A Choice Given

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*Lucemon FM's POV*

Lucent was upset with himself over what had happened to Y/n. Because of the fact they had BioMerged to prove a point to a bully and not for battle, Y/n now had his seal on her back. But at least it wasn't there all the time. Her parents still didn't know that the seal had appeared. He still didn't know what kind of repercussions that the seal will cause. Only time would find out. Y/n was getting ready to take a shower. Lucent told her she should find a way to relax her muscles in order to see if the BioMerge did anything else to her.

Lucent sat on the floor near the bed that Y/n was using till she returned back to her own home. Baxter had given her the guest room to use for the time being. Lucent tries to relax himself too but he was too tensed up. Thoughts clouded his mind. He wanted to be near Y/n. He wanted....He shakes the thought from his mind. "Good things come to those who wait," said Lucent to himself. He didn't want to step out of bounds and have to start back from square one with Y/n.

*Y/n's POV*

Y/n was getting herself ready for a shower. Her whole body ache like she was sick. She think it was caused by seal in her back. She knew if she and Lucent didn't try to prove a point to Missy and show her why she'd never get Lucent, she would never be in this mess. Y/n shuts the bathroom door beind her. Even though Baxter said she'd be able to go home once he felt she was okay enough, Y/n knew she'd never be okay. She felt like she was invading Baxter's privacy even though he invited her and Lucent into his home.

Y/n takes off her clothes and discards them into the floor. She turns the hot water on first in the shower and then the cold water, waiting til it was the right temperature for her before getting into the shower. It was only a few minutes later that there was a knock at the bathroom door. "Yes?" Y/n asks.

"It's Lucent. Could I come in?" Lucent asks.

Y/n knew Lucent was fighting with temptation every day since they've officially started going out but now he was starting to lose. One slip up and well...it was a thought that Y/n didn't want to dwell too long in the current living situation they were in. She didn't feel like getting walked in on by Baxter or even her parents. Her dad and mom should be arriving at Baxter's home and hear about what had happened to her. "No, Lucent. I don't want to be walked-in on and I know that you want to wait."

"I promise to stay by the door, okay?"

"No, Lucent. I'm not risking the chance."

"Then I'll wait til tonight then when there is less of a chance."

Y/n hears Lucent step away from the door. She knew his patience was wearing thin. They still hadn't had a chance at a second date with all that is going on with the Seven Lords. Two have been defeated. Two were on the good guys side. One has questionable motives. And the other two still haven't shown up to Earth yet. Or they have and Y/n doesn't know yet.

After an hour, Y/n finishes her shower and returns to the bedroom. Lucent was waiting for her. He was sitting on the bed. Even though she was dressed and still a bit damp from the shower, Y/n felt nervous. "Lucent we should still consider getting to know each other better. Even if we haven't been on our second date."

"I know, Y/n. But there may not he a second date with the ever looming threat of the other four Seven Lords. We still have to worry about Daemon, Laylamon, and Belphemon. So there may not even be a chance at a peaceful life either. I know as you humans say ' Patience is a verture' or 'Good things come to those who wait'. But my patience is wearing thing, especially ever since my last talk with Laylamon."

Y/n shuts the door behind her. "So you want to take our relationship to the next step because of the risk of us losing and dying in our next battle with one of the other Seven Lords, correct?" Y/n didn't like hearing herself say those words. But Lucent had a point, in a sense that is.

"But I will wait still. I don't think your parents or even Baxter would be too thrilled of us hooking up here."

"But the question comes to is when?"

"How about after we deal with the next of the Seven Lords, okay? That will give you enough time to think things over. Plus I know Mrs. Stone still wants to oversee our training. I think we should avoid BioMerging for a while."

"I agree." Y/n walks over to the bed. "Scoot over if you are going to be staying in here with me. Otherwise go see if Baxter has another room for you to use or go sleep on the couch."

Lucent smirks and laughs a little. "I won't try anything. You have my word."

Y/n lays down on the bed and Lucent lays down besides her. "You better or I'll clip your wings."

"Good night, Y/n."

"Good night, Lucent." Y/n pulls the blanket over herself and scoots a little closer to Lucent. She once found it odd at how someone who started as her friend was now someone she loved but grown to accept into her life. But Lucent was a big part of her life now. Now in more ways than one.

A Tear in the System (Lucemon FM (Fallen Mode) x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now