My Forbidden Fruits (August...

By TheSilentGenie-Us

4.2M 173K 76K

Phe-Phe has a past that not much people know about , she becomes a Kindergarten teacher and catches the eye o... More

A Story, Simply.
1.[Where Not Only Her Students Find Her Likeable]
2.[Where She Finds Herself Soaked]
3.[Where She Is Unaware Of Whom and What]
4.[Where She Is Not Flattered]
5.[ Where She Finds Her Self Being Courted]
6.[Where She Loves Him Not]
7. [Where She Bonds With His Offspring]
8.[Where She Is Scared Straight]
9.[Where She Is Put in A Bad Position]
10.[Where She Is Convinced He is A Ho Ho Ho]
11. [Where She Is Told To Come]
12.[ Where She Is Between A Rock And A Hard Place]
13.[Where She Has Caught Something Other Than Feelings]
14.[Where She Opens Up]
15.[Where She Rants About How She Feels]
15. [Where She Was In The Right Place At the Wrong Time]
16.[Where She Pretends Not To Care]
17.[Where She Has To Inform]
17.[Where She Has A War In Her Mind]
18.[Where She Holds His Best Interest]
19.[Where She Is Bamboozled]
20.[Where She Tries To Make Amends]
21.[Where She Is Blindsided]
22.[Where She Has Hooked Two, Too Many Romeos]
23.[Where She Apparently Has A Get-Together]
24.[Where She Cleans Up And Clears the Air, Barely]
25.[Where She Meets Him Halfway, In the Field Of Likes]
26.[Where She Finds Comfort Though Stuck In A Rut]
28.[Where She Is Busy Falling Apart]
29.[Where She Allows Him To Woo Her] Part I
30.[Where She Allows Him To Woo Her] Part II
31.[Where Her Heart Malfunctions,Slightly]
32.[Where She Is Compelled to Stare At A Brick Wall]
33.[Where She Acknowledges Her Fondness]
34.[Where She Contradicts With Her Lover...]
35.[Where She Obliges To Let Him Adorn Her]
36.[Where She Becomes His Canvas]
37.[Where She Seems To Be Handcuffed To Turmoil]
38.[Where She Climbs Aboard The Pity Train]
39.[Where She Realizes The Tables Have Turned]
40.[Where Her Intentions Are Made Known]
41.[Where She Is Traumatized Into A Blur]
42.[Where She Concludes What Her Heart Desires]
43.[Where She Seems Relentless To His Rue]
44.[Where She Is His Punctured Canvas,Only For Now]
45.[Where She Is Somewhat Uncertain Towards His Affections]
46.[Where She Is Bound To Be Merely Devastated]
Part II [Indulgence]
47.[Where She Is Thrown With This Seeming Reverie]
48. [Where She Seems Lost Without Her Baybeh]
49.[Where She Is Mortified Though Such A Celebration ]
50.[Where She Tries to Burn Bridges, For Her Lover]
For The Unaware

27.[Where She Is Underwater, And Not At All Breathing Fine]

65.9K 3.1K 584
By TheSilentGenie-Us

[The Next Morning ---Ms.Phoebe]

I turned over in the bed, hoping to touch a Mr. Alsina but I didn't. I fluttered my eyes awake, seeing the bed was empty and that he nor Kaitlyn was there.

"August?" I questioned sitting up in the bed seeing I was wearing his t-shirt. Holy fuck. Did we....

"I'm right hea'." He said stepping out of the bathroom startling me.

"Where's Kaitlyn and what time is it?" I scratched my hair, forgetting I didn't braid it last night. Just great.

"It's like 6 o'clock and Brent took her to Mama's to get ha' ready fa school." He rubbed his chest.

"Oh God, August why am I in your shirt, please tell me we didn't have sex." I folded my legs nervously.

He snickered strolling over to the bed.

"What's funny? I'm serious."

"Ma' I like my chicks awake when I'm giving it to em'. You fell asleep so damn quick, and I put my shirt on you, you kept sayn' you was cold."

I nodded, avoiding eye contact with him. "Okay." I said barely above a whisper.

"Imma leave I gotta get to tha' studio. I like to be alone in dere. Early mornings, even later nights."

"Okay, thank you for coming over here....I guess." I breathed on my hand, tasting the stench of my breath, wanting him to go before he managed to get a whiff of the horrendous morning breath I was experiencing.

"When Kay woke up, I made ha' summa dat tea you got out dere." He said putting back on his shoes. Why did I feel like we had had a one night stand or something? I pulled the comforter closer to my body.

"That's fine." I murmured, looking at my alarm clock.

"Yea' she a big baybeh, ery mornin' she wake me up for tea." He smiled. "She asked if you were ma girlfriend." He looked over at me. I never really looked at him this close until last night. His teeth were so square and cute, and his eyes were a little beady. The little goatee thing he had going was.... I don't, I couldn't picture him without it.

"Phoebe!" He snapped his fingers in my face.

"Huh? What you said?" I rubbed my eyes.

"Kay askin' Daddy if you ma girldfriend."

My eyelids gaped wide open and I just stared at him. "Sh-She asked that?"

"Yeh'." He smiled.

"Why'd you think she'd ask that?" Oh Phoebe stop being so naive, she woke up to her Father spooning her teacher what would she think?

