Just A Wish...

By ladyxmas

2.1K 129 67

A BajanCanadian and AsfJerome love story gone wrong... (Includes Smut- you been warned) More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 19

65 5 1
By ladyxmas

*Mitch's POV*

I walked down the first set of stairs. Lachlan better not have done anything with Jenna. He better fucking not have... I skipped steps going down the second staircase, landing myself in the basement. My eyes immediately went to the bed.

Lachlan lied there, shirtless, with Jenna's head resting on his chest. He was playing on his phone with one hand and playing with her hair with his other hand. "Lachlan" I whispered and his eyes drifted up to me. He smiled slightly as he stared at me with his still clouded eyes. "Did you...?" I asked pointing from him to Jenna.

Lachlan shrugged and anger burned in my throat. "You don't know?" I asked, spitting a little, as I stepped closer to him so that I was directly beside Lachlan. "I was drunk, Mitch! I barely remember anything from last night! Give me a break man!" He said back rather loudly, causing Jenna to stir slightly. "What do you remember? Hm? Remember banging my sister? Why are you shirtless anyways?" I asked loudly.

"Mitch talk quietly you're going to wake up Jenna!" Lachlan whispered back as Jenna woke up beside him. I don't know why I even say beside him, she was practically on top of him! "What's wrong?" She asked drowsily and sat up in the bed, she was wearing Lachlan's shirt... Did she slip that on after fucking so it would look like they hadn't? Was that what Lachlan was wearing yesterday? I racked my brain trying to remember what he had been wearing...

"Hello? Earth to Mitch?" Jenna said a second time, arms crossing over her chest. "What's wrong?" She asked again when I looked at her. "Did you two screw last night?!" I practically shouted, waking up all of the other guys in the room. "No! And why the hell do you care so much anyways?!?" Jenna yelled back, just as loudly.

"Because I care about you and I don't trust him!" I said and pointed to Lachlan who looked slightly hurt by my accusation. Jenna stood up and walked over to me. "I accidentally put Lachlan into the position where he could have easily taken advantage of me and he didn't. He fucking didn't, Mitch. I was standing in front of him in a fucking Victoria's Secret matching set of lingerie underwear and he didn't even try anything after I asked him not to. I don't know why you don't trust him but you need to because he is trustworthy! For fuck's sakes he was drunk too!" Jenna whispered harshly in my ear and ran upstairs, leaving me there with Lachlan and all of the other guys staring at me.

I looked at him, at Lachlan. He doesn't remember that, does he? "How much do you remember of last night?" I whispered, gripping my forehead. "Nothing after the bar... Mitch I'm really sorry if we did-" he started but I cut him off with the wave of my hand. "You didn't. It's fine." I said, then took off upstairs after Jenna.

*Jenna's POV*

I left Mitch standing there and ran upstairs. "I'm going to Starbucks who wants to come with?" I asked Adam, Ti, Jerome, and Ryan who were all sitting on the couch. "I'm down with that" Jerome said and stood up, joining my side. "Anyone else?" I asked and after no one answered, began making my way towards the door.

"You're going in pajama bottoms?" Jerome asked as I opened up the door. "Well there is no way in hell I'm going back down there so yeah" I answered and climbed into the passengers seat of Jerome's car. He hopped in beside me and backed out of the driveway. I pulled my legs up to my chest and rested my forehead on my knees. "Uhhhgggg" I groaned, earning a concerned yet slightly amused look from Jerome.

"What's wrong? Little Lachy too little for ya?" Jerome asked jokingly. "Nope. My man isn't the problem, your man on the other hand is driving me insane" I replied and lifted my head off my knees so I could watch the road in front of us. "Yeah he drives me crazy too if ya know what I mean..." Jerome said and snickered as I playfully smacked him.

"Not like that... Mitch is pissed off at Lachlan because he thinks Lachlan is just going to take advantage of me or something! But Lachlan is obviously a sweet guy and is friends with Mitch! Plus he could've easily taken advantage of me last night and he didn't! Mitch is being a total asshole to both Lachlan and myself!" I complained to Jerome, inhaling deeply after my rant.

"What happened last night?" Jerome asked as he stopped the car at a light, preparing to turn left. "I accidentally managed to get myself and Lachlan together in the bathroom while I was only in a bra and panties with my dress soaked in toilet water" I said, rubbing my temple with my thumbs. "Wait. So you mean to tell me that Lachlan resisted you in a bra and underwear... While drunk?" Jerome said and laughed. "Yep" I answered back as we pulled into the Starbucks parking lot and stepped out of the car.

"I find that hard to believe" Jerome scoffed as he opened up the door for me. "Thanks and believe it" I said as I stepped through the door, breathing in the amazing smell of coffee that I had grown to love. "What are you gonna get?" I asked Jerome as we waited in the line. "Caramel frappé" He told both me and the barista. "Uhm... I'll get the same thing as him" I told her. Picking out coffee wasn't exactly my specialty.

"So basically Mitch is being an overprotective brother towards Lachlan who is actually respectful to you unlike any other girl he's dated before" Jerome said as we sat down, waiting for our frappes. "Yeah... Why do you think Lachlan is treating me differently? The Lachlan I knew as Mitch would've so taken advantage of me. Plus he was drunk... Maybe he really did treat his women good and didn't talk about those parts to protect his masculinity?" I offered to Jerome.

