fix you (13rw)

By svtfanboi

49.5K 1.9K 1.5K

Alex Standall has been crushing on his best friend, Zach Dempsey, for almost a year. Things changed when he a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 15

1.3K 52 24
By svtfanboi


I was expecting to wake up in Zach's arms but my expectations crumbled as I opened my eyes and I was alone on his bed. I sat up groggily, yawning as I reach for my phone. Oh shit, I forgot to let my family know I was staying at Zach's for the night.

It rang for a few seconds and then my dad quickly answered the phone. I didnt want to worry my parents but I was so tired last night after our hand job session. Thinking about it made my face burn up.

"Hey dad," I exhaled. If they decided to ground me after this, I would gladly take it with an open arms. "Im sorry."

"Huh?" My dad's voice was surprisingly cool. "For what son?"

Weird. Maybe they were just trying to catch me on a lie. My parents were sneaky like that. My dad was the town's deputy for a reason.

"For not telling you that I was going to stay at Zach's?" Honesty is the best policy especially if your dad is a cop. "Im sorry, I didnt mean to scare any of you."

Which ofcourse, I understood. My parents became overprotective of me after the incident of my attempted suicide. I remember waking up one day and my parents became too caring, too loving and too protective. My brother too, he used to be an asshole but now he became less of an asshole but more of a brother.

"Oh," My dad was chill. Something was defenitely wrong. "Zach called us last night. He said you'd stay over for a project."

"Oh," Okay, I wasnt expecting that. I thought Zach already slept when I fell asleep but I guess he didnt. "He did?"

"Yeah," I could hear my mom in the background asking if I was the one on the phone. "Will you stay over again tonight? Your mom already misses you."

"No." I mean, I havent talked to Zach yet but it would probably be better if I go home tonight. If I stay one more night in a room with Zach, I might start eating my words and just hand him my virginity. Or the other way around. I laughed at myself. I was born to be a bottom. Imagining a bottom Zach was like seeing a walking green shark eating a taco, impossible.

"Okay," My dad might be a tough person but he was always sweet to me. "Text me if you need a ride home, okay?"

"Love you, son."

"Love, you dad." I hang up the call.

The bathroom door opened and there he was, naked and wet. His hair was brushed up and water were dripping down all over his body. It was perfect, the only criticism I would give was he was wearing a towel on his bottom half. Life's not always butterflies and rainbows, I guess.

"You're awake," Zach smiled at me. I was gawking at his body, what did I do to deserve this. "Take a picture it will last longer."

"I dont need to, I'll just head over on your instagram account." I scoffed. Is Zach hot? Yes. Am I head over heels for him? Yes, sure. Do I want his head to get even bigger by giving him compliments that he was already getting from everyone? I would think about it.

Zach giggled. "Go take a shower, I'll lend you some clothes for school."

I stood up, feeling a little naked. My boxers was the only thing I was wearing. Right when I was about to go to the bathroom, Zach pecked me on the lips. I enjoy kissing Zach but I just woke up, I couldnt really kiss him back, I didnt want to murder him with my morning breath.

The cold water from the shower woke my senses up. I went to the sink and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked fine but I couldnt help but compare myself to Zach. Do I even deserve him? I touched the bruise on my forehead, it was purple and already healing.

"Do you have any spare toothbrush I can use?" I screamed at Zach.

"Just use mine." Zach shouted back casually.

Okay if he didnt mind kissing me with my morning breath then I totally shouldnt mind using his toothbrush. Was it unhygienic? Yeah. But so was anal sex.

When I went out of the bathroom, Zach was already done changing. He was wearing a black t-shirt and a blue denim jacket on top. He looked nice.

Zach handed me the clothes he picked for me. Zach was a big guy and I wasnt so I was pretty sure that his clothes would all look oversized on me.

"That's an unused underwear by the way." Zach added.

"I just used your toothbrush and you're worrying if I would mind using your underwear?" I gave him an unimpressed look.

I was right. Zach's clothes were too big for me but it was wearable. The pants were not that big but it wasnt the fitted skinny jeans that I was used to wearing. I tucked the shirt inside the pants. I looked like a proud girlfriend who was wearing her boyfriend's clothes.

"You look good in my clothes. " Zach kissed me on the neck, I jumped a little.

"You look good in your clothes too." I didnt know what to say.

Zach looked at me funnilly. Before grabbing his backpack. I did the same. We went downstairs to be greeted by Zach's mom and his sister, May.

"I didnt know you had a friend over." His mom said. I knew Zach's family was a conservative one.

"Yeah," Zach grabbed a seat and motioned for me to seat beside him. "Alex and I are working on this project."

May looked at his brother weirdly and muttered something under her breath.

"What did you say?" Zach looked over at May, who was busy eating a toast.

"I said does your project involve weird moans coming out of your room?" She sassed her brother. I could feel my whole face heat up, I looked at his mother and thank God she was busy on her phone and wasnt listening.

"Shut up, May." Zach took a bite of his toast.

"Dont worry," May told me. "Our mom never listens to us. Fuck," She cursed. "See?"

The ride with May on the way to school was awkward. I learned that May either take the bus or ask her friends for a ride home after class because their class dismissal was earlier than ours and May didnt want to wait for her brother.

I could feel a relief in my chest when May went out of the car and I almost got a heart attack when she came back.

She looked at Zach and then at me and then at her brother again. "I wont tell Mom, okay?" So, she really heard us last night. "As long as you let me borrow your car this weekend."

My eyes widened. We were so sloppy. Zach sighed and said. "Sure, May." She took off with a grin on her face.

"What the fuck?" I muttered under my breath.

"Its fine, she wont tell our mom." Zach said cooly.

"Are you sure?" I couldnt help but worry.

"Yes, Im sure," Zach turned to me and kissed me on the lips. "Are you free after class?"

"I think so." I didnt have any plans today.

"Meet me here after school." Zach adviced.

"Where are we going?"

"On our first official date as boyfriends?" Zach smirked at me.

"Wait," I rolled my eyes. "Who told you were boyfriends?"

"You dont want to be my boyfriend?" Zach gave me his best puppy eyes.

"Ofcourse I want to be your boyfriend." I responded fast. I was waiting for this day, to be Zach's boyfriend.

"Then were a couple now," Zach held my cheek and smacked my lips again. "God, I couldnt stop kissing you."


Time for some Zalex cuteness!

I just want to apologize for uploading late, like I explained on my other story, I slept all day because I wanted to fix my body clock.

We are now on #17 on the lovewins hashtag and #67 on the boyxboyromance hashtag! Thanks guys!

Next chapter will be the date. Will things go smoothly or will there be some drama? I guess we'll just have to wait.

- G

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