Who Remembers?

By anrilabuschagne24

1.5K 138 55

|Complete| After a holiday of many hook ups, many drunken nights and very bad decisions, Olivia has successfu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 16

35 3 0
By anrilabuschagne24

"Liv remember you have cheer practice in an hour and I have football so I won't see you until later tonight." Brad yells from the kitchen.

"Yes I am already dressed." I reply while busy tying my hair up in a high ponytail. I give myself one glance in the mirror again and I make my way out of the bathroom. Brad is standing there shirtless again, with grey sweats and messy blonde hair. He smirks as he looks me up and down and I roll my eyes.

"Done checking me out?" I raise my eyebrow and I put my hands on my hips.

"You know Olivia. A cheerleader and a football player are just meant to be together you know." He says sarcastically and he smirks again.

"Yeah you'd like that wouldn't you?" I wink at him and grab my keys and walk off. He had to stay an extra two weeks and it turns out that there was more damage than they had thought but I didn't mind Brad being there, we study, cook and continue on with our banter like we've known each other for years. If this was Airbnb I'd give him 9 stars out of 10 but that's only because he can't put a toilet seat down. I've finally been back to gym properly and Kim canceled practice for the two weeks without warning but I didn't mind because I had more time to study and focus on my assignments. I haven't seen Nick once since our little tiff by my lecture room and I've preferred it that way and as for Jane and Aiden we've been continuing on like normal mainly only seeing each other in the library.

"Where's Kim?" Jane joins my side while we're walking to the field.

"No idea." I shrug. She's been acting really off on the cheerleading group chat and has basically not said anything to Jane and I. We see all the other girls and we walk towards them.

"Oh remember we need to go home next weekend for Jess and Collins gender reveal party." I remind Jane and she gives me an excited smile.

"Who's organizing it?" She questions.

"My mom and Dr Patterson." I smile and she jumps up and down and squeals.

"I can't wait. I wonder what they are having." She smiles again.

"I bet you $10 it's a boy." I wink.

"No I'm pretty sure its a girl." She replies cooley and we shake hands on the bet. We finally reach all the other girls and we listen to how they are complaining about Kim canceling practice and being so weird on the group. I'm so glad Jane and I weren't the only ones who thought so.

"Guys..." the one girl says and she points past my head. As I turn around I see Kim getting off of a bike and taking her helmet off and the guy does the same.

"No fucking way." Jane shockingly says and her eyes are widened and quite frankly mine are too.

"Nick." She says again and we just stare at how the two of them are busy making out. With his hands on her ass and hers around his neck.

"Who is that?" The same girl puts emphasis on the that and everyone's eyes are just on them.

"Nick Rhodes." Jane says and I'm still quite shocked and annoyed to be honest. I remove my eyes from the two sucking face and I roll my eyes when I see literally all the girls have their eyes on them and their mouths are practically hanging open.

"What are you guys staring at?" Couch Sylvester sounds curious and everyone immediately turns to face her.

"N-Nothing Coach." One girl says.

"Sorry about that." Kim runs up to us and she fixes her ponytail a bit and blows Nick a kiss and she looks back at all of us staring at her. Her eyes meet mine for a brief second and then she clears her throat.

"Okay so the boys have a football match coming up soon guys so we need to be prepared and we are all invited to a party tomorrow night and it's mandatory that everyone goes." She continues to babble off and I just keep staring at her. She has blonde hair and long legs and she's really skinny, Nick doesn't like blondes. I continue to study her face and her piercing blue eyes look at me again.

"Olivia?" She raises her eyebrow and I just look away.

"Yes?" I reply with a smile.

"Are you okay with being able to cheer again?" She glances at my knee and then looks back up to me.

"Yeah." I assure her and Jane just looks at me worriedly.

"Okay I'm going to have to put you at the back to dance and no flips until I'm 100% sure you're okay." She gives me a sincere smile and then instructs us on what to do. I assume Nick hasn't told her that him and I dated. I push the thought of him to the side and I try my best to concentrate on the music.

"Okay guys last time. Olivia please try to keep up." She repeats and I have been keeping up nor have I made any mistakes. Jane glances at me with a 'what the hell' expression on her face and then looks back at Kim. I roll my eyes and I continue dancing.

"Okay practice is done. Olivia I need to talk to you." Kim wipes her face with a towel and she grabs her phone from her bag and smiles at it. Most of the girls have already dispersed and I can see Jane waiting for me.

