After Effects

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*Y/n's POV*

Y/n and Lucent stand outside of the high school. They were both shocked over the fact at over how many Digimon attended the school as humans in disguise. "Well this is definitely going on my permanent record," said Y/n.

"It was bound to happen no matter what. Even if I didn't provide the extra push, that principle would have figured out eventually that most of his students were not human," said Lucent. He looks back and notices that Y/n's friend, Ally, was running towards them.

"What the hell is going on?! Half of my classmates in my science class walked out of the room," said Ally. She looked towards Y/n. "Who is he?"

"Ally, this is Lucent, or as you know him as the new transfer student," said Y/n.

"Why did this happen?"

"Y/n was going to be suspended from school for the rest of the school year for coming to my aid during the fight with Beezlemon. So I, to a sense, put kindling to the fire and helped the situation more. May have not helped the situation very well but it was only a matter of time before the principal found out how many Digimon attended this school."

Ally watched as the students walked out the front doors, some of them changing to their Digimon forms. "I had no idea..."

"Not a lot of people know how many Digimon live among them but from what I know, all the Digimon in this city are students at this school."

One of the male students walks up to Ally. "We need to go," said the male student, whose name is Will.

"Will why are you leaving? There's no point..." Ally was stunned into silence when Will turned back into his Digimon form, a WereGarurumon. "Will?"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, Ally. I didn't trust you with this information. I hope you won't feel too badly about this situation."

Lucent looks between Ally and WereGarurumon when it suddenly dawned on him. "You two have been dating, haven't you?" Lucent asks.

"Will and I have been dating for over three years to this day," said Ally.

"Just because of today's events doesn't mean you should stop loving him," said Y/n. "Besides you two will still be together no matter what."

"She does have a point," said WereGarurumon.

*Mr. Stone's POV*

Mr. Stone got home later that evening. It had been a rough day with nearly half the school walking out that day because of Lucent's actions. "I should make them pay," mumbles Mr. Stone as he gets out of his car after shutting his car off. He gets out of his car, locking the door. "At least I still have my wife to come home too."

Mr. Stone heads into his home and finds his wife, Emma, waiting for him. "Is something wrong, sweetie?"

"Mind explaining what happened today?!" Emma asks. She was clearly mad.

"What are you talking about?"

"What you did back at the school? Just got the news from Gabumon that you tried to suspend Y/n for the rest of the year!"

"Yes I did I felt...Wait a minute, Gabumon? Why in the hell would a Digimon stop at our home and tell you what had happened?!"

"Y/n, with Lucemon, was protecting the school from Beelzemon the day the last Tear opened, from which Beelzemon stepped forth. If Y/n didn't save the school, you would have ended up calling all the parents of the students that were killed by Beelzemon!"

"Emma what on Earth is wrong with you?! You never really cared about Digimon or the Tears!"

"You naive man. You forgot the reason why you fell in love with me all those years ago. It was a Tear back in the 1960's that we first met and you fell in love with me at first sight. I wasn't really too thrilled about dating you but you proved me wrong time and again. Back then you didn't mind the idea of Digimon on Earth and now you just ruined a bunch of family's lives and students having a safe place to learn."

Mr. Stone advances towards his wife and raises his hand. He was about to slap some sense into her but she grabbed his wrist before he could do so.

"I'm leaving you, Edgar. There is nothing you can do that can change my mind. Not sure what made you hate Digimon all of the sudden since you've forgotten I'm one of them." Emma steps away from Mr. Stone. Her long brown hair became more red in color as what appeared to be rose petals grown from her head. A full rose now enclosed her head, only making it so her nose and mouth were visible. A red dress appears on her, only slightly revealing her breasts. Thigh high black boots appeared on her legs and a rose thorn whip appeared in her left hand.

"Emma?" Mr. Stone was shocked at the Digimon that now stood before him, who was once his wife Emma, was now the Digimon Rosemon. "I don't understand."

"You were never racist against Digimon. You just felt it was in your best interests to protect the school by suspending the two beings who could save us from the coming invasion," said Rosemon.

"Invasion? What invasion?"

"A couple of the Seven Lords will attack the Earth and try to conquer it. Humanity will be enslaved. Those that resist will perish." Rosemon walks around Mr. Stone and heads towards the front door. "I hope we may meet again someday after you have learned the errors of your ways. I left my wedding ring on the nightstand in our bedroom. I'm going to go see if Y/n needs a healer in her battle. The fate of the Earth and the Digital World lays in the hands two beings who have no idea what fate holds for them." After that, Rosemon leaves. Leaving Mr. Stone stunned in silence over what had just happened.

*in case any one is wondering, this is what Rosemon looks like:

*in case any one is wondering, this is what Rosemon looks like:

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A Tear in the System (Lucemon FM (Fallen Mode) x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now