Spending Time at Home (Part 1)

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*Y/n's POV *

It is the day of Y/n's birthday and being away from school while Y/n recovers from her ankle injury and already she was bored. She busy rereading the script for The Nightmare Before Christmas play her school was doing and it was to the point where she almost had her line perfectly memorized, except for the last part where Jack and Sally sing before they kiss. She kept screwing up on the last line because, even though it really wasn't a kiss too a sense plus she would be kissing her friend, her long time crush: it was going to be her first kiss. It was that fact that made Y/n nervous. It would be their first unofficial kiss. Even though she had Lucent read over Jack Skellington's part, it still wasn't easy.

"You almost had it this time," said Lucent.

"I know. I still can't get over the kiss," said Y/n.

"First kiss I'm guessing, right?"

Y/n blushes slightly and nervously scratches her head. "Yeah pretty much. Eighteen years old now and still haven't had my first kiss yet..."

"Speaking of your eighteenth birthday, I got you something. Well a couple of things actually." Lucent gets up from where he was sitting at the foot of Y/n's bed and leaves the room. He comes back with a couple gifts wrapped up. "Before you ask, no I didn't steal anything. I asked your parents if I could borrow some money to buy one of the gifts. The other one I had to hunt for."

"A Digimon asking for money? That's a first," said Y/n a laugh.

Lucent stares daggers at Y/n. "We do tend to keep jobs back home in our world. The currency we use is called Digidollars. It doesn't carry over to this world though. You should see our world one day. It's like Earth but a bit different. I'm sure you like it," said Lucent.

"Sorry I didn't mean to laugh. I just find it strange. That's all."

"Humans still don't know a lot about Digimon," said Lucent as he hands Y/n the two gifts. Both gifts were wrapped in purple wrapping paper with polka dot ribbons.

"Did you wrap these?" Y/n asks as she pulls of the bow of the first gift which was a little heavy for some odd reason.

"I did. Got a problem with that?" Lucent asks.

"Not reallly. I just didn't expect purple with polka dots." Y/n opens the gift and lifts up the lid of the box. Inside of the box was a Megalodon tooth, a pretty decent sized one too. "That explains the weight. I'm surprised you remembered all these years that I wanted one of these."

"It was kinda hard to find. Had to search the east coast of the United States just to find one."

Y/n lifts the tooth out of the box to examine it. "Theres only a few places you can find these here in the States. I think you can find them elsewhere in the world." She sets the tooth back into the box and proceeds to open the second gift. The second gift was in a box that was a little smaller than the first. When she opened it, Y/n was surprised to see what was in the box. Inside the box, resting on some tissue paper, was a gold necklace with a green and red stone. Y/n guessed it was some kind of jasper. "Thank you, Lucent. At least this day isn't so bad. Would have been better if that Tear didn't open on the bike trail."

"There really is no way to truly predict them," said Lucent. He gets up from the bed. "I'm go head out for a bit. I'll be back later. While I am gone, try to get over that fear of your first kiss. I don't think it would be a good idea for you to choke up during that scene in the play when the time comes." He leaves Y/n's room.

*Lucemon's FM POV*

Lucent makes his way outside and takes flight. He needed time to clear his head. He still views Y/n as his friend but he also knew over time those feelings will change. He had those feelings the other night after they had got home from the hospital. He felt it was his fault that he didn't get there in time to prevent Y/n from crashing into Digitamamon. Hopefully things will get easier, Lucent thinks to himself. After flying for a while, he lands in a park. He touches down next to the lake. Even though it was beginning to become the evening hours, there was still quiet a number of people at the park. Even a good number of Digimon as well. There were a few In-Traning level Digimon like Punimon and Poyomon, who were busy playing games of tag or playing on the playground equipment with the little kids who were at the park. There were several Rookie level Digimon plus two Champion level Digimon. One of the Champion level Digimon he recognized really quick was Leomon. He was surprised that Leomon was still around considering that the last Tear, besides the one that opened up just a day ago, was ten years ago. Lucent knew he would need to be on his best behavior or risk a confrontation with Leomon. He smirks at the thought. Even though it wouldn't be much of a fight, it was still best to be avoided. Lost in his own thoughts, Lucent fails to notice Leomon coming towards him until he speaks up.

"Lucemon what brings you here? What brings one of the Seven Lords to this world?' Leomon asks.

"Minding my own business for once actually. The name's now Lucent, thanks to a little girl I met years ago," said Lucent.

"A human named you? Why did that happen?"

"I asked her why myself the day after I met her and she told me it was easy to remember," said Lucent. "She's been calling me Lucent ever since I first met her when I was at my Rookie level."

After a while of talking and catching up. Lucent figured out two more of the Seven Lords had gotten through after the last Tear had happened. Leomon didn't know who yet, but he planned on finding out. After bidding Leomon good-bye, Lucent flies home. Once inside, he heads up to Y/n's room to find her still reading over the script. "Bored yet?"

Y/n shakes her head. "Just reading over my lines again for the third time. I think I might have gotten over choking up st the last scene."

"Only time will tell, Y/n." Lucent takes the script from Y/n and sets down on the night stand. "Take a break from reading over your lines and let's watch a movie."

"I have one you might enjoy," said Y/n with a smile. She gets out of bed and limps over to the bookcase that had her DVD collection. She pulls the movie Moana off of the shelf. "A good way to raise one's spirit is by watching a good movie."

A Tear in the System (Lucemon FM (Fallen Mode) x Female Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora