Fast Times At Clairemont High...

By iggykoko

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Without you what's the point? Y/n is a lonely girl, she has a few close friends but has never really felt ful... More



77 4 2
By iggykoko

Y/ns pov

My legs felt sticky and unclean from dancing and sweating so much last night, aswell as spilling drinks on myself.

I was still half asleep as I layed in my bed peacefully. Slowly, my eyes began to flutter open and I smile crept up on my face. I lay on my left and stared out onto my room looking at the pile of old clothes that had be sat in the corner for at least 2weeks now. My right hand hung loosely over the edge of the bed as I fiddled with a stray price of string frayed from my matress.

Slowly I sat up and stretched my arms over my head hearing my back click as I began to sat up. I felt light headed, probably because last night was so chaotic. I felt Vics feet wrapped around mine. He was still curled up in a tight ball on my right, facing the wall. He had a pillow between each of his hands and was breathing softly.

I glanced up at the clock it read 9am... I had slept in quite a long time.
"Wait shit, my parents have never met Vic before, and he was asleep in my bed what do I do" I thought to myself. I looked around my room whilst staying quiet trying to think of a smart solution. Quietly i stood up off my bed to try and stop it creaking. I didn't want to wake up Vic. My vision suddenly went dark around the perimiters of my view causing me to stumble across the room. Tripping over my bag I leaned against the wall, resting my head on my arm which was placed against the cold stone.

I heard Vic begin to shift as he stretched out his whole body. He turned to look at me.
"Oh my god, you alright?" He took one look at my poor posture and realised that I really had drunk too much.
"Yeah I just have a but of a headache" I stated.
"Also we have to keep it down... My parents have no clue I've snuck you in..." I whispered across the room to him.
"Ah ok o-" he was quickly cut of by a harsh knock at my door.

My eyes widened quickly, sharply glancing at the door and back at Vic.
"Uh..ONE SEC!! IM- CHANGING!?" I shouted in response. I leaped over to Vic and we both, flustered, searched around my room for a place for him to hide. I ushered him under my bed and sat down on the bed, with my legs covering his face.
"Ok... Done!" My dad pushed open the door and entered my room. Not shutting the door after he entered.

He took a seat on my windowsill facing me.
"So y/n how was the gig last night?" He asked in a joyful tone.
"It was good in still pretty exhausted from it though." I replied. I kept an eye on where my dad was looking, to make sure he couldn't see Vic lying silently under my bed.
"Hah, you remind me of when I was your age, I used to go out to gigs all the time." He laughed and smirked.
"Haha yeah..." I responded. I wanted to get him out of my room as soon as possible, so that I could sneak Vic out of my window... Or something.

"So who did you watch play then?" Oh god, the questions kept rolling on and on.
"Sleeping with sirens right?" He continued.
"Oh well, I'm sorry I really wish I could have got to watch them da, but I was too tired so I came back. Aziel went to watch them though" I remarked
"Oh... You walked home alone then? In the dark in the early morning?? You oughta be more careful y/n...." He said dissapointed.  Awh crap....

"No no you've got it wrong I walked home with Vic" I said truthfully.
'You see his band finished before Sleeping With Sirens came on"

"Ah I see." He glanced around my room.
"I'm glad to see you actually opened your curtains today" In reality it was so dark, I forgot they were open when we went to bed.
"Yep, i'm trying to make an improvement" I stated.
"Good for you." He mentioned.

He stood up slowly and make his way out if my room. But just before he left he looked down to my legs. I tensed up quickly hoping he didn't notice...
"What are you doing...?" I asked him in a comfortable tone trying to 'play cool'

"Just checking you haven't smuggled and drugs under there" he joked at me
"I'M KIDDING!" He pushed my shoulder and smirked.
"Pshhh" I heard Vic let out a small giggle. Oh no. My dad glanced back at me suspiciously and I began to pretend to cough to cover the situation. He finally left.

"Whew" I sighed in relief.
"Vic... I think you can come out now" I whispered and peered down back under the bed to see him lying there. His hand was covering his mouth as if he was trying to not burst out into laughter. He began to awkwardly shuffle out in order to stay as quiet as possible.

