a mustache. This man is Arthur Watts.

Watts: Don't look at me I'm not-

He is disintegrated by Salem. A tall woman with white skin, not Caucasian, WHITE like actually white, black veins, white hair, and red eyes.

C: Well that was just rude.

Salem: He was never a fighter, I on the other hand.

She let's loose so much energy the entire castle starts falling apart. C puts a dome around them as the ceiling collapses. C pushes the dome out making the rubble push off of them. They all look up and see Salem floating above them.

Ruby: What's the plan?

C: Alright. Um...

Ohma: Great. You don't have a plan.

Ohma sends a shadow fist at her, but she stops it in front of her and sends a shoots a purple laser at it making it disappear.

Ohma: Alright..Queen of Grimm knows light magic...not good.

C: Let's just...hit her.

C rushes in and clashes with Salem until she wraps a hand around his throat and puts a hand up to his chest. She fires a laser right through him that sends him flying. Yang fires a shot at her, but she blocks it. Yang fires behind herself to separate from the others once that happens she keeps firing.

Ruby: I got it. You'll all separate out while C, Ohma, Raven, Mom, Penny, and I all try to take her down.

Ruby rushes in with her scythe and slices at Salem. Salem catches the scythe and looks at Ruby.

Salem: Ruby Rose, the girl with the silver eyes, and the new Fall Maiden.

She tosses Ruby aside and charges a ball in her hand. Summer then rushes in and stabs Salem with her spear. Raven then rushes in and slices at Salem with her sword. Salem backhands them both away as her wounds close. Everyone fires their weapons at her, but any damage caused is quickly thrown out the window.

Ohma: C! She heals!

C: Shes immortal! That's cheap. Do you think you can absorb her? She is a Grimm technically.

Ohma: I can try.

Salem sends a laser out that hits everyone knocking them back. C rushes in and swings at her. He dodges a laser from her as Ohma sends a shadow fist at her, but she grabs it and fires a laser at him. He is sent to the massive Grimm pool behind where the castle once stood.

C: Ohma!

Salem lifts him into the air by his neck.

Salem: You played a good game boy, but now the game is done and now you die.

C: I'll be real with you... I'm not even trying.

Salem: Nice joke, but it won't work.

C kicks her in the stomach making her launch back. She looks up and C slams his fist into her face sending her straight down. She stands up as C lands in front of her. She charges a laser, but a fist goes through her and her skin fades from it's white tone to a Caucasian skin tone. She looks behind her and sees Ohma with white hair, red eyes, and white skin.

Ohma: Look at that. I'm feeling pretty good.

He rushes in and slams his fist through her, but once he rips it out it heals back up.

Ohma: Oh...still immortal.

She sends a laser of pure light at him sending him to the floor and into the ground. C then rushes her and wraps his right hand around her neck. She glows red for a moment until she shoots C off of her.

Salem: Did you seriously try to choke an immortal?!

C: You'll have to update your dating profile, bitch.

A bullet goes through her arm and the hole doesn't close.

C: Because you aren't immortal anymore.

Arsenic smirks as she glares at him. He digs into the Earth to avoid a laser as another bullet goes through Salem. This time it was from Ruby. She is then littered with bullets from everybody until C jumps up and slams her straight into the floor. She slams into the ground.

Salem: Do all you heros just blabber on once you think you've won?!

C: Then allow me to get straight to the punch!

C races down at full speed and crashes into her making an explosion. The dust settles and C stands there with a scrap of her dress in his hand as everyone else pulls them out off the ground.

C: I think...I went overboard.

Yang: Ya think.

Weiss: That was anticlimactic.

C: Eh. It could have been a lot more boring. I could have just one hit ko'ed her with some stupid BS move that no one ever heard of before.

Ohma roars as everyone looks over at him. He breathes out and walks up to a throne. He sits on the throne as what's left of the Grimm bow to him. He lifts his hand and they all dissipate. Not just the ones there. Every single Grimm all just fade to dust and the dust gathers around Ohma. He absorbs it all and let's out a deep breath.

Ohma: Let's leave.

C: What did you do?

Ohma: Grimm won't be a problem anymore.

