Normal to us (GxGxG) ✔️

By See_you_feel_you

564K 18.2K 4.7K

Three happily married wives going through life together. Not normal to the world but normal to them. Alex Wo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chater 26
Chapter 27
Author's Note
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Author's Note
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Sequel Announcement

Chapter 2

25.5K 718 305
By See_you_feel_you

Stephanie's POV

This is the best fucking feeling in the world. Waking up seeing my beautiful wives still sound asleep. Alex slept in the middle last night because she needed some extra attention. She is laying on her stomach with her head almost under the pillow. I just want to kiss her all over but I know my baby is tired.

I prop myself up on my arm to look over at my other beautiful wife. Maya is facing the other way and I can tell by her breathing that she is also still in a deep sleep.

I am always awake first. It's a bitter sweet moment though. I wish I could sleep like them but once I am awake there is no way I could fall asleep again. Alex's sleep routine is fucked, sometimes they call her at 3am to go to the hospital and that breaks my heart. Giving her a kiss at the time in the morning is not my favourite. So whenever Alex gets the time to sleep I give it to her. When her routine is stable we get up at the same time in the morning but Maya is used to this. She only goes to the restaurant at 12pm but don't get me wrong she works her ass off. Sometimes she comes home at 2am because one of her staff was sick and she had to help clean up. Yes she is that type of woman. A woman I deeply admire.

Luckily being my own boss, I decide when I go to the office, well if I don't have a meeting. I always check with Alex's schedule, like today. Today we can sleep in. Or rather they sleep in and I watch them.

I want to spend every waking moment with them and I always make sure to get all my work done before the weekend. Saturday and Sundays are for us. Family time. Maya is always at the restaurant on a Friday night so she gets another chef for Saturday night and Sundays the restaurant is closed.

We all work out asses off but one thing is for sure and that is, family comes first. We always make time for each other. We plan a trip every month to get away for two days and just relax.

I get my phone and it's 7am. Yes that's about my time to wake up but I am not leaving this bed. Not while I have these two in here. I fluff up my pillow and get the tv remote. It's always on my side of the bed for days like these when I wake up before them.

I put in my earphones and switch on the tv. I select my favourite documentaries and lay back.

A few minutes later I feel Alex stir in her sleep and she looks at me. I open my arm for her and like a moth to a flame she buries her face in my neck while I tickle her back. She throws her one leg over my body and holds me in position.

Not long after my other beauty turns around as well and grabs hold of Alex. Her eyes didn't even open but her hand finds mine and I lace our fingers. She holds it tight between Alex and her body. Then I feel soft kisses on my fingers. Yes, this is exactly why I didn't get out of bed. This is what I live for.

After I think about an hour Alex trails kisses down my neck and I know those are good morning kisses.

"Hmm good morning beautiful" I say in a whisper. I take my earphones out a shift my head a bit to look at her.

"Good morning" she whispers back with a soft sweet kiss. "Is she still sleeping?" She asks.

"Yes I am still sleeping" Maya mumbles against Alex's back. We both laugh and Alex turns on her back. Maya immediately places her head on Alex's chest. "This is nice" she says smiling but her eyes are still closed.

I roll over and kiss her forehead and look at Alex. "This is nice" and I smile.

"What time is it?" Alex asks me.

"Around 8am I think" i say

"Ahh baby you have been up for a while" Alex says caressing my cheek and it earns me another sweet kiss. "What are you watching?"

"Serial killer docs" I say with a smile.

She laughs "why am I not surprised. Should we be worried?"

I roll my eyes "no, I am just getting ideas if someone tries to steal one of you away from me"

"You know it doesn't scare me that you said that. The scary part is that I believe you" she says.

"You should believe me."

"You know we can stage the perfect murder" Maya suddenly lifts her head and I am not even shocked that this intrigueds her. She has a very dark mind but I like it.

"Oh yeah?" Alex says laughing a bit.

"Yeah, I have very sharp knifes in the kitchen. Baby you know all the bones in the body so we can cut off all the limbs. I am sure there is some kind of chemical that makes bones disappear and honey you cover all our tracks" she says smiling and now I am a bit scared because she has thought this through.

Alex looks at me a bit shocked and it doesn't help that I have the same expression.

