Normal to us (GxGxG) ✔️

By See_you_feel_you

564K 18.2K 4.7K

Three happily married wives going through life together. Not normal to the world but normal to them. Alex Wo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chater 26
Chapter 27
Author's Note
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Author's Note
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Sequel Announcement

Chapter 3

18.7K 684 153
By See_you_feel_you

Stephanie's POV

I step into my office building and the reception lady almost shit her pants.

"Good morning Mrs Woods" she says in a shaky voice.

"Good morning Eve" I say and walk to the elevator. Shame she is always so nervous around me and I don't know why.

The elevator doors open and wide eyes everywhere. I know they don't do shit when I am not here but I let it go because it's Friday and also as long as their work is done on time then I don't care. I don't need that stress in my life. 

I walk away from the cubicles, down the hallway. I walk past a few meeting rooms and a few of them are filled with people. One in particular with my favourite, ah Jerry. We make eye contact through the glass wall that separates us. He gives me a small nod and I am satisfied.

"Good morning Mrs Woods. I didn't think you are coming in today" my assistant Lauren greets me a bit too excited. Alex and Maya still believe she is in love with me but I don't pay that much attention to her. So maybe I don't see it.

"Good morning Lauren" I say and walk into my office. There is a big wooden desk with my computer that is facing the big wooden doors. Behind my desk is a big almost wall to wall window. There is a small fridge with leather couch lounge to my left and a big conference table to my right. I usually have meetings in the normal meet rooms but this is for my private clients.

I take a seat at my desk and check my emails. One thing about being one of the most powerful lawyers ,is there is always emails. I did have my emails synched with my phone once and that was the biggest mistake of my life. It wouldn't stop going off so I decided that is not going to work. Especially when I am at home.


My desk phone goes off and I know it's Lauren because all my calls go to her first and then she asks me before I answer.

"Yes Lauren"

"There is a Mr Lane downstairs looking for you"

"Isn't the meeting scheduled for 1pm?"

"Yes mam, he wants to know if you can maybe do it now at 12?"

"Ok that is fine. Show him to room 3 please"

"Yes mam"

I leave my emails and get my files ready. This is a very important meeting. The man owns one of the largest technology companies in the world and a few months ago his lawyer played him like a fool and now he is looking for someone else. And he specifically asked for me not just my company. So if I land this client it can change the game for me. Then I will get more big clients like him.


"Mr Lane I am looking forward to work with you" I say with a big smile on my face. He just said yes to me. Well it wasn't hard but he is a loyal man and so am I.

"Likewise Mrs Woods. I will send a little gift your way this afternoon" he says while standing up.

"That is not necessary" I say as we walk to the door.

"Of course it is." He smiles. I shake his hand again and he leaves.

I walk back to the table and sit down. I take a deep breath. "Fuck". I did it.

I grab all the papers that he just signed and walk back to my office. Because he asked me personally everything is confidential so this means I have to do the paperwork myself. Which I don't mind at all because someone always fucks it up.

I decide to start immediately. Just to get going. There is no way I will finish today because it's almost 3pm. Wow that meeting was long but so worth it.

I can't wait to tell Alex and Maya. They have been so supportive of this. They helped me put everything in place. They gave me ideas and everything. They actually know a lot about what I do and it's amazing because they toke the time to learn what I do. They have spent some much time with me here at the office. Especially when I had a late night meeting or had to work late they would always surprise me with dinner or something. They would just sit here on my couches having their own conversation. They will never me a distraction, in fact I work a lot better when they are near me so I don't worry about getting home to them. They are just the best wives ever.


"Come in"

Lauren pops through my door. "Your wife called while you were in the meeting. She asked if you could call her back when you have the time."

"My meeting ended an hour ago Lilly why are you telling me this only now?" I ask very annoyed.

"I forgot to write it down mam. My apologies" she says and then closes the door before I could say anything else. I could easily flip out right now but my wife needs me.

I take out my phone and Alex needs me. She sent me a text so I immediately call her.

"Dr Woods phone. This is Rachel speaking"  Immediately confused as fuck.

"Can I please speak to my wife? Why do you have her phone?"

"Dr Woods is just quickly with a pati....oh no here she comes. Who is on the phone Rachel?" I hear Alex in the background.

"It's your wife Dr"  she says.


"Hi honey"

"Hey baby"

"Why are you at the hospital?"

"I had too come check up on my patient. I couldn't just sit at home wondering"

"I thought you would. How is he doing?"

"He is actually doing pretty well. He is in a lot of pain but there are no infections so hopefully by Monday we can plan for another surgery"

"Oh that's great news baby."

"Yeah now I can relax. I can't wait to share a glass of wine with you"

"Ahh you and me both baby. Sorry I only called you now. Lauren somehow forgot to tell me you called."

"I told you she doesn't like us. Bitch"

"I will talk to her about that. But is everything ok?"

