The Day We Met (Alexa Bliss X...

By DeathValleyRider

79.8K 920 769

Scott Wilson's Career had taken him all over the indie scene from ROH to NJPW. After spending 5 years in Japa... More

Character Info
Building the Foundation
Smackdown Live
The Hometown Boy
This Can't be Real!
The light In the Tunnel
The Return Of The Reaper
National Day of Love
Elimination Chamber
Moving Day
The Power Couple
The road to Wrestlemania
Face to Face
Meet the Parents
The Next Big Thing
This is a Nightmare
Date Night
I'm Coming For You
Biggest Party of the Summer
The Reaper's Birthday
No Days Off
My world is Crumbling
The Unlikely Hero
The Unbreakable Bond
Welcome to Hollywood
Respect Is Earned
The Bet
War Is The Answer
I Love It When A Plan Comes Together
A War Needs Soldiers
Only The Strong Shall Survive
Til Death Do Us Part
With Arms Wide Open

Grandest Stage of them All

1.6K 24 11
By DeathValleyRider

Scott woke up abruptly and he looked around the room and seen that Alexa was bundled up next to him in a ball. they were laying at the end of the bed as Scott stayed up most of the night to comfort Alexa after she told him what Buddy did to her. He was fuming and couldn't get mind off of what he was told last night. 

Scott kissed Alexa's forehead as he sat up and stretched. He walked into the kitchen and made a pot of coffee. He sees Alexa slowly sit up and bed and look around. 

Scott: I'm in the kitchen. I got a fresh pot of coffee ready. 

Alexa: *lightly smiles* Thanks babe. Your the greatest.

Alexa walked into the kitchen and just hugged Scott. They stayed like this for a few minutes and then Alexa let him go as he poured her a cup of coffee. Scott walked over and pulled out a outfit before he went to take a shower. Alexa waited for Scott to turn on his music like every morning but today was different. She cracked open the door and peaked in to see him just standing under the water with his head down. She grabbed her clothes and quietly joined him. 

~1 hour later~

They were both dressed and were heading out of the hotel so they could get to Axxcess. They wanted to get their early so they could try to enjoy the time with the fans so that they could get their minds off of everything. As they were driving Alexa could feel Scott's grip tighten in her hands.

Alexa: Remember when you see him, don't do anything that will cost your career. 

Scott: What he did was unforgivable. I am going to rip his head off when I see him. 

Alexa: Scott please. We need to just talk to Hunter and Steph. Let them handle it. *begins to get teary-eyed* I don't want you to lose everything you worked for because of me. 

Scott: *Pulls the car over and wipes her tears away* Alexa, this is not your fault. You did nothing wrong, That son of a bitch was the one that did everything. 

Alexa: *kisses Scott*

~At the event~ 

Alexa and Scott were taking photos with fans and signing autographs. Scott spotted Hunter so he walked over to him. 

Scott: Hey Hunter, can we talk in private somewhere?

Hunter: Sure, Follow me. 

Scott waved for Alexa to follow and the three of them went to a spare office in the arena. Hunter locked the door behind him and all of them sat at the desk. 

Hunter: How can I help you two? 

Scott: *looked At Alexa* Do you want me to tell him? 

Alexa: *Shook her head as she got teary-eyed again* 

Scott: Last night after the show Alexis was taking a shower in the locker room. Before she could get changed, Buddy came in and attacked her. He slapped her and also kissed her. If they didn't hear someone outside the locker room, who knows what would have happened. 

Hunter: I'm sorry that this happened to you Alexis. We will conduct a full investigation and we are going to suspend Buddy immediately. Do you want the police to be notified. 

Scott: Yes please because he said that if she told then he would come back and do worse. Also I know this is a long shot to ask but I was wondering if we could share a locker room, I want to be able to be by her side while we are here? 

Hunter:  We will contact the authorities and give then all the evidence we find. Also your request will be granted, I will have the crew set you up a locker room starting tonight. If you two have anymore issues and concerns my office is always open. 

Alexa: Thank you Hunter, I'm just ready for this nightmare to be over. 

~backstage at the Arena~

Some of the road crew showed Scott and Alexa to their locker room. When they got inside the two of them dropped their bags and went straight out to the ring area. When Scott walked thru the curtains Alexa could see Scott just overwhelmed with excitement. They both knew that in a couple hours they would be wrestling in front of seventy thousand plus fans. Alexa walked Scott down the long ramp as Scott looked at her and seen A genuine smile which made him happy. The two locked arms and climbed in the ring together. Alexa sat on the turnbuckle with Scott resting his head in her lap with both of them looking at each other. 