Jerome smirked at me, seeming to realize something in his head. "What?" I asked, staring at him. "I knew you were clueless but for God sakes Jenna.." He said, shaking his head. "What?!" I asked again, a little louder. What the hell was Jerome talking about? "Lachlan doesn't like you, he looooves you" He said and I froze mid-breath.

"L-Lachlan loves me?" I whispered out and Jerome nodded. "Think about it... How differently he treats you from other girls, how he puts up with Mitch which I don't think he would've done for someone he didn't really care about because Mitch is difficult as hell, how Lachlan actually respects you, and how he is willing to wait to bang you which is a difficult task" Jerome said and my eyes widened with realization. Oh my god. He loved me.

*Mitch's POV*

"Where's Jenna?" I asked Adam as I arrived upstairs. "She went to get coffee with Jerome" he replied and went back to watching tv. Oh fuck...

"Lachlan get a shirt on we're going to Starbucks" I yelled downstairs to him and heard shuffling which was probably him getting ready. In a moment he was by my side in basketball shorts and a t-shirt. "May I ask why?" Lachlan asked as I grabbed my keys. "No, you may not ask why" I said as he followed me out the door and into the car. "I'm starting to remember a little of last night and I am so sorry..." Lachlan said barely above a whisper as I took off down the street.

"What do you remember?" I asked, being careful to not give away any emotions with my voice. "I remember standing in the bathroom with Jenna... And uhm... She was in a bra and underwear... Mitch I'm so sorry" Lachlan and turned to me, watching my face as I drove down the street. Maybe I should tell him that I'm not mad. Well I am mad that he's dating Jenna as a whole, but maybe I should tell him that they didn't fuck.

"Jenna told me that you backed off of her when she asked you to... Do you remember that?" I asked with my voice steady and Lachlan gasped.

"Yes! I remember last night! Oh thank God we didn't screw... Thank you, past Lachlan! All that happened was Jenna went up to the bathroom after only grabbing a bra and underwear from her suitcase. She then dropped her dress in the toilet and needed me to get her clothes. I got her the clothes she's wearing now and slipped in, giving them to her. I didn't try anything Mitch, I swear" Lachlan told me and I believed him.

"Do you remember when we were talking at the bar?... You said you loved her..." I said to Lachlan and he nodded. Where was I going with that? Why did I have to say that? Damn it, Mitch. "I wasn't joking you know... I do love her... That's why I treat her differently then anyone else I've been with. None of them were ever serious girlfriends, I never thought they would last and they didn't. I think Jenna is the one, Mitch. And as much as you probably hate to hear that- I can't change how I feel" Lachlan told me. I didn't answer, didn't express any emotions, as I pulled into the Starbucks parking lot next to Jerome's car.

I watched Jenna talk to Jerome inside, no doubt ranting about me. I didn't blame her though, I was being kind of an ass. But she has to see that I was only doing it to protect her because I love her. Hell, she's me.

I stepped out of the car and walked towards the Starbucks with Lachlan beside me. As soon as we stepped in, behind Jenna, Jerome's eyes widened at the sight. I smiled at him a little as we walked over to their table. Jenna stopped talking and turned around, she seemed surprised to see us. Probably even more surprised that Lachlan and I were together and I wasn't ripping him to shreds. In my opinion, Jenna could do better then him.

"You aren't dead?" Jenna asked as Lachlan sat down next to her. He laughed quickly then stopped when I wasn't laughing. I smiled slightly and just sat there for a moment, watching the two of them. While I personally didn't think Lachlan deserved Jenna, she seemed to like him. Which in all honestly pissed me off more. We are the same person, what does she see in him that I don't?

"You should let them be, Mitch. I think Lachlan at least deserves a chance" Jerome whispered in my ear and I groaned. "...Fine" I said and Lachlan smiled at me. "Thanks man" he told me and shook my hand across the table top as I literally bit my tongue to keep myself from blurting anything. "Don't make me change my mind" I said to him and set my keys down on the table, grabbed Jerome's hand, stood up and led Jerome out to the car.

"Hey. You did the right thing" Jerome said as we stood outside of his car. I walked over next to him and leaned on the edge of the car door. I could see Lachlan and Jenna talking in through the window. Jenna looked so happy... Jerome's hand found my own and gave it a squeeze as my head rested on his shoulder. Jerome kissed the top of my head and I smiled. "There's that Mitch smile I fell in love with" Jerome whispered and kissed my cheek.

We stood there for a while, watching them through the window. They began to kiss and my back straightened. I don't think I'll ever be 100% okay with Lachlan touching my sister what so ever but I have to try. "You ready to go?" Jerome asked and walked in front of me, standing in my line of sight to Jenna and Lachlan. "I really don't want to leave her here..." I said but knew we would end up leaving anyways. There was no way Jerome was going to agree to stalking them for much longer.

"Trust him. He hasn't done anything bad yet" Jerome said and pushed me into the passenger's seat. Jerome hopped into the front seat and started the car. "Just because he hasn't done anything bad yet doesn't mean I should trust him" I told Jerome as we pulled out of the parking lot. "Give him a chance" Jerome practically pleaded. Why is he rooting for Lachlan so much?

I groaned in defeat causing Jerome to laugh slightly. He was wright, I was being too hard on Lachlan. Not that the little bastard didn't deserve to be constantly monitored so he doesn't screw up with Jenna- but I should let her handle her own problems.

But not killing Lachlan is going to kill me.

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