"Wow honey you really thought about this huh" I ask her with a frown.

"I spend a lot of time alone with my thoughts. Then my mind wonders off a bit" she says not bothered at all.

"Maya, I love you so much. Please don't kill me" Alex says holding her face in place.

Maya laughs and then looks back and forth between us. "Wait, are you serious? Do you really think I would kill you?" Now she sounds offended. She lifts a bit of the bed. "I would also just kill for you. Come on"

We all start to laugh.

"Yeah we know honey. Sometimes you just scare me a bit" I say leaning forward to give her a soft kiss till she smiles.

I fall back on my pillow and Alex also gives her a 'we believe you' kiss.

I change the tv to something we are watching together and that's when I stand up. I put on my robe because the house downstairs is always cold.

I leave the room and glance back to my wives cuddling and Maya is probably asleep again.

I come back up the stairs with some coffee. That's what I do for the two most important people in my life.

I walk into the room and as I predicted Maya is asleep but Alex is not in bed anymore. I hear her inside the closet. I put Maya's coffee on her bedside and walk to the closet with Alex's and mine.

"Baby where are you going?" I ask seeing her put on some clothes. She seems stressed.

"Ah baby, please don't be mad at me" she says putting on a hoodie.

"What's going on?" I say a bit concerned and I put the cups down on one of the cupboards.

"I forgot about the new fridge. I just got a email saying they are on their way to deliver the new one at 9am" she says putting her hands on my shoulders. "I totally forgot about. I wanted to tell you yesterday so someone could be at home but then there was an emergency and-' she rambles but I cut her off.

"Alex, baby. Relax. We are all here" I say cupping her face with a few kisses.

"Yeah I know but the last time i also forgot about it and then Rosie didn't know what to check and then-"

"Baby stop!"

"Ok sorry" she takes a breath. "Will you come down with me? I don't want to be alone with them. "

"Of course honey. Let me just change quickly. See if you can wake that one up" I yell the last part a bit louder.

"I am awake" Maya yells back at us from the bed.

Alex stands in the doorway of the closet. "Honey the new fridge is on its way" she says while I change into some clothes.

"Really, like right now? Why didn't you tell me?" I hear Maya say and Alex goes into the bedroom I assume to also apologize to her about forgetting.

I don't know why she thought I would be mad. I would've been a little mad if she called me at work to tell me that but I would've made a plan and besides she would've give me some make up sex. We all know that is the best sex ever.

I walk out the closet and Alex is bent over Maya kissing her neck till she laughs. "Baby is your wallet here? Mine is in the car, we need to pay them for delivery" I ask them both.

"Mine is also in the car" Alex says.

"Mine is on the dining room table baby" Maya says.

"Ok, where did we say is the old fridge going?" I ask, not really remembering that conversation.

"Outside lounge and then that smaller fridge goes to Rosie" Maya says sitting up drinking her coffee.

"So Rosie breaks our new fridge and then she gets one for free? I don't remember this" I say but get two angry looks pointed right at me. "I just feel we need to talk about it again. Maybe one of our parents needs a new fridge" I try to lighten the mood a bit.

"Ok fair point. We can talk about it again" Maya says feeling defeated. She is the most selfless person I have ever met. She would just buy a trolley full of groceries and drive around town and give it to homeless people. Alex always went with her but I had to explain that if they do it too often the homeless would start to assume they would come by and if they don't they will get angry. I just want them to be safe.

I walk over to Maya and give her a kiss. "Ok now come on sleepyhead. We need to clear out the fridge and move some furniture out of the way before they get here."

"Let me just drink my coffee I will be down in a few minutes" she says as I grab my and Alex's cups and we walk out the door.

Alex and I quickly moved all the furniture so they can pass down the hallway without scratching anything. After a few minutes Maya also comes down and she starts clearing the fridge. We helped her take some of the important things out to the outside lounge fridge. The frozen food we just placed into the sink and on the counter.

The fridge is still working fine it's just sometimes it gives problems and then you have to reset the thing and because we work such crazy hours we didn't notice it switched off at one point and then everything inside went bad so we had to throw everything away. Right there we decided we need a new one. We can't let that happen again. At least when the fridge is outside we only need it on the weekend basically so we can switch it on and off as we need it.

