A Tear in the System (Lucemon...

By JackalWolfSoul

4.4K 117 37

Digimon, aka Digital Monsters, have been a part of the world off and on through what is called a "Tear". It i... More

Author's Note
Hello There
Hello Again
Catching up with an old Friend
Spending Time at Home (Part 1)
Spending Time at Home (Part 2)
Why are You Here?
Tear through the Sky
Anger Issues
Fighting Temptation
Planning things Out
Author's Note: I need help, please
Change for the Worse
Things I Do for Love
Author's Note: Hiatus
Lair of Greed (Part 1)
Lair of Greed (Part 2)
Talking Things Over
Where You Stand
Hearing Their Stories
Problems at School
After Effects
A Rose for your Thoughts
A Day Out
Proving Her Wrong
More Mistakes were Created
A Choice Given
A Proposal?

Catching up with Old Friends

118 6 0
By JackalWolfSoul

*Lucemon FM's POV*

It was dark out now. The sun had just set and Lucent was talking to Laylamon. They were at the park talking, since no one would be there at this time of night. It was good for him to see one of his old friends but he knew she had different intentions of being on Earth. "So what brings you here to Earth? You said you were here to warn us of more Tears opening up and who are the other Lords that are already here."

"Besides myself and Beezelmon: Barbamon and Leviamon are already here. Belphemon is still asleep back in the Dark Zone of the Digital World. Daemon plans on using him in someway but I'm not entirely sure," said Laylamon. She turns to face Lucent. "So tell me, what was it like to fuze with Y/n."

"Hard to say really. It was like being near her but far apart at the same time. I could feel her presence and she could feel mine. It felt like we coukd take on the world."

"That's good. Keep that feeling in mind when the time comes to fight Daemon. He does plan on trying to conquer the Earth again but I'm not sure when. Maybe you and Y/n could go to the Digital World and take the fight to him."

"How would I get Y/n there? A Tear has to open up on the ground and stay stable long enough for her and I to pass through. Plus the last time a Tear opened up on the ground, Y/n was sent flying by a Digitamamon that would have killed her if i didn't intervene."

"I know its possible that another Tear will open up on the ground. Until then, take care of Barbamon and Leviamon. That way the only two you have to deal with back in the Digital World is Daemon and Belphemon."

"But will we be strong enough to take them down when we fuze again? The only reason why we beat Beezelmon is because Y/n was still pretty mad at her crush rejecting her."

"Well I see someone who won't break Y/n's heart," said Laylamon with a wink at Lucent, making him blush. "I know you will treat her right."

"You can tell, can't you?"

"You forget I'm the digital embodiment of lust and you yourself are the digital embodiment of pride. How of all things can you forget something like that." Laylamon laughs. "Do you remember the names the humans given us in the past?"

"Yes I do. They called you Lilith and myself...Lucifer..." Lucent hated that name that was given to him those many years ago. "Anything else you want to tell me before someone comes looking for you?"

"Not really. What's the rush? You want to go spend more time with your human. That's the reason, isn't it?"

"Goodbye, Laylamon," said Lucent before he takes flight, leaving Laylamon behind. Now I remember why I left the Digital World ten years ago when I  first met Y/n. Laylamon is too damn nosy in my personal life. Should have turned her to data. I'll have to remember that the next time I see her. Its odd how she gave the information on the other Lords so freely with the risk of being destroyed by Daemon. Both her and Daemon are planning something, Lucent thinks to himself.

It was around one in the morning by the time Lucent returns to Y/n's home. He wanted to make sure that what Laylamon had told him was true and sure enough, both Barbamon and Leviamon were on Earth. Barbamon was hiding out at the mall, one of the many places where so much greed can be at once. And as for Leviamon, he was asleep at the bottom of the lake. "Why of all things at the bottom of a lake?!" Lucent asks himself outloud as he lets himself in through the bedroom window of Y/n's room.

Lucent finds Y/n asleep in her bed. "I'll ask where she wants to go for our date in the morning," said Lucent as he climbs through the window. On the floor he finds that there was an air mattress set up for him. It already had a sheet on it, pillow, and a blanket. "I guess no sleeping on the floor for me tonight then." He lays down on the air mattress and covers himself up. "Would be more comfortable on the bed with Y/n." It wasn't to much longer before Lucent falls asleep.

*Y/n's POV*

Y/n was able to sleep in for a bit, well at least until eleven in the morning. She gets out of bed and finds Lucent asleep on the air mattress. "I wonder what they talked about last night." She leaves her room and heads downstairs to make breakfast.

Lucent starts to wake up when he smells something really good coming from the kitchen. "Whatever that is, it smells good."

Y/n was busy making pancakes for herself, Lucent, and her parents. Since it was still a Sunday morning, why not sit down together as a family and have a good breakfast. "You looked like you slept well," said Y/n when she sees Lucent come into the kitchen as she sets the table.

"Yeah. Compared to yesterday morning."

"So what did you and Laylamon talk about last night?"

"We may have to end up fighting Barbamon and Leviamon. Turns out Daemon sent them to Earth since he plans on attacking again here soon."

"I don't trust Laylamon. She shows up out of the blue with information on Daemon. How can we trust her? For all we know she is working for Daemon."

"There is a bit of truth to it. Barbamon is hiding out at the mall and Leviamon is asleep at the bottom of the lake."

"Which lake?"

"The one at the park. Most likely there to cause the most damage to the area since there's a lot of houses there."

"For Leviamon, the lake doesn't make any sense but for Barbamon, the mall makes since since he is the digital embodiment of greed."

"I think it would be wise to finish this discussion after we head out for our date."

"Agreed," said Y/n as she finished setting the table.

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