Fairy tail mating season {COM...

By Fairytail4eves4711

86.1K 1.3K 616

It's dragon mating season for Fairy tail but it's going to be a little.. different. Ships in this story: •Nal... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21-Nalu
Chapter 22- Rogura
Chapter 23
Chapter 25- Lyredy
Chapter 26- Stingyu
Chapter 27
Chapter 28- Gale
Chapter 29- Jerza
Chapter 30- Kinabra
Chapter 31- Miraxus
Chapter 32- Rowen
Chapter 33- Eve X Chelia
Chapter 34- The end

Chapter 24- Gruvia

2.1K 35 17
By Fairytail4eves4711

The fight in at the East forest ended by the mates running away from the slayers again which went unnoticed for some time but not for long since the slayers caught on to their plan and went after the mates.

"ICE-MAKE! FLOOR!" Gray shouted, turning the entire area of the forest into Ice, "ICE-MAKE! BEAR!" Lyon shouted, catching sight of Meredy's pink hair

The bear sniffed the area and something caught his eyes, the bear started to run towards a corner in the forest

Lyon and Gray didn't hesitate and followed the bear, Juvia and Meredy on the other hand hid amongst trees

"Stay still" Juvia told Meredy, catching sight of the iced bear, Meredy nodded her head

She heard footsteps, Meredy gasped, making Juvia react fast and cover her mouth

Juvia put her finger infront of her lips, trying to calm Meredy down

"Let's go higher" Juvia whispered, reaching her hands towards a branch above, her legs moved swiftly on the tree and pushed her body upwards

Gray and Lyon saw a tree's leaves rustle even though there were no breeze or wind

"I think its them over there" Lyon whispered to Gray, "follow me" Gray said and ran off to the tree

He'll get us caught Lyon thought, shaking his head but nonetheless he still followed the other ICE-MAKE wizard

Juvia looked down to only see the tree trunk and no one else, her ears caught on to voices nearby

"Meredy, don't move" Juvia said, putting her hands infront of the pink headed mage

"Did they see us?" She asked, fear evident in her voice, "afraid so" Juvia answered, still looking around"

The footsteps started to get louder, Juvia immediately looked down to see Gray and Lyon

"Gray, we should be quiet of we wanna catch them" Lyon crossed his arms, "if we are quiet they will notice us more" Gray rolled his eyes

"Yeah, I forgot, you are beyond that very skill" Lyon said, still following Gray, "what did you just say!?" Gray shouted, pushing his forehead onto Lyon's

"If you were smart enough, you wouldn't have shouted like that!?" Lyon shot back, "then stop shouting!" Gray exclaimed angrily

They both stood next to each other quietly while both Juvia and Meredy tried to find a way to escape them

Meredy looked around the tree and found pebble, she took it when she suddenly came up with an idea

"Let's try throwing a pebble there" Meredy finally came up with an idea, "alright, I'll do it" Juvia said, she wet the pebble and threw it towards the tree besides them

"Gray! Look!" Lyon pointed at the tree above them, "let's go!" Gray shouted and on that note, they climbed the tree

"Where are they at?" Lyon questioned, Gray smirked and looked infront of him to see Juvia's hair

Gray pointed towards their tree making Lyon smirk, Gray jumped onto the tree and went behind Juvia

"Hey Juvia" Gray smirked, "oh no!" Meredy shouted, Juvia quickly pushed Meredy off the tree and shouted,

"RUN!" Lyon stood behind Meredy, her eyes widen in fear, she started to run away from him

"Maguilty sodom!" Meredy shouted and shot swords towards Lyon who dodged them skillfully

"Water!" Before Juvia could use her magic, Gray grab hold of her hand and pulled her towards him

She blushed deeply, not wanting to give in the idea of letting him take her, she looked away

"Running away is pointless" Gray smirked, Juvia didn't answer, her eyes shone when she got a brilliant idea

She closed her eyes and turned into a puddle, "where did she go!?" Gray asked with a dumbfounded look on his face

Juvia moved onto the grass and stayed there, trying to find a stream or a pond somewhere

Her ears caught onto the sound of a waterfall nearby, without thinking, she turned back to normal and dashed towards the waterfall

Gray saw her and jumped onto trees, trying to get to her faster, Juvia looked besides her to see Gray

She fasten her footsteps, when she closed her eyes making it rain, the sky grew dark

She knew if it was gonna rain, it will make a puddle but she also knows that it might not work since Gray can easily turn it into ice

I truly hope this works Juvia thought with a worried look on her face, she kept on running and running, not paying attention of her surroundings

She reached the each of the waterfall, the slippery ground made her slip and fall, she closed her eyes shut

Suddenly, she felt some cold arms wrap around her body, her eyes opened to see that Gray was carrying her in mid-air

He turned the water in ice before they fell and they landed gracefully together on the ground like ice-skaters

He stared at her innocent face, looking at her with such desire, Juvia knew the only reason he is being like this is for dragon mating season

She turned into a puddle, slipping away from his arms, once she was a far enough away from him, she turned back to normal

Her heart beat was so fast, she held onto her chest, her face red as usual when she sees Gray

I should go now she told herself, looking around, she was about to run but Gray took hold of her hands

He pulled her onto him, "Where do you think you're going?" He asked with a smirk on his face

"Let me go!" Juvia struggled to get out of his grip, "you always want to be with me, why not now?" He whined

"It's only the side effects of dragon mating season! Let me go!" Juvia looked down at the ground

Gray's eyes widened, "I can't risk losing someone else, okay? It's not dragon mating season making me do this!" He scolded making her flinch

The ice make wizard eyes softened, he calmed down and hugged her, "I'm sorry" he told her

"I'm sorry for everything...." he sigh, looking away from, too embarrassed to look into her eyes

She looked down and gripped her dress, I'm being so selfish right now! She thought

"You know, I'll always forgive you Gray" Juvia gave him a sweet smile, placing her hands on his cheek

"Thank you Juvia" he smiled at her and buried his head on the crook of her neck, she placed her hands on his back, comforting him

"Gray?" She called, he hummed in response, "can I ask you something?" She asked, he nodded

"Why does everyone say that mating season changes someone if it really, doesn't?" She asked

He chuckled, "the only difference is that our powers increase and that we become more possessive, we don't change, neither does our personality"

"The dragon slayers blame mating season for it cause their too much of a coward to admit their feelings for someone" Juvia looked down at the ground

"Actually...." she gave a shy smile at him, he frowned, "we already knew that, just wanted to check with you first" Gray made his famous 'WHAT' face

"WHAT!?" He exclaimed, "yeah, you see, Lucy and Levy did some further research on it and they found this out" Juvia explained

"That kinda explain why you girls weren't as scared as we thought you'd be" Gray smiled

Juvia shook her head, she turned around when she heard a noise, her only thought was to walk towards it

"Where are you going?" He asked her, "heard something" she simply said and ran towards the direction of the sound again

Gray ran after her and they both arrived at a small cabin, they both walked in and inside it was like a mansion

"Surprise" Gray said, backhugging Juvia, she looked at Gray with a questioning look on her face

"This is our den, I prepared just for you" he smiled, "really!?" She asked, he nodded, "thank you!" She said and kissed his cheek

But he didn't approve of that, so, he cupped her face with his hands and gave her a kiss on her lips

She was surprised at first but slowly melted into the kiss, his lips were cold, she'll admit but she longed for this since the day she met him

He slowly moved to her neck and onto her chest part and bit her there, she moaned in pain but it turned into pleasure in no time as Gray sucked that spot marking her

He went back up to her face and stared deeply into her eyes, "can I?" He asked, she nodded and you know....they mate

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