When Lines Blur

By Hurricane_Child

603 1 0

Young Lucas Taylor is a high school student like any other. He takes a few advanced classes, plans to go into... More

Character Info
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Fifteen

17 0 0
By Hurricane_Child

The group continued to talk, if they had it their way, they wouldn't stop. They all were enthralled to get to know other people, even if they already knew some about each other. Everyone had gotten so used to their small group of friends, that talking to other people was exciting and fun. However, all good things must come to an end. In this case, the end was sleep. It was about 3 am before anyone even thought of sleep. 

"Guys, It's like three in the morning," Maddox said.

Braxton paused for a moment, "We've been talking for more than 12 hours... Wow."

"We should probably sleep," Micheal said. 

"Nah," Salem replied. 

Adrian rolled his eyes, "Some of us don't have insomnia Salem." 

"You're just depressed and use sleep as a coping mechanism Adrian, so shut up." Jaxson rolled his eyes, holding Levi who was already asleep. 

Braxton smiled, "Seriously though. We should probably sleep." 

Lucas looked at Braxton and figured out what he was planning, "Braxton don't you dare." Braxton rolled his eyes and got up, walking over to a closet in the hallway up the stairs. Micheal, who had been sitting on one of the steps, turned around to look at Braxton. 

"What are you doing Brax?" Micheal asked. Braxton smiled and began throwing pillows and blankets down the stairs at people. 

"Braxton I said not to!" Lucas protested, receiving a pillow to the face in response. Salem laughed at Lucas. 

Shawn looked at Braxton, "Why the fuck do you have so many pillows and blankets dude?"

"Depression," Braxton said as he grabbed one final blanket and wrapped it around himself. He walked back down the steps and sat next to Micheal. 

Salem rolled his eyes, "More so Maddox gives you a ton of them since we usually spend the night here if we plan to stick together." 

"Blankets are nice," Maddox replied simply. He grabbed one of the blankets and wrapped it around him and Austin. 

Adrian smiled as Shawn pulled a blanket over them, "You guys get to fight Salem and Gabe if you want a couch. I'm disabled, I claim the couch." 

"None of us would make you move Adrian," Jaxson said as he made sure that Levi was covered in a blanket. Adrian mumbled a positive response before tucking his head between the couch and Shawn's head. It took the group a while, mostly because Salem kept saying things to provoke laughter from them all, but eventually the 13 boys fell asleep. 

When Braxton woke up that morning, he was completely captured by Micheal who was holding him closely. Braxton surveyed the room to see if anyone else was awake. He wasn't surprised to see basically everyone was still curled up asleep, except for Lucas, Ryan, and Zeek. Based on the smell of cooking bacon, Braxton figured that they were in the kitchen. Carefully he slipped out of Micheal's hug, instantly missing the warmth, and walked into the kitchen. 

Zeek was standing at the stove and cooking breakfast, which didn't surprise Braxton in the slightest. Lucas and Ryan were in there quietly talking with Zeek, Ryan sat on the island counter and Lucas on one of the stools nearby. "Morning," Braxton said to them. Ryan waved slightly. 

"Morning Brax," Zeek said, "Everyone else still asleep?"

"Yeah. I'm surprised you're awake since you never wake up on time for school," Braxton teased. Lucas chuckled quietly. "So place your bets on if Salem will get up before noon or not."

"I'll punch him if he doesn't," Zeek said. 

"Why punch him?" Ryan asked.


"Zeek has about 3 free punches stocked up against Salem," Lucas explained, "They keep track of who punched who unprovoked." 

Ryan shook his head softly, "Weirdos."

"He deserves it," Zeek said, "Not like I can hit that hard."

"You would if you fucking ate," Braxton replied. Zeek nodded in agreement, which Braxton just sighed at. Braxton walked over to the coffee pot and set it up, knowing that Salem would want some as soon as he woke up.

Lucas smiled, "There we go, now Salem will get up."

