Hearing Their Stories

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*Barbamon's POV*

Y/n sat down at the kitchen table next to Lucent. They both sat across from Ellan and James. James was still giving Barbamon the death glare.

"So are you ready to know more about us Digimon and about the Tears as well?" Barbamon asks. He was still in his human form.

"Sure why the hell not," said James.

"James behave. Barbamon is our guest so be nice," said Ellan.

"I'll try to tell you what I can remember. I'm pretty old and my memory isn't as good as it used to be," said Barbamon with a laugh. "Tears have been occurring on Earth as far back as I can remember. But as of late, Tears have been occurring more and more. During one occurrence when us Digimon arrived on Earth, humans named a few of us. Laylamon was named Lilith, Lucemon FM was named Lucifer, and Beelzemon was named Beezlebub. That's just a few of the names you gave us."

James looks over at Lucent. "Lucifer, really? I think that name suits you given your appearance."

"Dad stop!" Y/n snap and slams her hand down on the table, making everyone seated at the table jump. "You didn't really care about Lucent until you heard we BioMerged. Take a damn chill pill and quit acting like a child. If it wasn't for Lucent I would have been killed by Digitamamon on the bike trail that day. So just be glad he saved me that day or he would have brought me home dead."

Ellan puts her hand on James shoulder to stop him from speaking. "Dear she does have a point. Just accept the fact that Lucent is one of the good guys."

"Fine," grumbles James.

"Now as I was saying, Tears have been opening on Earth for years. Overtime humans soon started to visit the Digital World. This was before you humans named it the Digital World. You called it Fae Wilds, Elfame, and Alfheimr are just a few of the names you humans called the Digital World over the years. It wasn't really called the Digital World until the 1960's," said Barbamon.

Ellan gets up from her chair. "I'll get you something to drink, Barbamon. I got a feeling this may take a good while to tell. What would you like?" Ellan asks.

"Apple juice if you have some. If not, I'll have some orange juice. Not to be rude to say, but I think I it would be best if we take this story to the living room. We'll be more comfortable since what I have to say may take a few hours or so to tell."

"Fine by me," said Y/n as she gets up from her chair. She pushed her chair in and heads into the living room, Lucent follows after her.

Once everyone was in the living room and sitting comfortably, Barbamon resumes his story. "After the 1960's, Tears start to become a little more common. Digimon start to visit Earth and partnerships were slowly formed. Human children were partnered up with with In-Training level Digimon. Visits to the Digital World became more frequent. Battles with evil Digimon became more frequent as well. Children would come to the Digital World and spend what they thought were days back on Earth when the events only occured for one day."

"It was during the time when we were kids that your father and I visited the Digital World that Daemon was trying to take it over and make his way to Earth," said Ellan.

"How long ago was that again?" Y/n asks.

"This was back during the 1970's," said James.

"Daemon was getting bored of being in the Digital World so he tried to take over the Earth. It was also during that time that the Seven Lords split. It was that time I left for Earth. Lucemon FM left around the same time as I did. The rest of the Seven Lords stayed in the Digital World."

"So do the Seven Lords still hold rule over their domains?" Y/n asks.

"Yes. Lucemon FM and I still hold rule but we don't have access to our kingdoms until we can return to the Digital World when the next Tear opens up," said Barbamon.

"Speaking of which..." Y/n turns her attention to Lucent. "So did you really go back to the Digital World during the ten years you disappeared?"

"To a sense, yes and no. The last Tear that opened up when I left your home all those years ago opened up six months later. I was able to go back and regain control of my kingdom in the Dark Area. A year later I came back and stayed on Earth. I traveled a bit around the world but I mostly stayed in the United States during my travels. There were two more Tears opened up during the ten years I was gone," said Lucent.

"No more interruptions. I still need to finish what I need to tell. Unless you guys want me to stay until five o'clock in the morning for me to finish," said Barbamon.

"I have school in the morning so I won't be able to stay up too late," said Y/n.

"Then stop interrupting please," said Barbamon in a stern voice.

"Then please continue with what you have to say," said Ellan.

Without anymore interruptions, Barbamon was able to finish his story. Y/n was able to learn more about the Digital World. Even though she knew it was going to be dangerous, Y/n wanted to see Lucent's old home.

A Tear in the System (Lucemon FM (Fallen Mode) x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now