"What's up?" I give her a sincere smile.

"I'm sorry for putting you at the back. It's nothing personal." She puts her hand on my shoulder and gives it a tight squeeze.

"No I totally understand." That probably came out a little bit more sarcastic then I intended it to but I give her a small smile and I walk off to Jane.

"What did she want?" She shrugs.

"Just wanted to apologize for putting me in the back of the routine." I shrug and as we walk back to the parking lot. Nick walks towards us and his wearing his signature white T-shirt, black leather jacket, black jeans and his ray bans hooked into his V neck shirt. When he passes us it's as if it was in slow motion and we made brief eye contact with each other and he smirked when he passed us and he walked to Kim.

"He did that on purpose." Jane snickers and I just shrug.

"I know but let's not give in to that." I suggest and we both walk to our cars. I glance up before I get in and I can see them making out again. I put my key in the ignition and before I could reverse Brad knocks on my window almost giving me a heart attack.

"Shit man Brad." I rumble and he laughs as I watch the window slide down.

"That was funny." He says still laughing.

"I'm glad you almost giving me a heart attack amuses you." I snort and he tries to compose himself.

"Practice won't be running too late so I'll pick up pizza on the way back okay?" He leans into my car and my eyes look past him to find Nick and Kim walking hand in hand towards us and Brad follows my gaze.

"What a noodle." He says I look back at him with a frown.

"Who?" I reply.

"Kim. She looks like a noodle with her long legs and blonde fake hair. A long strand of noodle." I burst out with laughter and I he joins me. This guy is too much for me.

"Good one." I wipe an imaginary tear away from my eye and we both try to compose ourselves. He's still leaning into my car window.

"What about I cook tonight? I can make us some spaghetti and meatballs since you talking about noodles." I wink at him and he gives me sincere smile.

"That's perfect." He nods and then he turns his head to where Nick's bike is and he turns it back to mine and before I could even process what was happening his lips were on mine. They were plumb and the kiss was quite intense. He puts his hand on my jawline and deepening the kiss and then he releases.

"Catch ya later roomy." He winks at me and before I can say anything he turns around and walks off.

"What the." Is all I manage to say to myself and I stare after him as he walks to meet Aiden and the rest of the boys on the field. I turn my gaze back to my steering wheel and I can see Nick sitting on his bike boring his eyes into me and he looks really pissed. I shrug a little and I put my car into reverse and I drive home. The drive home wasn't too bad and all I can think about is my kiss with Brad. We definitely have to talk about that when he gets home. I finish off my assignments only to be interrupted by my phone ringing to see my moms name popping up.

"Hey Liv. I haven't spoken to you in a while. How are you?" I smile. I can hear she's at work again. Does she ever take a break?

"Hey mom. I'm really good actually. Been busy with my assignments and all of that stuff." I look down finishing a sentence and then I focus my attention to the door that opens with Brad walking inside all sweaty and dirty from football and he walks towards the bathroom. Damn he looks good in those pants.

"Liv?" She my mom says and my focus returns to the phone.

"Eh yeah yeah I'm here sorry." My face reddens a bit when I realize I got distracted by Brad.

"Are you guys still coming down for Jess and Collins gender reveal thing?" She asks softly.

"Yeah we'll all be there." I reply.

"And Nick?" She hesitantly asks. I frown a bit.

"Nope he's not coming. I doubt he even knows that Jess is pregnant."

"You didn't tell him?" She sounds shocked.

"We've barely spoken since he got here. I'm not going to act nice to him anymore." I can practically feel her rolling her eyes over the phone and she lets out a loud sigh.

"Is it okay if Brad joins us? He's going to be here alone that weekend?" When I mention Brads name he pops his head out of the bathroom and he looks at me weirdly. I motion him to go back inside and he fully opens the door and leans on the frame with a towel around his waste. Those V lines are staring at me and my mouth hangs open slightly.

"Olivia. Are you there?"

"Yes yes yes sorry I'm just distracted." I turn around and I can hear Brad chuckling and closing the door again.

"Are you okay dear?"

"Yeah sorry there's just a bug in my room and he's annoying me." I sigh.

"I see but yeah he's more than welcome to come. Such a nice young man that one." She sounds cheerful.

"Perfect." I whisper.

"Okay well kill the bug and be safe. Love you." Now she's the one distracted.