"He'll probably smell it and walk in here," Braxton replied. 

"Who will smell what?" Shawn asked as he walked into the kitchen to see who was up.

"Salem will smell the coffee," Lucas replied. 

Shawn nodded, "Sounds accurate." He rotated his shoulder some, Braxton assumed that it was crushed by Adrian as they slept. "I forgot how hard it is to move Adrian without waking him. That's something I do not miss." 

"When had he done that before?" Braxton asked. 

"When we were first rooming together," Shawn answered, "He'd wake up in the middle of the night and lay on me to fall back asleep." 

Zeek rolled his eyes, "That's so fucking cute I might vomit."

"Don't you dare," Lucas said glaring playfully at Zeek. Braxton smiled softly at Shawn, and Shawn rolled his eyes. 

"Those dumbasses will probably sleep all day if we don't wake them," Shawn said, "I'm pretty sure the only reason Gabe and Mike ever wake up is because Jaxson will show up at their house and wake them up for school."

Braxton laughed quietly, "That doesn't surprise me at all." 

"Can I go in there and bang pans to wake them up?" Shawn asked.

"No," Lucas said, "Wake Maddox and Austin up first and then bang pans. I don't think either of them panicking is what we want." 

"Bet," Shawn said. He walked back into the living room and gently shook Austin and Maddox awake and sent them towards the kitchen. Meanwhile Braxton was grabbing two pans to hand to Shawn. Shawn walked back in and grabbed the pans from Braxton with a wicked smirk. 

"If Salem or Jaxson fight you, I'm not helping," Ryan said to Shawn as he walked out. The boys in the kitchen waited quietly in apprehension before they heard a loud bang from the two pans. They all started laughing as they heard shouts from multiple of the others in protest to Shawn's actions. Braxton smiled and grabbed down two coffee mugs. One had the words "You say Witch like it's a bad thing" on it, and one that had the word "Itch" on it with a B for the handle. 

"Who is the other mug for?" Maddox asked Braxton.

Braxton crossed the kitchen to grab vanilla creamer from the fridge, "Micheal's." 

"Aww, so domestic," Maddox teased. 

"Yeah no shit. He has his own mug here," Braxton said, "I got it for him." The others simply smiled. Adrian walked in, using his crutches and quickly sat on the stool next to Lucas. Braxton reached into the fridge again and tossed a water bottle to Adrian. "Pills. Do you want one too Ryan?"

"Want one? No. Need one?  Yeah probably," Ryan responded. Braxton tossed a water bottle to Ryan. Braxton then returned to the two coffee mugs and poured coffee for Salem and Micheal. Shawn walked back in and put the two pans back before wrapping his arms around Adrian's neck as Adrian took his meds. 

"Salem, Micheal, come get your coffee!" Braxton shouted. He laughed when he heard Salem and Micheal both scramble to get up. "Dumbasses," He said to them as he handed them their mugs. 

"Thank you Dad," Salem joked. Then remembering something, "Brax your shot. Since you missed it yesterday."

Braxton paused, "Right. Well, I'm going to head upstairs for a moment and shoot hormones into my body. Don't destroy my house." 

"No promises," Salem said, taking a sip from his coffee. Braxton rolled his eyes and walked past them to head upstairs. "What would he do without us?"

"Forget to do anything basically," Micheal replied. 

Ryan swallowed his pills, "Ah so be like me?"


"Are you guys in here bullying someone?" Levi asked, not having his beanie. 

"Salem and Micheal are bullying Braxton," Lucas answered. "Where's your hat Fish?"

Levi rolled his eyes, "Ask my boyfriend." 

Jaxson walked in and smiled, "I don't have a clue Lee." 

"Bullshit, I know you took it," Levi said. 

"How could I have taken it? You were laying on top of me Lee!" Jaxson objected. 

Salem rolled his eyes, "Maddox probably hid it somewhere."

