Who Remembers?

By anrilabuschagne24

1.5K 138 55

|Complete| After a holiday of many hook ups, many drunken nights and very bad decisions, Olivia has successfu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 14

45 4 0
By anrilabuschagne24

"No Elaina, I really meant it when I told him that I'm over him." I sigh. She's been grilling me about everything for the past hour now.

"Then why did you get drunk? We all know you almost ruined your liver over Nick." I can practically feel her rolling her eyes on the other end of the phone.

"No actually I was more upset with Aiden and Jane. I just don't understand why they didn't just tell me the truth?"

"Yeah that was pretty weird." There is brief silence over the phone.

"Okay wait let's start from the beginning." Elaina starts, "So you met Jane at uni first and Aiden eventually saved you and said his in the same university as you. Jane never mentioned Aiden's name when she said she was engaged and when you went to the football match she walked over to him and kissed him and he then told you that Jane was his fiancé." She lists the events in quite a sarcastic manner.

"Yeah and then Jane left when she found out I was the Olivia who he dated and she stormed off and then after I got home, they came over to my place and never mentioned South Africa once... don't you think all of this is weird? And last year when Aiden told me what happened between him and Nick he said that Collin and Jess also knew about Jane and they all acted like they didn't know them when we got back home." I frown.

"So somewhere between the football match and them coming home they must've told Collin and Jess to act like they didn't know Jane?" Elaina concludes. My mind is spinning just thinking about all of this.

"I guess. I think it will be better and be the mature thing to just talk to them you know?" I say and Elaina just sighs.

"Yeah that would be best. But what happened when you woke up this morning?" I run my hand through my hair whilst listening to Elaina's question. She really enjoys gossip. I stretch out the couch and I hang my legs over the arm rest.

"Well I practically woke up to the smell of Starbucks coffee and a huge chocolate chip muffin on my bedside table and when I sat up the door shut and then I was alone again." I glance at the paper bag on the kitchen counter.

"Do you think it was Nick?"

"I don't know." I roll my eyes as I get up to throw the brown paper bag in the bin. My head is still really sore but I don't really have a hangover.

"Well I'm really proud of the fact that you aren't giving in to him because Liv, what he did was really hectic."

"I know." I let out a sigh and I take a seat on the couch again.

"Also do you really think his story about the reason he went to South Africa adds up?" She asks suspiciously. Deep down I have had my doubts about his story but I didn't really want to linger on it.

"You know I can believe the Nanna Rhodes and the cancer part but the other stuff just feels like an excuse to be honest. He knew for a fact that I would've helped him out with all the other stuff and the fact that he just up and left without saying anything just doesn't make sense." I remember back to Saturday night when we spoke for the first time in what feels like forever.

"Yeah and he even started acting weird days before finals and the cheer offs anyways." Elaina adds and I nod.

"I don't know. It's Nick and quite frankly I just don't care anymore." I say emotionlessly and sigh.

"I'm proud of you Liv. You've come a long way." She says and then I hear a loud noise from the phone.

"Is it Olivia on the phone?" I can hear Dylan's voice coming close to the phone and he also tells Elaina to put the phone on speaker.

"I heard Nick is at Princeton Liv. Want me to come down there and kick his ass?" He says smugly and a small smile appears on my face.

"I would say yes but I don't think you'll be able to take him. He didn't even flinch this time when Aiden lunged at him the other day. Something about him has changed guys." I say.

"Yeah maybe it's best if you stay away from him Liv." Dylan replies and Elaina agrees.

"Yeah like I said, I need to speak to Aiden and Jane but listen I need to go and get ready for my class and gym. I'll speak to you guys later." I look at my watch and I have exactly an hour to shower and get ready.

"Yes enjoy. Love you." They both say at the same time.

"Love you guys too." I say and I put the phone down. Mission for today: Number one, go to class and hopefully see Jane and see if she and Aiden wants to go for coffee. Number two, remember to keep my cool when Jane and Aiden give me their reason for lying. Number three, gym and hopefully not break something. I make these mental lists as I get dressed, grab my keys and head downstairs to my car.

"Hey Liv." Jane sits next to me in class and it looks like she hasn't gotten any sleep. She has dark circles under her eyes and she barely looks awake.

"Are you okay?" I whisper.

"Can we please go for coffee after this? You, me and Aiden?" She gives me a quick smile and I nod. Mission number one check.

"Sure." I smile and the lecture starts. She sent me a text saying that Aiden will meet us there and I nod. After the lecture ends, we both went to Starbucks in our separate cars and it gave me enough time to give myself a pep talk about not over reacting or overthinking and to be a mature adult while I was walking inside. They were both already sitting down with their coffee in front of them. I smile as I make my way to the front and I ordered a frappé and joined them.

"So." Jane says awkwardly. It wasn't even five minutes and the waitress brought my frappé over. I thanked her and I took a sip of it.

"You guys are going to have to give me a reason why you didn't tell me?" I smile and I'm sure I handle that quite maturely. I look at the four piercing eyes and they both look a little bit on edge. My lips meet my straw and Aiden clears his throat.

"Look Liv. It was my doing." He looks at Jane and then at me quickly leaning forward on the table, "I met her in South Africa and I've told you the story about us sleeping together even when she dated Nick. When we had the football match and you realized that it was me Jane was engaged to I freaked out a little bit because honestly I had no idea that it was you she was talking about being friends with."

"Aiden get to the lying point please." I sounded a bit irritated but it was like he was beating around the bush. He masked his shock quite quickly.

"The only reason we didn't tell you about us and the fact that we were in South Africa was because Jane was already embarrassed about fact that she cheated on Nick and I didn't want to bring up the past. In all honesty she didn't even know you and Nick dated until he walked in at the restaurant and I told her before we came outside. This is all my fault because I wasn't being honest and I kept the truth from both of you." He looks down and I can see he feels guilty. The good guy I used to like is still in there. Jane looks at me and then takes a sip of her cappuccino and clears her throat.

"When I saw Nick, all the embarrassment came flooding back and obviously for ages I felt bad about it and I regretting it and he did mention an Olivia once or twice when we were together but I mean what are the chances that it was the same person? Anyways, when I moved to Seattle and I ran into Aiden, we started talking again and I knew I needed to be with him. It was like fate for us but I really am sorry about Nick, I honestly had no idea about the two of you dating and that you guys are so in love." She looks down again.

"I'm not in love with him anymore." I retort back and they both look at me. Aiden looks quite shocked.

"Liv don't deny it." Aiden gives me a small smile.

"I love him but I'm not in love with him anymore." I reply emotionless and Jane looks at me. The truth is the truth.

"Okay and one more thing. Why were Collin and Jess acting like they didn't know Jane when we went back home?" I look at them suspiciously.

"Oh I only met them briefly, they were drunk and I was a brunette then and they didn't even recognize me at first." Jane looks down and I smile. Nick definitely is into his brunette girls.

"Since we are having an honest conversation here. What happened between you and Nick?" Jane asks softly and I can see she has concern in her eyes.

"He took my virginity and left the same night." I shrug and I slurp down the last of my frappe and they both stare at me in shock. I remember Aiden has asked but I told him I didn't want to talk about it.

"Wow I'm really sorry." Jane speaks softly and her tired eyes look glossy.

"So let me get this straight. Aiden you never told Jane that I dated Nick too even after I found out you guys were engaged because you knew she was embarrassed of the fact that she cheated and you didn't know how she's react as well and Jane you were a brunette and that's why Collin and Jess didn't recognize you, that and because they were drunk?" I frown a bit trying to wrap my head around all of this. I feel like we're going in circles and to be honest for my own piece of mind I need to sum this up one last time for closure or whatever.

"Yes and I really am sorry to the both of you." He gives me a sincere apology and he squeezes Jane's hand and she gives him a sincere smile.

"Look I understand that you wanted to protect Jane, Aiden but next time just be upfront about everything but I can understand why you did what you did." I shrug and he gives me a warm smile while downing his last bit of his cappuccino. Mission number two complete I mentally check a box.

"So we're all good?" Jane glossy eyes stare me.

"Yeah. Like I said before, I really am happy for you guys and I'm team Jaiden." I wink and laugh a little to lighten the mood and they both have straight faces.

"Jaiden?" Aiden raises his eyebrow.

"Yes Jane plus Aiden equals Jaiden." I shrug and we all burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Brads presence make us all stop laughing and we all stare at him.

"Olivia over here shipped us." Aiden laughed again and I rolled my eyes as he took the seat next to me.

"Shipped?" He raises his eyebrow.

"Yeah I placed their names together because I'm team Jaiden." I shrugged and they all laughed again.

"Clever." He winked and I just smirked.

"Heard you got Liv drunk?" Jane giggles a bit.

"Yeah her and purple unicorns have a good relationship." Collin makes his cocky remark and I just frown.

"Purple unicorns?" I repeat.

"You went on about purple unicorns all night Olivia." He winks a little and my cheeks become rosy as I watch everyone laugh.

"Tequila definitely isn't your friend but now I know and next time I take you drinking I'll stick to the 5% alcohol stuff." He nudges me and smack him on the shoulder.

"I'm glad you find my zero alcohol tolerance so funny." I roll my eyes and everyone laughs again.