"Yeah uhmm a guy called me this afternoon from the place where we bought the fridge and he was fucking screaming in my ear about the delivery payment so I said I will call him back because I just walked into the hospital. So I called you to see if you maybe had time but then Laren said you were already in your meeting so it's fine. I called Maya too but she was also busy so we can just call them tomorrow. I think they are closed anyway"

"I am sorry baby. Yeah my meeting was a bit earlier. Are you ok?"

"Yeah I am fine I didn't say anything. I just said I can't talk right now I will call you later and then I ended the call. Just like you tought me"

"That's my girl" 

"What time are you leaving the office?"

"I have some paperwork but I am over it now so probably in the next 30 minutes."

"Would you mind come picking me up at the hospital? I took an uber here but since you are coming this way...."

"Of course baby. Why would you even ask?"

"I didn't know if you had something else to do before we go to the restaurant"

"No baby I will come pick you up"

"Thanks honey. I will probably be on my floor"

"You always are. I will see you in a bit ok"

"Ok I love you"

"I love you too"

Ahh my sweet caring Alex. She is definitely the polite one. I knew she would go to the hospital to check on her patients. That is how much she cares, that's who she is. The amount of love and care ahe has for her patients doesn't even come close to what she does for me and Maya. Well it's no competition but she will definitely take the gold medal for when it comes to comforting. She just knows how to do it. She has the purest heart.

I pack up my things and head out the door. I couldn't wait 20 more minutes. I want my weekend to start. I want to see my family.

I close the door and place both my hands on Lauren's desk. She swallows hard and I can see she is blushing from my close appearance.

"Lauren if you ever forget to write down when my wives needs me then I will forget to pay you because you are not doing your job"

"Yes mam, sorry mam" she says in a shaky voice.

"You should be glad it was the nice one but don't be shocked if you get a visit from them next week ok"

She swallows again and this time only nods. I stand up straight and start to walk. They wouldn't come to my office because of that but I always threaten her. And when they actually do come to my office she hides somewhere, scared shitless.

Luckily traffic isn't as bad in the direction I am going but it is New York so there is always traffic. Luckily living here my whole life ,I know this place like the back of my hand. The hospital isn't far away from my office and neither is the restaurant.

I walk through the doors of the hospital. Many people know me here but then like Alex said every six months they get new interns so there are a lot of new people.

I go up to the sixth floor. That's where Alex usually is. I know this route all to well. Like Alex and Maya visiting me at my office me and Maya have spent a lot of time in here as well. Especially when she was a resident two years ago and she still worked the night shift. Shame she was always so happy to see us.

I walk to the nurses station and there is someone I don't know. "Good evening mam how may I help you?" a shy little red haired woman asks me.

My eyes catches Alex way down the hall talking to a nurse. She looks absolutely beautiful and with that white coat she looks fucking hot. Why not have a little fun while I am here?

"Oh shit who is that?" I ask pointing to Alex but in a subtle manner. The nurse looks to her left.

"Oh that is Dr Woods"

"Oh wow. She is gorgeous" I ask taunting this woman.

"Oh yes she is" she says with a smile and I hint of blush. Definitely has her eye on my wife.


"Is she married?" I ask

"Yes she is. But I have never seen her wife before."

"Ah man so she is taken. Well if she wasn't married do you think I would have a chance with her?" I rest my arms on the counter staring at her and she blushes.

"Oh uhm I think so yes" she says with a small smile.

"Do you think I am her type?" I ask tilting my head looking at Alex who is now talking to another doctor. She still hasn't seen me.

I look back at the nurse who doesn't know what to say. "Uhmm I wouldn't know. "

"Ok can I ask you a weird question?" I ask

"Yeah sure" she says a bit hesitant.

I step a bit away from the desk. "Do you think I am hot enough for her?"

The nurse looks around her and she is blushing hard. "Uhmm I think so yes" she says in a shaky voice.

I fall back on the counter. "Do you think I should go for it?"

"Uhm I don't think she will be interested. She is married" she says. And I see Alex walking towards me with a huge smile.

"Yeah you are probably right. Well nurse thank you for our weird little conversation." I hold out my hand and she shakes it. "My name is Stephanie Woods what is yours?" I say just as Alex comes to the counter and gives me a quick kiss. She is standing really close next to me but she is busy writing something.

"Uhmm Rachel Davids" she says in a shaky voice.

Alex rubs her forehead. "Steph what did you do now?"

"Nothing. I just talked to Rachel over here. Well now I know for the second time today." I say giving her a wink.

"Rachel I am sorry. She is just messing with you" Alex says and Rachel just smiles.

"No worries doctor" she says

"Yeah don't worry she gave all the right answers." I say smiling at Alex who is now writing something on a clipboard.

"Oh gosh. I don't even want to know. "Alex says handing Rachel a clipboard. "Come baby let's go get my purse. Rachel I will see you Monday"

"Have a nice weekend Dr. Woods and you too Mrs. Woods"

"Thanks" we both say and walk away.

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