"I have been asleep!" Maddox said. "You probably did it Salem. Made it disappear or something." 

"I fucking wish I did. Maybe if he had to look at his hair Levi would fix it."

"I like my hair," Levi said, jutting out his bottom lip jokingly.

"Okay and?" Salem said, "I like stabbing things that doesn't make it okay!" 

Gabe leaned against the counter, "You better not be stabbing shit Salem."

"Not recently." Gabe rolled his eyes. Braxton walked back into the kitchen.

Salem smiled some, "Feel better?"

"Salem I just stabbed myself in the ass with a needle and now I feel like I could fight the gods," Braxton said, "Figure it out for yourself."

"Which gods?" Salem asked.

Braxton hummed, faking thought, "I dunno. I don't care that much." 

"You could probably fight Hades," Maddox said. 

"Hades isn't an issue. It's his wife and dog that are," Braxton answered. 

Salem nodded while laughing, "Persephone could fuck up anyone's shit."

"The name Persephone means Bringer of Destruction!" Maddox said, "Her job is to fuck up peoples shit with that name." Salem, Braxton and Maddox continued to discuss Greek Gods and Greek mythology. Micheal moved out of the way and looked at Zeek.

"Wanna see how to get them to shut up?" Zeek said to Micheal as he finished cooking breakfast. Micheal nodded. Zeek cleared his throat, "Shut the fuck up and eat dumbasses!" Maddox, Salem, and Braxton all went silent immediately and looked at Zeek. 

"Food's done?" Maddox asked. 

Zeek rolled his eyes, "No shit. Thanks for the observation Furry." 

"If Maddox is a furry does that make Levi a scalie?" Shawn asked. 

"Don't you fucking dare," Levi said looking at Salem.

Salem smirked, "So Maddox's fursona is a wolf, and Levi's scalesona is obvious a fish." 

"Fuck you Salem," Levi said. 

"Nah, not into younger guys," Salem replied. 

Braxton laughed, "Bullshit! Me and Zeek are both younger than you." 

Salem sighed deeply, "Let's get this fucking straight right now! I am officially Gabesexual fuck all of you." 

"Get a room dude," Jaxson said. 

"I have a room here, I could."

"We share that room," Braxton said, "So don't you fucking dare." 

"Hypocrite," Salem said simply. 

Braxton looked at Micheal for a moment then back at Salem, "You have no proof of that." 

"Okay sure," Salem replied, "Think that all you want." 

"Salem quit being an asshole," Gabe said simply. 

Lucas laughed, "Man Gabe shut your bullshit down real quick." 

"Okay and? Gabe is fucking scary," Salem said, "He does not give two fucks about most things. He could and would quite willingly cut a bitch."

"I'm not that violent," Gabe said. 

Salem looked at Gabe, "So if you were in a room with my father and a knife you'd walk out without blood on you?"

"Absolutely not."

"To be fair," Ryan said, "No one would." 

"I would," Adrian said, "I wouldn't get close enough to get blood on me. I'd throw the damn knife." 

"Fancy way to say you'd shoot the bastard there Adrian," Maddox said, "But sure. We'll go with that answer." 

"Can you throw knives?" Braxton asked Adrian. 

Adrian raised an eyebrow, "Want to find out?"

"Yeah a little bit." 

"How pissed would your moms get about a knife in their wall?"

"Wouldn't be the first time," Braxton said. He hushed Micheal when Micheal went to ask about it. "Levi give him your knife." 

Levi reached into his pocket and pulled out his pocket knife and handed it to Adrian. "Is this a good idea?" Ryan asked.

"No. We're doing it anyways though, welcome to our normal. You might wanna move," Braxton said. Ryan moved out of Adrian's way and stood by Lucas. Adrian opened the knife, looked at it briefly, and then threw it so it flew past them and into the wall on the opposite side of the dining room from them all. 

Shawn sighed, "And this is why you're a felon babe."

Adrian laughed at the comment, "Maybe." 

