Piece of my heart

By sunina_s

693K 42.2K 4K

{ Highest Ranking 👉🏻 #1 in Spiritual/ Islamic love story } I felt hurt seeing him in pain, pain, which wasn... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Bonus chapter to all you loyal ones ❤️

5.6K 360 63
By sunina_s

"I hear another heartbeat... it seems like you're having triplets Ma'am."
The radiologist tells me during my 8 weeks ultrasound of my third pregnancy. This is a shocking but interesting experience. Alhamdulillah (Thank God)

Ammar and I love babies and we really wanted to get atleast 2 more babies after Aarif and Ahmed (my youngest son who is 4 years old now) Ahmed is a very fussy boy who literally follows Aarif everywhere and does everything together with him. Its a blessing seeing my children this way. Ammar's been talking to them in arabic and these kids rap in arabic. Sometimes I don't even understand what they say.

After I left the hospital I went to my mother in law's house. I was excited lowkey.
Entering the house, everyone welcomed me and it was nice meeting the whole family. I told Ammar to come here as well for lunch and then we would go back home together in the evening.

"How was the ultrasound baby?" Ah Ammars voice. I could recognize this voice from Mars.

"Erm I have something to tell you." I said.

"Is everything ok ? Is the baby ok ?" He sounded worried.

"Yes Alhamdulillah. All the babies are ok." I answered emphasizing on the word 'babies'.

"Babies ?" He came and sat next to me.

"Yes three of them." I shyly smiled.

"We are having triplets ? Allah Akbarr (God is great)" He hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead thanking Allah.

"Yesssss I dont know Ammar Im scared though." I put my head on his shoulder as he embraced me.

"Dont be love. Put your faith in Allah and take care of yourself. All will be well Insha'Allah (If God wills) stay strong." He reassured me.

We then stayed over for lunch. And after, I decided to go shopping with my 19 year old sister in laws (Safaa and Marwa). Honestly I couldn't believe how fast they grew up. But then I look at Aarif and Ahmed on my home screen and ah my heart just melts at how time flies.

"ماما ماما أحمد ههههه" ( Mom mom Ahmed hahaha)
Aarif came running and laughing unable to even speak.

"لا لا أمي هههه لا تسمعين لعارف" (No no mom, haha dont listen to Aarif)
Ahmed came behind him saying.

I bent down and listened to them. "Whats wrong ?"

"Nothing ya ummi we were just playing." Ahmed answered cheekily.

"Hmm Aarif you tell me." I spok with a grin.

"أحمد قال (Ahmed said)
he missed you and he said itكالطفل الصغير (like a baby)"

"Aw habibi come here. I missed you too today but I brought you here to play with your cousins and I went to the hospital in the morning."

"Its ok mommy. أحبك كل يوم (I love you everyday) ?" Ahmed said hugging me.

"I love you too and Aarif." I replied as Aarif hugged Ahmed from behind.

Ammar came down and they ran to him.

"بابا إلى أين ؟" (where to dad)

"لقيادة أمك إلى المول" (To drop your mom to the mall)

"نذهب معك" (we are going with you)

"Ok lets go Sof." he said.

"Sofia you're the best sister in law in the world honestly !" Safaa said.

"But she loves me more," Marwa added.

"Not again. I love the both of you. But why am I getting praised when the money man is your brother haha." I said.

"You're the only one he listens to." Said Marwa.
And I saw Ammar give her a glare while I let out a chuckle with my blushing cheeks. My unfaithful heart...

We went to the mall and walked around for almost 4 hours. I was exhausted.
We then dropped Ammars sisters at their home and went to our house.
Aarif and Ahmed enjoyed at the Arcade and kids zone and ate so much junk thanks to Ammar !

They looked so innocent as they both slept on each other in the car. Ammar's job changed from carrying me to carrying our sons.

I thank Allah each day for blessing me with such a beautiful family. Sometimes its hard and they are conflicts as in every family but trust in Allah and patience helps get through.

Sofia told me we were having triplets and I cant describe how happy I was.

The next morning I left early to go to the hospital and dropped my sons to school. Sofia decided to work from home most of the time ever since Zayed moved with Hudaa to Abu Dhabi. They still had their lovely Awadh and Sara who were probably all grown up by now.

The last I saw them was in this picture 5 years ago.

We talk to them on face time and Alhamdulillah they're happy and ok.

*7 months later*

Eid is tomorrow Insha'Allah (If God wills) and I'm so happy and excited. Its going to be the first Eid where we will be barbecuing the night in Ammars family's house.
I had this huge belly that made it hardd to find clothes but well.

The next morning was beautiful. I prayed fajr (morning prayer) as usual and couldn't sleep after.
Ammar went to the mosque and came back to get ready for Eid prayer. I usually go but it felt exhausting with this belly this Eid.

Later I woke up my kids and we all got ready. Breakfast was at my place. I ordered some food and made some myself like the Eid cake which came out just decent. Everyone was going to come home after the prayer.

The barbecue smoke covered the whole backyard. It smelt sublime. The burger patties, chicken and beef mishkakis were everything. It was beautiful seeing the family around a small bonfire and the lighting was beautiful.

I nearly burnt one round of patties as I saw Sofia walk down towards the backyard from the garden. She looked gorgeous. She wore a golden dress that fit just right with her belly. Almost 10 years of our marriage and I still find her as beautiful. Masha'Allah (God has willed)

After the barbecue and a few games and stories, everyone was tired and went to sleep. Sofia and I remained back and all I could see admist the dark and diminishing fire were her eyes and I was getting lost in them.

I asked her to dance with no music and she said yes blushing her cheeks away. She turned really pink and it was so visible. We talked and I tried to make her laugh which definitely worked because she laughed so loud it started to echo in the empty night.

Every time Ammar made me laugh it felt so genuine. My unfaithful heart just wanted to continue listening to him. I thank God for this beautiful relationship.

DISCLAIMER: This is a fictitious story.
Add me on Insta: @sunscalligrart_
Love all my readers ❤️

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