Love Through Time

By ishqbazz_fangirl29

30.8K 3K 694

A couple whose chemistry also involves some physics (Not kidding though). One day kuhu and mishti finds thems... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
Abir 1
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Suggestion box

Kuhu 1

946 66 2
By ishqbazz_fangirl29

The morning when kuhu disappeared,

kuhu: hey mishti... I have a spa appointment ... I have to go ... tell to mom ... I forgot to tell her.

mishti: who goes to the spa this morning?

kuhu: none of your business.

mishti: whatever

kuhu leaves for spa...

kuhu: ah ... this girl never knows the value of the spa ... I got this appointment after several days ...

kuhu enters into the building ...She gets a call from her friend...

kuhu(on phone): yeah... I reached there... I will try and give feedback to you... arey don't worry ...we will find the perfect spa for your wedding ...

she didn't notice the floor ...

she opened the first floor's door.

kuhu: arrey why is this empty !!! I thought this was a spa ... 

she sees the another door.

kuhu: oh it must be behind the door ...

she walked through the door and came to 2016....she was shocked to see the stairs again...

kuhu: arrey... what is this? why is this building so weird !!! maybe I should check the next floor.

kuhu checked the next floor ... no one was there... it was empty...

kuhu: what is this ?? where is this?

she came down and checked the door of the first floor didn't open ...

kuhu ran down the stairs and walked through the street...She walked towards her home ...

she was walking for a long time and she was exhausted ...

kuhu: what happened to me? why did everything seem different ??

she ran in front of a car ...

a person came outside the car...

it was Kunal.

Kunal: where are your eyes? cant you see ... this is a road ... people ride vehicles here ...

kuhu heard him talking but she was too tired to answer...

slowly she started to faint...

everyone started to circle them...

one person from the crowd: aah ... the man must have made the accident...see she is fainted ...poor girl ...

another person: arey... take her to a nearby hospital... it was your fault too

Kunal (in mind): I have no time to waste to explain these to the people ... I have to go to the office and then I have to talk to Bhai ... it's even better to take this stupid drama girl to hospital...

Kunal: okay... help me get this girl into the car...

Kunal takes kuhu to hospital...

doctor:its nothing severe... she seems weak and exhausted...

Kunal: thank god... i will pay the charges ... keep her here until she wakes up ... i have to go...

doctor:okay ...

Kunal leaves...

kuhu wakes up after 3 hours ...

kuhu: where am i ?

nurse: you are in a hospital mam ... you fainted in the road...someone brought you here ... here is your report mam...

kuhu sees the date on the report... have entered the wrong date... it's 2020

nurse: mam I think you need more rest...its 2016...

kuhu was shocked.

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