"I want to get that back," Levi said, "But it would make a mess. Adrian you owe me a new knife." 

"Alright Ocean Dweller." Braxton motioned for Ryan quietly and the two walked off some talking quietly. "Those two are plotting to kill us," Adrian said, "I'm certain of it."

Gabe paused for a moment, thinking, "Honestly, Ryan would kill people. Especially if they deserved it." Ryan and Braxton both had pulled off their phones and kept showing whatever was on their phone screens to each other and snickering. 

The rest of the group got breakfast, Salem making sure Zeek grabbed food as well. Brax and his mom's had a large dining room table, likely because Braxton has been known to make friends and fast, so they all could fit with ease. Braxton and Ryan eventually stopped whatever plotting they were doing and sat at the table. Braxton was still typing away on his phone though. "What are you up to there Brax?" Adrian asked. 

"You'll see in a moment," Braxton said, still looking down at his phone. Suddenly, multiple different text alarms were heard in the room. They all pulled out their phones to check.

Micheal has been added to the chat

Braxton has changed Micheal's name to The Person
Austin has been added to the chat
Braxton has changed Austin's name to Texas
Gabriel has been added to the chat
Braxton has changed Gabriel's name to Archangel
Jaxson has been added to the chat
Braxton has changed Jaxson's name to Beaner
Ryan has been added to the chat
Braxton has changed Ryan's name to Hatter
Shawn has been added to the chat
Braxton has changed Shawn's name to Pastel Bitch
Lucas has been added to the chat
Braxton has changed Lucas's name to Lucy
Levi has been added to the chat
Braxton has changed Levi's name to Fish
Salem has been added to the chat
Braxton has changed Salem's name to Witch Trials
Braxton has changed their own name to The Man 
Maddox has been added to the chat
The Man changed Maddox's name to Furry
Zeek has been added to the chat
The Man changed Zeek's name to Pothead
Adrian has been added to the chat
The Man changed Adrian's name to SlUt

The Man: Welcome to Hell Bois

The Man changed the chat name to "Hell Bois"

"...Pastel bitch? Really that's the best you two could come up with?"

"To be fair," Ryan said, "I suggest Adrian's bitch, same with Gabe's being Salem's bitch. Braxton said no."

Salem looked at his phone and began typing. 

Witch Trial changed Pastel Bitch's name to FUCKIN WHORE

Shawn laughed, "If Adrian is slut, I suppose that is fair huh."

SlUT: go to horny jail *bonk*
Witch Trial: I think the fuck not.

Micheal looked at Braxton and Ryan, "Do you hate us or something?" 

"Maybe," Braxton laughed, "Figured this would be better. Relax, you guys still have your chat, just like we still have ours."

"Why can't I be Salami again?" Salem asked.

Ryan shrugged, "Witch Trial is funnier."

"Fair enough." 

"Listen," Gabe said, "If you guys spam my phone with this I will block all of your numbers."

Lucas nodded, "Yeah I agree with that. It's bad enough Salem spams us at 3 am in the other chat. Braxton how can you put them in this situation?"

"If I have to see Salem ask if cereal counts as soup so do they!"

Austin blinked some, "Salem asked what?"

"It was about 3 am and I got a notification since I don't put my phone on silent, and I see that Salem has asked if Cereal was a soup," Braxton said, "He was met with the responses of 'No but Oatmeal is', 'Salem go the fuck to bed', and 'How high are you right now'."

"Let me guess," Gabe said, "Oatmeal was Maddox, go the fuck to bed was Lucas, and Zeek asked how high he was?"

"Man," Maddox said, "Salem do you talk about anything besides us?"

Salem paused, "I talk about you guys, how I want a pet deer or cat, different plants and crystals, how fucking cute Gabe is, and how dumb my parents are."

"You want a pet deer?" Levi asked.

"They are so cute!" Salem said, gaining almost cute puppy eyes. 

