Being a Villainess is No Joke

By Junie25ComicLover

2.6M 121K 34.3K

Adailia de Perinius, the prettiest and bitchiest person of the novel, 'A Lovely Girl' and the main villainess... More

1. Is this Heaven?!?
2. It's not's Hell
3. Acting Like Adailia
4. This Family is WeIrD
5. Prince Traashid and the Sunshine Boy
6. Still in the Library
7. Upto Something
8. Someone from the Previous Life
9. The Preparations for the Ball
10. The Ball
11. The Tsundere Mage
12. What was ThAt?!
13. Mind Your Own Business
14. Royal Academy
15. Benchmates
16. Adailia's Oppa
17. Dashi Run Run Run!
18. Chocolate
19. A Little Less Trash Today
20. Not Interested
21. The Competition
22. Too Close!!
23. The Guy Who Messed up My Life
24. Eye Candies and Drinks
25. You Stink
26. The Attack on the Orphanage
27. My Outburst
28. Radish & Rose
29. Acquaintance
30. I Almost Died....AGAIN!
31. Radish & Rose Meet Again
32. The Accidental Lip Bump
33. Mr. Dusty
34. She is a Mage!
35. Comfort
36. Radish & Ro- wait...THAT'S NOT ROSE!?!
37. The Empress Selection Contest
38. You Kidnapped the Wrong Protagonist...Not
39. Where is She?
40. Second Male Lead?
41. Flirty Much?
42. Feast
43. A Day on the Island
44. Find Me a Fiance
45. Emperor's Coronation
46. Aaannndd... The Plot is Messed Up
48. A Failed Matchmaker
49. The Future Empress
50. Jelly Jelly
51. Goodbye
52. I Love You
53. I Love You Too
Fun Facts
The First 'Official' Date
The First 'Official' Date (2)
How Ajhussi Became a Reaper
When George Tries to Make Friends
Everything is Perfect.... at least for now

47. Surprise Surprise

32.5K 1.7K 530
By Junie25ComicLover

A/N: The comments on the previous chapter were priceless 🤣🤣🤣
Anyway, I'm just here to remind you all that my warning still stands.

I stared at Raashid for a very- veeeerrry long time, trying to figure out if he was kidding or not.

Finally, I asked, "What's your favourite anime?"

Raashid raised both of his eyebrows before opening his mouth and closing it again, after a second he asked, "Did I hear you correct or did you just ask what my favourite animal was?"

I snorted, "Anime. Not animal."

Raashid frowned, "What's that?" He asked and I started chuckling.

"Really Raashid? Didn't you just say 'I'm from another world too.'?" I said, mimicking his deep voice.

Confusion clear on his face, he asked "But what's anime got to do with that?" 

I again chuckled, "Anime's got everything to do with it." I said, "If you don't know what anime is, your not from another world- my world. End of discussion."

Honestly, this guy here thought it was okay to joke around like this while I'm being dead ass serious for the first time in a while.

He frowned, "No I am. But I...don't know what anime is..... I was from a place called...B- ugh what was it called again......ah -Brooklyn...I think." He said, scowling.

I raised my eyebrows at that, that place does exist, "Wait, really?"

He nodded.

Wow......but I still don't believe that he is from another world. Interrogation time.

"How long have you been stuck here?" I asked.

"Ever since I was born." He stated and I gasped, "That long?!"

He nodded before I asked, "Let me guess, you died in an accident or some shit because some reaper ended up fucking with your soul and then put you in this world? Yes?"

He looked at me quizzically before asking, "...uh no? And reapers? Really? Where did that come from?"

"Wait, let me show you." I said grabbing my pinky finger (just touching it with my other hand because my fingers were broken) and said the magic words.

The reaper appeared and I quickly grabbed his collar (with my good hand) pulling it down before jabbing my unbroken thumb between the broken fingers in his direction, "See this white-haired dude here? He messed up my life."

Raashid looked between me, my hand on Ajhussi's collar and at Ajhussi  before squinting his eyes, "Ummmm.... What exactly are you trying to show me?"

I sighed as I realised that Ajhussi can't be seen by other people.....or that's what I thought until Ajhussi said, "Wow, looks like it's finally time for explanation and shit."

Soon Raashid's eyes widened as his lips parted slightly, "Woah..."

" can be visible to people other than me?" I asked Ajhussi quizically and he just shrugged, "So you were just letting the people in the bar think I was-","-We have more important things to discuss at hand." Ajhussi quickly said before looking at my hand and adding, "Besides your fingers are broken, so no violence."

