Who Remembers?

By anrilabuschagne24

1.6K 138 55

|Complete| After a holiday of many hook ups, many drunken nights and very bad decisions, Olivia has successfu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 13

61 5 1
By anrilabuschagne24

I have to admit, I am quite proud of myself. I could have broken down and I could have given into Nick Rhodes yet again but I will not let him break me this time. I've made my mistakes and I've drank way more than I should all just to try get over him. But nonetheless I'm glad I didn't give in. I deserve so much better and he should know that he lost the best thing that ever happened to him. I'm glad he is alive and I do feel bad about nana Rhodes but I don't think it's smart to even try and sort things out when I am so frustrated and angry with him it will literally get us nowhere and honestly him leaving was the best thing he could ever have done for me. My friendships are strong and my family is closer than ever so I couldn't be more happy.

"Olivia." I snap out of my gaze and I see the blue eyes staring at me.

"Sorry." I mutter and Brad gives me a small nod.

"What are you thinking about?" He takes a sip of his coffee and I can see he is completely hungover. He woke me up with breakfast in bed to thank me for taking care of him and it was really a sweet gesture. I know he still had so many questions and part me wishes he won't remember last night.

"It's nothing." I say. I give him a small smile and he narrows his eyes at me.

"Again I'm so so so-."

"Stop apologizing Brad. This is probably the hundredth apology in the last hour. You are allowed to have a fun night out and given the fact that you study Law I don't even blame you. So relax and just be glad that you didn't throw up on me because then I'd probably be in prison for burying your ass." I laugh a little as I say the last part and his face goes a bit red.

"Okay." He gives me one of his trademark smirks and we continue drinking coffee.

"How much of last night do you remember?" I curiously ask him and he looks down avoiding eye contact.

"Nick." He says and avoids eye contact the best he can. I look at him and I just smile.

"Honestly yes he was here but I told him I don't want to see him. It's just all to much you know." I shrug and he continues drinking his coffee.

"All I remember was that I when I was lying on the ground and I heard him speak I was already counting the amount of people who would be at my funeral." He laughs and I join in.

"Don't worry. I'd go all Jackie Chan on his ass if he touched you." I reply smugly and he smirks again.

"I heard you cry though." He looks down again.

"Yeah I tend to that when I get really mad. Like really really mad and it honestly infuriates me even more because it makes me sound weak I'm not weak anymore."

"Yeah you are strong. I'm sure most women would have just fallen right back into his arms."

"Yeah but he did too much damage." I say and in that moment we stand in silence only to be interrupted by my phone ringing.

"It's Aiden." I tell Brad as I answer it.


"Hey Olivia listen. I am so so so sorry about last night. Jane and I feel so horrible-." His throat is all groggy and rough.

"Oh please not you guys too. Brad over here has apologized like a billion times. It's really fine. I'm just sorry I didn't tell her the whole truth about how we met." I sigh.

"No she understands and to be honest I didn't really have the balls to tell her but I'm glad it's in the open now." He stops speaking for a second "Anyways Jane wants to know if you and Brad want to go for lunch or something?" I can hear Jane mumble something in the background but I can't make out what she's saying.

"Lunch with Aiden and Jane?" I mouth to Brad and he nods.

"Yes just send me the place you want to go to." We say our goodbyes and I look at Brad holding his head in his hands.

"I'm never ever drinking again." He groans.

"I say that every-time to." I say dryly and we both laugh for a minute.

"Please don't tell-."

"I won't mention a word about Nick. It's not my place." He smirks at me again.

"Want me to take you home?"

"Yes please. I need a shower." He laughs. The car ride home was really quiet but it wasn't awkward and I appreciated that. After I dropped him off I decided to go to the grocery store just to buy n couple of things. As I make my way home my mind instantly runs through last nights occurrence and Nicks pale but beautiful face doesn't seem to able to exit my mind.

"Hey mom. I just wanted to let you know that Nick stopped by last night. So he is okay." She sighs a breath of relief.

"He came here first Liv. I gave him my key to your apartment." She sounds a bit anxious.

"A heads up would have been great thanks Mom." I sarcastically say and she she's just silent. I honestly wonder what goes through her head sometimes but I know she's doing what she thinks is best for me. "Thank you." I mumble and I sigh.

"Just remember I'm here if you need to talk but you do deserve so much better and I do love the boy but he really hurt you this time." My moms tone is so soft and elegant and I'm grateful in that moment. Grateful that she's looking out for me and grateful that I have her in my life.

"I know I do. I told him I needed him to leave me alone. I've been doing amazing so far and seeing him was shocking but I need to focus on myself." I can here her take a deep breath of relief out and I know she has a small smile across her face.

"I'm glad you're so strong. I couldn't be any prouder." She gradually says and then her beeper goes off.