9:45 we all sit at the kitchen counter. We helped ourselves to some breakfast since we had the time.

"Did the email say 9am exactly?" I ask Alex.

"Yes baby, look" she hands me her phone and it does say 'we will arrive at 9am'

"I have to get ready soon" I say

"Yes me too" Maya seconds my comment.

"You can go. I will wait for them and then you can just come down" Alex says not minding at all.

"Ok call me down ok" I say as I walk to the bedroom to take a quick shower.

I hear Maya come in the bedroom as I check my closet for something to wear. I decide on my maroon pants suite with a black button up shirt and black high heels. I leave me hair down in their natural curls.

"Oohh yes" I hear a seductive voice behind me as I put my jacket on. I turn around and Maya leans against the closet door bare naked looking me up and down.

"You like?" I smirk at her.

"Oooh I like a lot. You look so fucking sexy"

"Thanks baby. Right back at you" I say biting my lower lip.

She crosses her legs and I smile because I know why. I can see the arousal in her eyes. It makes me a little wet at seeing her like that but right now there is nothing we can do about my situation. But for her.... I can help her.

I slowly walk over to her and kiss her passionately. She immediately moans into my mouth and that gives me the go ahead. I spin her around and move up to one of the drawer cupboards. I pick her up and she sits already with her legs spread wide for me.

"Oh baby you are so wet" I smirk admiring her pussy.

"That's what you do to me" she says in a breathless voice.

"That makes me so happy" I say lowering myself down to her.

I flick my tongue over her wetness and the taste of her makes my brain go blank. I start to lick and suck on her already swollen clit. This isn't going to take long. I have been eating her out for almost 5 years and I know what she likes. My sweet innocent looking wife likes sex hot and rough. Well that is usually how it is for all of us when it comes to a quicky.

I run my tongue flat up and down her whole pussy and occasionally suck hard on her clit. Her legs threaten to close and lock my head in but I keep them spread apart. She was a gymnast back in the day so her flexibility is unbelievable.

"Oh fuck. Yes baby" she moans grabbing onto my hair a bit tighter. This is where I up my game. This is when she needs it most.

I dip my tongue as deep as I can and flick it around. Her breathing is fast and her body is moving around, just the way I like it.

"Ahh... Ahh... Fuck" just when she starts to hold in her breath I make sure to stay above her entrance. I want to taste her.

"I am cumming" she says and just seconds later she explodes right into my mouth. And I couldn't be happier.

I stand up and kiss my heavy breathing wife on the lips. "I fucking love you so much"

"I love you too baby now I have to shower again" she says laughing a bit wiping my mouth with a nearby wipe. Those little packets are placed all over the house.

I help her off the counter and give her a slap on that cute little ass of hers before she leaves to go shower again.

I do my make up, put on my shoes and pick out a watch to wear for today. I walk to the the bathroom to brush my teeth again, I can't have a meeting and taste Maya in my mouth the whole time. I would not be able to focus.

"How are they still not here?" Maya asks also a bit annoyed and because of her restaurant she gets very upset about things like this. "Alex is sitting at front of the door. Shame she said she feels bad for making me wake up for nothing."

"It wasn't for nothing" I frown and do a last check in the mirror.

"You look so beautiful Steph" I hear Maya say behind me. Again she leans on the closet door now looking into the bedroom. This time she has luckily has underwear on.

I walk to her and with my heels I look down at her. "Just for you my love" I say and give her a soft kiss. "I will see you before I leave ok"

"Ok" she says with a sweet smile and I give her another kiss.

I walk down the stairs and make my way to the front door where Alex is. The front door is already open and she is sitting on one of the chairs in the foyer. Her legs are bent up on the chair and she is resting her head on her knees.

I stand in front of her and put my hand in her hair. "Still nothing? It's 10:45" I ask

"I don't even want the fucking fridge anymore" she mumbles under her breath.

I pick up her chin to look at her but instead her eyes go wide. "Holy shit" she puts her knees down and pull me closer between her legs. I laugh a bit as her hands travel up and down my legs and ass.

"Why is my attire so sexy for you both today? I look like this everyday" I ask

"Yes and I think we should talk about this attire of yours. We don't want some of your employees to eye fuck you everytime you walk pass them" she says still not taking her eyes off my body.