I glared at him as he turned his attention to a gaping Raashid, "Let me introduce myself, I'm a reaper."

"Uhh...nice meeting you?" Raashid said, trying to give him a polite smile which turned to a weird one. Not that I blame him, if I saw a man suddenly appearing out of nowhere and was still floating in mid-air, I would make the same face.

Ajhussi beamed, "Same. So anyway, I'm here to lessen up the confusion." He said before looking at me, "So, you would've guessed by now that the plot is messed up." He said and I snorted, "Like that ain't obvious."

"Wait...what plot?" Raashid asked, looking at Ajhussi and me in confusion.

"You really don't know?" I asked and he again threw me a confused look, "We are inside a book." I said and his eyes widened.

"What!?" He exclaimed.

"You really didn't know? Like what kind of a place has people naming their children bananas and mangoes? Besides all the magic stuff, fainting girls and bleeding noses didn't ring any bells? This kind of thing doesn't happen in the real world." I said.

Raashid tried processing everything before he looked like he realised what I was saying, "Ah." He started, "I thought it was weird at first but I just assumed that .....that's how things work in this timeline. I thought I had gone back in time when magic existed and girls had a weak immune system...or something like that."

I snorted shaking my head, "Well, you didn't travel back in time or anything like that. You're inside a book right now, the book I read and knew half of the events that were going to happen."

"Oh... That actually explains a lot of things." Raashid made an o shape with his mouth before asking, "Who was the protagonist?"

Ajhussi snorted, "Who do you think?"

"Ummm..Caiden?" Raashid tried and I snorted, "No. It was you."

His jaw dropped to the floor, "Wait..Really?"

"Yeah, and Seanna was the female protagonist." I said and he looked ten times more stunned (if that was even possible), I frowned at the recent memory and then added, "Before Hayden came and ruined the plot."

"I'll just have to point you out on that one kiddo." Ajhussi said, smirking, "Before you came and ruined the plot."

Now it was my turn to drop the jaw.

"What?! How...? Since when?!" I started, unable to process this piece of information, "I didn't ruin much. I may have befriended Raashid but I didn't do anything weird other than that. I even tried to get him and Seanna together!" I told him.

Ajhussi chuckled, "You ruined everything from the Ball."

"How...?" I asked, not knowing what else to say.

"By not bullying Seanna." He simply stated.

"Ah yes..but I patched that up...or at least I thought I did." I started, "I made Seanna dress up all pretty, thinking she'll make Raashid fall for her in an instance." I explained.

"Well, that was your second mistake." Ajhussi said.

"Yeah..." Raashid muttered, nodding, "I don't like girls that wear...umm..kind of revealing clothes. It's a major turn off."

I looked at him, completely baffled, "What's wrong with you?! What kind of a guy gets turned off by that?" I exclaimed.

"Me." Raashid said simply before shaking his head, "Its probably because of Adailia. She used to wear clothes like that and then just try to get into my personal space every single time. I really hated it....wait.....Are you the same-"," No!" I quickly cut him off, "I only arrived in this world around seven months ago." I stated.

"Oh..." Raashid sighed in relief before frowning again, "But how is that even possible?" Raashid asked.

"I'm responsible for that." Ajhussi stated, "I accidentally let this kid die in her world and then exchanged souls with Adailia to save her."

"Save isn't the word." I told him, giving him a light glare, "Its called 'to fuck shit up with her'."

"Well, think whatever you want." Ajhussi said, returning the glare, "Anyway, because of what you did, Raashid didn't feel the 'spark' with Seanna which messed up the entire story starting then on."

"But...Hayden? How did he fall for her?" I asked, "You said he was in love with Adailia."

Ajhussi smirked, "I never told you why he was in love with the original Adailia."

I frowned, "Wasn't it because she was the 'prettiest' or something like that? Seriously, what other reason could there be? Adailia was the definition of human garbage, no one in their right mind could love her, if not for her beauty." I stated before I realised something, "Wait a second.... Hayden loving it because he is from another world too?! Is everyone from my world?!"

Ajhussi smirked, "No. As far as I know, its only Raashid who remembers his past life, so stop jumping to conclusions." Ajhussi said, shaking his head, "This is why you messed up the plot. You and your stupid assumptions are just preposterous."

"Shut up and just explain." I grumbled.

"Well, this is quite amusing but..." Ajhussi started, "Hayden has a thing for insensitive kind of people rather than pretty people."

