Hopelessly Broken

By Garbanzo_bean

18.6K 932 531

•Book 3• Warning: This story is book four in a series. It can be read as a stand alone, but there's some char... More

1. Orphanage
2. Son
3. Shattered
4. School Days
5. Punches
6. Alone
7. Coffee Shop Crush
8. Breakthrough
9. Where I Belong
10. The Knot
11. Realizations
12. True Family
13. Back to Class
14. Lunch with the Populars
15. Guilt
16. Tired
17. Hope
18. Communication
19. Real Life
20. Eveline
21. New Boy
22. Cafeteria Death Match
23. Hospital
24. Dan's House
25. Related?
26. Morning People
27. The Day After
28. Close
29. What?
30. Pranks
31. Birdies
32. Knife in my Back
33. The Light
34. Take 2
35. Bonding
36. Idiots
37. Facade
38. Black Blobs
39. Testing
40. Closer
41. Forest Runner
42. Below
44. Underground Streets
45. Unforgiving
46. Cuddles and Questions
47. Newfolk
48. Dinner
49. Snapped
50. Hell
51. Caught
52. So Close
53. Free
54. Inferno
55. Sister
56. Getting Together
57. On My Own
58. All By Ourselves
59. Injections and Puddles
60. "That" Coven
61. Execution
62. Preparations
63. Blinking
64. Magical Swirl
65. What's This?
66. Lost
67. Age
68. Tomorrow
69. Nice
71. Upside Down
72. Invasion
73. Hospital... Again
74. Radiators
75. Fragile
76. Ready?
77. Helper
78. Different Laws
79. Slap
80. Positive
81. Fine
82. Forgiveness
83. Son
84. Emotions
85. Le Fight
86. Incorrect
87. Sleep Well

70. Scarlet

93 10 8
By Garbanzo_bean


I sighed after the twenty-seventh time he made us do the same move. Why is this man so forceful of his perfect stances and energy levels? He's like my band director without the weed scent. The next time he asks, I might "accidentally" blow him into the fucking sun!

"Once more. Make sure your feet are shoulder width apart, center your body, relax, then shoot." I followed the instructions before my anger got the better of me, and it ended up becoming a combination of everyone else's magic that hit the tree from my hands. At least I learned how to mooch off of their magic without taking it, so that's good... The wood burst into flame from the combination of Jack's electricity and Oli's fire, but Jamie's water put out the flames. A purple combination of my parents magic ran circles up the bark and blew the thing into little wooden spears flying all throughout the clearing, and Linc's yellow flames made them light on fire. I dropped down onto all fours so that nothing would hit us, but my magic formed a shield around us so that nothing could pass it.

"What the hell was that?" Jack's voice was wavering with fear while I stood up again, and I looked up to see the tree that just didn't exist anymore. Everyone's eyes turned to meet mine, but I had no clue I could do that either.

"What'd ya want me to tell you? I didn't know that would happen!"

"Devon what did I tell you about the frustration? Concentrate!"

"It's your fault, just saying." The man's dark blue eyes pierced my soul quiet literally, and his vein was popping out of his head so far that I wanted to squish it. There was a fire in his irises, and I knew that he was about to start shouting when there was a sudden outburst of rain.


"Just a side effect!" Papa shouted over the noise, and I sort of giggled at my uncle's face. Once the water stopped falling, we were all drenched to the bone.

"I think that's a good stopping point for today." My uncle was sulking big time at the failure of getting us into shape, but what is he going to do about it. I pulled at my soggy t-shirt, but I could feel the material weighing me down and I hated it. Instead of letting myself be uncomfortable, I just pulled off the material. I mean, it is my fault that it was there in the first place, but we don't talk about that. Usually I would be insecure about my flabby stomach and weak body, but when Oliver looked at me, the thoughts stopped immediately.

I could see his pupils dilate from across the clearing, and it made me feel amazing about myself. I've always lacked self confidence if I'm being honest, but having someone look at you like that makes you feel reassured. Even if he is my soulmate and that makes him automatically attracted to me, I don't care.

The boy crossed the clearing towards me, and his lips pressed onto mine as soon as they could. My eyes widened for a few seconds before fluttering closed, and I couldn't help but lean heavily into him. His fingers contrasted the cold from the rain as they held onto the small of my back, and I kissed him back as if my life depended on it. My arms curled around his neck, but I felt a blush when we got wolf whistles from everyone else outside.

"Ublf uijt jotjef?" (Take this inside?)

I nodded my head at the request, and I leapt up so that my legs curled around his waist while we walked away. Instead of kissing him so that he would end up distracted and trip, I buried my face into his shoulder. It was warm, and I felt comfort in his arms. It was like a weighted blanket that kept me secured in the world, but a real person. Yeah, I don't know where I was going with that.

Oli kicked open the bedroom door, and I heard it click closed loudly before his lips locked on mine again. His hands were lingering on my torso,  and I could feel a rapidly approaching problem from the look in his eyes. I fell backwards onto the matress when his knees hit the bed, and his large body crawled on top of mine. When I looked into his hungry eyes, the red was hardly visible through his enlarged pupils, and I realized what was about to happen when his lips played at my neck agonizingly slowly. The strange thing is, I don't think I mind. There's definitely something different about him than with everyone else, but I can't explain it... I want it with him, I would venture to say I need it...

Heaven help me right now.


You know the drill with me by now, I will not write that whole thing out and publish it, so... Well... Anywhosies, on with the story, the next day.


It's amazing how much can happen in one night when rest is impossible and you don't really have to breathe. As I lay on top of Oliver's chest panting, it was impossible to feel more alive. Our legs were a tangled mess underneath the covers, but they were similar to how our emotions felt. We were mixed in a strange way; it was like I could feel him deep inside of myself.

There was a quiet knock at the door, but it opened before we could respond. When Papa walked in and began to talk without looking first, I think I wanted to sink into the ground all over again. "Okay, there's breakfast down in the kitchen for you both, but you do have to go to sch–" He broke off in the middle of his words when his eyes landed on our current position, and I had turned an unhealthy shade of scarlet by now. He also looked like a deer caught in the headlights, so I knew I wasn't the only one dying inside. "Are you naked under there?"

"Usually you wait for a response after you knock!" I squealed while hiding my face in Oliver's chest.

"Well I didn't know what I was about to walk into!" His voice was also pretty squeaky, so I knew he was just as embarassed as I was in this situation.

"What's wrong? I can feel your stress through th–" Oh my God, can this get any worse? Who wants both of their parents to walk in after their first time? I know that I fucking don't.

My knees went up into my chest on their own accord, and I slowly slid myself out of view under the covers. Three sets of laughter rang out through the room, but I chose to ignore them as I slowly died under the covers. After 10 minutes of ignoring conversation, I was grabbed firmly around the waist and dragged out of my embarrassment shelter.

"Come on, we have to take a shower. School starts in an hour, and we have to be in the car in 40."

"Fine... Help me walk."

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