"Okay we need go." Aiden motions Jane to get up and we say our goodbyes and hug each other and then it's only Brad and I and the waitress brought over two frappés.

"I didn't order another one?" I look at the waitress puzzled.

"He ordered it." She points to Brad and then gives me a small smile as I thank her.

"Thank you and thank you for the muffin and cappuccino this morning." I give him a nudge on the shoulder.

"What are you talking about?" He clears his throat and looks at me quizzically. I frown and my eyes widen when I realize it was Nick.

"It was Nick wasn't it?" Brad practically read my mind.

"I guess so." I mutter and I look down at the frappe.

"What happened?" I glance up at him and he gives me his trademark smirk.

"Before I tell you. What's your fascination with purple unicorns?" He winks and I become rosy again.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I shrug and I take a sip of my frappé avoiding eye contact.

"No I'm just joking... basically when we got home, Nick refused to leave you alone with me and you threw up and when the door bell rang Aiden was there and while I was telling him you were in no condition to talk Nick was convincing you to take a shower and then when you were done you got into bed and he threatened me and you forced us both to leave and you fell asleep again." He takes a huge breath in and out. It was as if he just recited a long poem or something.

"And what happened after I fell asleep." I raised an eyebrow and I can see he was trying to avoid eye contact.

"We both continued to stare at each other and eventually we both fell asleep to, me on the couch and Nick on your chair and then I got woken up by a phone call from my apartment manager saying my apartment flooded so I had to leave." He gives me a small smile.

"Oh wow. Where are you staying now?"

"Going to look for an Airbnb until it's all fixed." He shrugged and continued with his frappé.

"No man come stay on my couch." I suggest and his eyes widen a bit.

"No I can't. It'll be too much."

"No man it's fine." I become quite persistent. Having Brad there won't be any trouble and it will be fun.

"Okay yes." He nudges me.

"So you guys were just death staring each other the whole night?" I frown and he rolls his eyes.

"Pretty much. We actually both laughed when you said you wanted to catch the purple unicorns but that was about it. I take my hat off to you Olivia, Nick is one scary guy not that I'm scared of him but I can see why people find him intimidating." He mocks and I chuckle and blush a little at the same time.

"Thank you." I sincerely say and he gives me a genuine smile. Not even a smirk, an actual smile.


"Okay so I need to go to gym. Can I text you when I get home so that you can drop your stuff off and everything?" I suggest as I get up and throw both my cups into the bin.

"Yes that's perfect." Brad follows me and we head into different directions. Remember when mission number three was gym and not get injured? Well let's just that didn't go according to plan.

"The doctor said you need a volturen shot." The nurse says and I roll my eyes. I hate injections.

"Where?" I frown and she gives me a sympathetic smile.

"Your bum." She says softly as she waits for me to move my pants down. These shots hurt.

"What happened anyways?" She asks as she injects the shot into my bum. I close my eyes as the sting gets worse.

"I fell off the treadmill and face planted on the floor and hurt my already injured knee and back when I fell." I say trying to think of anything else except the stinging coming from my bum. These shots burn.

"That doesn't sound fun." She's definitely trying her best not to laugh but I giggle a little and she joins in. After mentally cursing myself that I'm not allowed to go to cheer practice for two weeks or gym, I pay the receptionist and head more like a limp downstairs to the car park only to see Nick's bike parked next to me and him leaning on my car with his trademark smirk, black leather jacket but this time no ray bans. His hair is still messy and his on his phone concentrating really hard.

"Following me?" I hiss and he looks up and places his phone in his back pocket.

"What happened?" He looks at me with worry in his eye and I rolled mine when I motioned him to move from my door.

"Nothing. Just leave me alone." I hiss and he shuts the door on me again.

"Liv." He says softly and I glance at him.

"Nick seriously just stop." I'm really annoyed at this point. Having a burning ass and being sore from gym isn't helping my mood.

"Is it your knee?" He studies my body and clenches his jaw and when I look down I see I'm wearing gym shorts, Nike's and a sports bra again and my knee is strapped.

"Stop." I say and his eyes focus on mine again. We stay like that for probably a minute or two and he breaks the silence when he places his hands above me onto the door and he leans his face close to mine.

"No." I can practically feel his minty breath on me and I just and stare at him as he smirks.

"I'm leaving." I push him away and I open the door and slide in fast as I can driving off. Why is he being like this? I try to push the thoughts of him far away in my head.

"Siri phone Brad." I say and Siri does as she's told. Atleast she can follow orders. Brad answers his phone and I tell him that I'm on my way home and to meet me there. I have a few assignments to do and hopefully him moving in won't be too much of a distraction but since it's almost the end of the first semester I have a big decision to make when I comes to sticking to studying architecture or changing to law and let's not mention exams that are coming up as well.

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