With that he walks over to the bullhead and gets on.

C: Wait what?!

They follow him and get on.

Ohma: I destroyed all the Grimm in the entire world.

Ruby: But what will all the Huntsman and huntresses do?

Ohma: I don't know...stop criminals?

They all head back to Patch. They all sit in the bullhead as Qrow drives them.

C: They're gonna clean up your looks
With all the lies in the books
To make a citizen out of you
Because they sleep with a gun
And keep an eye on you, son
So they can watch all the things you do

C gets up and walks across the bullhead all the while singing. Everyone else joins in except for Raven.

Because the drugs never work
They're gonna give you a smirk
'Cause they got methods of keepin' you clean
They gonna rip up your heads
Your aspirations to shreds
Another cog in the murder machine

They said all
Teenagers scare
The living shit out of me
They could care less
As long as someone'll bleed
So darken your clothes
Or strike a violent pose
Maybe they'll leave you alone
But not me

The boys and girls in the clique
The awful names that they stick
You're never gonna fit in much, kid
But if you're troubled and hurt
What you got under your shirt
Will make them pay for the things that they did

They said all
Teenagers scare
The living shit out of me
They could care less
As long as someone'll bleed
So darken your clothes
Or strike a violent pose
Maybe they'll leave you alone
But not me

Oh yeah

They said all
Teenagers scare
The living shit out of me
They could care less
As long as someone'll bleed
So darken your clothes
Or strike a violent pose
Maybe they'll leave you alone
But not me

All together now

Teenagers scare
The living shit out of me
They could care less
As long as someone'll bleed
So darken your clothes
Or strike a violent pose
Maybe they'll leave you alone
But not me

Teenagers scare
The living shit out of me
They could care less
As long as someone'll bleed
So darken your clothes
Or strike a violent pose
Maybe they'll leave you alone
But not me

C: Fuck.

He falls back onto the floor while everyone laughs and they enjoy the rest of the ride to Patch.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi C defeating Chibi Salem

It took a while, but they eventually got to Patch. Once there everyone had a huge sleepover at Yang and Ruby's place which Tai was actually pretty thrilled about. It threw him for a huge loop seeing Summer, but after a while everyone was pretty good. Yang grabs C and looks at him.

Yang: Can I talk to you?

C: Sure.

They walk outside and Yang holds one arm with the other as she looks away with a sad look on her face.

Yang & C: I'm sorry.

Yang: Umm. You first.

C: No go ahead.

Yang: O-okay. I'm sorry about all I said the other day. I guess the fact that I wouldn't have you here with me hit me. I just...don't want to lose you, but I get it. You have a person who you need to have get back to, so...I'm sorry.

C: Yang.

He takes her hand in his.

C: I might not be here with you, but you aren't losing me. If you ever need me I'll be there. I do genuinely care about you. I do love you, but I have someone who I promised to get back to.

Yang: I know, but can I ask you two things?

C: Go ahead.

Yang: If your other relationship ever falls apart, you'll hit me up before anyone else?

C: Okay. I promise. But what is the other thing?

Yang: Sleep in my bed tonight?

C: Sure thing, Sunshine.

They head inside and to bed.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi C sleeping with Chibi Yang (Not like that!)

C and Ohma stand out front of the Rose/Xiao Long residence. Ohma shows C his phone which shows a map of the Multiverse on it. C looks at it and opens a portal to Universe KlK. Ohma nods at him and steps through. C walks over to Arsenic and crouches down.

C: So what's up kiddo, you coming?

Arsenic: I...I don't know. I don't want to leave, but I don't want you to go either. Why can't you just stay?

C wraps him in a hug and holds him.

C: I have to go, but I'll be back. I promise. As long as you're happy I'm okay.

C stands up, but before he can go Yang grabs him and looks at him with tears in her eyes.

Yang: Just promise me you won't forget us because we will never forget you.

C: I could never forget any of you.

He wipes her tears away and kisses her cheek. Before he walks over and gets on Tempus. He looks back once and gives a two finger salute with tears in his eyes before he revs it up and goes through the portal. Arsenic cries a little, but Yang wraps him in a hug and shushes him.

Yang: He'll be back. I promise.

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