I laugh and rub her neck and shoulders which always makes her relax. Then we hear a truck pull up in the driveway. "Finally" we walk out the door and my eye catches a guy throwing away a Burger King packet in out big dustbin outside. My eyes follow him back to the truck and he is still chewing.

"Good morning, Mrs Woods?" Another guy gets out.

"Yes that's me" Alex says taking the clipboard and signs the paper.

Three other guys then start to unload the fridge from the truck.

"Are you going to pay cash or card?" He asks and Alex looks at me as if she reads my mind.

"Oh no, we are not paying for delivery my friend" I cut in before Alex could say anything.

"Oh sorry and you are?" The guy ask with a big smile and holds out his hand for me to shake. His eyes travel down my body.

"Eyes up here buddy." Alex snaps her fingers. "This is my wife"

He looks surprised. "Oh, my apologies but you have to pay delivery fee"

I step in next to Alex feeling protected. When it comes to my family I have all the confidence in the world.

"What's your name? Jerry? Oh why am I not surprised" I laugh a bit and Alex shakes her head in agreement.

"Listen Jerry, my wife got an email this morning saying you will be here at 9am. Can you tell me what the time is right now?"

He looks between me and Alex. "Ok don't worry. I have the time. It's 10:55 Jerry. That makes you almost two hours late. "

"I am sorry Mrs Woods we hit a bit of traffic" he says in a shaky voice.

"Bullshit Jerry. I know you made a stop at Burger King. I can smell that awful oily odor on your fingers. So rather not lie to me. You made my wife sit and wait for two hours where she could've been in bed resting because she works really hard. So please stop wasting more of our time and get that fucking fridge in my house because now I am late for work and I don't like being late."

"Yes mam" he says and run to help them roll the fridge on the trolley.

I turn around and Alex is biting her lower lip looking at me. "Maybe I should come to work with you and just watch you" she whisper in a very low voice.

"Hmmm I would like that" I say pulling her closer to me for a quick kiss.

We walk in the house with the guys. We enter the kitchen and Maya is there drinking another cup of coffee. "Oohh a new toy"

Me and Alex just smile and join her at the other side of the counter. We watch them take the other fridge out and Alex shows them where they need to put it.

They take off the wrapping.

"Ohh I like this colour. The darker one looks better" Alex says taking a sip of Maya's coffee.

"It does yes, I am glad we picked this one" Maya says scanning the fridge.

They put in place. Switch it on and step back. "You should just wait a few minutes before you put anything in there" 

We all nodd at him and he still looks terrified.

"Did you guys find my card to pay him?" Maya asks looking at me and Alex.

"We are not going to pay them for delivery" I say rubbing her back.

"Oh good because they were fucking late" Maya says and I just smile. We always have each other's backs. No matter what.

"I apologize miss?...." He looks at Maya not knowing what to say.

"Mrs Woods. She is our wife" Alex says and now he is even more shocked.

"I apologize Mrs Woods but we can't leave without-"  he says a bit hesitant.

"Oh no my friend" I say walking to Jerry and turning him around. "You don't want to make her angry."

I walk them out the door and I hear Maya yelling. "Fucking Burger King" and I laugh.

"Let the office call if we have a problem" I say closing the door leaving them outside.

I walk back to the kitchen where Alex and Maya are checking out the new fridge. Maya is sitting on the counter while Alex opens every door and drawer.

"Ok my lovies I have to go now. I think the office has stressed enough for today" I say grabbing my keys and handbag from the dinning table.

I stand in front on Maya and pull Alex closer. Maya puts her arms around both of our necks. And me and Alex hold Maya around her waist.

"Thank you for staying baby. Sorry you are running late" Alex gives me an apologetic look.

I cup her face and bring her closer to me for a slow deep kiss. "You don't have to apologize. It was not your fault. I will see you tonight" I say giving her another few kisses till she smiles.

"Baby, I will also see you later tonight ok. " I say pulling Maya's body closer to mine and give her the same slow deep kiss.

"Good luck with your meeting honey" Alex says now holding Maya as I walk away to the door that leads to the garage.

"Thank you. I love you" I say looking back at them.

"We love you too"

This is the life.

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