Until Never Means Forever

By mariahbelle18

10.1K 182 6

NOT MY STORY!! This story was by TVDVampire on Fanfiction.com The Sequel to Until This Lie Do Us Part. Back b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 3

527 8 0
By mariahbelle18

Stefan winced as he felt something touch his nose. His eyes slowly fluttered open to see what the annoying object was. "Morning" Elena grinned, dropping the small twig that she had been poking him with the past five minutes to wake him. She moved closer to him, touching her nose to his before kissing him. "Last night?" she whispered. "You really know how to make a girl feel loved" she whispered again before kissing him.

Stefan groaned, loving the way she was making him feel. Damn. He was one lucky guy. "Mmmm ... say more things like that" he told her, reaching his arms up and securing them around her.

Elena laughed sleepily before kissing his chin. "I would love nothing more than to enlighten you on what you do to me, Mr. Salvatore" she grinned. "But, we need to get up and get showered, seeing as how we have to go back home today" she reminded.

Stefan sighed. "I don't want to go back home" he said, letting his hands trail down her naked back. "You don't get naked that often at home anymore" he whispered, resting his lips against her hair, inhaling the green apple scent.

This made her frown. Though, it was true. "I don't want to be one of those married couples who never have sex" she said, lifting her head up to look at him anxiously.

Stefan smiled. "Me either" he said. "I just miss you" he added, kissing her forehead.

Elena smiled as an idea popped into her head. "Let's spend the weekends together, just you and me" she proposed. "We don't even have to go anywhere. We can ... stay in bed all weekend or watch movies" she said, leaning down and kissing him slowly.

"I like that" he told her. "But" he said, placing his finger against her lips to keep her from kissing him again. "I want us to both be in bed by 9:00 on the weekdays" he said, adding his own terms. "To ensure I get my Elena-loving time in" he added, a sly grin forming.

"Elena-loving time?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at him. He nodded. "Oh Stefan" she said, drumming her fingers on his chest. "So needy" she added.

"When I'm married to someone who looks as amazing as you do, can you blame me?" he asked. Elena blushed and hid her face. "You know, the appropriate response would be to say something like that about me" he added.

"Yes, I am married to a sex God" Elena mumbled, slightly embarrassed. She lifted her head up and saw him grinning at her. His hands stilled, resting on her waist. "We have to get up" she said, determined to derail whatever plans he had for them in that tent.

"No" he said, his eyes dancing with humor.

"No?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.

"That's right, no" he said, tightening his hold on her. "We've got this campsite until 6:00 PM and I intend to get my money's worth" he added, his fingers softly skimming her sides when he realized that she really wasn't trying too hard to get away.

Elena frowned. "You told me about all the fun things we were going to do. Hiking, taking a boat out on the lake. I wanted to do all of that" she said, her disappointment evident.

How was he supposed to argue when she gave him that "pouty, I'm not happy" look? He hated that look. Lily did it too. "Alright, alright" he said. Her eyes lit up and she jumped away from him, grabbing her neatly folded yoga pants and tank top that she had never gotten around to putting on the night before.

"Are you going to shower?" she asked, digging through her bag for her shower supplies and a towel.

"Yeah" he sighed. Elena tossed his shorts and t-shirt at him. He slipped them on and then watched Elena move around the tent, getting everything together that she needed. He smiled. "How did I get so lucky?" he asked himself.

"What?" Elena asked, turning to look at him.

"Nothing" he said, shaking his head. "Ready?" he asked, moving to unzip the tent. He crawled out of it, stretching before offering his hand and helping her out.

"I think it is going to be gorgeous out today" Elena said, continuing to hold his hand as they walked down the path toward the bathrooms. There were various tents and campers along the way. Most people were already up and making breakfast.

"I hope so" he said, walking leisurely with her. They made it to the bathrooms a few minutes later. Elena let go of his hand to walk in, but he caught her in his arms. "Wait for me" he said, dragging her back to him.

Elena laughed. "These aren't coed bathrooms, Stefan. You have to shower by yourself" she told him.

