She's a Little!?

By Hiyaa137

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Noah Martinez- a junior in highschool and is 17 he is a Daddy dom with no little. Normally he doesn't talk mu... More

Introduction/ Background
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 13

14.7K 273 36
By Hiyaa137

Friday: After school

Danielle's POV

It was finally time to leave! Lately I've been eating lunch with Noah and Justin. Justin is cool and funny, he's a good friend. I'm glad that Noah introduced me to him. On Tuesday when we were at lunch we had talked about when we were going and where. It turns out Justin's family owns a cabin with a lake out back so we are gonna go there for the weekend and leaving today cause it's like 4hrs away.
Me and Noah are going home right now to get anything we might've forgotten.

Noah puts his hand on my knee and turns to smile at me before looking back at the road " You excited baby"

I smile back at him big "mmhm I can't wait" I grab his hand on my thigh holding it.

°°Minnie Time skip°°

In the Apartment

"You got everything babygirl" he asks zipping up his suit case. He had to bring a suit case to carry all of my little things I might need while we are there.

"Yes daddy"

"Baby, are you little right now"

I pretended to think about it for a bit before responding " Mayybee" I say giggling. He came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, not exactly hugging me.

"Little girl, you know the rules, are you little" I giggled again and wrapped my arms around his neck

"Yus daddy" I reached up on my tippy toes and gave him a peck 'mwah'. I let go and turned around. I was about to pick up my bag when daddy stopped me. I whipped my head around to look at him.

"No baby little girls can't pick up heavy things"

"Bu' I is a big gurl" I say pouting slightly.

"Little girl" he looked at me with a stern look "are you talking back to daddy" he growled out I quickly summited to him with my head down

"No daddy" he kissed my forehead

"Good girl" he smiled at me "now come lets go Uncle Justin is waiting for us" I smiled at the thought of him thinking I was a good girl

"Otay daddy" he grabbed the suit case and bag and started to the car with me in front of him. He says it's so no one takes me but whatever. He puts the suit case down to open the door for me even though I already told him I could do it " no baby your to little to open the door so daddy has to do it okay" I sighed "yes daddy" and got in. After he put the bags in we headed to Uncle Justin's house so we can follow him.

When we got there Uncle J was already in the car. Daddy drove up next to him and honked the horn scaring him. It was funny haha.

"Yoo man! You scared me. My life just flashed before my eyes!" He was being dramatic with his hand on his heart I just laughed at him.

"Yeah whatever. Lets get going!"

°°Time skip°°

At the Cabin

Noah's POV

Once we got there we unpacked and it was around 8pm so we just got ready for bed.

"Come on baby you gotta take a bath so we can go nighty" she was currently sitting on the floor in our room.

She started pouting " yous gonna stway wit mes" she asked looking up at me. I picked her up and set her on my hip. We had a bathroom in our room so I just grabbed her a towel.

"Of course I'm gonna stay with you" I gave her a kiss on her check and she smiled again.

I sat her down on the toilet before turning the water on putting some bubbles I brought with me. While that was filling up I helped her take her clothes off.

"Okay arms up" she immediately put her arms up so I could take her shirt off.

Once all her clothes were off I set her in the tub. I wanted to make this quick so I grabbed the wash clothe and started cleaning her body. Once I got to her thighs, she stopped my hands.

"What's wrong baby" I look at her with a confused face. While she just has a smile on her face.

"Can daddy touch my princess parts again" I immediately blushed at what she said. She had never talked this was in her head space. But I hid that fact that I was flustered.

"No baby that's only for your big girl self" she started pouting " That s nwot fwar" she said crossing her arms. I chuckled at her

"Yeah well your a little girl and little girls don't do that" I say starting to wash her again

"B-bu' -"

"No peanut" I grab her chin and pull her face close to me looking in her eyes, the water splashes as she closes her legs. "Don't make this hard for daddy baby" I look down at her and give her a kiss. Trust me I wanted to touch her 'princess parts' but I knew better than to do that so I had to stop myself. Oh how I wish she was big right now.


Once she's done with her bath I wrap her in a towel and carry her to the room. I can tell she is getting sleepy cause she is struggling to keep her eyes open and head up. I guess cause shes so tired she went further into little space.

I set her down on the bed and went to open the suit case to get her footed onesies out. But before I could get to it she rolled over and landed on the floor her towel coming off as she tries crawling to me. I rush over to her as she sits down with her arms up.

" 'addyyy" I immediately pick her up not wanting her to get sick from the cold floor.

"What are you doing baby" I grab her towel wrapping it around her again. She leans her head on my shoulder.

"You could hurt yourself peanut" as I looked at her she was starting to suck on my shirt. But I quickly pulled it out of her mouth she started lifting her head up

"No peanut that's dirty" but her eyes just got watery and her bottom lip started poking out.

"No baby, don't cry" I put her head back onto my shoulder as she dug her face into my neck. I bounced her a little bit to help her calm down. But stopped when she started sucking on my neck.
I let out a moan not expected her to do that.

I just let her for now as she seems calm and pull out a diaper with her footed onesie as well as her bottle. It was starting to hurt so I pulled her head away from my neck. She was gonna start crying so I put a pacifier in her mouth. It was a new one I bought her and it was lavender with the word babygirl on the front in white.

As she was distracted by sucking on the binki, I laid her down and put her diaper on then her footed onesie that was whit with pink elephants on it. Clipping it at the top. I picked her back up as I carried her down to the kitchen to make her a bottle.

Once we were back up in our room, I sat up against the head board as I laid her on my arm taking the binki out her mouth, before she could start crying I put the bottle to her lips which she took in quickly.

After I noticed the bottle not moving anymore I took it out her mouth. I gently laid her down and covered her up putting some pillows on her side so she didn't fall.

I quickly went to shower. Once I got out, I just put on my boxers and a pair of sweats, knowing Dani likes the skin ship. By then it was already around 10pm, so I turned the lights off and got under the blanket moving one of the pillows next to her under my head. I gently pulled her into me not wanting to wake her. She instantly snuggled into my chest, I had one arm under her neck as the other is wrapped around her holding her close to me.

Like that I fall asleep with my angle in my arms.

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