Eastside//Grayson Dolan

By KLHFave

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"She used to meet me on the Eastside. In the city where the sun don't set." More



74 5 2
By KLHFave

Grayson's POV

I'm Grayson and this is the summer where one person turned my life upside down.

I groaned as my alarm starting blaring through my room.

"Shut the fuck up." I groaned as I turned it off.

I sighed as I sat up in bed. I ran my hand through my hair and threw the covers off of me. I sighed as I stood up and walked to my mirror.

That's me, Grayson Dolan, I'm 18 and have been living in Summerland for almost a year now. Just before our senior year started, my brother Ethan and I decided to drop out of school. We had always hated school so why not impulsively move down to the Florida Keys. Our parents cut us off, but we're still here, living in an old fishing shack on the Eastside of the island. The Hub as we like to call it. Anyways, today my brother and I are supposed to be starting a new job as landscapers at Michael Carpenter's house. That's if I can Ethan up of course.

"E, get up we gotta go to work," I called as I banged on his door.

"Fuck work." He called from the other side of the door.

"Well, we need to make money," I said as I opened the door. "Gah damn, it smells like ass in here."

"Not my problem." He groaned as he laid in bed.

That's my twin brother Ethan. My best friend and biggest nuisance since birth. He is the irresponsible one in our friend group. Ever since we moved out I have watched over him even though he is the older brother. He is probably the smartest one out of us, but he just makes stupid decisions. He is my best friend though and I wouldn't be here without him.

"Alright, you gotta get up," I said as I walked over to the window and pulled back the curtain.

"Bro, stop close that." He groaned as he pulled a pillow over his face.

"Nope, you gotta get up. We got a job to get to." I said as I pulled his sheets off of him.

"Fine, fine I'm up." He groaned as he rolled out of bed.

"Good, be ready by 9. He wants us there by 10." I told him as I walked out of his room.

I sighed as I walked into the living room.

"Morning Ad," I said as I pointed at Admiral.

"Mornin bro." He said as he laid on our pull out couch.

That's my best friend Admiral Jackson. He was born and raised here. We met him like a week after we moved here and I don't think we've been apart ever since. His dad was an Admiral in the Navy, so that is where he gets his name from. His dad runs a fishing charter. He runs one of those boats that take tourists out to go deep-sea fishing. Ad is one of the best first mates that I have ever met. He and his dad don't get along too well so he's been crashing on our couch for a while. He is actually one of the best surfers and musicians I have ever met. Don't tell him that though. That's my crew. It's just the three of us but it's all we need.

"Y'all start your new job today?" Admiral asked from the living room as I grabbed a pop tart.

"Yeah, what about you? Any fishing today?" I asked as I sat on our kitchen countertop.

"Nah, not until tonight." He yawned and sat up.

"Well looks like you got The Hub all to yourself," I smirked to him.

"Hell yeah." He smiled and I laughed.

"Don't do anything stupid." I pointed at him.

"I got you, bro." He laughed as I looked at him.

"You better." I chuckled as I walked to the bathroom. Ethan was walking out as I walking in. I started getting ready. I did my morning routine before I walked back into my room. I changed into some shorts and a cut off shirt. I slipped on my flip flops and grabbed my boots and socks. I grabbed my phone, sunglasses, and boat keys before I walked out into the living room.

"You ready bro?" I asked Ethan as I patted his back.

"Yeah, we taking the Dolan?" Ethan asked and I nodded.

"Have a good first day." Ad said as he bro hugged us.

"Thanks, bro," I said, "Hey you're missing some killer waves tonight."

"Don't remind me." Ad groaned and Ethan laughed.

"See ya, bro," Ethan called as we walked onto the porch.

"See you guys." He called before we walked away.

I sighed as we walked down to our dock. We walked down and got in the HMS Dolan. The Dolan was Ethan's and I's first big purchase in Summerland. We bought it and fixed it up. Since then we have used it like none other.

"Let's go," Ethan said as he untied us.

I started the engine and started to drive. We took the main channel down to the Westside. Ok, I probably need to explain the Hierarchy of Summerland. There are four tribes living on one island. First, there are your Northsiders. They're pretty normal and chill people. They throw terrible parties but I can vibe with them. They're not super stuck up, but they're not us. Then there's us, The Eastsiders. The cool people. We're the working class that makes money bussing tables, fixing boats, and working for the Westsiders. When I say we're the most fun and throw the wildest parties, I'm not lying. Then there's the Southside. Yeah, we don't go there unless we have a death wish. I don't know what's up with those guys, but they don't like anyone but their own. Only Admiral goes down there because he has weed guy down there. Finally, there's the Westside. Home of the guess who, The Westsiders. The rich second homers. Most of them come down from their fancy-ass private schools. They do throw hella wild parties, but Eastsiders are never invited. That's the hierarchy, confusing I know.