"hahaha. What was that about-" Vic laughed "he was SOOO Sus" he said
"Yeah... He was aswell" I agreed with him.
"We should probably get you out of here. I have a plan" Vic sat on the edge of the bed and rested his elbows in his knees as he listened in.

"Ok so here is what we are going to do... I'll sneak you out of my window. Then, I'll go tell my dad you're coming over for the day."

"Ok...." He said in recognition of my statement

"Next step is you go knock on the door and you can come in and then we are back to normal, but instead of you being here without my parents knowledge, they know you're here." I smiled at my genius idea.

"Ok let's do this..." Vic pushed open my window, it was thin but he squished though carefully and I passed his bag through the window and handed it to him. He jumped down onto the stone ground outside my window and gave me a thumbs up.
"Ok wait there... I'm going to go tell them now." I said as I began to open my door to speak to my parents.

They were both in the kitchen making some breakfast. Looked like hash browns and beans. Delicious.
"Hey ma, hey da"
"Morning lovely, how was last night?" My mum asked, whilst flipping an egg.
"It was so good! I have some videos that Aziel took of me, after I get him to send them to me I'll show you!" I said happily.
"On another note though, Vic said he wanted to come around today, I forgot to ask you but I take it he is allowed..." I wondered hopefully.
"Hmm... Don't you think that's a bit early? My mum asked.
"Uh, well...-" I coudln't think of a smart answer but my brother butted in with
"Oh Vic..." I glanced at him angrily
"No I don't think it's too early..." He said rubbing his eyes, despite being stood in the doorway in his dressing gown. The tension in my face instantly relaxed and I felt guilty... He gave me a soft smile as if to show he was genuinely sorry. I smiled back.

"I mean I guess it wouldn't hurt, I can make him some extra food." My mum said in agreement.
"Yess!!!" I said and walked straight back to my room, leaving my parents confused as I didn't take any food with me.

I shut my door and tapped in my window
"You can come in now" i mouthed to him through the glass. He exhaled onto my window and wrote 'OK' in his breath.

A minute or so passed and I heard my dad yell
"Y/n!! Your friend is hereeee! From the kitchen. I was still changing into some new clothes. Some baggy black jeans and a stripy top was good enough. I walked towards the door to see Vic stood there. He looked so tired and exhausted I don't blame him. He performed to excellently last night.

"Hey- hshs" he said trying to hold back a laugh.
"Hey, come on in" I lead him through the door.

"Hey Vic." My dad greeted him, as he stood up to shake his hand. I sort of cringed at how formal he was being... I mean showing your friend... Boyfriend? I don't know what we were your dad is going to be awkward.

"Hey" he responded
"Heard you performing you were incredible" my dad said
"Oh thanks so much, it means a hell of a lot" Vic replied. Vic began to make his way to my room as I followed him.
"Oh Vic... I'll show you where we are going... SINCE YOU HAVENT BEEN HERE BEFORE" I tried to make it obvious that his acting skills were terrible. Thank god he made music and not videos...

"Oh oops... Yeah" he said and followed me to my room. I sat down on my bed and he sat down at my desk and browsed his phone.

"My mum is making food, I hope you like eggs and beans... Oh and hash browns" I said
"Sounds great by me." He said.

I hadn't heard from Aziel in a while... How odd. Im sure was just knackered from last night's concert. He probably got madly drunk or something... Oh god I hope he is ok...
"I'm worried about Aziel..." I said to Vic hoping for some comforting. words. "I haven't got a message reply from him yet... What if he didn't get my message that I was leaving last night??!" I said as I felt panic begin to fill my lungs.
"Hey hey, don't stress ok?" His voice softened as he looked up at me.
"I've been to many gigs and look, I haven't had a message from hime in weeks... I trust them to take care of themselves." He said warmingly

"Ok I'm sorry. I'm going to message him again just in case."

Y/n- hey azz? You there I'm worried about u x can you please reply asap to let me know you're safe.

Y/n- oh also send me any videos you got :p

Ok, now I wait. I took my mind of things by sending funny memes and laughing with Vic before my mum told us that out breakfast was ready.

