Seeking A Family ✔

By strong_and_free1

8.8K 1K 1.8K

Alright young man?' He said to the kid without looking down at him. 'Everything would be if you hadn't told... More

The First Encounter
Geting To Know You
I Have A Dream
A Soldier's Tale
And So The Journey Begins...
A Forgotten Past
Cold And Heartless
The Old Photo
Forever Grateful
The Last Day
Love In The Dark
A Falling Star
Sailing The Sunset
The Men Of The Forest
Truth Reveal
Thrown At The Streets
Long Time No See
Rise From The Ashes

When The Tables Turn Around

179 24 45
By strong_and_free1

Lora woke up the next day with a tightening squeeze at her stomach. She didn't even bother to take care of her hair or to put on some decent cloaths. She just started to pack her few belongings in a small bag and she headed towards the kitchen, just to find Mr Jones, seated on a chair and reading his newspaper casually.

She started preparing his breakfast and when she finished she prepared a tost for herself.

'Everything packed I guess?'
Said Mr Jones emotionlessly.

'Yes sir.'


Lora went to her room to take her bag. She retured back, passed the kitchen and walked towards the mansion's door. Nobody was there to tell her even one single word. Maybe it was better that way, she thought. Maybe not seeing these hatefull people again and not steping in this bitter place again, was something positive.

When she opened the door a pleasant surprise awaited her. There, in the doorster a smiling Jack, with his hands on his pockets was staring at her. She fell into his hag and they marched together towards the street.

'Ok, listen now.'
Said Jack seriously, grabing her slightly from the shoulders.
'I know a man who lives alone and who seeks for a maid. I don't know him very well, right? But I know that you could give it a try and ask him to take the job.'

Lora's eyes shined from excitement.
She said not believing her ears.

Said Jack.
'I met him just a couple of hours earlier. I told him that I know someone who may be interested. We did it Lora! You are going to stay here!'
He said in excitement.

Tears of happiness came down to Lora's cheeks. While they were walking down the road, Jack was trying to explain her where exactly the house was located.
'He said that you could go today in the morning or noon for the interview.'

Lora smiled.
'I'd better go now, then.'
She said.

'Oh, I almost forgot.'
Said Jack.
'The old git is sending me again for another job of his. I have some packs to deliver to London, this time. So I am going to leave for a while. But, it's ok I will come back again.'
He said laughing.
'Well, I suppose at least.'
He laughed again.

Lora fell in deap thoughts when she heard that.

'It's alright Lora, really. We thought you would leave forever, a day before.'
He said amused.

Said Lora.
'Can I ask you a favour?'

'What is it? Split it out.'
Said Jack.

'I want you to find my little brother, back in the orphanage. I want you to tell him about me. And about how I haven't stopped thinking about him. And how sorry I am for not being able to raise him. Can you do that?'
She said with a pleading expression.

Jack wasn't expecting something like that.
'Of course I can.'
He answered imidiatly.
'I will tell him all about his lovely sister.'

'Thank you.'
She returned in a small voice, noding her head and closing her eyes thankfuly.

'I think another old fool is awaiting you now.'
Said Jack smiling widly.

'Jack! I haven't even met him!'
She tissed him.

'Alright, alright, I know. Always respect your siniors.'
He said raising his finger and taking a serious expression, before bursting out to laughter again.

Lora gave him a playful hit in his arm.
The two of them walked to the place where Lora was hopfull she would be able to call home.

Jack devoted a minute to study Lora's face. He could always see everything in her glare. He could now see the pain and mental torture she had gone through these last days. He could see all the stress and anxiety of the past days come back again. He could desipher her worry at the thought that she may not be the one he wanted. He could even see a desperate try to change her blessed personality in this last minute, to try and be exactly how he wanted her to be. He could also, however, see a rare dynamism and a strong denial to give up.

'Everything is going to be ok.'
He said, while taking her hands into his.

Thanks for reading ;)

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