"I have to go. I love you so much." She says and puts the phone down before I could say anything else. Gosh I love that woman. Aiden sent me the name of the place they wanted to have lunch at and I change into my gym clothes and rush over.

"Why are you in gym clothes and eating a burger?" Brad furrows his eyebrows and I shrug.

"Because it's me and you can't say anything Mr." I take a bite of my burger and all 6 pair of eyes are on me. Jane has barely said a word because she's still hanging quite badly but she nonetheless smiles.

"So how was the rest of your night? Anything inter-." Jane cuts her sentence off and her eyes widen as they look past my head, Aiden looks bleak and Brad just continues eating like nothing is happening. I smell his Axe deodorant behind me and I know his standing there. I try to keep my calm.

"What the actual fuck." I hear him say and it wasn't even two seconds and he was out the door. That was really strange. Aiden and Jane are still bleak and it's as if they are completely in shock. Am I missing something?

"So." Brad breaks the awkward silence and they both relax just a tiny bit and Aiden's eyes are boring into me.

"He's back?" Aiden says softly and Jane still hasn't said a word.

"Yeah he came back last night." I avoid eye contact the best I can, the topic immediately is left and the rest of lunch was eaten in complete silence.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow." I leave cash on the table and I head out. Jane and Aiden still both look like they've seen a ghost but I'm not going to push it because even I think it must still be a dream that he's back. As I head to my car I see Nick leaning on it with his ray bans on and his leather jacket. A lot of girls are staring in his direction but he barely notices them as I walk to him.

"Since when do you wear gym clothes out in public?" He snaps at me. I look down at my Nike tights and black sports bra.

"Since it's non of your damn business what I do." I snap back and he takes his sunglasses off. Those beautiful green eyes stare at me and his face is still expressionless.

"I asked you to leave me alone." I say as I open my door and he slams it back shut.

"We need to talk about this Olivia." He says my full name again and it feels like my stomach immediately ties in a knot.

"What is there to talk about?" I shrug.

"Well for starters you can tell me why you and my ex are hanging out? As well as the one guy I truly hate. Are you starting some sort of an I hate Nick Rhodes club or something?" He frowns.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I stare at him, I truly am so confused.

"Jane? Since when are you and Jane friends?" He shrugs acting all smug. What is he even talking about right now?

"She's my fiancé actually." Aiden interrupts our conversation and Nick instantly clenches his jaw and becomes tense. I look at Aiden who is smirking and Jane standing next to him staring at the floor.

"Wait... what do you mean ex Nick?" I fold my arms and Jane stares at me and then at Aiden.

"You guys didn't tell her?" Nick smirks and he chuckles a little bit and there's just awkwardness and tension hanging in the air.

"Cut the crap. What the hell are you talking about?" I hiss and everyone's eyes are on me. Nick looks smug and he leans back onto my car and folds his arms.

"Jane over here, is my ex from South Africa. You know the one that Aiden slept with?" Nick's tone is arrogant and he smirks as he watches my eyes widen and everyone is still silent. I look at Aiden and Jane and they both look furious. Nick breaks the silence again.

"I guess you don't know who you can trust Olivia but hey engaged? Well congratulations Aiden at least one girl wants you." He taunts and smirks again and Aiden immediately lunges at him only to be grabbed by Brad. Nick doesn't even flinch once and his lips are pierced together.

"Was that really necessary Nick? I'm honestly glad we broke up because you're a fucking asshole actually." Jane speaks up and she has anger mixed with tears in her eyes. She grabs Aiden's hand and he immediately looks at her and calms down. Brad removed his hand from Aiden's chest and he doesn't say a word. I still haven't said a word... my brain needs to process all of this information. Aiden and Jane lied to me to? Wow what kind of friends do that? I must look like such an idiot. Everyone is waiting for me to say something but no words want to leave my mouth. Jane and Nick? Now Aiden and Jane? I need tequila.

"Liv." Jane finally speaks up again and I just look at them.

"We're going to go. We'll speak about this some other time." Jane tugs on Aiden's hand and he doesn't say a word and he follows Jane. I stare after them and I'm still at a loss for words. This is seriously messed up. I pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming and I'm not even over reacting or crying or anything this time. My gaze turns back to Brad who's looking at me worriedly.

"I'm gonna go to. I'll call you later." He gives me a sincere smile and walks away. I turn my gaze to Nick and he leans on my car again. Arrogant asshole is the only words I can use to describe him.

"So can we talk now?" He smirks again.

"No seriously. We had our chance. You left and I needed to get over you and I did. I'm done with you Nick. I'm done with us and I'm focusing on myself and you should to. After your little stunt you just pulled. I don't even know who you are anymore." My tone is emotionless. I shrug and we stare at each other for a brief moment. In that second I can see his angry and I can see he is heartbroken but I just don't care anymore.