"Bro, get a load of this," Ethan said as he pointed at a boat coming at us.

"Brand new Malibu Wakestetter 22 LSV. Easily 100k minimum." He said as the boat approached us.

"Yeah, that's Knox Middleton. Second richest Westsider on the island." I spoke as they passed us.

I kept my eyes on the girl that was with him. She was hot as hell. She was wearing a skimpy ass white bikini. I watched as she pulled her sunglasses down and looked me up and down. That Knox kid gave me a look before they sped off.

"Hello Grayson," Ethan called getting my attention.

"What?" I look up at him sitting on the bow.

"I said how did you know that was Knox?" He asked as I fixed my sunglasses.

"Oh, I did some work on a house for his mom." I chuckled, "She's a colossal bitch if I've ever met one."

"Aren't all Westsiders." Ethan scoffed.

One thing I forgot to mention about the hierarchy. The Northsiders do not have problems with anyone. The Southsiders hate everyone. For some unknown reason, the Westsiders and Eastsiders hate each other. At least the teen ones do. Admiral told me that it has always been that way. Apparently, Summerland is the definition of the Haves and the Have Nots or the Greasers and Socs.

I sighed as I pulled up to the giant house of Michael Carpenter. I seriously picked the wrong parents. I parked the Dolan in the slip he told me to park in.

"Gah damn," Ethan said as we got out of the boat.

"You're telling me," I said as we walked up to the house.

I looked around at the huge house and the big ass pool.

"Boys," I was broken out of my stare by a voice.

I smiled as a middle-aged guy walked up to us.

"Hey guys, I'm Michael Carpenter. How you boys doing?" He smiled as he shook our hands.

"Good how are you, sir?" I asked as I looked at him.

"Good. Ok, so who is who?" He asked as he pointed between us.

"I'm Ethan and this is Grayson." Ethan pointed at himself then me.

"Ok, well let me show you boys around and introduce you to a few people." He spoke and we nodded.

We walked around the house and he showed us where all the equipment is. We met some of his other workers and his wife. I watched as a dark-headed guy walked towards us.

"Max, my boy, I want you to meet the new landscapers," Mr.Carpenter said as he waved the guy to us.

"Ethan, Grayson this is my oldest and only son, Max." He smiled at his son.

"Max this is Ethan and Grayson Dolan. They'll be helping out with landscaping and Grayson I think will be helping out on the Princess correct?" He asked as he pointed at his huge fishing boat.

"Yes sir." I nodded.

"Well, maybe you can teach Max something. Make him useful." Mr.Carpenter smiled and Max rolled his eyes.

"Well it was nice to meet you, bro," Ethan spoke to Max.

"You too." He replied before he walked away.

"Ignore him, he's been a little bit of an ass since he went to college." Mr.Carpenter explained, "Well let's get you boys to work."


I don't think I've worked this hard in a while. For such a big home you'd think Mr.Carpenter would have more landscapers. Right now, Ethan and I are trimming some bushes. I was cutting under the bush when I heard my name.

"Ethan, Grayson." I heard Mr.Carpenter's voice.

"Yes sir," I replied but my heart dropped a little when I saw the girl from the boat earlier and her boy toy. She was now covering her skimpy bikini with his t-shirt.

"Boys, this is my daughter Madeline and her boyfriend, Knox." He looked at us then them. "Maddie, Knox this is Ethan and Grayson Dolan."

"Nice to meet you guys." She smiled and shook our hands.

"You as well." I smiled and looked at her small figure.

"Boys, if you need anything and I'm not around, feel free to ask Maddie," Mr.Carpenter said and Madeline smiled up at him.

"We'll make sure to do that." I looked her up and down.

"Well, we have to go get ready for dinner." She said as she nudged Knox.

"Yeah, let's go." He looked at her than me.

"It was nice to meet you guys." She smiled at us as Knox wrapped his arm around her waist.

"You too." Ethan nodded and Knox gave us one last look before they walked away.

"I have to go handle some business. I'll bring your first check at 7." Mr.Carpenter said and we nodded.

"Thank you, sir," I said before he walked away.

"Better wipe that drool off your face," Ethan spoke as he went back to cutting limbs.

"Oh shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"C'mon bro you were staring so hard," Ethan told me.

"Have you looked at her bro?," I said as I watched her walk up to the house.

Damn, this is gonna be an interesting summer.

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