Loving A Player (gxg)

By yhill8412

20.9K 561 70

This is a lesbian story with a twist so read at ur own risk. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 14

679 27 7
By yhill8412


A baby! She has a baby! How could she be so careless. I can't believe this. I wanted to be the only person to carry her kids. I can't believe she did this after taking my virginity. I should've never let her take it. Ughh I'm so mad at myself. How could I be so careless. I should've never had sex with her last night. As I was goin on and on to myself Tiff came in and tried to calm me down.

"Tay what's wrong."

"She has a baby. How could she do this."

"Tay she didn't know. I can guarantee you it was an accident. When lil man was conceived we had just lost our grandpa. Chris and him were so close. She talked and hung out with him everyday and basically was up for 3 days straight praying our grandfather would get better but nothing ever changed. The day this baby was conceived was the day we lost our grandpa. Chris had ran out the hospital when they pronounced him dead and she was gone for hours until we got a call that she was in the hospital because she had been shot. When she woke up the first person she asked for was our grandpa she thought it was all a dream. She cried for weeks straight wanting to hug and talk to him one more time."

"I'm sorry for y'all loss but they don't change the fact she just took my virginity and has a baby. She could've warned me or some"

"Tay she didn't know. She just found out. And I'm pretty sure she came over earlier to get advice from you but you blew her off. She's lost and confused Tay guide her in the right direction"

"How can I guide her. How do I know she won't lie to me or leave me if I get pregnant"

"Tay I told you about my cousin before y'all hooked up. She needs someone whose gonna be there for her and to not give up on her. The way she looks at you is the way she used to look before our grandpa died. So happy and carefree I haven't seen that look in years. Tay you can't give up on her. She needs you. Please just think about it"

"I have a question for you. How would you feel if that was Bird. Your basically in love with him so if he told you he has a bay how would you feel"

"Good question. I was disappointed at first but the way he takes care of little Ava is just adorable. He loves that girl with all that's in him so I know when and if we have kids they will be well taking care of"

"Wait Bird has a baby"

"Yea a little girl"

"And your not mad about it"

"No I'm happy for him. Bird is a different person now and his baby momma is a sweet heart"

"You've meet his baby momma"

"Not in person but on the phone when he called to talk to Ava when we were in Cali"

"Wow so you on step momma duty now"

"Yup and you will be to. Just talk to Chris. She means no harm"

"I'll think about but right now it's a no. I'm not ready for that type of commitment"
1 Month Later


So a month has passed and thangs has changed drastically. Me and Chris don't talk at all. All she do now is school, practice, and take care of her son. I'm not gone lie it kinda hurts not hearing her voice anymore or seeing her smile. Every time I come around she used to smile and speak but now she just gets up and walks away. I heard from Tiff that Chris dad kicked her out after the DNA test came back positive. I felt really bad for her because she didn't deserve that. According to Tiff she moved in with Bird and they both focus on the kids and school. They don't party or have any girls come over anymore. After Bird got custody of Ava because Ashley went back to the military Bird changed his whole life around. I'm proud of them. Both of them are still being recruited for football and basketball but now they tell the coaches that they have kids. The coaches all say the same. We don't care we will work around that.  Even though me and Chris don't talk that doesn't mean I don't keep tabs on him. I have CJ and Tiff tell me everything. So far CJ and Kay are going strong. Me and Kay relationship got better and everything. The football season is going great the team is 6-0. This week they have a bye so Tiff invited me to come and chill with her and Bird. I was hesitant at first but then I agree because I dint want to be at home by myself. As we get to the house Bird opens the door. Once we come I see that the house is spotless. The guys really keep the house nice and that's good. I give Bird a side hug and go into the living room. I walk in and I see the babies on the floor playing with their toys. They were so cute. When Bird came in I asked where Chris was. He said she's at work and don't get off until 9 but she won't be back until about 10 because they gotta clean and everything. I looked at my phone and saw it was 730 now so that means we had time to watch a movie before she got here.

I asked what movie they wanted to watch and without even noticing Carson started crawling to the movies on the side of the wall and pulled out The Proud Family Movie I went and got it from him and popped it in. I love that movie especially the little peanuts. I asked them if it was ok and they said yea. Once I sat down Carson crawled over to me while Ava crawled to her dad. I picked up lil Carson he instantly focused on the movie. This was the first time I held him or been around him. When the dance off part came on Carson started wiggling in my arms. So I stood him up and he started moving. As I looked over I saw Ava doin the same thing.

Tiff was just looking at me smiling. Soon the movie came to an end and the kids were sleepy. Bird showed me the way to Carson's and Chris room and I put him in his crib. As I looked around I noticed that Chris had pictures of me on her desk. I went through them and noticed she was redrawing them. They looked fantastic. I had got so focused in looking at them that I didn't notice her walk in.

"What are you doin in my room." She didn't seem happy

"Um I was putting Carson down I'm sorry. Ima leave now."

"Ok". As she was walking I just had to ask this question

"What happened between us. Every time you see me you walk away or leave the room. You don't even come to the class we share together" she started smiling all creepy and laughing

"What happened? You wanna know what happened? Are you fucking serious right now?  Do you not remember what happened when I came to your house the day I found Carson on my front porch. I came scared out of mind about this baby and all you did was cut me off. You wouldn't let me explain or anything. You cut me off. I was falling in love with you. You seemed to be the only person who cared about me but when the times got hard you left! You left me when I needed you the most! You kicked me out yo life! I already lost one of the most important people in my life then you went and did the same. You left me when I need you the most. How could you!  I opened up to you hoping that you would help but you didn't. You left like everybody else. So if you could shut my door on the way out". By the end of her speech she was in tears. I felt so bad I went to hug her and she broke down in my arms. I just held her as she cried during her crying. I apologized for everything.

"I'm so sorry for leaving you. It was so wrong of me to do that. I know now just how inconsiderate I was of you and your feelings. But you have to realize I was planning a future with you and then boom this come out of nowhere. Im so sorry Chris please forgive" she just nodded and continued to cry.

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