Stefan's face fell as he glanced up at the two doors opposite each other and saw that they were in fact labeled men and women. He frowned. "The only reason I got out of the tent was because I thought we were going to shower together" he whined.

Elena turned around in his arms and grinned. "We can shower together tonight when we get home. For now, we shower separately." She handed him some soap and shampoo from her bucket and kissed his lips quickly. "See you in fifteen" she told him before disappearing into the bathroom.

Stefan grumbled as he stalked into the men's room.


Stefan was waiting for her when she got out of the bathroom, her hair braided down along her back and her makeup minimal, but flawless. She smiled, accepting his warm embrace. "Miss me that much?" she asked, feeling him hold her tight.

"Mmm hmmm" he said, letting his hands trail down her back. "I love these shorts" he said, running his hands further down along her backside.

Elena gasped, backing away from him suddenly. "There are people around us" she warned. Stefan laughed, shaking his head as he held his hand out to her, ready to go. Elena hesitated. "I'll behave. Promise" he said.

Elena reluctantly gave him her hand. "You are impossible, you know that?" she said, walking alongside him.

"You're the one who married me" he sang, kicking a pinecone out of his way as he walked.

"You didn't really give me a choice" she smiled. "I have a feeling that you wouldn't have given up until I agreed" she continued. "Even a restraining order wouldn't have deterred you."

Stefan tugged on her hand and she collided into his side where he was able to wrap his arms around her. "Not even a restraining order" he grinned, pressing a light kiss to her temple. "You and your feistiness" he laughed, shaking his head, remembering when she had slammed him up against the wall when he had made a bold pass at her. Now, he liked when she pushed him into walls. It usually was a precursor for something he was going to really like.

They dropped their things off back at the tent before they set out on their hike. "So, I was thinking..." Elena began as they walked along the dirt path.

"Uh oh" Stefan said, earning him a disproving look.

"Maybe I should have my own horse" she said. "You and Lily both have horses. And if I want to do more riding with both of you, I should have a horse too."

Stefan thought about her proposal. "Yeah, I suppose you should" he said. "I'll call up a buddy of mine. He probably has a suitable one for you."

"No, I'd like to pick my own horse out" she told him, tightening her grip on his hand as they began climbing up a steep hill.

"You do" he said, raising an eyebrow at her. "Well, I don't want you getting some wild horse that will hurt you" he informed her.

"I understand that" she told him. "But, I would like to have options, rather than just one picked out for me" she explained. "I want to make sure that the horse and I get along. I want a new best friend" she shrugged.

Stefan smiled. That was adorable. "You are quite possibly cuter than Lily, you know that?" he told her. A new best friend. It made him want to laugh.

"Not possible" Elena grinned. "We'll discuss the horse later. Where are we going?" she asked him.

"Just down there" he said, pointing to a dock as soon as a clearing opened up. He led her back down the hill and waved at a guy mulling around on the dock. "Stefan Salvatore" he said, shaking the man's hand. "My wife, Elena" he added, smiling at her.

Elena still felt giddy at being introduced as his wife. She couldn't help it. "Nice to meet you" she said, extending her own hand.

"You too" the man said, smiling at her. "Your boat is ready" he informed.

"Thank you" he said, leading Elena towards the end of the dock. It was a small wooden boat with paddles and two benches facing each other. He climbed into the boat and held out his hand for Elena to join him. "Watch your step" he smiled as she landed right in front of him.

She looked up into his eyes, her love and adoring look starting with her eyes and ending with her smile. "Thank you" she said, kissing his lips quickly before taking her seat. Stefan took his seat as well and untied the boat.

They were in the middle of the lake in no time. Elena sat back and watched Stefan's muscles flex as he rowed. It was a beautiful sight. "Enjoying the view?" he asked, taking a rest.

Elena nodded. "Very much, Mr. Salvatore." Stefan grinned as he stood, the boat rocking as a result. Elena gripped the sides of the boat. "What are you doing?" she asked.

