Managing the Avengers

By WriterManiac1

40.9K 1.1K 332

(Reader Inserts) Your adventures in managing the Avengers. Including a game of dodge ball, the avengers getti... More

Head Shot (Dodge Ball with the Avengers Oneshot)
It's Raining Cats and Dogs - Where's Bucky?
It's Raining Cats and Dogs- It's Not Fair
It's Raining Cats and Dogs - The Curse of Chatter Box
Lights Out (Halloween Special)
Pumpkin Carving and Anger Issues (Crappy Halloween Special)
Christmastizing the Avengers (Christmas Special)
New York Lights (Christmas Special)
Hack Attack
Your Lucky Number is Food
Dehyrdated... Disaster?
It's Raining Cats and Dogs -Sne-kitty
Heaven in a Box and Angel Fans
Everyone is a Hero / Hero Bucky
Just Keep Swiming
Baby Babble - Thor Drops the Baby Bombshell
Baby Babble - Cribs, Babysitting, Ribbons and a Mischievous Steve
It's Raining Cats and Dogs - Because Science
The Bleeping Jar
Fast Forward
Forget Me Not (Loki's Amnesia)

The Gift of Giving

1.4K 55 11
By WriterManiac1

    "Tony! Stop shaking the gift!" Pepper scolded him then frowned as he continued. She walked towards him angrily then ripped the wrapped gift out of his hands.

   "Pepper!" Tony whined.

   "You can't shake the gift!"

    "I'm trying to figure out what's in it."

    "Why can't you just wait?"

    "Cuz everyone is talking so longgggg."

    Pepper rolled her eyes and walked over to the tree, placing it back under it. When she turned around, Tony narrowed his eyes at her then started to crawl towards the tree to take back the gift. "Don't- even- think- about- it!" Pepper warned making Tony tense  in surprise upon the first word as his girlfriend didn't even turn around.

   Clint started to laugh.

  "You know Clint," you mused, leaning your forearms on the couch. "I remember someone doing the exact same thing as Tony not even five minutes ago."


  Tasha smacked his arm. "You, idiot!"

   Clint rubbed his head then glared at her before arguing back with her. "I was not shaking it around like a maniac."

    Both you and Nat raised your eyebrows. "Really?" You both asked.

   "As I recall," you started, "you were trying to tear the gift open with your teeth until I hid it from you."

   "I still want to know where that is," Clint mumbled, arms crossed over his chest.

  "When are we going to start?" Bucky complained.

  "As soon as Bruce gets back from the lab," Pepper explained as she turned towards the elevator when everyone heard the ding.

   Loki rolled his eyes when he saw who walked out. "Finally," He muttered.

   Sorry!" Bruce apologized, looking flustered. "I forgot! I'm here though, I'm sorry."

  "May we start now?" Thor asked, a smile wide on his face. "I can't wait until we open presents!"

  "It's not all about the presents, Thor-" you were about to explain, but Tony cut you off with a scoff.

  "Of course it is, [Name]!"

  You rolled your eyes. "To you, yes it probably is, but to others-"

  Steve finished for you. "Christmas isn't all about getting it's more about family, giving, the joy that Christmas brings."

   Tony stared blankly at the two of you for a moment. "Lame."

  You and Steve threw up your hands in an "I give up" gesture. No matter how much the two of you tried to convince him what the true meaning of Christmas was, Tony didn't listen to any of it.

 "Let's start already," Clint grunted.

  The others all nodded their heads. "Alright, everyone grab the gift with their name on it." The Avengers scrambled to grab their gifts from the tree then sat back down, looking eagerly at the gifts. You were the last one to grab yours.

   Only the smallest gift was left under the tree so that meant it was yours. The box was about the size of an iPhone, but you knew that no one would be that generous. Plus, you already got a phone from Tony so you didn't need another one.

   You took the gift before walking back to your seat besides Clint on the floor, Nat sitting on the couch above the two of you.

 "Who goes first?" Bucky asked.

  "Let's do Tony cuz he's dying to know," Clint rolled his eyes at Tony’s actions then turned his gaze to Tony who was shaking his present while Pepper was trying to rip the gift from his hands, Tony putting up a good fight.

   "Yes!" Tony exclaimed after hearing Clint. Pepper gave one last tug before sighing and letting go making Tony stumble backwards into Steve.

  "Get off!" Steve protested and shoved Tont off his lap. "Just go open your dang present."

   Tony bolted toward the chair and sat down with the gift in his lap. Energetically, he tore at the wrapping before his eyes widened to the size of grapefruits. Slowly, he took what was out of the box and eyed it with wonder. "How- who?" He stuttered.

   "Isn't that the piece you wanted?" Bruce asked.

   "Yes!" Tony nodded frantically, "Bruce, did you- did you give this to me?"

   Bruce smiled and nodded.

   "Thank you!" Tony exclaimed. "I've been looking for this piece for ages to finish up my last project! How did you find it!?"

   "It wasn't that easy, but it was worth it."

    "Me next!" Clint yelled, raising his hand high in the air. Your brother looked at you expectantly. You sighed, then stood up and disappeared down the hall before reappearing with Clint's present. Smiling, you handed it to him which he took greedily. Tearing at the paper, Clint had a wide grin on his face. The gift had been put into a separate box so Clint swept the paper off his lap then slowly opened the top of the box.

     When he looked into the box, Clint's joyful expression faded into a look of bewilderment.

   "Do you like my gift that I have given you Brother Barton?" Thor thundered.

   Clint stared blankly at the gift. Curiosity overtook you as you walked back over to him and sat next to him before leaning over and looking at what was in the box.

   You laughed out loud before covering your mouth, trying to stifle the laugh at what you saw.

  Slowly, your brother pulled out a headband that made it look like an arrow had gone through your head when you put it on. "Gee, Thor..." Clint chuckles nervously and faked a smile. "Thanks. I never- never would have guessed."

   "Well, you're very welcome, Brother Barton," Thor grinned while Clint dropped the fake act and put the gift to the side his eyes widened and teeth showing as he sucked in a breath of awkwardness. Clint let go of the gift and put it far away from him as if touching- or looking at it- would make him catch fire.

  "Bucky, you're next," Pepper announced.

  "Fine," Bucky groaned before picking up his box from the ground besides his feet. The box was long with nice green wrapping. He started to tear away at the wrapping, his face expressionless. Bucky wasn't into the whole "Christmas thing" ever since you drew on is arm. Childhood memories were fond but Bucky had a hard time staying positive and happy these days after what Hydra did to him.

   When Bucky opened the lid of the box, his eyes lit up as he took out a sniper rifle.. He was speechless as he looked over the gun.

   "Steve helped me find it," Nat broke the silence making Bucky turn to look at her, his eyes wide in surprise. "I didn't know exactly what kind you wanted, so he helped me pick it out." She shrugged.

   "Thank you," Bucky muttered in a daze. Nat smiled and nodded while Bucky examined the gun with wonder and amazement.

    "Alright Bruce," Pepper grinned. "Your turn. I hope you like it. Tony helped a little because I wasn't sure exactly what to get you." She said the last part sheepishly as she picked up Bruce's gift from the coffee table.

   "I'm sure I'll love it, Pepper." Bruce assured her with a kind smile as he took the gift. "Thank you."

  He started to unwrap the rather strange box. It was really tall and apparently was really heavy because Bruce stumbled a bit when carrying it, obviously misjudging the weight.

   Not as energetic as Tony and Clint, Bruce unwrapped the gift like an adult, then opened the top of the box only to gasp. "A new microscope!" Bruce exclaimed. "It isn't-"

   "The one that you've been needing? Actually it is," Pepper smiled.

   Bryce was grinning ear to ear as he looked up at Pepper. "Thank you!"

 "You're welcome," Pepper snapped out of it and clapped. "Alright who's next?"

   "Lady Potts?" Thor boomed. "May I go next?"