"Seriously?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah like, he likes cold-hearted people." Ajhussi muttered, "He loved Adailia for her cold attitude. According to the novel, Adailia was restless and was only focussed on killing Seanna during the time Hayden made his entrance in the novel. And being the flirty kid he was, he tried getting under Adailia's skirt too. However, Adailia turned him down every single time and insulted him too. He was used to getting what he wanted so this kind of treatment was a first for him, and he loved that."

"Ooh." Both Raashid and I mumbled at the same time, "I always knew the guy was a bit weird." Raashid muttered, "But that still doesn't explain why he liked Seanna?" I asked.

Ajhussi rolled his eyes, "He wanted to get under her skirt too but she was harsh to him whenever he tried talking to her. And this just made him want to stick around her more which eventually made him fall for her."

And then I started remembering how mean she actually was to Hayden, even with me around. Who knows what she says and does when it's just the two of them.

"But Seanna isn't exactly a cold-hearted person. She is a nice person in all honesty. How can he still fall for her?", Raashid asked, clearly intrigued by the discussion.

"It doesn't matter if she's cold or nice to everyone else, as long as she is mean to him, he'll fall for her." Ajhussi answered.

"But what about Seanna? How did she end up liking him?", I asked.

"Seanna was supposed to fall in love with anyone who has deep feelings for her, secretly met her and comforted her. And secretly meeting two times was enough which the two of them did." Ajhussi explained, "It's how the author of the book wanted to make Seanna, and we altered her soul like that. The same goes for you, " Ajhussi pointed at Raashid, "You were supposed to fall in love with anyone who met you secretly, a black-haired girl and nice to talk to type of person." Ajhussi smirked before whispering something in Raashid's ear, making his ears red.

I understand things better now. Why Hayden fell in love with Seanna this quick and all. As far as I've read that book, the main characters fall in love so easily (I personally think I could never fall in love with someone I've only known for a couple of months, maybe like them, but not love), guess that's how the characters of this book were made. But....

"But doesn't Raashid have like...another soul in his body? Then why does he have the same qualities as the original Raashid?" I asked, not understanding that part.

"He's a different type. I'll explain it to you later." Ajhussi said, "So, I'm just going to leave you guys for a few minutes so you can just drain in the information. Then I'll come back again to explain the rest." Ajhussi said before disappearing.

Again silence descended between us, but this time, it wasn't comfortable.

The Raashid I knew....wasn't Raashid from the

"So..." Raashid and I both started at the same time.

"You go first." I told him and he quickly said, "We should start dating."

My jaw dropped to the floor for like the hundredth time today, "Say what now?!"

"Let's date." He said firmly.

"Why?" I asked, "You don't even like me! Or maybe you do, now that you know I'm also one of your-our kind."

"Our kind?" Raashid asked, chuckling.

"Yeah. The reincarnated kind. But that's not even the point- ", "-It's not like I just liked you after I found out you're one of 'my kind'." Raashid quickly cut me off before I could jump onto any assumptions, "I liked you before that- no, actually, loved you and still do."

My jaw went like six feet under the ground.

"How long?", I asked after a few minutes.

"Ever since I knew you were Rose."

I can't even be surprised anymore, "You knew? How?"

"Well, on the last day of us drinking together, when we were kissing, you passe-", " WE DID WHAT NOW?!"

Is today something like a surprise day or what?!

Raashid looked surprised for a second before he asked, "You....don't remember? Anything? At all?"

"No....when did that even happen...what the hell?", I tried recalling that night but nothing coming to my mind.

"Do you want me to remind you?"

"Yes. Tell me ever-" his lips crashed on mine before I could even finish the sentence.

I was so shocked that I didn't realise what was happening till he slipped his tongue inside and that's when I got my senses back and head-butted him.

"What the hell Raashid!" I exclaimed wiping my wet lips with the back of my hand, my cheeks flaming.

"Well, you told me to remind you." He tried to argue.

"I meant verbally." I hissed, my ears turning red with the rest of my face. I can't believe I fell for one of that stupid cliche 'let me remind you with this' shit.

Where did the innocent Radish go?! Why am I the one blushing?

"Oh... I misunderstood your words. I apologize." He said and I could see a hint of smirk on his lips which made me glare at him.

"So," he started, "you were drunk. I was drunk and......well I kissed you because I love Rose. You kissed back and passed out in the middle of it. I tried holding you and your wig slipped." He finished with a slight blush.

I'm not drinking again. Ever.

An awkward silence rested on us again before I came up with a nice conversation starter, "So, how did you die? I got squashed by a truck."

Okay so that wasn't a very nice conversation starter but you've already said it so whatever.

My conscience told me.

Raashid's eyes dulled as he averted his eyes from me.

"I..." He took a deep breath in,

"I.......killed myself."

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