Jaguar's Crow ( KageHina)

By CaitlinHoward2

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In an AU where at the age of 11 every child is partnered with a life time companion reflecting on their perso... More

The Jaguar
The Crow
Feline Meets Fledgling
Communication is Key
A Team's Bewilderment
Twilight Memory
Confusion, Fear and Horror
Tantalizing Emotions
Want To or Duty To?
Answers in Order
Instability of Mind
Beginning of a Fantasy
A Fresh First
Crazy With Love
Hickey Tattle Tales
Temporary Satisfaction
King's New Queen
A Perfect Start
Disturbance and Concern
Mother's Input
A Strange Practice
But Why?
A/N 2.0
Second Conflict
A Useless Decoy?
The Unspoken Vow
A Bond Beyond Any Other
A Bond Beyond Any Other - P.2
Playful Pairing
Morning Cuddles
Unpredicted Happiness
Battle of Instincts
Please Not Him
Predetor's Prey
One Last Hope
Sickening Torture
A/N 3.0
Breaking Point
The Final Ruling
The Final Ruling - Part 2
A/N 4
Back to Normal - End
Part Two?
New Book

Revived Despair

3.8K 160 134
By CaitlinHoward2

Hinata's POV
I felt broken. I felt weak. I could hardly move. My body was screaming in pain as I shifted slightly. I could hear faint buzzing sounds and light whispers but I couldn't make them out. As of what I could see, it wasn't much. But it was painful to see. That face. That face contorted so much I couldn't recognise it. I could hear myself mumbling, but I couldn't tell what I was even saying. My cheeks felt wet, and my closed eyes felt sore. I couldn't open them. They felt too heavy to lift. My mumbling became more frantic as the image in my mind shifted as it replayed that scene. That scene of a knee pressing against his neck as he was beaten black an blue. The wildness in the attackers eyes as he continued his actions. The sound of my broken screams being ignored and obliterated into the air. I.... I felt... dead.

Third Person POV

Roughly a week had passed since the incident. Practices had been cancelled and Kageyama had been put on house arrest by order of the police until Hinata woke up from his coma. The courts had decided that the hearing following the murder of Akumi Hinata would be postponed until Shouyo woke up.

It wasn't a pretty sight. The volleyball team was gathered in the room, silently whispering to each other with concern as they continued to glance at the limp body of their baby crow lying on the hospital bed, his legendary crow companion nestled beside him. Nishinoya was crying into Asahi's chest, the warmth coming from the arms wrapped around him only helping slightly. Sugawara was in a similar position with Daichi on the floor, his gray hair a matted mess as he shook and cried in the captain's embrace. Yamaguchi was resting against Tsukkishima's shoulder sleeping with tear stained cheeks - absolutely exhausted from his breakdown. Tanaka had his forehead pressed against the wall on the room, biting his lip to try and keep in the tears stinging his eyes and threatening to fall. The rest of the team just stood awkwardly, silently whispering their concerns to each other. But one was missing. The one who they worried for the most. Their genius first year setter who was currently barricaded at home in his room. Where he'd remained for the last seven days....

The whispering began to die down as familiar mumbles were heard. The team looked at the hospital bed in which Hinata lay, worry and hope in their eyes. The mumbles were incoherent at first but soon they became audible. Suga instantly rushed to the side of the bed along with Noya and Daichi.

"T...Tobio.... C-come back... C-Come back to me..." Those few words made the entire team gasp. For what reason was unimportant right now, but the red-head's mumbling was a sign that he was waking up. He was finally waking up after a very long and nail-biting week. "Y-You promised me... C-Come back-..." Suga noticed the smallest of tears falling down Shouyo's already stained cheeks and used his thumb to brush them away. But then out of the blue was a scream.


The team jumped, Yamaguchi jolting awake at the scream along with Itazura who squawked loudly and flapped her wings in surprise. Hinata had bolted upright after the scream, his breathing quick and rapid, his body trembling violently as his head darted this way and that looking for that sole person until his eyes landed on Sugawara.

"Where is he? Suga where is he? Where's Tobio?!" Hinata's voice was breaking from his sobs as his tears streamed down his cheeks. Instantly the silver-haired third year jumped into action, enveloping the first year into a hug and traced calming circles into his back as he bawled into his shoulder.
"Where is he?...." Hinata whispered as his body shook in Suga's embrace. Before the third year answered, the rest of the team barring Daichi and Tanaka left the room hoping to make the atmosphere a little less awkward for the first year.

"Listen to me carefully Shouyo, I'm going to ask you a few questions. Try to answer as best as possible." Sugawara spoke up once the team left, his voice soft and calming. Hinata sniffed and nodded slightly as he pulled away from the third year.
"Okay first question, where are you?" Suga asked.
"I-In the hospital from what it l-looked like..." Hinata answered his voice weak.
"Good. Next question, how are you feeling?"
"Broken... M-my body aches and I feel like I've hardly slept..."

This made the two third years even more worried.
"W-What?... Why are your faces so... dull?" Hinata questioned.
"Shouyo... Y-You've been in a coma for a week...." Daichi spoke up upon noticing his boyfriend's hesitation. Hinata froze. His eyes practically popped out of their sockets as his breath hitched. But that isn't what threw him off.
"W-Why haven't you answered me?.... W-Where's T-Tobio?....."

The two third years hesitated, giving each other worried glances before Sugawara spoke up.
"W-Well.... You remember what happened that night right?..." He began. He was answered with a slight nod from the red head before he continued. "Well... Because of what he did... He's been put under house arrest until you woke up. I know this is so sudden.. But within the next three days... Kageyama is going to have a hearing to determine whether... He's going to be arrested for murdering your father..... And you're going to be there as a witness...." Suga sighed shakily after explaining.

Tears instantly filled the baby crow's eyes ignoring the fact that Itazura was currently nestled comfortingly within his lap.
The small male began bawling yet again, pained screams leaving his mouth.
"No no no... They can't do that... It wasn't his fault.. It wasn't... He- he didn't know... IT WASN'T HIS FAULT DAMN IT!!"

He curled up into a ball and cried heavily into his knees. The third years watched with torn hearts, unable to do anything to help the poor red-head. At this point, their baby crow..... their future Tiny Giant.... their only ray of sunlight....

Was broken beyond repair.....

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