Stefan proceeded to take the bench out and lay it in the back of the boat. "Stand" he said, turning back around to offer her his hand. Elena did so and Stefan took her bench out too. He spread a blanket out on the floor of the boat. "Come here" he said, sitting down and holding his arms out for her to follow. She did. Stefan leaned back and looked up at the sky. Elena did the same. "It's so peaceful out here" he murmured, as the boat rocked gently back and forth.

Elena sighed and closed her eyes. "It really is" she agreed, resting her head against his chest.

He wrapped his arm around her, running his fingers along her shoulder. "I love you" he whispered.

"I'll never tire of hearing you say that to me" she murmured. "I love you, too."

His heart still fluttered when he heard her say it to him. He was okay with getting excited every time he heard it because he knew, he was going to hear it again the next day and the day after that. She really, truly loved him. And she wasn't going anywhere.


The camping trip had been way too short, Elena decided. It was almost time for bed when they got home and had unpacked the car. "Thank you" Elena said, grabbing on to his shirt and pulling him in to kiss her by the car. "I had a really nice time."

"Get any bug bites?" Stefan asked, checking her bare arms.

Elena grinned. "I'm not sure. Maybe you can get a better look when we get into bed" she said, trailing her finger along his chest before walking away.

He groaned. "You better not change your mind!" he called out after her, holding three of her bags and the tent in his arms. Elena threw him a flirtatious smile before heading inside.

"I'm so tired" Elena complained, falling into bed next to Stefan. "But I did have fun" she added.

"You always have fun with me" he grinned, rolling her over so that he could kiss her. "If I remember correctly, I'm supposed to check you for bug bites" he whispered, kissing her cheek before snaking his hands up under her shirt. He moved his lips, trailing them down her neck.

Elena couldn't help the giggle that escaped from her. "How is this checking for bug bites?" she asked skeptically as he continued to kiss her, touch her. Hell, she was losing all ability to even think about what he was doing to her now.

"Don't you worry" he whispered, his mouth against her ear. "I am very, very qualified" he added.

Elena's heartbeat began to quicken. She loved when he talked to her like that, right against her ear. It was, well, sexy. She closed her eyes and allowed Stefan to take over. She didn't care how tired she was tonight. She missed him. Their weekend had reminded her of that.


It was nearly noon when they had both finally rolled out of bed and into the shower. Stefan had taken the day off, figuring that he would be exhausted following the camping trip. He was right.

He found himself walking back upstairs, finding Elena in front of the mirror, attempting to clasp a necklace around her neck. He smiled and smoothly stepped in behind her, taking it and doing it for her. "Thank you" she smiled, locking eyes with him in the mirror.

"You're welcome" he smiled back, placing a kiss on the back of her shoulder. "I'm meeting Lily for ice cream. Do you want to come?" he asked.

Elena shook her head. "You go. I'm going to answer some e-mails and call my brother and Bonnie" she told him.

Stefan nodded. "Okay. Tell them I said hi" he replied, turning her briefly so that he could properly kiss her. "I'll be home in an hour or so" he said, kissing her one last time.


"I have a problem, Uncle Stefan" Lily said, her tone and face serious as she sat across from him at the table.

Stefan looked up at her, a bit alarmed at why a 7-year old was so serious about something. "What is it?" he asked her.

She took a slow breath and set her spoon down. "I want to get a savings account" she told him. Stefan didn't see a problem with that. "But Daddy says all the money he gives me has to go in there, which means I can't buy everything I want no more" she explained, enlightening her uncle about her new crisis.

Stefan tried so hard not to grin. "Well, Babe, maybe you have to start thinking about not buying everything you want" he told her with a small shrug. "You know, start planning for your future instead."

Lily looked at him, completely shocked that he would say such a thing to her. "Are you trying to be funny Uncle Stefan?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest. "Because I am having a crisis!" she insisted.

Stefan quickly composed himself, but he was about ready to burst. He really wished that Elena were there to see this. "No, I'm not trying to be funny, Lil. I'm just offering you advice. But maybe you have to figure out how to handle this on your own."

