A Spellbound Gem (a RWBY fanf...

By BlewNeko

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Ruby Rose, a young secret prodigy hiding powerful magicks, is struggling to keep it from all those around her... More

Prologue: Try Again
Chapter 1: Time For Change
Chapter 2: Jet Lag
Chapter 3: Well Excuse Me Princess
Chatper 4: A Rough Start
Chapter 5: Teamwork
Chapter 6: Not Another Fire
Chapter 7: Endless Thoughts
Chapter 8: Well That Was... Shocking
Chapter 9: Get Out Of My Head!!
Chapter 10: It's A Date
Chapter 11: Sunshine And GAAAAAAAH
Chapter 12: Not Going To Worry About It
Chapter 13: Magic And Mysticism
Chapter 14: Reality Is Just Your Opinion
Chapter 15: Please Stop Trying To Kill Your Class
Chapter 16: Just Answer The Question, Miss Rose
Chapter 17: I'm Not Stalking, I'm Observing
Chapter 18: Aaaaahhh!!! Confrontation!!!
Chapter 19: This Is Awkward
Chapter 20: It's A Real Date This Time
Chapter 21: Stupid Monkey...
Chapter 23: Gingersnaps And Frozen Cream
Chapter 24: Embers Of Doubt
Chapter 25: Fading Memories
Chapter 26: Hard Truths
Chapter 27: Together Again
Chapter 28: Better Parties Than Atlas
Chapter 29: Extra Introductions
Chapter 30: A Certain Magical Duo

Chapter 22: Crime Pays

471 17 0
By BlewNeko

The ginger man walked around the corner and his smile instantly dropped. "How can they be both adorable and so very annoying?"

The brunette with pink highlights shrugged, handing a cane and hat to the man as he passed her.

"I mean, they get so excited and so happy over EVERYTHING, and I just have to keep smiling and nodding until they shut up!" He snapped, patting the hat onto his head. "Goodness, I can't believe I'm such a good actor that I didn't just kill them on the spot. Stayed in character the whole time."

The girl rolled her eyes before following him through the alley and into a darker part of town. It was one of many secrets that Vale hid under the surface, a whole web of lies and business just under the bustling city streets.

"Greenwind travels." The ginger whispered to a small opening in the door before them.

Locks clicked open and the door opened, a man in a black suit and sunglasses opening up, nodding as they walked in. "Afternoon, Mr Torchwick."

The ginger made his way through the hall and entered the door at the end, opening into a large club, preparing for their nightly opening. He passed a few more men in suits looking over what seemed to be a broken light, struggling to put it back together.

"Neo, what do you say to giving them a hand?" He asked the girl by his side, her arm crossing as a pout came to her cheeks. "I'll make it worth your while, love."

She sighed, turning and pointing at the damaged lighting, closing her eyes as the entire system started shaking. The two men jumped back, tools dropping to the floor as the lights snapped unnaturally into place, damages warping into nothing as the whole thing rose to where it was meant to be. A moment passed before it flickered to life, illuminating the floor around it.

"Thanks, babe." Torchwick said with a wink.

A heavy door slammed open somewhere behind them both, the men dropping the tools they had been trying to clean from the floor.

"Roman Torchwick, you son of a bitch!" A booming yet smooth voice shouted out.

A smirk came to the well dressed ginger as he turned around. "I had no idea you'd met my mother, Junior." The man before him was a massive figure in a suit, hair cut short and away from his face.

"When did you get back in Vale?" He asked, a smile in place of his usually dark expression. "Last I heard you were doing some big work instead of petty thievery."

"Hey! I take offense to that." Roman cried. "I have never once been involved in petty theft. I am a professional after all."

Junior gave him a look that made it clear he was not taking any bullshit.

"Moving on, I'm actually still working on that big project." He continued, pulling a card from his pocket and flicking it towards the large man before him. "I need some adjustments made to this if you can."

He took a look, hesitation taking hold for a moment. "This is... Weiss Schnee's access card... Did you kidnap a Sch~"

"I'm clever, not crazy." Torchwick interrupted. "She was so happy someone found her wallet that she didn't even notice it was gone."

"Right... What exactly do you need done with it?"

"Well clearly I'm not the teenage girl in the pic." He pointed out, gesturing towards himself. "I need the clearance on a custom card for myself."

"Do I wanna know what for?" Junior questioned with a stone face.

Roman sighed. "It's best you don't know."

The larger man looked over the card again, shaking his head. "I can get it done in two days. You take it and don't bring it back here."

"You understand I can't have anyone else having a copy of that, right?" The ginger prompted.

Junior narrowed his eyes in a glare. "Getting in deep with Schnees is worse than pissing off the cops. There won't be a copy."

"Good." He smirked, throwing his arm over the brunette by his side. "I'll see you in a couple days."

"You better be here when it's done."

A laugh broke from Torchwick's throat. "O ye of little faith. I'll be here."

Junior frowned as the two left, eye moving down to the card in his hand. The girl in the picture had tightly held white hair and cold blue eyes, marked only by a single scar over her eye.

"I hope he doesn't drag me into something I'm gonna regret..."

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