  Pepper nodded, and Thor smile widely. Thor's present was by far the largest. The box was half an arms length wide and half a forearm deep.

  "I hope you like it, Thor," Bucky said, a small smile tugging on his lips.

  The Gods face was wide in a smile of excitement as he opened the present. "Brother Barnes!" He exclaimed as he took out two boxes of his favorite Poptarts. Leaning over to look at what was in the box, you laughed when you saw about 10 Poptart packages, Thor's favorite Midgardian snack.

  When Thor stood up and started to walk towards Bucky, his face was wiped clean of the smile and slowly backed up as Thor came towards him and wrapped him in a bone crushing hug while Bucky struggled to get out of the Gods powerful arms.

   "You go next Pepper," Nat offered. "I want to see what's in that perfectly wrapped box."

   Rolling your eyes you said, "It's not perfectly wrapped. I'm not that good."

  "So it's from you?" Pepper asked as she sat next to Tony who immediately pulled her closer to him.

  You nodded, beaming.

  "Well, I'm excited," Pepper told you before she gave the present to Tony who Pepper had promised let open. Tony ripped through the wrapping paper before frowning. Pepper raised an eyebrow at his expression. The disappointed Tony pulled out the shoes and matching clutch that you had bought her.

  "Out of everything you could have given her," Tony complained. "Why would you get her shoes?"

  Pepper squealed as she took them out of Tony’s hands. "Where did you find these! They're beautiful!" Pepper jumped up and you met her in a hug. "Thank you so much, [Name]! You're the best!"

 You blushed. "You're welcome."

  "Have you gone, Steve?" Loki asked, making you turn your head towards him. You loved it when he spoke, it gave you an excuse to stare at him.

  "It's from me," Clint stated, "So no, he hasn’t opened it yet."

   Steve nodded to Clint as he picked up the poorly wrapped gift. He gingerly pulled the decorative paper apart, praying it wasn’t a prank of sorts. It appeared to be a picture frame, and as Steve flipped it over, a sad smile graced his features. It was an old picture of Bucky, Peggy and Steve, and somehow Clint had gotten ahold of it. “Wow, thank you, Clint,” he quietly said.

    "Yeah, uh," Clint cleared his throat, "no problem. Sneaking around SHIELD is one of my favorite hobbies. I found that, and thought of you."

   A smile fluttered on your lips as you looked adoringly at your brother. Clint wasn't usually one to be the mature, thoughtful type but the moments that he was, it was a nice thing to witness.

 "My turn," Nat announced, bending down between her legs to pick up her thin gift. She set it on her legs while she untied the bow at the top. A smile was brightly colored on her face, something that wasn't found there often. It was a real, happy, excited smile. When she opened the top of the lid off, her smile dropped. She looked up at everyone, glaring.

 "What is it?" You asked. She took a tank- top out of the box then turned it around so everyone could see the front. You put your hand over your mouth, trying not to laugh. Tony, and a few of the Avengers, didn't appear to do the same as they burst out laughing. On the shirt, in bold letters it said "Team Tony."

  "That- is- so- funny!" Clint said in between laughs.

  You could hear Thor's loud laughing booming and echoing in the room while the other Avengers were laughing.

 "Ha. Ha. Ha," Nat said sarcastically, glaring at the team.

  "I spend a lot of time picking that out," Tony defended, a smile tugging on his lips.

  Natasha's jaw locked. "Idiot," She muttered, throwing the present aside.

  "Your turn, [Name]." Bruce said.

  "Alright," You smiled and looked down at the small present on your lap. It was a tiny bit smaller than the palm of your hand and you were curious as to what it was. What could fit inside it?

   You opened the small box to find another small rectangular velvet jewelry box. Curiously, you looked up at everyone, you noticed a small smile on Loki's face, but didn't think much about it as you looked back down at the box and opened it. You gasped as you saw what was in it and looked around at everyone, your eyes wide.

  "What is it?" Bruce asked curiously.

   "It's, it's the necklace I was looking at in the window that day when we went window shopping," You stuttered. You looked up at Nat ready to thank her, "Nat, did you-"

  She shook her head, surprising you. "Wasn't me."