Gabe sighed, "Salem deer are wild animals. You do not need one as a pet."

"A cat then?" Salem asked. 

"Move out of your parents first, then we can talk about it," Gabe said. 

Adrian laughed, "Salem's a bottom!!" 

"And you wonder why we call you a slut," Levi sighed. Adrian nodded to acknowledge that Levi had a valid point. The group continued eating and making dumb jokes, mostly about the nicknames Braxton gave them in their new group chat. 

Braxton smiled some and looked at Micheal, before remembering something. "Micheal, are you going to need to pick up Leanna?" Micheal paused for a moment before grabbing his phone and texting his sister. 

"And you guys say my memory sucks," Ryan said. 

Shawn chuckled, "Because your memory does Ryan. Micheal isn't nearly as bad as you."

Ryan sighed, "True. I did forget my own address once." 

Salem laughed some, "Fucking mood." 

"You need therapy," Levi said looking at Salem. 

"So do you Fishy shut up." 

Braxton pretended to be shocked, "What? You mean traumatized people and those with mental disorders need therapy to help deal with it? Wooow!!" 

"We all need therapy," Gabe said, his eyes darting from plate to plate seemingly counting each plate. 

"That reminds me Gabe," Braxton said softly, "What numbers do you count to?"

Gabe paused and looked at Braxton, "I'll count to 6 in sets of three, 7, and 13." 

"So evil numbers," Micheal said. Gabe nodded.

"Pretty much! Man I love some religious trauma showing through compulsions it's the best!"

"Oh," Austin said quietly, "Yikes." Micheal went to say something about Gabe's comment but instead just nodded in agreement. 

Zeek paused for a moment, "Gabe I fucking hate your parents." 

"Me too Zeek!" Salem said. 

"I mean," Lucas said, "Who's parent's do we like? Levi's, Braxton's, and Zeek's dad? I never see my parents, but they're okay. Ryan's parents are neglectful as fuck, so... yeah fuck most of your parents."

"Hey!" Adrian said, "My parents were cool."

"Yeah they were, but still that's like 4 parental units? Out of... we'll say 13 and include passed parents," Lucas said. 

"I genuinely don't remember my parents," Micheal said. 

Gabe scowled, "I remember them. They sucked." Salem and Ryan exchanged looks again, another silent communication that the others wouldn't be able to understand. Then they both nodded and acted like nothing happened. 

Micheal looked at them, "I do not like those implications." 

"You weren't supposed to," Salem said. 

"All I'm saying is," Ryan started, "People commonly completely forget trauma especially if it occurred when young."

"No, no no no and no," Austin said, "Five people would be way to fucking many people."

Lucas paused, "You forget the town we live in Austin."

"So fucking what?" Austin asked, "Doesn't excuse shit..." 

"It wouldn't be five," Jaxson said, "Emotional abuse is still abuse. That raises the number by a lot at this table." 

"This is a direct attack," Gabe said quietly. 

"Long story short, we're fucked," Braxton said, "I mean, that's basically what it boils down to right? We are all fucked, and there's nothing we can do to change it. We're both to young and to old to. No one will trust our claims because we're just kids, but a few of us are already 18 so the cops won't do shit really." 

Salem paused thinking, "No... we aren't. Sure abuse is hard as fuck to prove... but assault... that's much easier. Hell, most of us have assault charges already. And when being interrogated for filing an assault charge the police will expect you to tell the truth. And even more so once in the courtroom... So... we wait three months, my dad beats me, I file against him for assault as an adult. You all testify and we all bring up the abuse... it might just work." 

"Three months is a long time," Adrian said, he looked at Austin and Maddox. "Would you two be able to last that out?"

"What's three months to sixteen years?" Austin said simply. 

Micheal waved a hand, "Even if we do this, how do we know it would work? It could just make it worse for everyone."

"Not if we gather evidence to help us for three months straight," Salem said, "It'll mean me, Austin and Maddox will have to be...very vulnerable... but it would work." 