"Firstly Liv, you're friends with people who tell you half truths? You don't even look as affected as you should be. You call these people your friends but they lie, at least I care about you to tell you the truth because no one else is going to do it. And what, you're just going to throw everything between us away? The 15 years we have been friends? And the fact that we love each other? You're just going to throw us away? After everything we've been through?" He's monotonous with his jaw and fists clenched.

"I forgive you Nick but we are not friends anymore and I'm glad you get to study and I'm glad you get to do what you need to do but I'd appreciate it if you left me alone now." I slam the door shut before he can say anything and I drive off. For a brief moment I feel like I'm going to start crying but I don't. I think I might have just immediately shut my emotions off towards him and to this whole event that just took place but I needed to do it. If I don't then I know for a fact that I'm going to be a wreck again all over and for what? Just to allow him back into my life to leave yet again? No thank you. As for Jane and Aiden, I'm not at all surprised and I'm honestly shocked that I don't care that much about the whole situation.

"Are you okay?" Brad grips my arm as I almost trip off the treadmill and he switches it off. I take my earphones out and I smile as I look at his worried face.

"Um. I'm fine." I wipe my face with my towel and I take a sip of water.

"Go take a shower."

"Why?" I look at him out of breath.

"We're going to go drink tequila." He shrugs and I immediately shoot him a smile. I hurry to the change rooms and when I walk out I can see him sitting on the bench by the door on his phone staring at it intently. As I make my way towards him, my body gets jerked back and I instantly turn around to see Nicks angry face looking at me.

"Let go of me Nick." I groan and he bores his eyes into mine.

"Olivia I'm not giving up on us. We will sort this out." He demand and I've never seen him this stern or demanding towards me.

"Actually." I pull my wrist out of his hand and he looks shocked but masks it really quickly.

"Actually she's going drinking." Brad interrupts our staring competition and he grabs my Nike bag from my shoulder and Nick looks like he's about to murder him. His jaw is clenched, his nostrils are flaring and it's as if he's light green eyes turned a forest, dark green.

"What he said." I shrug and I follow Brad to the door. I have a pit in my stomach but I'm honestly so glad Brad helped me out.

"Thank you." I sigh as we walk to our cars.

"Go drop your car at home, I'll follow you and then we go to Berts pub in my car?" He suggests and I nod in agreement. I get into my car and the drive home didn't take long. I'm so thankful I have a friend like him because what even is the carnage that took place today?

"Told you Brad. My life is fifty shades of fucked up." I'm pretty sure I've had like 6 tequila shots by now and all I can see is Brad smiling at me from across the round table.

"I've seen worse." He gives me a sympathetic smile and he motions the bartender.

"Like what even just happened? My one friend I have made turns out to be both my ex's Ex girlfriend to. Does what I'm saying even make sense? Hm Braaaaaad?" I frown and he laughs when I elongate the a in his name. I'm pretty sure I'm passed wasted by now.

"I'm really sorry you're going through this Olivia." He says again. He's so cute and understanding and did I mention cute? Wait I think I did.

"Here you go." The bartender brings two more shots and Brad smiles.

"Drink up." He lifts the one glass and hands it to me and before he could do anything I down it and he literally just made me drink water out of a shooter glass.

"That's not very very very nice Braaaaaad." I pout and he burst out laughing.

"If I knew you were such a lightweight I would have gone for vodka not tequila." He smirks at me. Ah I love his cute little lips.

"Stop staring at my lips."

"They just so cute." I shrug and he blushes.

"Okay time for you to go home." He stands up and immediately I follow. My heads spinning way more then it should.

"I just don't understand people. And your kind especially." I move my finger up and down as he takes my arm.

"Our kind? Your kind is also very difficult." He frowns and we make our way to the door.

"Difficult?" I protest but he pulls me a little further and then giggles a bit.

"The only thing difficult is that you guys come here looking all good and expect us to just fall right back in love with you or whatever it is you guys want us to do. Do you not realize we have feelings to?" I sigh and he's just staring at me with his lips pierced.

"Let's get you home and then we can talk some more. Deal?" He pulls me a little further to the door and I nod.

"Fine." I lose my balance for a split second but he helps me regain it and we manage to walk to his car. The car ride home is silent and I have reached the being dizzy phase of my drunken state. I'm going to kill him right after I catch my unicorn. Wait what did I just say?

"My unicorn." I say to myself and Brad bursts out laughing.

"What unicorn Liv?" He replies in a playful manner.

"I don't know." I shrug and he stops the car.

"Come on let's get you upstairs." He reaches my side of the door and helps me out. After about 15 minutes we manage to get up the stairs only to be met by the royal ass himself Nick Rhodes. I might kill him too after I find my purple unicorn.

"W-What are you doing here?" I manage to say. I give him an innocent smile but I know he can see right through me. Do you think he knows I'm drunk?

