Fast Times At Clairemont High...

By iggykoko

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Without you what's the point? Y/n is a lonely girl, she has a few close friends but has never really felt ful... More



65 4 6
By iggykoko

Vic's pov




Gently, I pushed open the door to the hospital room and it swung open slowly. My heart was aching with worry and stress, so much had gone on in the last week it was hard to comprehend.

I stepped into the room, I didn't dare to look up I was too anxious I stared at my feet and tried to act natural. My hands were sweating so much, I wiped them on the grey fabric of my trousers.

Before I even dared to look at Aziel I glanced behind me to see y/n's face which was once filled with panic soften into a more relaxed manner. I shuffled my feet around anxiously as j gathered up the courage to look.

His left leg was hug up from the roof, suspended on a silky fabric, his eyes were closed and bruised. The steady beat of the heart rate monitor was oddly calming for some reason.

Myself and y/n shared a seat as there was only one in the room, but luckily it was wide and soft so it wasn't too uncomfortable. I sat cautiously down still holding the bag of crisps tightly.
"I think he is ok" I said reassuring y/n

"Yeah, I mean look at him... He seems like... Safe I guess?" She stated. It was hard to stay positive when he looked half dead. We were both picking out the only few good things about this situation. Slowly I stood up and placed the bag of crisps down on the seat behind me. I began to approach Aziel. I sat down in a tight, uncomfortable plastic chair right next to his hospital bed.

I grabbed his left hand which was limp on the side of the bed. His nails were chipped and the odd few were black. His hands were purple they looked like a galaxy they were so bruised. Hospital blankets covered the rest of his body so we couldn't tell how bad the damage was, but we hoped for the best.

"We should let him sleep." Y/n suggested.
"It's definitely best too, poor soul I've been there... He will be fine he just needs rest" I said reassuringly as I sat back down next to y/n.

"Huh? You've been beaten up before?" She asked with genuine worry in her voice.
"Not just once hah." I scoffed
"Let's just say times were hard and that's why I'm here now. At this school" I felt sort of uncomfortable talking about it. The thought of it made me panic but eventhough I knew I trusted y/n with all my heart. I wasnt sure if I was ready to tell my full story yet.

"Ok! That's fine don't ever feel pressured to tell me if you're uncomfortable take your time" she said in a sweet and cute manner.

I didn't have my phone on me and neither did y/n we left I such a rush, nobody would be able to get a hold of us if they wanted, but I'm sure we would be fine. There was a small TV in the corner of the hospital room. only show on was the news of Mr bean animations. Neither really grabbed my interest so I muted it just to have something playing in the background.

The seat we shared was barely big enough for us both. My legs were squished together but I didn't mind it was more comfortable than that plastic chair. I layed my head on the back of the chair and let my eyes rest for a bit. There was nothing else better to do.

Y/ns pov



My head was pounding heavily and as I lifted my head off of Vic's shoulder i opened my eyes to realise it was 21.00pm. for the past 3hours we had been passed out on the chair. We had been waiting for so long for Aziel to wake up he just kept sleeping... Vic's head had gently been leaning on mine but he was still asleep as I removed my head from under his. My neck was tense and slightly ached from the angle I was at.

I have no clue how I was gonna get home, this trip was honestly such a waste if Aziel was in some sort of coma or something. How the fuck are we supposed to get home in the dark. I stood up from the chair and should Vic gently and he began to wake up.
"Vic Vic" I whispered gently.
"Uh oh y/n" he said in a drowsy tone as he rubber his eyes. The plasticy lighting strained my eyes.

"Vic it's 9pm" I said concerned. He still looked half asleep so I was doubting that.
"What... Uh oh shit" he said still regaining his senses.
"We cant ride home in the dark I didn't bring a torch" unsaid stressed
"It's fine don't worry I brought my pocket torch I always have it" he said

"Thank god." I said relieved. Then I heard a small creak from behind me. As I turned around I saw Aziel looking at us mindlessly and half asleep.

"Omg Azz." Good he was awake, I know he needed rest but I'm just relieved he still has the ability to be conscious.

"Vic... Y/n what are you doing here?!" He asked In a sleepy voice.
"We came here to meet you dumb dumb" I said as I approached him.

I grabbed his pale hand which was littered with purple bruises and caressed it softly in mine. Tears began to fill my eyes but I repressed them.
Vic was still tired but he looked so happy to see Aziel in a state where he could actually talk.

"Well... Number one i just wan tot say Vic last night you were incredible and y/n... I'm so glad you're safe. If you were with me, I have no clue what could have happened" Aziel said forgiving me.
"I- it's just..."

"It's just what bro?" He asked. Looking at his swelled up puffy eyes and scarred face filled me with rage for whoever did such a horrible thing.
"It's just that I wasn't there for you. I could have saved you or something... Maybe if I was there things would have been different?!" I began to sob a little bit. Crying is so much more emotional when you're trying to not.

"Oh shut up." He said sternly "you better take that back, because none of this is your fault ok? You can't help it." He rubbed my hand in a way of comforting me.
"Ok" I sniffled slightly and used my free hand to wipe my eyes. Slowly, I leaned down to give him a hug.

"Aziel, if you feel comfortable do you mind sharing what happened" I heard Vic ask from behind me as I sat down next to him again.

"Ok so... Basically after I drank that beer I felt sort of light headed and rather ill. I figured it was purely the achohol and being young. But not I'm honestly sure someone must have drugged it?" He said. Oh shit. I thought... Willows sister. The purse and the pills.
"Then soon after SWS started I went to the loo and entered up passing out in there. I can't remember what exactly happened next but I just remember a group of drunk men pulling me out of the stall and only the sand being the stalls. One of them pissed on me I'm pretty sure? Lot of kicking and screaming. Then I woke up in hospital" he explained.

I think I knew who drugged him. BUT god worse might have even happened if he had passed out on the middle of the floor and not in the stall... Who knows?

"Shit dude. Im sorry that happened. You're amazingly string though you know that right?" Vic said seriously.
Aziel just chuckled to himself slightly and thanked him.

" What about their faces... Names did you get any info on them?" I added.
"No I was practically paralysed and I can hardly remember anything at all" he said sadly. Well that's as enough by me I but thinking about the situation scared me slightly so I just decided to wait until to the next day to decide what I really had to do.

"Well azz it's really good knowing you're ok and hopefully you can get out of hospital soon." I said.
"Yeah next few days shouldnt be long" he reassured me.

"We better go Aziel cmon y/n" Vic said regretfully.
"True its getting late" I agreed.
"I'll text you when I get home test up azz!" I shouted as I shut the door to the room.


Vic and I made our way out of the hospital and back to the bike racks where we left our bikes. The sky was dotted with stars, it was another clear night making it very cold. As we grew closer I realised out bikes couldn't be seen.
"Wait Vic where did we leave the bikes again?" I asked slightly panicing
"Uh... Right here.." he said awkardly.
"Oh fuck"
"Yeah fuck indeed" he replied.

"We're gonna have to walk" Vic suggested
"ITS LIKE 20MILES THOUGH" I said distraught.
"More like 6ish" he said
"Fine I guess we have no choice" I complied.

"But hey on the plus side I forgot to give Aziel those crisps so we have a snack for the way back" he said trying to lighten up the mood. I wasn't amused but nevertheless we began to walk.

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