Mute (Ziall) (on hold)

By Yorkielover

129K 2.1K 326

(BoyxBoy) [side of Larry] He was always quiet. He never looked up or made eye contact with anyone. Why am I n... More

Chapter 2/ The Revenge Games
Chapter 3/ Bullied
Chapter 4/ Art
Chapter 5/ Trust [part 1]
Chapter 5/ Trust [part 2]
Chapter 5/ Trust [part 3]
Chapter 6/ Lots of Thinking
Chapter 7/ Questions
Chapter 8/ Pictionary
Chapter 9/ Crazy House
Chapter 10

Chapter 1/ Fire!

10.1K 182 7
By Yorkielover

Zayn's P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes to see a foggy, cold, Monday morning in January through my window. Ugh! Schools today. I slowly rolled out of my warm sheets and walk into the bathroom connected to my bedroom.

I turned on the water waiting for it to get warm before I stripped and hopped in. The shower slowly woke me up. After 10 minutes I hopped out wrapping a towel around my waist, then walked into my bedroom to get dressed. I slipped on some black skinny jeans, a white undershirt, and a black hoodie over that. To finish up getting ready, I went into the bathroom to comb my hair into its normal, perfect, black quiff.

I jogged down the wooden stairs almost tripping with my socked feet. I walked into the kitchen to see my best friend Harry sitting at the kitchen table scarfing cereal down his throat.

"Morning." I greeted him pouring myself a bowl.

Harry and I go way back. We have been friends since the beginning of middle school and we are now on our last year of high school.

"Where's Liam?" I mentioned our other friend noticing he was missing.

"Upstairs sick" Harry said with a mouthful of cereal. Ew.

Harry, Liam and I all shared a flat because its more fun than living alone (plus waaaay cheaper.) Our parents are fine with it because they thought it would teach us the hard lessons we needed to learn for life. Whatever that's supposed to mean. They were out of town most of the time anyways.

"Hope he feels better" I replied sitting next to him at the table.

We hurried and finished breakfast afraid that we would be late for school. I ran up the stairs to brush my teeth, then slipped on some red converse.

We only lived 30 minutes away, but we were almost late so we ran down our street getting to school with 5 minutes to spare. We then went our own ways having different homerooms. I grabbed the correct books from my locker and raced to homeroom. I couldn't afford another tardy because I really didn't want detention again today.

I got to homeroom just as the bell rang. I went to my seat right as the teacher walked in.

"Good morning class. Today we will be reviewing what we learned last week for your test tomorrow." My teacher, Mr. Brock, said and started writing math problems on the board.

I tuned him out deciding to draw instead. I drew for most of his boring lesson on math, until something snapped me out of it. An alarm. A fire alarm on the blank white walls was screeching.

"Remain calm!" Mr. Brock yelled to the panicking students. No one listened. We all ran as fast as we could to get out the schools front doors and into the parking lot. My first instinct when I get out there was to find Harry.

I pushed my way through the now crowd of teenagers looking for my curly haired friend.

When I finally find him towards the back of the crowd, I'm shocked. He's soothing a very panicked boy. The boy, who has brown flippy hair, is practically clinging to Harry for dear life and when I get closer I can hear him crying. Harry is rubbing circles into the boys back. I decided to question him about it later.

I went back towards the front of the crowd to see what's going on with the school. By then the fire department had put most of the fire out.

To everyone's astonishment the front doors of the school burst open. When the smoke cleared you could see a fireman carrying a small, blond haired boy in his arms. He was unconscious.

Harry soon found me in the front of the crowd. "Hey we should probably go home. The teachers said school is out for the rest of the day."

"Yea okay" I said finally turning from the scene when the boy is rushed into an ambulance. I noticed the boy Harry was comforting was gone.

On the way home the scene of the boy being rushed out of the school wouldn't leave my head. Is he going to be okay?

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