 "Then who-?"

  "Do you like it?" Loki asked, gently.

  You quickly turned your head to him. "You gave it to me?"

  He nodded.

  You set the box down and ran up to him, surprising him as you wrapped your arms around him in a hug. He stumbled back, but soon smiled as he wrapped his arms around you as well.

  "Thank you," You whispered.

  Loki smiled and hugged you just a little bit tighter. "You are very welcome, [Name]." He pulled away to look you in the eyes. "I saw how much you wanted it and I felt bad that you couldn't buy it. I admire that you put others before yourself, but I felt you deserved this."

  You hugged him again then pulled back, smiling brightly. The smile slowly faded from your face as Loki's eyes locked with yours.  

   A loud obvious cough from Tony separated the two of you, making you nervously laugh. "Well, let's try it on to see how it looks," Loki suggested. He walked past you, brushing up against you. Your insecure self thought it was accident, but Tony knew better as he was grinning from ear to ear.

   Loki picked up the jewelry box and took out the necklace then walked towards you. He smiled as he gently turned you around and moved your hair out of the way before setting the necklace on your collarbone, your hands reaching up to look at the beautiful locket. After he clasped the necklace, he spread your hair out again and turned you around. "It looks beautiful on you." He praised.

  You blushed and looked down embarrassed. "Thank you," You said shyly.

  "What about your present, Loki?" Bucky asked.

 "Oh, yes," Loki answered, snapping out of the trance of your beauty. He walked back to his seat and picked up the rather large box. He opened it, his eyes brightening as he pulled out two Harry Potter books, more in the box.

  "I told Steve that you loved the first book and that I didn't have the rest," you explained. "So he got the rest of the series."

 Loki grinned and looked over at Steve, nodding his thanks. "I look forward to reading them." Immediately he opened the second book and started to read right away.

  "Oh hey!" You exclaimed. "I almost forgot!" You left the room and brought out an open box then quickly walked back in. "I bought you guys all small presents." You handed them out while everyone thanked you then laughed when they saw what they had.

   While you were at a store, you found Avengers Christmas ornaments. You found a mini action figure about 4 inches tall of each of them except for Pepper since she didn't actually save the world with everyone else. For Pepper, you got a phone ornament teasing her and saying that she always seemed to be on it so you thought it was appropriate. Everyone else was easy to find because there were hundreds of Avengers merchandise.

   "Oh my god, even my action figure looks hot," Tony smirked.

  Clint took his ornament from your box and looked his own action figure over. "I'm pretty attractive too."

   You leaned over to Nat and nudged her, wiggling your eyebrows when she looked over at you.

 "Shut up," She glowed, hitting your arm while you laughed.

   "I'm never going to let you live it down." You teased.

  What Natasha said to you next, froze you from her little threat. "I'll find out who you like [Name]. Is it one of the Avengers? Obviously not Clint- cuz he's mine-"

  "He's my brother, you idiot."

  She didn't listen and continued talking. "Not Tony, not Thor, you don't strike me as a Bucky gal, Steve maybe? Ooohh maybe... Loki?"

  Your whole body tensed and every nerve in your body tingle with fear. Your eyes were wide and you snapped your head to her, your eyes panicked.

  Nat slowly moved her eyes to look over at you, seeing your face. The serious expression on her face suddenly shattered and she burst out laughing. "I'm kidding, [Name]! Oh my god, your face!" She started to laugh hysterically while you tried to get your heart rate down, then started to laugh along with her from how stupid you felt that she would actually know.

  Tony suddenly stood up, raising his glass.

"I'd like to make a toast to [Name]," your head shot up to look at him in surprise while Tony continued. "Who got everyone in the Christmas spirit."

 Everyone smiled then titled their glasses to you. "To [Name]!" They all shouted.

  You blushed and shyly hid your face until you finally laughed and looked up at everyone. You put your arm around Nat and Steve who were sitting next to you. "You know what? I think, this was the best Christmas ever."

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