Lily sighed. "You're right" she sighed. Then she smiled and her eyes lit up and Stefan knew he was done for. Whatever plan she had, she had already developed it before their ice cream date. And whatever plan it was, it was going to involve him. "What if I put all the money that Daddy gives me into my savings account and you can give me money to buy what I want?" she suggested. It was a win-win situation. For her, anyways.

Stefan smiled. "How would that be teaching you responsibility, then?" he asked curiously.

"Ummm ..." she said, placing her finger on her lip as she thought about it. "I would be responsible by ... by asking you for the money so I could go buy stuff" she said, her eyes lightening up at her answer.

She had him there. "You have been thinking pretty hard about this, haven't you?" he asked her.

Lily nodded. "Elena told me about the savings account at her bank and I want one too, just like her. But I also want new purses and shoes and stuff" she explained.

"Elena did, did she?" he asked. Lily nodded again. He knew about Elena's savings account. He had offered to contribute to it, but she never let him. "Well, I think a savings account is a great idea. How about I help you set it up and we can work out a deal where you can still buy things and save up your money?" he suggested.

She looked at him suspiciously. "What kind of a deal?" she asked, raising a wary eyebrow at him.

Stefan smiled. "Oh, I don't know. Money for good grades? Good behavior?" he suggested.

Lily thought about that. "How about you just give me money because I'm cute and you love me?" she said, making her own suggestion for him.

Stefan sighed. "You're not going to let me say no, are you?" Stefan asked her.

"Nope" she said, crawling down out of her seat and coming to sit with him. "I love you" she said sweetly, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I love you too" he told her, smiling at the fact that a 7-year old just made a completely unfair deal with him. And he had let her.

"Can I have $132.00 for a new purse?" she asked, keeping her arms around his neck.

Stefan abruptly pulled her away from him. "Your dad gives you that much money for a new purse whenever you want?" he asked in disbelief.

"No. Mommy does. But now that her and Daddy are always kissing, she doesn't give me everything I want no more" Lily explained with a hint of irritancy in her voice. "So, can I have it?" she asked.

"I'll think about it" he grumbled. "Finish your ice cream" he said, setting her down. Lily went back to her seat, picked up her spoon, and smiled adoringly at him. They both new Stefan was going to buy her the purse.


Elena finished with her phone calls and e-mails and decided to go for a walk since Stefan wasn't home yet. It was still beautiful out, but she knew that the dark winter days were just around the corner. Though, that just meant sipping hot chocolate and sitting with Stefan by the fire. The thought made her smile.

She came up to the clearing and saw the barn and the horses grazing, but she decided to go back towards the woods along a path that Stefan had taken her riding on before. The orange, brown, and yellow leaves decorated the ground. Maybe she could convince Stefan to take her riding when he got home. She continued walking, admiring the view.

A slow figure moving onto the path stopped her dead in her tracks though. This was private property. No one else should have been there. The figure, a man, she decided, was dressed in dark blue jeans and a black hoodie. He had the hood up and his face tilted down so she couldn't see his face. Instinctively, she stepped back.

Then, he looked up at her, slowly, as if he knew she was waiting for him to. Her breath caught in her throat and a gasping sound came out in place of any words. He just stared at her. "No" she whispered, taking another step back. Fear, adrenaline. It all coursed through her body. She took three more steps back before she took off running back for the house. As fast as she was running, it still crossed her mind that he might catch up to her.

When she almost made it to the clearing, she stopped abruptly and looked behind her. No one was there. The only thing she could hear was her loud breathing. She scanned the direction she had come from. Still nothing. It wasn't possible. She had to have imagined it. Had to. Her mind was playing tricks on her.

But she wasn't going to stick around and find out. She turned quickly to run back to the house, but as she took a step forward, her shoe caught on a tree root, sending her forward. The last thing she remembered as her head smacked against the hard ground, was silently uttering his name. "Derrick."

Then, everything went dark.

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