Scott: Tonight is going to be an amazing night. I can feel it.

Alexa: That it is, going to be the second greatest night of my life.      

Scott: What's the first? 

Alexa: *Smiling* Meeting you. 

Scott: *kisses Alexa* So Cheesy. 

The two of them started to head backstage as the production crew was rounding all the superstars backstage so they can start to let the fans in. 

~In catering~ 

Alexa was sitting on Scott's lap and talking to the rest of the female superstars when they all seen the news on the WWE Network. 

TV Host: We have just received word that Buddy Murphy has been released by WWE and was removed from the building. We will give you more information when we get it. 

Scott and Alexa looked at each other and Scott pulled her in for a hug as a single tear streamed down her face. Scott wiped Alexa's face and whispered in her ear. 

Scott: *Whispering* It's finally over. He is gone and you don't have to deal with him anymore. 

The show was getting ready to start so Scott walked Alexa down to Makeup so she can get ready as her match was the first of the night. After she was ready, the two of them walked to gorilla hand in hand. They were waiting for her cue as Mandy Rose was doing her entrance now. The two of them shared a passionate kiss as the camera crew captured the moment. Scott sat down in the chair to watch the match in gorilla. 

Scott: Go out there and show them why you are the goddess of WWE. 

Alexa: Thank you baby. 

Spiteful played thru the stadium as everyone was cheering. On the stage was a throne and smoke beginning to build around the base of it Alexa walked out on stage and Sat in the Throne. She smirked as she did her signature taunt before she go up and headed to the ring. Alexa climbed in the ring before taking her championship off and placing it behind her head. 

~Bell rings~ 

Mandy comes out of the start of the match with the upper hand. Showing off her strength as she throws Alexa around the ring. She picks Alexa up and Irish whips her into the corner knocking her back down. She taunts Alexa while she is trying to get to her feet. Alexa slaps Mandy in the face and dodges her attack to make her go shoulder first into the post. 


Scott: *Cheering* Come on baby you got this. Now is your opportunity. 

Scott was about to sit down when Buddy came running into gorilla and tackled Scott onto Vince's table. The two begin to brawl as Hunter and Vince try to separate the two men but were unable. Scott grabs Buddy and tosses him over the table. Scott then climbs on top of buddy and begins to punch him in the face until he breaks his nose and feels people pulling him off. Police arrive and get Buddy in handcuffs and out of the stadium. Hunter got Scott to sit back down and watch the rest of the match. 

~Back in the Ring~

The match up to this point was now evenly matched as both women have been landing move after move. Alexa was down in the middle of the ring and Mandy was climbing the top ropes. Mandy did Alexa's signature taunt before trying to land twisted Bliss. Alexa was able to get her foot up and kicked Mandy in the face. She then locked in the cross face on Mandy while she was in the middle of the ring. Mandy tried to roll over but Alexa kept hold and finished the roll before Mandy tapped out for the victory. 

Alexa was handed the championship as she slowly got to her feet. She climbed on the turnbuckle and hoisted her Championship up in the air. She climbed out of the ring and was giving high fives to the fans. She walked backstage to see Scott standing there with a smile and his arms open for a hug. She jumped into his arms and the two embraced each other. 

Alexa walked with Scott down to the locker room to change for his match. Scott got changed  into his gear and he sat down with Alexa to continue watching the show. Alexa intertwined her hand with Scott's until she noticed the scraps and redness on his knuckles. 

Alexa: What happened to your hands? 

Scott: *Looking down*Buddy attacked me in gorilla. 

Alexa: What!? Are you ok? 

Scott Yea. he got a surprised attack on me but after that he couldn't do anything. They took him out of in handcuffs. he just added assault to his list. 

Alexa kisses Scott when they heard a knock on the door and a producer was calling them to gorilla for Scott's match. 

Alexa: You ready? 

Scott: Ready as I'll ever be. 

Alexa hoped on Scott' s back as  he carried her to gorilla. When they arrived CM Punk was already there. The two talked about the spots in the matched and the two shook hands. Cult of personality started to play while Punk walked out for his entrance. Scott watched as the fans were deafening and his nerves were really building up. He felt a hand on his back so he turned around to see Hunter. 