"I love you to. Remember to rest a bit and trust me I'm going to kill that bug." I retort back with a grin on my face as I see Brad walking out with his grey sweats and no shirt on making his way to the kitchen. I hear the phone beep and that's my cue.

"I'm going to kill you." I raise my eyebrow and he pops his head around the fridge.

"Hey you can't call me a bug that's not every nice." He retorts and he burrows his eyebrows and as I make my way to the kitchen he leans on the fridge and gives me his trademark smirk.

"You kissed me?" I say and I can feel myself blush a little.

"I guess I did. Look we both know behind this bitchy Olivia is the one that still cares about him and loves him. No one pushes as hard as you at gym and ever since he came back you've had this wall up and I know it's because you don't want him to see you care and honestly after what he did I don't blame you so when I was at the car and seeing him and that noodle making out, I just saw the opportunity for you to get back at him and besides I been looking for a way to kiss you for the longest time now." He smirks again and he looks over confident. I literally had nothing to say to him for a few seconds.

"Touché." Is all I can come up with and I motion him to move from the fridge so that I can get the stuff out for the spaghetti and meatballs.

"I know you're burning to make him jealous and get back at him so why not just use me?" He leans on the counter and runs his hand through his hair waiting for my reply. I mentally go through all the pros and cons. Pros: 1) I get too hook up 2) Nick already doesn't like Brad so it'll piss him off even more 3) Since I'm not looking for anything serious this would be the perfect opportunity 4) Brad and I already get along so well and 5) This guy is one sexy human being. I blurt our a yes before I even got the cons part of this whole thing and Brad looks at me with a huge grin on his face while I stir the spaghetti and can sense that he's watching me and checking me out.

"If we're going to do this Olivia. You need to do a total makeover." He chuckles a bit, I frown and I look down at what I'm wearing.

"But I look fine." I whine.

"Yeah look you're one gorgeous girl don't get me wrong but maybe if you dyed your hair a bit darker and got a leather jacket then it will show that you're one bitchy girl now." He looks me up and down again. Me in a black leather jacket? Hm.

"Been watching too much Grease have we?" I retort.

"It worked for Sandy didn't it?" He shrugs and then runs his hand through his hair again.

"Yeah yeah whatever." I sigh.

"We're going to have to talk about ground rules though." I retort and he jumps onto the counter next to the stove, intently looking at me.

"Okay you may proceed." He motions his hand towards me and I look up and frown at him.

"No sex." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Definitely wasn't what I had in mind." He shrugs.

"So not once since you've lived here have you thought about banging me?" I raise my eyebrow while stirring the pot and he tries to avoid eye contact.

"Okay no you wearing those short pj shorts makes it a bit difficult I'm not going to lie." He winks and me and I roll my eyes.

"Okay what's the next rule?" He questions and I think.

"Hmm... what happens if one of us catch feelings?" I murmur.

"I won't and you're so in love with that guy I'm pretty sure you imprinted on him." I laugh a little when he says imprinted.

"Didn't picture you as a twilight fan you know Brad." I state and he rolls his eyes.

"What can I say I'm a huge romantic." He winks at me and jumps off the counter and comes closer to me.

"I'm willing to do this but I have one condition." He says as he stares down at me with his blue eyes.

"Willing? This was your idea." I roll my eyes and then he presses his lips against mine again and he places his hands around my waist and just when I thought we were going to make out he releases and looks at me with a smile on his face.

"I get to kiss you whenever I want to though." He says huskily and I push him away and turn to the stove again.

"Deal." I roll my eyes, sigh and continue making dinner.

"So we're going shopping tomorrow and then the party?" He says as he takes two plates out.

"Yes." I nod and we dish up.

"So are we going to be dating or just hooking up?" I look up from my plate as I ask this question.

"Let's just say we're together." He shrugs and I slurp in a spaghetti noodle. If my mom saw that I'd probably have gotten a backhand to the head but I just really wanted to do it.

"How attractive." Brad pulls a face and we both burst out laughing.

"Oh and I wanted to know if you wanted to come with next weekend for Jess's gender reveal party?" I say and I take my last bite of the spaghetti.

"That will be really cool." He gives me a sincere smile and he takes both of our plates to the kitchen. I have to say us agreeing to this whole jealousy arrangement thing didn't even change the vibe around us and I really do like that about Brad.

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