Tear through the Sky

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*Lucemon FM's POV*

Lucent decided to take his time getting Y/n home from the play. She was heartbroken, which meant there was hardly going to be any sleep for her at all during the night. He was still carrying her in his arms, bridal style. He didn't feel like having her walk. He felt strangely possessive of her and he wasn't too sure on how to deal with it still. He was friends with her up until she was ten years old, disappeared until only a few days ago, and was now back into her life. Emotions were confusing, especially what he was feeling now.

It takes about an hour before they get home. Lucent takes Y/n up to her room. Lucky for them, her parents weren't home yet. He sets her down on her bed. "Get ready for bed. It won't do you any good to dwell on the negatives," said Lucent. He heads downstairs to wait until Y/n's parents got home to tell them what had happened. It was about one in the morning before he decided to head upstairs to Y/n's room. Lucent makes himself comfy on the floor, still letting Y/n sleep in her own bed herself. He listens to her breathing, making sure she was sleeping okay with no nightmares. It wasn't before too long before he fell asleep.

*Y/n's POV*

It was five in the morning when Y/n wakes up. She sees that Lucent was alseep on the floor. She looks at him for a few minutes, watching him sleep, before getting out of bed. She goes downstairs and sits down on the couch. She turns on the TV and starts watching cartoons. Y/n didn't really feel like going to school today but she knew she didn't really have a choice. After spending an hour watching cartoons, she gets herself ready for school. She didn't feel like seeing her friend, whom she once had a crush on, or that girl he was with now.

It was seven in the morning by the time Y/n leaves for school. Lucent tags along with her since he is, to a sense, one of the students. She stays quiet the whole way there. Even Lucent tried telling a few jokes to get her to laugh but nothing worked. By the time they got to the high school, Y/n does what she can to try to avoid everyone, even her friends. Unfortunately she wasn't as lucky. Right when she had just opened her locker to put her stuff away, someone slams it closed. Y/n sees it's the girl that Eric was with the other night. "Go away," said Y/n.

"You should've stayed home, Y/n. Eric said he doesn't want to see you here anymore," said Missy.

"I told you to go away, Missy. I'm in no mood to deal with you right now," said Y/n.

Lucent walks up behind Missy and punches the locker next to her, causing her to flinch and duck down. "Get lost, Missy. Or I'll make you wish you never messed with Y/n," threatens Lucent.

Missy hurriedly picks up her stuff she had dropped in fright and takes off running down the hallway.

Lucent watches Missy run off. He looks towards Y/n. "You going to be okay? I can take you home if you want."

"I'm fine," said Y/n. She puts her stuff away in her locker, taking only what is needed for her classes. "We better go before we are late." She heads towards her first period. Y/n was in an emotional slump for the entire day. Even her friends were worried about her. By the time lunch period rolled around, Y/n chose to sit by herself. Only Lucent sat at the table with her.

"You shouldn't let what Eric did bug you," said Lucent.

"I don't know what I did wrong. I thought well were good friends. I thought he liked me as much as I liked him," said Y/n.

"He won't know what he's missing. By the time he realized his mistake by going out with Missy, you will have moved on to be with someone else. Besides I don't think Eric and Missy will work out," said Lucent.

"What do you mean?"

"Last night when I came to pick you up after the play I ran into Eric and Missy. At the time when I was asking Eric where yiu were, Missy was flirting with me. She just proved to me that humans don't change when it comes to getting what they want." Lucent takes a bite of his food and makes a face. "How can you even eat this stuff? It tastes bland."

"Schools want their students to eat healthy. At times taste is sacrificed."

"Then why don't you bring a lunch from home?"

It wasn't too much longer before one of Y/n's friends joins them at table. "What do you want, Ally?" Y/n asks.

"I heard what happened," said Ally. "What Eric did was uncalled for."

"He said I was too outgoing for him," said Y/n.

"You kinda are but that's because you always go for what you love to do, Y/n. I mean I'd rather have you try out for every play you can, get a role even if its not a leading role, then have you be involved with harmful substances," said Ally. "Besides you still have your friends to look out for you."

"Thanks, Ally. I needed to hear that, " said Y/n with a smile. She was about to take another bite of her food when Lucent catches her attention. She noticed that he was looking towards the main doors of the school. "Something up?"

*Lucemon FM's POV*

"Not now, Y/n," said Lucent. He gets up from his chair and walks towards the main doors. Once he was to the doors, he looks up at the sky. Pixelation appears against the clouds as the sky becomes overcast. Soon the students start to crowd around the doors. "Does this school have any insurance to cover against a Digimon attack?" Lucent asks himself.

"Dude, I don't think so," said a random student.

Y/n runs up to Lucent. "Who do you think is going to attack?"

"I'm going to try to negotiate. If all else fails, try to help the school evacuate the students," said Lucent. He steps outside right as the teachers were locking the doors.

"Hey get back here! You're not allowed outside during a Digimon attack!" One of the teachers yells at Lucent.

Lucent laughs and turns towards the now locked doors. He changes out of his human disguise, revealing his Digimon form. "Funny how you don't pay attention at who attends this school." A few more students manage to get past the teachers a revealing a few Ultimate level Digimon disguised as humans as well. Lucent walks towards the form that was now digitizing on the ground a good distance from him. The digitized form was soon revealed as Beelzemon.

"Its been quite a long time since I've last seen you, Lucemon," said Beezlmon. His guns where holstered at his sides.

"It has been a while, old friend. Tell me what brings you here?" Lucent asks as he gets ready to confront Beezlmon in case a fight happens.

"Why are you hiding out at this school? I thought you came to Earth to build a new world?"

Lucent laughs. "Plans changed. I have other reasons to be here on Earth."

Y/n could barely make out what Lucent was talking about. "Change in plans? What is he talking about?"

"Beezlmon it would be wise to go back where you came," said Lucent.

Beezlemon shakes his head. "Sorry old friend. I have my orders from Daemon." Beezlmon draws one of his guns and points it at one of the Ultimate Digimon, a BlueMeramon, standing besides Lucent. "If I didn't have my orders, we could have done things peacefully." A gunshot rings out and the BlueMeramon staggers back before falling to the ground, disappearing with only a few pixels remaining.

Lucent had no choice now but to fight Beezlmon. He only hoped that Y/n got away in time.

A Tear in the System (Lucemon FM (Fallen Mode) x Female Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant