Blissfull Chaos

By 4nchoredh3arts

433 1 0

Book 1 of Supernaturals Series. "How? How can you stop from the people you love from dieing?" Alistair was bl... More

The Beginning (Prologue)
Where Secrets Began
Yet Here You Are.
Last Words Said
New Beginnings
Hear Me Out
Trying To Make It
Don't Loose Your Heart
Wicked Game
Death Becomes Her
Find A Way
Welcome Back
Take A Chance
Changing The Pace
Aunt Jenny
The Pack
Welcome to the Pack
Dark Times
Pins & Needles
Moving Forward
Understand You
Save Yourself
Dinner and Chaos
Twisted Lives
The Scientists
Welcome Home
Face The Past
A Journey Well Waited
Connections Reunited

New You

5 0 0
By 4nchoredh3arts

"Alistair! Alistair where are you?" Ronan was looking around in darkness.

"Marcus! Stop it! We will search tomorrow. He couldn't have gone too far." He heard Ash say.

"He's gone because of us! We have to find him!" Dray yelled.

"Stop. Ash is right. We have to search more tomorrow." JJ stated. Dray shook his head.

"I'm not gonna stop. Why are y'all stopping? You're his best friend Jared!" Dray snapped. Ash shook his head.

"He wants to be left alone. We all know that. It's been a week already. Just give him time." Ash explained. Dray scoffed and kept searching. JJ and Ash turned to walk away while Dray was still screaming out.

"Dray. Stop. I'm not in the state anymore." Ronan whispered. Dray stopped screaming and looked straight at Ronan. Dray stared at Ronan, speechless.

"You can hear me?" Ronan asked. Dray nodded.

"Oh god...Alistair!? What's wrong what happened!? Your hair is blonde and you cut it." Dray screamed, running to Ronan and hugging him tightly. Ronan hugged him back.

"I'm fine. I had to get away." Dray held him tighter. 

"Do you have any idea how much I missed you?" Ronan froze.

"Marcus, I had to leave. I cant tell you where I am or how long I will be but listen. Keep everyone safe. I trust you. Protect my family and protect our friends. I have to go now." Ronan stated. Dray shook his head violently  trying to hold back tears.

"Don't please. Just stay a little longer!" Dray begged. Ronan shook his head.

"I can't.  I'm sorry." Ronan let go of Dray and walked away.

Ronan woke up from the dream, still feeling his friend's touch. He looked at the time on his new phone that his aunt gave him. 4:30 A.M.  He sighs. Grabbing his pack of smokes, he goes down stairs to to out on the porch.

"Why are you up so early?" Felix said leaning against the door frame of the kitchen. Ronan shrugged.

"Had a weird dream. Needed some air and a smoke." He replied. Felix leaned off the frame and walked towards Ronan.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked. Ronan nodded slightly and both boys walked outside to sit on the porch. Ronan pulled out a smoke and lit it. It seemed like his daily ritual.

"So about that dream of yours?" Felix asked.

"I seen my old group of friends searching for me. It's been a week since I left. One specifically is more upset about me leaving than the others." Ronan started.

"Did you leave on bad terms?" Felix asked.

"Sorta. I got into a fist fight with one a few months before I left. We didn't talk much and then I vanished. But my best friend wasn't the one searching hard for me. It was my former bully turned friend."

"Ah. Sounds like a good friend." Felix commented.

"I guess. He said he missed me a lot and hugged me. I mean I guess we were close but I didnt think he'd miss me that much." Ronan inhaled deeply, exhaling while looking at the ground. Felix looked up at the sky.

"We never know how much we really miss someone until they go. Maybe you meant more to him than you think." He stated. Ronan chuckled and stared at the cigarette in his hand.

"We made a deal. He was smoking more everyday. Close to three packs a day. I told him he was and we made a deal. If he quits smoking, I'd do a thing he wants and if he didn't quit, he'd do anything I want. He stopped smoking, stating it was for boxing, but I knew it wasn't." Ronan smiled at the memory and inhaled the cigarette.

"I'd never make a deal like that with my friends. Who knows what ungodly things they would want me to do." Felix said laughing.

"He hasn't told me what he wants me to do yet. He knows my limits on things."

"Who's to say he wouldn't want you to do sexual favors to him?" Felix teased. Ronan rolled his eyes.

"Not Marcus. He doesn't want anything like that. We talked about it. He doesn't want a relationship right now. Or at least that what he said when we were on good terms." Ronan stated, inhaling one last time before flicking the bud.

"What caused you and your friends not to be on good terms?" Felix asked.

"I don't know to be honest. We just kinda drifted I guess. They didn't want to be around me anymore and I was hanging out with a girl I was dating. I guess I changed before I vanished." Ronan said sadly.

"Well, I like the new you. I didn't know you before you came here, but I like this Ronan." Felix said with a smile. Ronan returned the smile.

"Thanks. I'm still getting used to the hair thing." He said playing with it.

"It suits you. Kinda fits your style." Felix pointed out. He then got up and stretched.

"Training starts here in a few hours. Go get some more rest. You will need it later." He said winking at Ronan. Ronan rolled his eyes and got up to stretch.

"I know. You're not gonna hold back." Ronan said, mocking Felix. Felix then grabbed his heart, dramatically.

"Oh you hurt me Ronan. How can you break my heart?" He said in a fake southern accent. Ronan pushed past Felix and laughed.

"You play too much to be the future Alpha of this pack." He said going in the house. Felix follows behind him.

"Gotta have a little fun around here." He replied back. Ronan walked up the stairs and went back to his bedroom. He looked down at his phone and stared.

"I have nothing on this phone. No memories. The only number in here is mom's and aunt Jen's. It's only been a week and I miss home so much." He whispered to himself. He stared at the phone and then placed it face down on the night stand. "But this is now my new home. I still got to get used to it."

Ronan fell back asleep for another few hours, still thinking about the people he left behind.

What awoke him next was him alarms. He sat up in his bed. He grabbed his gym shorts and muscle tee to change into for training. He noticed that his aunt wasn't in her bed. Shrugging his shoulders, he walked down to the foyer in the training attire.

"Ready for this princess?" Felix asked, standing next to the frame of the door leading outside.

"Ready as I'll ever be. It's only physical training from you. Aunt Jen is the one who gives me the power training." He pointed out.

"Good. When we get out to the area, I'll give you instructions. I have my beta and delta there too. They're gonna help out." Felix said sternly. Ronan nodded and both boys begin to walk out to the training arena.

When they made it, two boys around Felix's age were already out there sparing.

"Gabe! Virgil! Stand down." Felix demanded.  Both of them stopped instantly.

"Awe you had to use the Alpha tone with us? We were just warming up." One of them said.

"Yeah right asshole! You were kicking my ass!" The other whined.

"You know you're saving your energy for this session. I have a feeling hes not as weak as he think he is." Felix commented. Ronan glared at him. The guys started walking over to them.

"Ronan, this Gabriel and Virgil. My beta and my delta. Guys, this is Ronan. He will be doing private practices here. He wants to build strength." Felix pointed out.

One of the guys held out his hand. He had tattoos on each finger and red hair, like his sisters.

"Names Gabriel but I go by Gabe." Ronan shook Gabe's hand. With the other hand, he pointed to a guy with almost silver colored hair and green eyes.

"That's Virgil. He doesn't talk much until you get to know him. Chatty Kathy afterwards." Gabe joked. Ronan waved at Virgil, who waved back at him.

"Alright now that we have introductions out of the way, go ahead and do some  stretches. You're gonna need them." Felix said, walking towards the edge of the arena. Ronan started to do basic stretches as he seen Gabe and Virgil talk to Felix.

"I got to prove to them I'm not a weak person. I got to show them that I can handle this." He whispered to himself. Ronan closed his eyes, taking deep breathes in.

"Alright Ronan, are you ready?" Felix yelled. Ronan snapped his head up and nodded. He walked towards the fighting field. Virgil was standing across from him.

"Go ahead and show us what you got. Don't hold back. Virgil maybe shy, but he is a good fighter." Fekix explained. Ronan stood there, frozen. He normally didn't start fights. The only few fights he gotten into he didn't mean to cause them.

"Ready..." Gabe started to count down. Virgil got into a fighting stance while Ronan got into a defensive stance.

"Set..." Ronan looked around to see if Virgil would have any openings.

"Fight!" Before Ronan had a chance to run toward Virgil, his opponent was dashing toward him, fist aiming for his head.

Ronan dodge the punch as fast as he could, throwing on to Virgil's side. The punch connected. Virgil then grabbed his arm and thrown him on the ground. Ronan struggled to get out of the hold, twisting his arm in a way it would snap and flipped the hold on Virgil.

"So you do have fight in you?" Virgil said teasing. Ronan then found himself being kicked down to the ground as Virgil's free hand punched him where he could. Ronan got to the point where he couldn't breathe. He then snapped and started throwing punches back, going into a full on brawl.

Ronan and Virgil brawled and spared for a good 30 minutes. Both guys were exhausted and beaten to wits end. Ronan stood tall, breathing heavy and licking the blood off of his lips. Virgil stood on the other side of him, breathing just as hard with bruises and spat out blood from his mouth.

"Had enough yet?" Ronan said in a cocky tone.

"Not until you surrender." Virgil spat back. Ronan charged at Virgil, trying to deliver a punch until Virgil stopped the lunch and threw Ronan down to the ground and pinned him in a hold. Pulling on his arm, Virgil dislocated Ronan's shoulder. Ronan cried put in pain and grabbed his shoulder.

"VIRGIL! WHAT THE FUCK MAN?!" Felix yelled, running towards Ronan. Gabe was right behind Felix. Felix then examined the boy's shoulder and seen a deep bruise to where it was dislocated.  Felix turned to are at Virgil.

"You know hes human Virgil! He doesn't have our healing abilities!" He yelled at his delta. Virgil started to feel really guilty.

"OH GOD! I'M SORRY I-I-I FORGOT!" He screamed. Ronan couldn't help the tears coming out of his eyes and the pain shooting from his shoulder.

"He was just testing me." Ronan said through the tears. Felix glared at Ronan now.

"No that was out of line! You won't be able to fight for weeks!" Felix yelled. Ronan shook his head.

"No I'm gonna keep fighting! I got to!" He screamed at Felix. Ronan had determination behind his teary eyes.

"Boy Felix. I could tell he is stubborn but not this stubborn." Gabe said.

"Ronan, we got to get our doctors to look at this. No more fighting until I say so. That's an order!" Felix stated. Ronan got in his face.

"Last time I checked, no one has control over me. I want to keep fighting. I will fight with one hand if I must!" He screamed. Felix sighed.

"Fuck you are stubborn. Fine. We will do basics and only with one arm. The other one will ha r to be in a sling for a while at least." Felix said, helping Ronan off the ground. Ronan walked over to  Virgil and patted him on the back m before holding it.

"Good fight. I let out a bunch of anger during that match and I feel better. I'd like to spare and brawl again with you. I want to beat you." Ronan said. Virgil nodded at the challenge.

"You're on. Once me, you will have to beat Gabe. Gabe is much stronger than me. And I can tell you didn't hold back. You still have fight in you. I like that." Virgil stated.

The group started walking towards the pack doctors place. After an examination and instructions of no fighting at all for at least 3 months, Ronan left arm was in a sling. He stared down at it and smiled.

"You must think I'm crazy for smiling, but it actually helped out a lot. With me being out of physical practice, I can actually work on my powers." He stated to Felix.

"I guess that's a plus side of things." Fix said.

"And don't be too hard in Virgil please. We both pushed each other to those limits and I just got the worse end of it." Ronan pleaded. Felix sighed and shook his head.

"Fine. But you're explaining this to my father and your aunt. She is not gonna be too pleased with this." He pointed out.

"You bet your ass I'm not!" Jennifer eyed, stomping towards the pack house porch, where Ronan and Felix was sitting.

"What in the absolute fucking shit happened to his damn arm?!" She yelled.

"I was training and it went south. I'll be fine aunt Jen. It's only dislocated." Ronan explained. Jennifer started to inspect her nephew.

"I hope you gave the other guys run for his money hon. You look aweful." She commented on Ronan's appearance. Whelps and bruises covering his neck to this legs, busted lip and a dislocated arm.

"He fought my delta. He was in bad shape too. But werewolves have a quicker healing ability than humans do. So where Ronan's will take weeks. The other will only take a few days." Felix explained. Jennifer shook her head.

"Fighting werewolves now are we Ronan? Just take it easy the next few weeks." Jen said crossing her arms against her chest. "We will start our training sooner than I wanted to then. I got some friends coming in, special permission from the Alpha himself. They will help with your power training. Be prepared." She finished, grinning.

Ronan nodded with a smile. Felix and his aunt both left him alone. He stared out at the sunset and closed his eyes.

'Here's to the new me. Here's to a fighter.'

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