"Ion know. She ain really had a woman spend as much time wid her like you. Oda den' Mama and Tima." He shrugged pulling on my shirt.

"Oh I guess us all cuddled up in my bed wasn't a good look huh?"

He smiled. "Nah I just think she want you ta be. Lemme get my shirt Ma'."

"Oh, I'm sorry." I began pulling up the shirt but I froze, cupping my breasts first. "Oh thank God." I mumbled recognizing there was still a bra. I took it off and quickly brought the covers over my chest.

"I seen nem' already." He smirked, roguishly while pulling on the shirt. He stood up, walking around to the nightstand grabbing his phone. "Funny , but they look different in the morning to bad, you can't see." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh really na?"

"Well aren't you just a Kevin Hart. Funny. You're rhetorical questions are so funny." I squinted my eyes.

"That's ma nigga. He funny aint he?" He grinned.

"Hardly ever, he swears in every sentence. That's what makes him comical, not mentioning his height and mere good looks." I shrugged.

He coughed and said hater. Like I was that stupid.

"Imma see you on da date. Dis weekend."

"This weekend? You mean this one. This one coming??" I asked whisking a piece if hair out of my face.

"Yeh. This weekend."

"W-why such a rush?"

"Cus' that's what I wanna have our date. Dis weekend."

"Well where are you taking me, if you even are?"

"Somewhea' damn, it ah  surprise."

I bit the inside of my mouth, trying to conceal a very rosy blush.


"Yeh', Okay." He mimicked me.

"Lock the door when you leave."

"Aight." He walked nearer to me and leaned in to kiss my cheek.

"Uhhh What are you doing?"

"I can't kiss yuh?"

"No, my teeth, they lack cleanliness."

"SO? Cya." He kissed the side of my head and walked through the door.

"Bye." I whispered like a little to myself like a little girl, whose just been giving her first kiss. I laid back in the bed, seeing it was really time for me to get ready.

[Phoebe---At school 8:21]

I made it to school a little later than usual and when I turned the corner to my classroom, I noticed that all the kids were standing outside and the cleaners and janitors who normally came after school were coming in and out.

"What's the matter?" I skipped now worried closer to them, rushing to the door.

"Teachaaaa." They all came up to me making a ring around me.

"What happened? What did y'all do now?" I asked crouching down to their levels.

"We ain't do nothing." Johnathan mumbled.

"Teachaaa." Kaitlyn whined hodling onto my arm. "Somebody messed up our class."

"What?" I instantly stood up. "Who did?"

They shrugged looking around.

"And they done killed Sonic." Lyric spoke , quietly, she was staring at her shoes on the ground.

"What?!"  I handed them my bags and I moved through passing a few Janitors before I stood in the doorway of my classroom in absolute horror. "Oh my God, what happened in here?" I mumbled, stepping over the broken glass from the door.

I walked inside assessing the damage. The chair legs were broken and there were papers all around. The Christmas decoration we started to create were torn apart and of course, Sonic's tank was shattered to pieces, leaving the water all over the ground.

"Oh God no." I walked over to a cleaner and tapped her shoulder.

"How can I help you Miss." She turned around.

"How did this happen?" I asked in complete awe of what laid before my eyes.

"Well words out that, you guys were targeted because this hasn't happened to any other classroom. Somebody broke the window in the door." She pointed to the door. "Obviously trying to get in here. I really don't know anything else."

"Okay, thanks."

"No problem." She went back to sweeping.

I walked back through the door, to the kids.

"Ms. Phe Phe are we going to get another fish?" Lyric tapped my side, with tears in her eyes. "That mean janitor flushed him down the toilet. He was flopping on the floor and everything."  She sniffed.

"Y-yes of course, don't cry sweetie. I'll get another one right now." She hardly ever spoke, I didn't want her to be crying.

"Really?" A few of them questioned.

"Yes, you guys go sit in the gym and I'll get somebody to watch you while I get one, but we'll only keep him a bowl for now. Is that okay?"

She nodded.  I led them into the gym and I grabbed my purse heading to Mr. MacArthur's office. All going through my mind was who could've been so heartless do this. Maybe Roscoe did it then again maybe Malcolm did this, maybe someone else who I knew back in NOLA did but right now, my head was spinning and I just didn't want to think about it much longer.

I knocked on the door, to hear a "Come in." On the other side.

I stepped inside, closing the door behind me as I begun to talk.

"Mr. MacArthur I'm going to the pet---

"Mrs. Washington just the person I wanted to see!" He sort of frown and I didn't even notice that Malcolm was sitting in the seat in front of him until he turned around.

"Pleasant day." He smiled.

"Likewise." I held a straight non---intimidated smirk. I wanted to eat him alive.

"Now Ms.Phoebe , Mr.Huffington here has brought something to my attention that seems to be affected him. Care to share?"

"Excuse me?" I asked completely perplexed.

"Would you care to share about how you continually make advances at Malcolm here?  He seems to think that you guys' relationship is causing serious disturbance to his work ethic. Have you ?"


To be continued....

I was going to make this chapter really long but I promised that I would update my other novel. So VOTE/COMMENT! Excuse errors. Phoebe in MM. Happy Boxing Day. :)

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