
By trashpandaleader

231K 4K 492

"I'm so sorry, it was unexpected. " "It wasn't, we just didn't want it to happen." More



5.5K 88 2
By trashpandaleader

I typed the phone number in and prayed to god that he would pick up.

"Becky? Why are you calling me from your room?" He said confused.

"I'm sorry, i messed up. I'm not home. I..i need you to come pick me up." I said trying to hold my tears back.

"Are you okay? Where are you?"

"I'm fine, I'll send you my location. Can you please not tell my mom that i snuck out?"

"We'll talk about that later. I'll see you soon."

He hang up the phone after saying that. I felt bad, i had probably freaked him out by calling him in the middle of the night to say that I snuck out.

I wrapped my jacket tighter around me in an effort to stop myself from shaking. I really regretted putting on that short dress.


I jumped into my car without any hesitation. Becky wouldn't have called me if it wasn't serious. I just hoped that she was actually okay and not just lying.

I tried my best not to speed, i wanted to reach Becky as fast as possible.

After only 20 minutes i arrived at her location. It was right next to the road that was very close to the forest. It was basically the perfect place to kidnap someone.

I didn't see her at first but then i saw the little light coming from her flashlight.

She shined the light into the car before she got in.

She didn't say anything. She just stepped in and stared absent at her feet.

I looked at her to see if she had any visible injuries. She looked like she had been to a party, she was wearing a short, flowy white dress with her high doc martens. Her hair was messy and her makeup was kinda ruined.

The only thing that concerned me was the hickey that she had in her neck.

"Did something happen?" I aksed her while i started the car.

She shook her head.

"Are you sure?" I wanted her talk to me.

"Please just focus on the road." She said with a raspy voice.

It didn't seem wise of me to ask any further questions right now. Diane had told me that Becky still doesn't like carrides, especially if someone unfamiliar is behind the wheel.

I parked the car a few houses away from Diana's house. I wanted to talk to her and didn't want to risk waking Diana up.

"Why did you stop here?" She aksed me confused.

"I want to talk to you without your mother hearing us."

She gave me an angry look and tried to get out of the car but i had locked her door.

After she noticed that she looked at me defeated. "Look, I'm really thankful that you picked me up but there's nothing to talk about."

"What happend that caused you to walk alone in the dark next to the road?" I asked her. I was determined to know what happend.

"Nothing." She was starting to angry.

"We're going inside until you tell me what happend."

She finally snapped. "What the fuck do you want me to say? Do you really wanna know that i gave someone's younger brother a concussion and fucking stitches. All because i couldn't control myslef. It that what you want to hear?

I unlocked her door. "That was exactly what i wanted to hear."

She put her hand on the door handle but didn't get out.

She took a deep breath in and turned herself towards me again. "Please don't tell my mother that i left the house tonight. I don't want to give her anymore stress. "

"Do you really think that that is the best option right now?"

I kinda hoped that she would say no to that question. Her mother would be able to force her to get professional help. Diane had told my that Becky had trouble expressing her emotions but i never realised how serious it exactly was.

"Yes, i do."

"All right I'll make a deal with you. I won't tell your mother about this if you meet with me once for therapy."

I wanted to say once a week but there was no way that she would agree with that and i legally wasn't allowed to do that without permission from her mother.

She squinted her eyes at me before putting her hand forward. "Deal, but only ONCE"

I shook her hand. "Deal."

We both got out of the car and walked towards the house. I didn't feel like moving the car.

"Do you hate me?" I asked her when we entered the house.

She froze for a second, startled by my question.

"I don't think that i hate you. I just hate the thought of you replacing my father. "

"I'm not trying to replace your father. I just want to love your mother and her beautiful children." I spoke to her trying to make eye contact with her.

She gave an almost invisible nod." I'm gonna go to bed."

I wanted to give her a hug but she walked around me. She walked to her room without saying another word.

I sighed and sat down on the couch. I didn't understand her and i don't even think that she understands herself.


I didn't bother to change my clothes. I immediately let myself fall on the bed. I felt tired yet angry at the same time. I wanted to be angry at Ashton for barging into my life like that but he was just so nice and easy to trust.

I had trusted him too much tonight. I should've never told him the things that i had told him. I may have made a deal with him but i was almost sure that he would still snitch to my mother. He would for sure make me take more therapy sessions with him. My mother wouldn't argue with that offer, she may believe that i couldn't be fixed but was happy when someone would try.

I layed on my back and looked up at the ceilling. It was a mistake to call Ashton. Next time i just need to handle the situation myself, just like i always do.

I rolled on my side and closed my eyes. Tomorrow was my mother's doctor's appointment and for some reason that made me nervous. I was scared that something might exactly be wrong with her.

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