"It also means you'll go out of your way to make sure there is evidence Salem," Levi said, "We aren't stupid. You'll intentionally provoke your dad and avoid being here for safety." 

"I'll be fine," Salem said, "Besides, I don't give two fucks about what's happening to me. I want Austin and Maddox safe." 

"Say this does work," Adrian said, "what happens after? Where are Maddox and Austin going to go?" 

Lucas looked at Salem and Ryan, a questioning look in his eye. Both nodded at him. Lucas sighed, "Well... Me, Salem and Ryan... have been looking around town and we found an older house that's for sale in the woods behind town... The price for it has plummeted due to a double homicide taking place, as well as a few suicides, but we have Salem and Gabe... soo...The house is only 97,000. Lucky us for living in a state with cheap housing. It has four bedrooms, but two offices that can easily be turned into bedrooms... so we'd be sharing but that's not a big deal since most of you would want to share anyways."

Micheal paused, "You planned this... didn't you guys?"

"Well," Ryan said, "Lucas had told me about everyone else... and I knew your good nature would take over. But there were a few vendettas to work past that worked themselves out pretty easily. Levi and Jax made up, and due to Braxton you were more than willing to forgive Salem... so yeah... We planned this."

Adrian chuckled softly, "You're so fucking sneaky... We could buy it probably. I mean, I know I have a college fund put aside I never plan to use. Plus I've been saving up from work, and I get disability checks I never use... we could." 

"Three months of us all working, plus college funds from a few of us and we could. Micheal would be able to legally adopt Austin and Maddox... or at least foster them. It could work," Shawn said. 

Braxton looked at Lucas, "Did you want me to notice your hands that day? You stayed at school while the others all left. I had mentioned at lunch I'd be late getting to my house that day..."

"Well yeah," Lucas said, "I knew your dad like nature would take over. The only thing I couldn't be sure of was you and Micheal getting along. Salem told me to trust and try it anyways though. So thank him for you two week long dating period." 

"It was intuition. You two balance each other out nicely," Salem said, "If not dating you would've been best friends... We could genuinely do this guys... get everyone safe." 

"You guys really care that much?" Austin asked softly, "If we do this it'll change your guys' lives completely. It's not going to be something you'll be able to undo." 

"Austin," Zeek said, "we already planned to live together. And do something like this eventually, Salem, Lucas, and Ryan just planned more than they told us. Besides, having you guys there... it feels right. You all balance us out nicely. A Yin and Yang type of thing. Like two faces of the same coin... Sure, we don't know a lot about you, but we really don't know a lot about each other either. If Lucas, Salem and Ryan really believe this is a good idea, I trust them." 

Austin nodded and looked down, he was silent. No one could tell if he was thinking or doing something else. Adrian looked at Austin kindly, "We don't let our own fall. Not alone at least.  And be it by choice or by fate, you're all stuck with us now. Because, to put it simply, We won't let go of Salem, Salem won't let go of Gabe, and Gabe won't let go of you guys. Sure, me, Brax, Shawn and Micheal also tie into that bond... but it's like reinforcement ropes when lifting something. No matter how you tilt the picture, we're all in it from now on. And that feels right. Like some sort of weird twisted fable, things don't make sense but work out in the end."

Austin looked up at them, the tears on his face were unmistakable. This was new to Austin, this type of undying support and devotion to just being there. Maddox knew this was how his friends thought, but Austin never even realized that Micheal and Ryan cared about him. No one really said anything, none of them knew what to say. Austin didn't show vulnerability to them like this. Braxton was the only one to react really, moving quickly to hug Austin close. Austin turned and hid his face on Braxton's shoulder. Braxton's voice was soft and quiet, but it ran through the room as though he had shouted it. "Austin, you have a family now... You always will have family with us." Austin's arms wrapped around Braxton closely, and Braxton only smiled a bittersweet smile and held Austin close.

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