As I got to the kitchen I saw my food placed on the table neatly arranged with everyone else's meals.
"Mum... It's breakfast can we just eat in my room??"I asked
"Hun, I want to get to know Vic, he is the guest here I want to make a good impression" she added whilst grabbing cutlery and placing it down next to each plate. I sat next to Vic my heart racing as I heard my brother shut his door and make his was to the table.
"Vic, please don't mention it..." I whispered to him as I dug into my food.
"I won't I promise" he replied.

"So Vic, when did you move here and where from?" My mum asked, trying to carry the conversation.
"Uh-" Vic froze up a little and stuttered a bit.
"I moved from Mexico, to here."
"Oh that's amazing!" My mum added as my brother sat down at the table.

"So..." My mum was making a desperate effort to keep the conversation going but it felt so unnatural.
"Can you speak Spanish then?"she asked
"Uhm, yes I can haha..." He said.
"Demonstration?" My mum said stuffing her mouth full of beans.

"Ok here goes...Me duele el, pero la comida es preciosa" he said. His accent shifted and it was so awesome hearing that. He was so talented was there anything he couldn't do?? Well... Except act.

"Very cool..." My brother said, I could hear the sarcasm in his voice but I was hoping Vic just took it light heartedly... The tension between the two was unreal. Zach would cut Vic off everytime he made a point or decided to talk about something. Vic looked like he was frustrated with him. I wish I could just tell Zach to shut the hell up but i didn't want to seem rude. I just tried to focus on eating my meal and hopefully we would all be out of this awkward situation soon.


Me and Vic sat in my garden. There was a small fish pond with tadpoles swimming around it. When I was younger I used to put them in glasses and watch them swim around. But now I realise it's just best to let them be.

We layed down staring at the sky. The clouds were distant and only a few could be seen. The grass was quite long, I could feel it tickling my ears which made me slightly uncomfortable. I looked to my right to see him lying there next to me. I could see his slightly morphed face as I was looking at him through slits in the grass. He grabbed a daisy with his right hand and held it up Infront of him. The midday sun shone down on his face leaving the shadow of a small flower on his forehead which was covered with his brown hair.

He brushed the hair which clung to my cheek away from my face an behind my ear as he moved to face me. Gently he placed the daisy behind my ear and softly smiled.
"What is it?" I smiled back to him.
"Nothing" he giggle and turned to look back up at the sky. I did to slowly shuffling towards him so out hands were slightly touching.

The sun beamed down viciously onto my black jeans, making me feel like I was burning. I'm surprised my phone hadn't exploded yet it was in my front pocket, but I was enjoying myself too much to worry about that.

*Buzz buzz* I heard my phone get a notification. I wonder who that was from. I sat up out if my lying position and covered the phone with the top of my hand. The sun was so bright I could hardly see the screen. It was from Aziel.
"Vic Aziel responded." I mentioned
"See I told you he would be ok" he joked light heartedly. But i felt my heart sink. I couldn't speak or understand what was going on.
"What's wrong?" Vic asked but I just continued to stare at the message u just read in disbelief.
"Y/n y/n?" He repeated as he shot up and sat next to me, he leaned over my shoulder to get a good glimpse at the message.

Aziel- Hello y/n, this is Aziel's mother messaging you. Aziel is currently in a terrible state in the hospital. After the gig last night he was apparently drugged and beaten up by a gang of middle aged men. (This what we have been told by the doctors) he only wants a few visitors so please do not bring more than one other person if you're planning on visiting, best wishes

                        -Sarah, Aziel's mum

Y/n- We are coming today. I'm so sorry!! Please let us know how he is doing. Xx best wishes.

"Well fuck" Vic said abruptly as he leaned away.
"Yeah ... Fuck. It's l my fault I left him alone there. I should have been there for him. It was my responsibility to take care of him and I FUCKING LEFT HIM THERE." I began to tear up, I was such a terrible friend. How could I do this.

Vic quickly pulled my in for a hug I felt my tears spill down onto his shirt.
"Shhh don't say that about yourself it breaks my heart. It's not you're fault ok." He reassured me to his best ability but despite his efforts I still knew I was to blame.
"Look if you were there, you would have been beaten up as well, and I can't lose you, you're here now and that's all that matters" he continued to add. My whole heart was broken, and it was my fault I had nobody else to blame.

Pulling gently away he wiped my tears as I said.
"Ok we better go."

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