"You can leave Nick. I can take care of her." Brad tightens his grip on my arm. He'd be a cute purple unicorn.

"Not a fucking chance." He spits. Bad purple unicorn for sure.

"That's a swear word. You can't swear." I gasp.

"Look how wasted you got her." Nick says with his jaw clenched and all I can see is bad purple unicorns around his head. I want to catch them.

"She's fine. Besides after the hell you put her through do you really blame her? It wasn't your place to say anything about Jane and Aiden and yet you did?" Brads tone is silent and calm and he's definitely a good purple unicorn.

"Guys I don't mean to interrupt the unicorn I mean conversation time. But I really really need to pee so if I can just get past to my room then I can pee and maybe catch the unicorns okay?" I wink and I push past both of them to the door.

"She's a mess." I can hear Nick say as I try search for my keys.

"I'm not." I manage to say and the next moment I know Nick unlocks the door and opens it. They both follow me in and Brad closes the door behind him. The good unicorn and the bad unicorn are both staring at me.

"Peeing I need to pee." I remind myself and I walk to the bathroom. I stand for a second and everything is literally spinning. I immediately drop to my knees in front of the toilet and out it all comes.

"Fuck Liv." I can hear Nick rushing towards me as he grabs my hair and pulls it all up. And a second pair of footsteps follow him.

"I'll take care of her. She's in this mess because of you so back off." Brad says more sternly.

"No she's in this mess because you probably fed her tequila. And I don't trust you to be around her when she's drunk." Nick spits. I throw up again and again and it's like it's never going to stop. Damn you bad unicorn is all I can think to myself. I stay in the same position for what feels like forever with both boys sitting next to me in complete silence.

"The door bell rang." Brad gets up and walks to the door.

"Olivia. You need to shower and change your clothes." Nick whispers as he rubs my back.

"Nope. And it's Liv you always call me Liv." I mutter and I glance down and as I see the mess on my tights and knitted jersey.

"Now isn't a good time." I can hear Brads voice and then I hear Aiden speaking and they all continue to speak and I can't make out a word they're saying. I can feel Nick tense up behind me and I throw up again.

"Come on." He hooks his hands around my waist, picks me up and makes me sit in the toilet seat. I look down trying to avoid eye contact. I'm well aware of the fact that I'm a mess right now and probably in the worst condition he has ever seen me in. Stupid tequila. I continue staring down only to hear the shower being turned on. In one swift movement I bend down, open the toilet seat and throw up again. My throat is so sore and scratchy.

"Fuck." I feel Nick grab my hair again but it's too late.

"I'm so sorry." He whispers and I just throw up again and again. This isn't good. Eventually everything stops spinning and I manage to sit up and look at Nick sitting next to me with his messy black hair, tightened chiseled jaw and grass green eyes. He's staring at me and still holding onto my hair.

"I'm fine now." I manage to say with a grouchy throat.

"Shower." He gets up and gives me his hand. I hesitantly take it and as I stand up I feel dizzy for a split second but I recover.

"Do you need help?" He speaks quietly and he looks at me with worry in his eyes.

"I'm okay." I say and he kisses my forehead and leaves me alone when he shuts the door. I look at myself in the mirror and my eyeliner is like ruined, my hair is all over the place and let's not even talk about my ruined clothes. I immediately take the clothes off and walk to the shower. The water has never felt this amazing. I absolutely love showering. I see a glimpse of the purple unicorn, yip definitely still a bit drunk not going to lie but hey I'm showering and I feel a whole lot better minus the sore throat. My train of thought gets interrupted when I hear a knock on my door.

"No I'm naked." I protest but the door opens slightly.

"Here's clothes." Nick's eyes are closed and he just places the fresh clothes on the toilet seat and shuts the door again. I finish my shower and when I get out I can see it's the red tank top I wore when I first saw him again when he returned from South Africa. I stare at it for a second and I dry myself off and I get dressed, brushed my hair and teeth. I guess I'm going to have to face him again. As I walk outside I can see the both of them sitting on opposite sides of my bachelors flat staring at each other. Nick sitting on the foot of my bed and Brad leaning on the side of the kitchen counter. When I walk out both of them stare at me.

"Here Olivia, maybe drink this, it will help." Brad walks towards me with a glass of water.

"Drink Liv." Nick hands me what I think is an Advil and I take both in my hands and I gulp it down. That cold water against my throat is heaven. They both stand in front of me.

"Um I'm going to sleep I think. Purple unicorns wait for no one." I wink and I make my way to my bed, I get under my comfy duvet and fluffy blanket and I close my eyes.

"She's still drunk." Brad whispers and Nick snorts.

"You're going to pay for this." I hear Nick hiss.

"Okay get out both of you." I sit up and I point to the door.

"Me and my purple unicorns are sleeping." I demand and they both look like their not trying to laugh. I roll my eyes, lie back down and I fall asleep.

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