Hunter: Your going to do great out there. Don't let the nerves rattle you.  

Scott: Thanks Hunter. 

Spiteful played As Alexa kissed Scott one more time before walking out on the the stage. She points at Punk before doing Scott's cutthroat taunt. Sin with a grin begins to play as Scott ran out on the stage with the fans blowing up in cheers. He climbed off the stage to run over to the fans to high five and take photos. He climbed back up and went to the other side.  When he got back to the middle of the stage he put his arms out and his head back soaking in the fans chanting his name. He gave Alexa a peck on the cheek before he ran all the way down the long ramp. He slid into the ring before taking his belt off and raising it in CM Punk's face. 

~Match start~ 

When the ref signaled for the bell to be rang, Scott speared Punk out of the ring. He picked Punk up and threw him into the steps before he started to kick Punk in the chest. Punk eventually fought back and threw Scott on top of the table. Before  Punk could get to the top Scott pushed him into the ring. Scott climbed to the top and connected with Twisted Bliss but he was only able to get a 2 count. 

~towards the end of the match~

Scott and Punk were on the outside and Punk just monkey flipped Scott through an Announcers table. As the referee was counting, Alexa went over and checked on Scott. She helped him to his feet so he could beat the count. Scott ran into the ring as the ref was at nine. As he stood up CM Punk hit the Go to Sleep on Scott and was able to get the pin. Scott's title reign and undefeated streak was over. Scott pulled himself up into the sitting position as he watched Punk be awarded the championship and started to celebrate. Scott was looking around at the fans as Alexa climbed in to check on him. 

Alexa: Hey How are you doing? 

Scott: *Defeated* I'm ok. 

Scott seen Punk walk over and look down to him. He extended his hand and pulled Scott to his feet they looked at each other before the two men shook hands and hugged each other. Scott raised Punk's hand and Let him have the ring as he slowly walked up the ramp with Alexa. Scott turned and looked at the ring one more time before walking backstage. 

When Scott came through the curtains everyone was in Gorilla were clapping and congratulating him on a hard fought match. Scott hugged Vince and Hunter before embracing Alexa. The two shared a passionate kiss.  

Hunter: Great match out there tonight Scott. I know it always stings to lose a match at Wrestlemania but come Friday we are going to start getting you where you belong. 

Scott: What do you mean? 

Vince: Me and Hunter have agreed that we think you are ready to be put in the world title picture. 

Scott: *Shocked* The universal championship? No Way! Thank you so much, I wont let you guys down. 

Hunter: That's what we want to hear, Friday is going to be when you start the fight with the big boys but get out of here and celebrate your first Wrestlemania. 

Scott: Thank you again. 

~Back at the hotel

As soon as Scott and Alexa dropped off their bags Scott picked up Alexa and spun her around. The two of them were laughing as Scott set her down and then the two embraced in a passionate kiss. 

Scott: I can't believe I am going to be a main event guy! 

Alexa: I knew you could do it. We will have that Universal Championship around your waist soon enough. 

Scott: This is this is the greatest night of my life! 

Alexa: *Smirking seductively* Only one way to finish the night off. Want to help me celebrate our first Wrestlemania together?

Alexa seductively looked up at Scott and began to take his shirt off as she was kissing up his chest. Scott helped Alexa out of her shirt and they shared another kiss. She then took his hand and walked into the bathroom. She closed the door and turned on the shower. She stripped down and climbed in before motioning for Scott to Join her. He didn't waste any time. 

~2 Hours Later~ 

Alexa was laying face down on the bed while Scott was giving her a back massage. She always smiled when Scott was willing to do all the little things to show his love for her. As he finished with the massage he laid down into the bed and pulled Alexa into him so they could cuddle. He kissed her forehead which put a smile on Alexa's face. 

Scott: I love you so much Alexis.

Alexa: I love you too Scott. 

Scott: You have made my life complete and I never want to lose you. 

Alexa: Awww I feel the same way. You ready to meet my parents this week. I figured we could head to their house before we head back home. 

Scott: That sounds like a perfect plan.  

Alexa: *Turned off the TV* Lets get some sleep. It has been a long week. 

Scott: *Kisses Alexa* Goodnight baby. 

Alexa: Goodnight. 

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